145 resultados para POSTPRANDIAL MOTILITY


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1. Apolipoprotein B-48, the transport protein for chylomicrons, is identical with apolipoprotein B-100 for the first 48% of its sequence. No antiserum has yet been reported that can recognize apolipoprotein B-48, but not apolipoprotein B-100. 2. In the present study an antiserum was raised to the C-terminal sequence of apolipoprotein B-48, using specific chemical reactions to ensure that the charged carboxyl group of the C-terminal isoleucine residue was free. In a Western blot the antiserum was shown to bind to a protein band having the characteristics of apolipoprotein B-48, but not to apolipoprotein B-100. 3. In the early evening 11 subjects were given a test meal which contained 40 g of mixed oil and retinyl palmitate. Blood samples were collected over 9 h. Chylomicron-enriched fractions were prepared and analysed for triacylglycerol, retinyl palmitate and apolipoprotein B-48, the latter after separation using SDS/PAGE and visualization by chemiluminescence on a Western blot. Both triacylglycerol and apolipoprotein B-48 showed an early peak at 1 h, which was not seen with retinyl palmitate. All three substances gave a broader peak between 5 and 6 h postprandially. Retinyl palmitate concentrations declined rapidly during the late (6-9 h) postprandial period, but apolipoprotein B-48 concentrations remained elevated. 4. This study has shown that an antiserum has been produced which is specific for apolipoprotein B-48. This has enabled measurement of postprandial concentrations of the protein that revealed features of chylomicron metabolism which have not been reported previously.


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The present study reports results from two investigations to determine effects of a 6-week period of moderate n-3 fatty acid supplementation (2.7 g/d) on fasting and on postprandial triacylglycerol and metabolic hormone concentrations in response to standard test meals. In the first study postprandial responses were followed for 210 min after an early morning test meal challenge; in the second study responses to an evening test meal were followed during the evening and overnight for a total period of 12 h. In both studies postprandial triacylglycerol responses to the test meals were significantly reduced after compared with before fish-oil supplementation. In the second study the triacylglycerol peak response seen between 200 and 400 min in subjects studied before supplementation with fish oils was almost completely absent in the same subjects after 6 weeks of n-3 fatty acid supplementation. Analysis of fasting concentrations of metabolites and hormones was carried out on the combined data from the two studies. There were no significant differences in total, low-density-lipoprotein- or high-density-lipoprotein-cholesterol concentrations during fish-oil supplementation, although there was considerable individual variation in cholesterol responses to the supplement. Concentrations of Apo-B and Apo-A1 were unchanged during supplementation with fish oils. Fasting and early morning postprandial GIP concentrations were lower in subjects taking fish oils, possibly due to acute effects of fish-oil capsules taken on the evening before the studies. In both studies fasting insulin and glucose and postprandial insulin concentrations remained unchanged following fish-oil supplementation. The results do not support the view that triacylglycerol-lowering effects of n-3 fatty acids are due to modulation of insulin secretion mediated via the enteroinsular axis. Further studies are required to determine the precise mechanism by which fish oils reduce both fasting and postprandial triacylglycerol concentrations.


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Background: Experimental elevation of nonesterified fatty acids (NEFAs) impairs endothelial function, but the effect of NEFA composition is unknown. Objective: The objective was to test the effect of acute elevation of NEFAs enriched with either saturated fatty acids (SFAs) or SFAs with long-chain (LC) n−3 (omega-3) PUFAs on vascular function measured via flow-mediated dilatation (FMD), laser Doppler iontophoresis (LDI), and digital volume pulse (DVP). Design: In 59 subjects (30 men and 29 women), repeated oral fat feeding of either palm stearin (SFA) or palm stearin with DHA-rich fish oil (SFA + LC n−3 PUFA) was performed on 2 separate occasions with continuous heparin infusion to elevate NEFAs for a duration of 60 to 240 min. Vascular function was measured at baseline and at the end of NEFA elevation; venous blood was collected for measurement of lipids and circulating markers of endothelial function. Results: NEFA elevation during consumption of the SFA-rich drinks was associated with a marked impairment of FMD, whereas consumption of SFAs + LC n−3 PUFAs improved FMD response, with a mean (±SEM) difference of 2.06 ± 0.29% (P < 0.001). Positive correlations were found with percentage weight of LC n−3 PUFAs in circulating NEFAs and change in FMD response [Spearman's rho (rs) = 0.460, P < 0.001]. LDI measures increased during both treatments (P ≤ 0.026), and there was no change in DVP indexes. Conclusions: The composition of NEFAs can acutely affect FMD. The beneficial effect of LC n−3 PUFAs on postprandial vascular function warrants further investigation but may be mediated by nitric oxide–independent mechanisms. This trial is registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT01351324.


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Objective To examine the impact of increasing numbers of metabolic syndrome (MetS) components on postprandial lipaemia. Methods Healthy men (n = 112) underwent a sequential meal postprandial investigation, in which blood samples were taken at regular intervals after a test breakfast (0 min) and lunch (330 min). Lipids and glucose were measured in the fasting sample, with triacylglycerol (TAG), non-esterified fatty acids and glucose analysed in the postprandial samples. Results Subjects were grouped according to the number of MetS components regardless of the combinations of components (0/1, 2, 3 and 4/5). As expected, there was a trend for an increase in body mass index, blood pressure, fasting TAG, glucose and insulin, and a decrease in fasting high-density lipoprotein cholesterol with increasing numbers of MetS components (P≤0.0004). A similar trend was observed for the summary measures of the postprandial TAG and glucose responses. For TAG, the area under the curve (AUC) and maximum concentration (maxC) were significantly greater in men with ≥ 3 than < 3 components (P < 0.001), whereas incremental AUC was greater in those with 3 than 0/1 and 2, and 4/5 compared with 2 components (P < 0.04). For glucose, maxC after the test breakfast (0-330 min) and total AUC (0-480 min) were higher in men with ≥ 3 than < 3 components (P≤0.001). Conclusions Our data analysis has revealed a linear trend between increasing numbers of MetS components and magnitude (AUC) of the postprandial TAG and glucose responses. Furthermore, the two meal challenge discriminated a worsening of postprandial lipaemic control in subjects with ≥ 3 MetS components.


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Although the independence of the association and causality has not been fully established, non-fasting (postprandial) triglyceride (TG) concentrations have emerged as a clinically significant cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factor. In the current review, findings from three insightful prospective studies in the area, namely the Women's Health Study, the Copenhagen City Heart Study and the Norwegian Counties Study, are discussed. An overview is provided as to the likely etiological basis for the association between postprandial TG and CVD, with a focus on both lipid and non-lipid (inflammation, hemostasis and vascular function) risk factors. The impact of various lifestyle and physiological determinants are considered, in particular genetic variation and meal fat composition. Furthermore, although data is limited some information is provided as to the relative and interactive impact of a number of modulators of lipemia. It is evident that relative to age, gender and body mass index (known modulators of postprandial lipemia), the contribution of identified gene variants to the heterogeneity observed in the postprandial response is likely to be relatively small. Finally, we highlight the need for the development of a standardised ‘fat tolerance test’ for use in clinical trials, to allow the integration and comparison of data from individual studies


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Avian intestinal spirochetosis (AIS) results from the colonization of the ceca and colorectum of poultry by pathogenic Brachyspira species. The number of cases of AIS has increased since the 2006 European Union ban on the use of antibiotic growth promoters, which, together with emerging antimicrobial resistance in Brachyspira, has driven renewed interest in alternative intervention strategies. Probiotics have been reported as protecting livestock against infection with common enteric pathogens, and here we investigate which aspects of the biology of Brachyspira they antagonize in order to identify possible interventions against AIS. The cell-free supernatants (CFS) of two Lactobacillus strains, Lactobacillus reuteri LM1 and Lactobacillus salivarius LM2, suppressed the growth of Brachyspira pilosicoli B2904 in a pH-dependent manner. In in vitro adherence and invasion assays with HT29-16E three-dimensional (3D) cells and in a novel avian cecal in vitro organ culture (IVOC) model, the adherence and invasion of B. pilosicoli in epithelial cells were reduced significantly by the presence of lactobacilli (P < 0.001). In addition, live and heat-inactivated lactobacilli inhibited the motility of B. pilosicoli, and electron microscopic observations indicated that contact between the lactobacilli and Brachyspira was crucial in inhibiting both adherence and motility. These data suggest that motility is essential for B. pilosicoli to adhere to and invade the gut epithelium and that any interference of motility may be a useful tool for the development of control strategies.


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A spontaneous high hydrostatic pressure (HHP)-tolerant mutant of Listeria monocytogenes ScottA, named AK01, was isolated previously. This mutant was immotile and showed increased resistance to heat, acid and H2O2 compared with the wild type (wt) (Karatzas, K.A.G. and Bennik, M.H.J. 2002 Appl Environ Microbiol 68: 3183–3189). In this study, we conclusively linked the increased HHP and stress tolerance of strain AK01 to a single codon deletion in ctsR (class three stress gene repressor) in a region encoding a highly conserved glycine repeat. CtsR negatively regulates the expression of the clp genes, including clpP, clpE and the clpC operon (encompassing ctsR itself), which belong to the class III heat shock genes. Allelic replacement of the ctsR gene in the wt background with the mutant ctsR gene, designated ctsRΔGly, rendered mutants with phenotypes and protein expression profiles identical to those of strain AK01. The expression levels of CtsR, ClpC and ClpP proteins were significantly higher in ctsRΔGly mutants than in the wt strain, indicative of the CtsRΔGly protein being inactive. Further evidence that the CtsRΔGly protein lacks its repressor function came from the finding that the Clp proteins in the mutant were not further induced upon heat shock, and that HHP tolerance of a ctsR deletion strain was as high as that of a ctsRΔGly mutant. The high HHP tolerance possibly results from the increased expression of the clp genes in the absence of (active) CtsR repressor. Importantly, the strains expressing CtsRΔGly show significantly attenuated virulence compared with the wt strain; however, no indication of disregulation of PrfA in the mutant strains was found. Our data highlight an important regulatory role of the glycine-rich region of CtsR in stress resistance and virulence.


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Our objective was to determine whether the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) Glu298Asp polymorphism influences vascular response to raised NEFA enriched with saturated fatty acids (SFA) or long-chain (LC) n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Subjects were prospectively recruited for genotype (Glu298, n = 30 and Asp298, n = 29; balanced for age and gender) consumed SFA on two occasions, with and without the substitution of 0.07 g fat/kg body weight with LC n-3 PUFA, and with heparin infusion to elevate NEFA. Endothelial function was measured before and after NEFA elevation (240 min), with blood samples taken every 30 min. Flow-mediated dilation (FMD) decreased following SFA alone and increased following SFA+LC n-3 PUFA. There were 2-fold differences in the change in FMD response to the different fat loads between the Asp298 and Glu298 genotypes (P = 0.002) and between genders (P < 0.02). Sodium nitroprusside-induced reactivity, measured by laser Doppler imaging with iontophoresis, was significantly greater with SFA+LC n-3 PUFA in all female subjects (P < 0.001) but not in males. Elevated NEFA influences both endothelial-dependent and endothelial-independent vasodilation during the postprandial phase. Effects of fat composition appear to be genotype and gender dependent, with the greatest difference in vasodilatory response to the two fat loads seen in the Asp298 females.


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Objective: An exaggerated postprandial triacylglycerol (TAG) response is an important determinant of cardiovascular disease risk. With increased recognition of the role of leptin in systemic macronutrient metabolism, we used a candidate gene approach to examine the impact of the common leptin receptor (LEPR) Gln223Arg polymorphism (rs1137101) on postprandial lipaemia. Methods and results: Healthy adults (n ¼ 251) underwent a sequential meal postprandial investigation, in which blood samples were taken at regular intervals after a test breakfast (t ¼ 0) and lunch (t ¼ 330 min). Fasting total- and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol were 9% lower in the ArgArg than GlnArg group (P < 0.04), whereas fasting TAG was 27% lower in the ArgArg than GlnGln group (P < 0.02). The magnitude of the postprandial TAG response was also significantly lower in the ArgArg compared with the GlnArg and GlnGln genotypes, with a 26% lower area under the curve (AUC) and incremental AUC in the ArgArg individuals (P � 0.023). Genotype*gender interactions were evident for fasting and postprandial TAG responses (P < 0.05), with the genotype effect only evident in males. Regression analysis indicated that the LEPR genotype and genotype*gender interactions were independent predictors of the TAG AUC, accounting for 6.3% of the variance. Our main findings were replicated in the independent LIPGENE-Cordoba postprandial cohort of metabolic syndrome subjects (n ¼ 75), with a 52% lower TAG AUC in the ArgArg than GlnGln male subjects (P ¼ 0.018). Conclusion: We report for the first time that the common LEPR Gln223Arg genotype is an important predictor of postprandial TAG in males. The mechanistic basis of these associations remains to be determined.