78 resultados para Piezoelectric vibration
The J + 1 ← J transitions (J = 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) in the microwave spectrum of SiH3NCO have been assigned for the vibrational ground state and for the vibrational states v10 = 1, 2, and 3. The results for v10 = 0 confirm earlier work. The vibration-rotation constants show a remarkable variation with v10 and l10. To a large extent the anomalous behavior of these constants has been explained in terms of a strongly anharmonic potential function for the ν10 vibrational mode.
The microwave spectra of 2-aminopyridine-NH2, -ND2, and of both of the two possible -NHD molecules have been observed and assigned in the 0+ vibrational state of the amino group inversion vibration; the assignment for three of the molecules in the 0− state is also made. From intensity measurements the 0+-0− splitting is estimated to be 135 ± 25 cm−1 for the -NH2 molecule and 95 ± 30 cm−1 for the -ND2 molecule. The rotational constants are interpreted in terms of a structure in which the amino group is bent about 32° out of the molecular plane, the c coordinates of the two amino H atoms being 0.21 and 0.28 Å. Stark effect measurements give a dipole moment of about 0.9 D which is almost entirely in the b axis, and which changes quite significantly between the 0+ and 0− states.
The microwave spectra of oxetane (trimethylene oxide) and its three symmetrically deuterated isotopic species have been observed on a Hewlett-Packard microwave spectrometer from 26.5 to 40 GHz. For the parent species, the β-d2 and the αα′-d4 species, about 300 lines have been assigned for each molecule, and for the d6 species more than 600 lines have been assigned. The assignments range from v = 0 to v = 5 in the puckering vibration; although they are mostly Q transitions, either 3 or 4 R transitions have been observed for each vibrational state. The spectra have been interpreted using an effective rotational hamiltonian for each vibrational state, including five quartic distortion constants according to Watson's formulation, and a variable number of sextic distortion constants; in general, the lines are fitted to about ± 10 kHz. The distortion constants show an anomalous zig-zag dependence on the puckering vibrational quantum number, similar to that first observed for the rotational constants by Gwinn and coworkers. This is interpreted according to a simple modification of the standard theory of centrifugal distortion, involving the double minimum potential function in the puckering coordinate.
Changes in the effective potential function of a low-frequency large-amplitude molecular vibration, resulting from excitation of a high-frequency vibration, are discussed. It is shown that in some situations a significant contribution to such changes may arise from failure of the Born-Oppenheimer separation of the low-frequency mode. In the particular example of the HF dimer, recent evidence that the tunneling barrier increases on exciting either of the H-stretching vibrations is probably due to this effect.
Newly observed data on the rotational constants of carbon suboxide in excited vibrational states of the low-wavenumber bending vibration ν7 have been successfully interpreted in terms of the two-dimensional anharmonic oscillator wavefunctions associated with this vibration. By combining these results with published infrared and Raman spectra the vibrational assignment has been extended and a refined bending potential for ν7 has been derived: this has a minimum at a bending angle of about 24° at the central C atom, with an energy maximum at the linear configuration some 23 cm−1 above the minimum. From similar data on the combination and hot bands of ν7 with ν4 (1587 cm−1) and ν2 (786 cm−1) the effective ν7 bending potential has also been determined in the one-quantum excited states of ν4 and ν2. The effective ν7 potential shows significant changes from the ground vibrational state; the central hump in the ν7 potential surface is increased to about 50 cm−1 in the v4 = 1 state, and decreased to about 1 cm−1 in the v2 = 1 state. In the light of these results vibrational assignments are suggested for most of the observed bands in the infrared and Raman spectra of C3O2.
The J = 2−1 microwave spectrum of six isotopic species of HSiF3 has been observed and assigned in excited states of five of the six fundamental vibrations. The assignment is based on relative intensities, double resonance experiments, and trial anharmonic force constant calculations. Analysis of the spectra leads to experimental values for five of the constants, all three l-doubling constants qt, one Fermi resonance constant φ233, and one zeta constant. The harmonic force field has been refined to all the available data on vibration wavenumbers, centrifugal distortion constants, and zeta constants. The cubic anharmonic force field has been refined to the data on and qt constants, using two models: a valence force model with two cubic force constants for SiH and SiF stretching, and a more sophisticated model. With the help of these calculations, the following equilibrium structure has been determined: re(SiH) = 1.4468(±5) Å, re(SiF) = 1.5624(±1) Å, HSiF = 110.64(±3)°,
The mathematical difficulties which can arise in the force constant refinement procedure for calculating force constants and normal co-ordinates are described and discussed. The method has been applied to the methyl fluoride molecule, using an electronic computer. The best values of the twelve force constants in the most general harmonic potential field were obtained to fit twenty-two independently observed experimental data, these being the six vibration frequencies, three Coriolis zeta constants and two centrifugal stretching constants DJ and DJK, for both CH3F and CD3F. The calculations have been repeated both with and without anharmonicity corrections to the vibration frequencies. All the experimental data were weighted according to the reliability of the observations, and the corresponding standard errors and correlation coefficients of the force constants have been deduced. The final force constants are discussed briefly, and compared with previous treatments, particularly with a recent Urey-Bradley treatment for this molecule.
The quadratic, cubic, and quartic force field of HCN has been calculated by a least squares refinement to fit the most recent observed data on the vibration-rotation constants of HCN, DCN and H13CN. All of the observed parameters are fitted within their standard errors of observation. The corresponding parameters for other isotopic species are calculated. For HCP and DCP the more limited data available have been fitted to an anharmonic force field using constraints based on comparison with HCN. Using this force field the zero-point rotational constants B0 have been corrected to obtain the equilibrium constants Be, and hence the equilibrium structure has been determined to be re(CH) = 1•0692(7)A, and re(CP) = 1•5398(2)A.
A method is discussed for imposing any desired constraint on the force field obtained in a force constant refinement calculation. The application of this method to force constant refinement calculations for the methyl halide molecules is reported. All available data on the vibration frequencies, Coriolis interaction constants and centrifugal stretching constants of CH3X and CD3X molecules were used in the refinements, but despite this apparent abundance of data it was found that constraints were necessary in order to obtain a unique solution to the force field. The results of unconstrained calculations, and of three different constrained calculations, are reported in this paper. The constrained models reported are a Urey—Bradley force field, a modified valence force field, and a constraint based on orbital-following bond-hybridization arguments developed in the following paper. The results are discussed, and compared with previous results for these molecules. The third of the above models is found to reproduce the observed data better than either of the first two, and additional reasons are given for preferring this solution to the force field for the methyl halide molecules.
The ir absorption of gaseous 15NH3 between 510 and 3040 cm−1 was recorded with a resolution of 0.06 cm−1. The ν2, 2ν2, 3ν2, ν4, and ν2 + ν4 bands were measured and analyzed on the basis of the vibration-rotation Hamiltonian developed by V. Špirko, J. M. R. Stone, and D. Papoušek (J. Mol. Spectrosc. 60, 159–178 (1976)). A set of effective molecular parameters for the ν2 = 1, 2, 3 states was derived, which reproduced the transition frequencies within the accuracy of the experimental measurements. For ν4 and ν2 + ν4 bands the standard deviation of the calculated spectrum is about four times larger than the measurements accuracy: a similar result was found for ν4 in 14NH3 by Š. Urban et al. (J. Mol. Spectrosc. 79, 455–495 (1980)). This result suggests that the present treatment takes into account only the most significant part of the rovibration interaction in the doubly degenerate vibrational states of ammonia.
Vibration rotation spectra of HO15 NO and DO15 NO have been measured at a resolution of 0•04 cm-1 to determine the isotopic shifts in the vibrational band origins. These have been used together with recently determined data on the vibrational band origins, Coriolis constants, and centrifugal distorition constants, to determine the harmonic force field of both cis and trans nitrous acid in least squares refinement calculations. The results are discussed in relation to recent ab initio calculations, the inertia defects, and the torsional potential function.
The vibration-rotation Raman spectrum of the ν2 and ν5 fundamentals of CH3F is reported, from 1320 to 1640 cm−1, with a resolution of about 0.3 cm−1. The Coriolis resonance between the two bands leads to many perturbation-allowed transitions. Where the resonance is still sufficiently weak that the quantum number K′ retains its meaning, perturbation-allowed transitions are observed for all values of ΔK from +4 to −4; in regions of strong resonance, however, we can only say that the observed transitions obey the selection rule Δ(k−l) = 0 or ±3. The spectrum has been analyzed by band contour simulation using a computer program based on exact diagonalization of the Hamiltonian within the ν2, ν5 vibrational levels, and improved vibration-rotation constants for these bands are reported. The relative magnitudes and relative sings of polarizability derivatives involved in these vibrations are also reported.
Several high-order vibration-rotation perturbations in the high-resolution infrared spectrum of monofluoroacetylene, HCCF, are assigned and analyzed in detail. They result in avoided crossings in the rotational structure of several bands, and precise values for the effective high-order terms in the Hamiltonian have been determined. The significance of these results for intramolecular vibrational redistribution is discussed.
The absolute intensities of all except one of the infra-red fundamental vibration bands of dimethyl acetylene have been determined, and the results have been used to compute polar properties of the C—H and C—C bonds. It has been found that if the very probable assumption is made that the acetylenic carbon atoms carry a residual negative charge, the hydrogen atoms in the C—H bonds must carry a residual positive charge. The probable value of the C—H dipole is about 04 Debye, and that of the C—C bond about 1 Debye. Comparisons have been made with the results of similar work with related molecules.
Attempts to observe ΔK = ±1 transitions in the rotational spectrum of CF3CCH and CF3H in the first excited state of a degenerate vibration, by direct absorption in the Y band and K band regions of the microwave spectrum, have not been successful. In the course of this work the J = 3-2 and 4-3 rotational spectrum of CF3CCH has been observed with higher sensitivity than previously, and from the positions of the vibrational satellites several new rB values have been determined.