36 resultados para Oligo-microarrays
Background and aims: To form nitrogen-fixing nodules on pea roots, Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae must be competitive in the rhizosphere. Our aim was to identify genes important for rhizosphere fitness. Methods: Signature-tagged mutants were screened using microarrays to identify mutants reduced for growth in pea rhizospheres. Candidate mutants were assessed relative to controls for growth in minimal medium, growth in pea rhizospheres and for infection of peas in mixed inoculants. Mutated genes were identified by DNA sequencing and confirmed by transduction. Results: Of 5508 signature-tagged mutants, microarrays implicated 50 as having decreased rhizosphere fitness. Growth tests identified six mutants with rhizosphere-specific phenotypes. The mutation in one of the genes (araE) was in an arabinose catabolism operon and blocked growth on arabinose. The mutation in another gene (pcaM), encoding a predicted solute binding protein for protocatechuate and hydroxybenzoate uptake, decreased growth on protocatechuate. Both mutants were decreased for nodule infection competitiveness with mixed inoculants, but nodulated peas normally when inoculated alone. Other mutants with similar phenotypes had mutations predicted to affect secondary metabolism. Conclusions: Catabolism of arabinose and protocatechuate in the pea rhizosphere is important for competitiveness of R.l. viciae. Other genes predicted to be involved in secondary metabolism are also important.
The functional relationships and properties of different subtypes of dendritic cells (DC) remain largely undefined. To better characterize these cells, we used global gene analysis to determine gene expression patterns among murine CD11c(high) DC subsets. CD4(+), CD8alpha(+), and CD8alpha(-) CD4(-) (double negative (DN)) DC were purified from spleens of normal C57/BL6 mice and analyzed using Affymetrix microarrays. The CD4(+) and CD8alpha(+) DC subsets showed distinct basal expression profiles differing by >200 individual genes. These included known DC subset markers as well as previously unrecognized, differentially expressed CD Ags such as CD1d, CD5, CD22, and CD72. Flow cytometric analysis confirmed differential expression in nine of nine cases, thereby validating the microarray analysis. Interestingly, the microarray expression profiles for DN cells strongly resembled those of CD4(+) DC, differing from them by <25 genes. This suggests that CD4(+) and DN DC are closely related phylogenetically, whereas CD8alpha(+) DC represent a more distant lineage, supporting the historical distinction between CD8alpha(+) and CD8alpha(-) DC. However, staining patterns revealed that in contrast to CD4(+) DC, the DN subset is heterogeneous and comprises at least two subpopulations. Gene Ontology and literature mining analyses of genes expressed differentially among DC subsets indicated strong associations with immune response parameters as well as cell differentiation and signaling. Such associations offer clues to possible unique functions of the CD11c(high) DC subsets that to date have been difficult to define as rigid distinctions.
Transcriptomic analysis of Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 in response to plant extracts
Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) are a group of food and contact-borne pathogens responsible for haemorrhagic colitis. The bacteria can be transmitted by contaminated meat, but importantly, also by plants. The bacteria can use plants as an alternative host, where they associate with both the leaves and the roots. Colonisation in the rhizosphere of plants is thought to be the main habitat for colonisation. Four different plant species, commonly associated with EHEC outbreaks, were infected with EHEC O157:H7 isolates Sakai and TUV 93-0 over ten days to assess the colonisation potential of the bacteria in both the phyllosphere and rhizosphere of plants. The rhizosphere was found to sustain a higher population level of bacteria over time in comparison to the phyllosphere, yet both strains were unable to utilize root exudates for growth. Global gene expression changes of EHEC O157:H7 strain Sakai were measured in response to plant extracts such as leaf lysates, root exudates and leaf cell wall polysaccharides from spinach cultivar Amazon and lettuce cultivar Salinas. Microarrays analysis showed a significant change in expression of 17 % of genes on exposure to leaf lysates of spinach. A more specific response was seen to spinach leaf cell wall polysaccharides with only a 1.5 % change. In contrast, when exposed to lettuce leaf cell wall polysaccharides a higher change of 4.8 % was seen. Genes that were differentially expressed belonged to multiple functional groups, including metabolism, indicating the utilization of plant-specific polysaccharides. Several areas of further investigation have been determined from this project, including the importance of culturing bacterial strains at a relevant temperature, the proposed lack of the type III secretion system in plant colonization by EHEC O157:H7 and the utilization of plant components for growth and persistence in the plant environment.
The hypertrophic agonist endothelin-1 rapidly but transiently activates the extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) cascade (and other signalling pathways) in cardiac myocytes, but the events linking this to hypertrophy are not understood. Using Affymetrix rat U34A microarrays, we identified the short-term (2-4 h) changes in gene expression induced in neonatal myocytes by endothelin-1 alone or in combination with the ERK1/2 cascade inhibitor, U0126. Expression of 15 genes was significantly changed by U0126 alone, and expression of an additional 78 genes was significantly changed by endothelin-1. Of the genes upregulated by U0126, four are classically induced through the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) by dioxins suggesting that U0126 activates the xenobiotic response element in cardiac myocytes potentially independently of effects on ERK1/2 signalling. The 78 genes showing altered expression with endothelin-1 formed five clusters: (i) three clusters showing upregulation by endothelin-1 according to time course (4 h > 2 h; 2 h > 4 h; 2 h approximately 4 h) with at least partial inhibition by U0126; (ii) a cluster of 11 genes upregulated by endothelin-1 but unaffected by U0126 suggesting regulation through signalling pathways other than ERK1/2; (iii) a cluster of six genes downregulated by endothelin-1 with attenuation by U0126. Thus, U0126 apparently activates the AhR in cardiac myocytes (which must be taken into account in protracted studies), but careful analysis allows identification of genes potentially regulated acutely via the ERK1/2 cascade. Our data suggest that the majority of changes in gene expression induced by endothelin-1 are mediated by the ERK1/2 cascade.
High levels of oxidative stress promote cardiac myocyte death, though lower levels are potentially cytoprotective/anabolic. We examined the changes in gene expression in rat neonatal cardiac myocytes exposed to apoptotic (0.2 mM) or nontoxic (0.04 mM) concentrations of H2O2 (2, 4, or 24 h) using Affymetrix microarrays. Using U34B arrays, we identified a ubiquitously expressed, novel H2O2-responsive gene [putative peroxide-inducible transcript 1 (Perit1)], which generates two alternatively spliced transcripts. Using 230 2.0 arrays, H2O2 (0.04 mM) promoted significant changes in expression of only 32 genes, all of which were seen with 0.2 mM H2O2. We failed to detect any increase in the rate of protein synthesis in cardiac myocytes exposed to <0.1 mM H2O2, further suggesting that global, low concentrations of H2O2 are not anabolic in this system. H2O2 (0.2 mM) promoted significant (P < 0.05, >1.75-fold) changes in expression of 649 mRNAs and 187 RNAs corresponding to no established gene. Of the mRNAs, 114 encoded transcriptional regulators including Krüppel-like factors (Klfs). Quantitative PCR independently verified the changes in Klf expression. Thus, H2O2-induced cardiac myocyte apoptosis is associated with dynamic changes in gene expression. The expression of these genes and their protein products potentially influences the progression of the apoptotic response.
Photorhabdus are highly effective insect pathogenic bacteria that exist in a mutualistic relationship with Heterorhabditid nematodes. Unlike other members of the genus, Photorhabdus asymbiotica can also infect humans. Most Photorhabdus cannot replicate above 34°C, limiting their host-range to poikilothermic invertebrates. In contrast, P. asymbiotica must necessarily be able to replicate at 37°C or above. Many well-studied mammalian pathogens use the elevated temperature of their host as a signal to regulate the necessary changes in gene expression required for infection. Here we use RNA-seq, proteomics and phenotype microarrays to examine temperature dependent differences in transcription, translation and phenotype of P. asymbiotica at 28°C versus 37°C, relevant to the insect or human hosts respectively. Our findings reveal relatively few temperature dependant differences in gene expression. There is however a striking difference in metabolism at 37°C, with a significant reduction in the range of carbon and nitrogen sources that otherwise support respiration at 28°C. We propose that the key adaptation that enables P. asymbiotica to infect humans is to aggressively acquire amino acids, peptides and other nutrients from the human host, employing a so called “nutritional virulence” strategy. This would simultaneously cripple the host immune response while providing nutrients sufficient for reproduction. This might explain the severity of ulcerated lesions observed in clinical cases of Photorhabdosis. Furthermore, while P. asymbiotica can invade mammalian cells they must also resist immediate killing by humoral immunity components in serum. We observed an increase in the production of the insect Phenol-oxidase inhibitor Rhabduscin normally deployed to inhibit the melanisation immune cascade. Crucially we demonstrated this molecule also facilitates protection against killing by the alternative human complement pathway.