138 resultados para Obermeyer, Nancy J
Eigenvalue assignment methods are used widely in the design of control and state-estimation systems. The corresponding eigenvectors can be selected to ensure robustness. For specific applications, eigenstructure assignment can also be applied to achieve more general performance criteria. In this paper a new output feedback design approach using robust eigenstructure assignment to achieve prescribed mode input and output coupling is described. A minimisation technique is developed to improve both the mode coupling and the robustness of the system, whilst allowing the precision of the eigenvalue placement to be relaxed. An application to the design of an automatic flight control system is demonstrated.
An important test of the quality of a computational model is its ability to reproduce standard test cases or benchmarks. For steady open–channel flow based on the Saint Venant equations some benchmarks exist for simple geometries from the work of Bresse, Bakhmeteff and Chow but these are tabulated in the form of standard integrals. This paper provides benchmark solutions for a wider range of cases, which may have a nonprismatic cross section, nonuniform bed slope, and transitions between subcritical and supercritical flow. This makes it possible to assess the underlying quality of computational algorithms in more difficult cases, including those with hydraulic jumps. Several new test cases are given in detail and the performance of a commercial steady flow package is evaluated against two of them. The test cases may also be used as benchmarks for both steady flow models and unsteady flow models in the steady limit.
A direct method is presented for determining the uncertainty in reservoir pressure, flow, and net present value (NPV) using the time-dependent, one phase, two- or three-dimensional equations of flow through a porous medium. The uncertainty in the solution is modelled as a probability distribution function and is computed from given statistical data for input parameters such as permeability. The method generates an expansion for the mean of the pressure about a deterministic solution to the system equations using a perturbation to the mean of the input parameters. Hierarchical equations that define approximations to the mean solution at each point and to the field covariance of the pressure are developed and solved numerically. The procedure is then used to find the statistics of the flow and the risked value of the field, defined by the NPV, for a given development scenario. This method involves only one (albeit complicated) solution of the equations and contrasts with the more usual Monte-Carlo approach where many such solutions are required. The procedure is applied easily to other physical systems modelled by linear or nonlinear partial differential equations with uncertain data.
Numerical methods are described for determining robust, or well-conditioned, solutions to the problem of pole assignment by state feedback. The solutions obtained are such that the sensitivity of the assigned poles to perturbations in the system and gain matrices is minimized. It is shown that for these solutions, upper bounds on the norm of the feedback matrix and on the transient response are also minimized and a lower bound on the stability margin is maximized. A measure is derived which indicates the optimal conditioning that may be expected for a particular system with a given set of closed-loop poles, and hence the suitability of the given poles for assignment.
This paper extends the singular value decomposition to a path of matricesE(t). An analytic singular value decomposition of a path of matricesE(t) is an analytic path of factorizationsE(t)=X(t)S(t)Y(t) T whereX(t) andY(t) are orthogonal andS(t) is diagonal. To maintain differentiability the diagonal entries ofS(t) are allowed to be either positive or negative and to appear in any order. This paper investigates existence and uniqueness of analytic SVD's and develops an algorithm for computing them. We show that a real analytic pathE(t) always admits a real analytic SVD, a full-rank, smooth pathE(t) with distinct singular values admits a smooth SVD. We derive a differential equation for the left factor, develop Euler-like and extrapolated Euler-like numerical methods for approximating an analytic SVD and prove that the Euler-like method converges.
A characterization of observability for linear time-varying descriptor systemsE(t)x(t)+F(t)x(t)=B(t)u(t), y(t)=C(t)x(t) was recently developed. NeitherE norC were required to have constant rank. This paper defines a dual system, and a type of controllability so that observability of the original system is equivalent to controllability of the dual system. Criteria for observability and controllability are given in terms of arrays of derivatives of the original coefficients. In addition, the duality results of this paper lead to an improvement on a previous fundamental structure result for solvable systems of the formE(t)x(t)+F(t)x(t)=f(tt).
Conditions are given under which a descriptor, or generalized state-space system can be regularized by output feedback. It is shown that under these conditions, proportional and derivative output feedback controls can be constructed such that the closed-loop system is regular and has index at most one. This property ensures the solvability of the resulting system of dynamic-algebraic equations. A reduced form is given that allows the system properties as well as the feedback to be determined. The construction procedures used to establish the theory are based only on orthogonal matrix decompositions and can therefore be implemented in a numerically stable way.
The technique of constructing a transformation, or regrading, of a discrete data set such that the histogram of the transformed data matches a given reference histogram is commonly known as histogram modification. The technique is widely used for image enhancement and normalization. A method which has been previously derived for producing such a regrading is shown to be “best” in the sense that it minimizes the error between the cumulative histogram of the transformed data and that of the given reference function, over all single-valued, monotone, discrete transformations of the data. Techniques for smoothed regrading, which provide a means of balancing the error in matching a given reference histogram against the information lost with respect to a linear transformation are also examined. The smoothed regradings are shown to optimize certain cost functionals. Numerical algorithms for generating the smoothed regradings, which are simple and efficient to implement, are described, and practical applications to the processing of LANDSAT image data are discussed.
The concept of “distance to instability” of a system matrix is generalized to system pencils which arise in descriptor (semistate) systems. Difficulties arise in the case of singular systems, because the pencil can be made unstable by an infinitesimal perturbation. It is necessary to measure the distance subject to restricted, or structured, perturbations. In this paper a suitable measure for the stability radius of a generalized state-space system is defined, and a computable expression for the distance to instability is derived for regular pencils of index less than or equal to one. For systems which are strongly controllable it is shown that this measure is related to the sensitivity of the poles of the system over all feedback matrices assigning the poles.
Pontryagin's maximum principle from optimal control theory is used to find the optimal allocation of energy between growth and reproduction when lifespan may be finite and the trade-off between growth and reproduction is linear. Analyses of the optimal allocation problem to date have generally yielded bang-bang solutions, i.e. determinate growth: life-histories in which growth is followed by reproduction, with no intermediate phase of simultaneous reproduction and growth. Here we show that an intermediate strategy (indeterminate growth) can be selected for if the rates of production and mortality either both increase or both decrease with increasing body size, this arises as a singular solution to the problem. Our conclusion is that indeterminate growth is optimal in more cases than was previously realized. The relevance of our results to natural situations is discussed.
Some necessary and sufficient conditions for closed-loop eigenstructure assignment by output feedback in time-invariant linear multivariable control systems are presented. A simple condition on a square matrix necessary and sufficient for it to be the closed-loop plant matrix of a given system with some output feedback is the basis of the paper. Some known results on entire eigenstructure assignment are deduced from this. The concept of an inner inverse of a matrix is employed to obtain a condition concerning the assignment of an eigenstructure consisting of the eigenvalues and a mixture of left and right eigenvectors.
The problem of robust pole assignment by feedback in a linear, multivariable, time-invariant system which is subject to structured perturbations is investigated. A measure of robustness, or sensitivity, of the poles to a given class of perturbations is derived, and a reliable and efficient computational algorithm is presented for constructing a feedback which assigns the prescribed poles and optimizes the robustness measure.
For linear multivariable time-invariant continuous or discrete-time singular systems it is customary to use a proportional feedback control in order to achieve a desired closed loop behaviour. Derivative feedback is rarely considered. This paper examines how derivative feedback in descriptor systems can be used to alter the structure of the system pencil under various controllability conditions. It is shown that derivative and proportional feedback controls can be constructed such that the closed loop system has a given form and is also regular and has index at most 1. This property ensures the solvability of the resulting system of dynamic-algebraic equations. The construction procedures used to establish the theory are based only on orthogonal matrix decompositions and can therefore be implemented in a numerically stable way. The problem of pole placement with derivative feedback alone and in combination with proportional state feedback is also investigated. A computational algorithm for improving the “conditioning” of the regularized closed loop system is derived.