40 resultados para NERVE


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In this paper we present a compliant neural interface designed to record bladder afferent activity. We developed the implant's microfabrication process using multiple layers of silicone rubber and thin metal so that a gold microelectrode array is embedded within four parallel polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microchannels (5 mm long, 100 μm wide, 100 μm deep). Electrode impedance at 1 kHz was optimized using a reactive ion etching (RIE) step, which increased the porosity of the electrode surface. The electrodes did not deteriorate after a 3 month immersion in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) at 37 °C. Due to the unique microscopic topography of the metal film on PDMS, the electrodes are extremely compliant and can withstand handling during implantation (twisting and bending) without electrical failure. The device was transplanted acutely to anaesthetized rats, and strands of the dorsal branch of roots L6 and S1 were surgically teased and inserted in three microchannels under saline immersion to allow for simultaneous in vivo recordings in an acute setting. We utilized a tripole electrode configuration to maintain background noise low and improve the signal to noise ratio. The device could distinguish two types of afferent nerve activity related to increasing bladder filling and contraction. To our knowledge, this is the first report of multichannel recordings of bladder afferent activity.


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Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACIs) interfere with the epigenetic process of histone acetylation and are known to have analgesic properties in models of chronic inflammatory pain. The aim of this study was to determine whether these compounds could also affect neuropathic pain. Different class I HDACIs were delivered intrathecally into rat spinal cord in models of traumatic nerve injury and antiretroviral drug-induced peripheral neuropathy (stavudine, d4T). Mechanical and thermal hypersensitivity was attenuated by 40% to 50% as a result of HDACI treatment, but only if started before any insult. The drugs globally increased histone acetylation in the spinal cord, but appeared to have no measurable effects in relevant dorsal root ganglia in this treatment paradigm, suggesting that any potential mechanism should be sought in the central nervous system. Microarray analysis of dorsal cord RNA revealed the signature of the specific compound used (MS-275) and suggested that its main effect was mediated through HDAC1. Taken together, these data support a role for histone acetylation in the emergence of neuropathic pain.


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The mechanisms of pancreatic pain, a cardinal symptom of pancreatitis, are unknown. Proinflammatory agents that activate transient receptor potential (TRP) channels in nociceptive neurons can cause neurogenic inflammation and pain. We report a major role for TRPV4, which detects osmotic pressure and arachidonic acid metabolites, and TRPA1, which responds to 4-hydroxynonenal and cyclopentenone prostaglandins, in pancreatic inflammation and pain in mice. Immunoreactive TRPV4 and TRPA1 were detected in pancreatic nerve fibers and in dorsal root ganglia neurons innervating the pancreas, which were identified by retrograde tracing. Agonists of TRPV4 and TRPA1 increased intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) in these neurons in culture, and neurons also responded to the TRPV1 agonist capsaicin and are thus nociceptors. Intraductal injection of TRPV4 and TRPA1 agonists increased c-Fos expression in spinal neurons, indicative of nociceptor activation, and intraductal TRPA1 agonists also caused pancreatic inflammation. The effects of TRPV4 and TRPA1 agonists on [Ca(2+)](i), pain and inflammation were markedly diminished or abolished in trpv4 and trpa1 knockout mice. The secretagogue cerulein induced pancreatitis, c-Fos expression in spinal neurons, and pain behavior in wild-type mice. Deletion of trpv4 or trpa1 suppressed c-Fos expression and pain behavior, and deletion of trpa1 attenuated pancreatitis. Thus TRPV4 and TRPA1 contribute to pancreatic pain, and TRPA1 also mediates pancreatic inflammation. Our results provide new information about the contributions of TRPV4 and TRPA1 to inflammatory pain and suggest that channel antagonists are an effective therapy for pancreatitis, when multiple proinflammatory agents are generated that can activate and sensitize these channels.


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Trypsin and mast cell tryptase can signal to epithelial cells, myocytes, and nerve fibers of the respiratory tract by cleaving proteinase-activated receptor 2 (PAR2). Since tryptase inhibitors are under development to treat asthma, a precise understanding of the contribution of PAR2 to airway inflammation is required. We examined the role of PAR2 in allergic inflammation of the airway by comparing OVA-sensitized and -challenged mice lacking or overexpressing PAR2. In wild-type mice, immunoreactive PAR2 was detected in airway epithelial cells and myocytes, and intranasal administration of a PAR2 agonist stimulated macrophage infiltration into bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. OVA challenge of immunized wild-type mice stimulated infiltration of leukocytes into bronchoalveolar lavage and induced airway hyperreactivity to inhaled methacholine. Compared with wild-type animals, eosinophil infiltration was inhibited by 73% in mice lacking PAR2 and increased by 88% in mice overexpressing PAR2. Similarly, compared with wild-type animals, airway hyperreactivity to inhaled methacholine (40 micro g/ml) was diminished 38% in mice lacking PAR2 and increased by 52% in mice overexpressing PAR2. PAR2 deletion also reduced IgE levels to OVA sensitization by 4-fold compared with those of wild-type animals. Thus, PAR2 contributes to the development of immunity and to allergic inflammation of the airway. Our results support the proposal that tryptase inhibitors and PAR2 antagonists may be useful therapies for inflammatory airway disease.


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Many human behaviours and pathologies have been attributed to the putative mirror neuron system, a neural system that is active during both the observation and execution of actions. While there are now a very large number of papers on the mirror neuron system, variations in the methods and analyses employed by researchers mean that the basic characteristics of the mirror response are not clear. This review focuses on three important aspects of the mirror response, as measured by modulations in corticospinal excitability: (1) muscle specificity, (2) direction, and (3) timing of modulation. We focus mainly on electromyographic (EMG) data gathered following single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), because this method provides precise information regarding these three aspects of the response. Data from paired-pulse TMS paradigms and peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) are also considered when we discuss the possible mechanisms underlying the mirror response. In this systematic review of the literature, we examine the findings of 85 TMS and PNS studies of the human mirror response, and consider the limitations and advantages of the different methodological approaches these have adopted in relation to discrepancies between their findings. We conclude by proposing a testable model of how action observation modulates corticospinal excitability in humans. Specifically, we propose that action observation elicits an early, non-specific facilitation of corticospinal excitability (at around 90 ms from action onset), followed by a later modulation of activity specific to the muscles involved in the observed action (from around 200 ms). Testing this model will greatly advance our understanding of the mirror mechanism and provide a more stable grounding on which to base inferences about its role in human behaviour.


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Adult neural crest related-stem cells persist in adulthood, making them an ideal and easily accessible source of multipotent cells for potential clinical use. Recently, we reported the presence of neural crest-related stem cells within adult palatal ridges, thus raising the question of their localization in their endogenous niche. Using immunocytochemistry, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, and correlative fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy, we identified myelinating Schwann cells within palatal ridges as a putative neural crest stem cell source. Palatal Schwann cells expressed nestin, p75(NTR), and S100. Correlative fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy revealed the exclusive nestin expression within myelinating Schwann cells. Palatal neural crest stem cells and nestin-positive Schwann cells isolated from adult sciatic nerves were able to grow under serum-free conditions as neurospheres in presence of FGF-2 and EGF. Spheres of palatal and sciatic origin showed overlapping expression pattern of neural crest stem cell and Schwann cell markers. Expression of the pluripotency factors Sox2, Klf4, c-Myc, Oct4, the NF-κB subunits p65, p50, and the NF-κB-inhibitor IκB-β were up-regulated in conventionally cultivated sciatic nerve Schwann cells and in neurosphere cultures. Finally, neurospheres of palatal and sciatic origin were able to differentiate into ectodermal, mesodermal, and endodermal cell types emphasizing their multipotency. Taken together, we show that nestin-positive myelinating Schwann cells can be reprogrammed into multipotent adult neural crest stem cells under appropriate culture conditions.


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Meissner corpuscles and Merkel cell neurite complexes are highly specialized mechanoreceptors present in the hairy and glabrous skin, as well as in different types of mucosa. Several reports suggest that after injury, such as after nerve crush, freeze injury, or dissection of the nerve, they are able to regenerate, particularly including reinnervation and repopulation of the mechanoreceptors by Schwann cells. However, little is known about mammalian cells responsible for these regenerative processes. Here we review cellular origin of this plasticity in the light of newly described adult neural crest-derived stem cell populations. We also discuss further potential multipotent stem cell populations with the ability to regenerate disrupted innervation and to functionally recover the mechanoreceptors. These capabilities are discussed as in context to cellularly reprogrammed Schwann cells and tissue resident adult mesenchymal stem cells.


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The extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2 (ERK1/2) are activated in cardiomyocytes by Gq protein-coupled receptors and are associated with induction of hypertrophy. Here, we demonstrate that, in primary cardiomyocyte cultures, ERK1/2 were also significantly activated by platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF) or fibroblast growth factor (FGF), but insulin, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and nerve growth factor (NGF) had relatively minor effects. PDGF, EGF or FGF increased cardiomyocyte size via ERK1/2, whereas insulin, IGF-1 or NGF had no effect suggesting minimum thresholds/durations of ERK1/2 signaling are required for the morphological changes associated with hypertrophy. Peptide growth factors are widely accepted to activate phospholipase C gamma1 (PLCgamma1) and protein kinase C (PKC). In cardiomyocytes, only PDGF stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of PLCgamma1 and nPKCdelta. Furthermore, activation of ERK1/2 by PDGF, but not EGF, required PKC activity. In contrast, EGF substantially increased Ras.GTP with rapid activation of c-Raf, whereas stimulation of Ras.GTP loading by PDGF was minimal and activation of c-Raf was delayed. Our data provide clear evidence for differential coupling of PDGF and EGF receptors to the ERK1/2 cascade, and indicate that a minimum threshold/duration of ERK1/2 signaling is required for the development of cardiomyocyte hypertrophy.


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Mechanisms and consequences of the effects of estrogen on the brain have been studied both at the fundamental level and with therapeutic applications in mind. Estrogenic hormones binding in particular neurons in a limbic-hypothalamic system and their effects on the electrophysiology and molecular biology of medial hypothalamic neurons were central in establishing the first circuit for a mammalian behavior, the female-typical mating behavior, lordosis. Notably, the ability of estradiol to facilitate transcription from six genes whose products are important for lordosis behavior proved that hormones can turn on genes in specific neurons at specific times, with sensible behavioral consequences. The use of a gene knockout for estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) revealed that homozygous mutant females simply would not do lordosis behavior and instead were extremely aggressive, thus identifying a specific gene as essential for a mammalian social behavior. In dramatic contrast, ERbeta knockout females can exhibit normal lordosis behavior. With the understanding, in considerable mechanistic detail, of how the behavior is produced, now we are also studying brain mechanisms for the biologically adaptive influences which constrain reproductive behavior. With respect to cold temperatures and other environmental or metabolic circumstances which are not consistent with successful reproduction, we are interested in thyroid hormone effects in the brain. Competitive relations between two types of transcription factors - thyroid hormone receptors and estrogen receptors have the potential of subserving the blocking effects of inappropriate environmental circumstances on female reproductive behaviors. TRs can compete with ERalpha both for DNA binding to consensus and physiological EREs and for nuclear coactivators. In the presence of both TRs and ERs, in transfection studies, thyroid hormone coadministration can reduce estrogen-stimulated transcription. These competitive relations apparently have behavioral consequences, as thyroid hormones will reduce lordosis, and a TRbeta gene knockout will increase it. In sum, we not only know several genes that participate in the selective control of this sex behavior, but also, for two genes, we know the causal routes. Estrogenic hormones are also the foci of widespread attention for their potential therapeutic effects improving, for example, certain aspects of mood and cognition. The former has an efficient animal analog, demonstrated by the positive effects of estrogen in the Porsolt forced swim test. The latter almost certainly depends upon trophic actions of estrogen on several fundamental features of nerve cell survival and growth. The hypothesis is raised that the synaptic effects of estrogens are secondary to the trophic actions of this type of hormone in the nucleus and nerve cell body.


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Purpose of review Novel analyses of the relations between thyroid hormone receptor signaling and estrogen receptor—dependent mechanisms are timely for two sets of reasons. Clinically, both affect mood and foster neuronal growth and regeneration. Mechanistically, they overlap at the levels of DNA recognition elements, coactivators, and signal transduction systems. Crosstalk between thyroid hormone receptors and estrogen receptors is possibly important to integrate external signals to transcription within neurons. Recent findings It has been shown that reproductive functions, including behaviors, driven by estrogens can be antagonized by thyroid hormones, and it has been argued that such crosstalk is biologically adaptive to ensure optimal reproduction. Transcriptional facilitation during transient transfunction studies show that the interactions between thyroid receptor isoforms and estrogen receptor isoforms depend on cell type and promoter context. Overall, this pattern of interactions assures multiple and flexible means of transcriptional regulation. Surprisingly, in some brain areas, thyroid hormone actions can synergize with estrogenic effects, particularly when nongenomic modes of action are considered, such as kinase activation, which, as has been reported, affect later estrogen receptor—induced genomic events. Summary In summary, recent work with nerve cells has contributed to a paradigm shift in how the molecular and behavioral effects of hormones which act through nuclear receptors are viewed.