110 resultados para Minkowski metrics


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This paper presents an improved Two-Pass Hexagonal (TPA) algorithm constituted by Linear Hashtable Motion Estimation Algorithm (LHMEA) and Hexagonal Search (HEXBS) for motion estimation. In the TPA, Motion Vectors (MV) are generated from the first-pass LHMEA and are used as predictors for second-pass HEXBS motion estimation, which only searches a small number of Macroblocks (MBs). The hashtable structure of LHMEA is improved compared to the original TPA and LHMEA. The evaluation of the algorithm considers the three important metrics being processing time, compression rate and PSNR. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated by using standard video sequences and the results are compared to current algorithms.


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This paper discusses the problems inherent within traditional supply chain management's forecast and inventory management processes arising when tackling demand driven supply chain. A demand driven supply chain management architecture developed by Orchestr8 Ltd., U.K. is described to demonstrate its advantages over traditional supply chain management. Within this architecture, a metrics reporting system is designed by adopting business intelligence technology that supports users for decision making and planning supply activities over supply chain health.


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This paper presents the results of the crowd image analysis challenge, as part of the PETS 2009 workshop. The evaluation is carried out using a selection of the metrics available in the Video Analysis and Content Extraction (VACE) program and the CLassification of Events, Activities, and Relationships (CLEAR) consortium. The evaluation highlights the strengths of the authors’ systems in areas such as precision, accuracy and robustness.


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This work compares classification results of lactose, mandelic acid and dl-mandelic acid, obtained on the basis of their respective THz transients. The performance of three different pre-processing algorithms applied to the time-domain signatures obtained using a THz-transient spectrometer are contrasted by evaluating the classifier performance. A range of amplitudes of zero-mean white Gaussian noise are used to artificially degrade the signal-to-noise ratio of the time-domain signatures to generate the data sets that are presented to the classifier for both learning and validation purposes. This gradual degradation of interferograms by increasing the noise level is equivalent to performing measurements assuming a reduced integration time. Three signal processing algorithms were adopted for the evaluation of the complex insertion loss function of the samples under study; a) standard evaluation by ratioing the sample with the background spectra, b) a subspace identification algorithm and c) a novel wavelet-packet identification procedure. Within class and between class dispersion metrics are adopted for the three data sets. A discrimination metric evaluates how well the three classes can be distinguished within the frequency range 0. 1 - 1.0 THz using the above algorithms.


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Many kernel classifier construction algorithms adopt classification accuracy as performance metrics in model evaluation. Moreover, equal weighting is often applied to each data sample in parameter estimation. These modeling practices often become problematic if the data sets are imbalanced. We present a kernel classifier construction algorithm using orthogonal forward selection (OFS) in order to optimize the model generalization for imbalanced two-class data sets. This kernel classifier identification algorithm is based on a new regularized orthogonal weighted least squares (ROWLS) estimator and the model selection criterion of maximal leave-one-out area under curve (LOO-AUC) of the receiver operating characteristics (ROCs). It is shown that, owing to the orthogonalization procedure, the LOO-AUC can be calculated via an analytic formula based on the new regularized orthogonal weighted least squares parameter estimator, without actually splitting the estimation data set. The proposed algorithm can achieve minimal computational expense via a set of forward recursive updating formula in searching model terms with maximal incremental LOO-AUC value. Numerical examples are used to demonstrate the efficacy of the algorithm.


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A novel Linear Hashtable Method Predicted Hexagonal Search (LHMPHS) method for block based motion compensation is proposed. Fast block matching algorithms use the origin as the initial search center, which often does not track motion very well. To improve the accuracy of the fast BMA's, we employ a predicted starting search point, which reflects the motion trend of the current block. The predicted search centre is found closer to the global minimum. Thus the center-biased BMA's can be used to find the motion vector more efficiently. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated by using standard video sequences, considers the three important metrics: The results show that the proposed algorithm enhances the accuracy of current hexagonal algorithms and is better than Full Search, Logarithmic Search etc.


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This paper presents a novel two-pass algorithm constituted by Linear Hashtable Motion Estimation Algorithm (LHMEA) and Hexagonal Search (HEXBS) for block base motion compensation. On the basis of research from previous algorithms, especially an on-the-edge motion estimation algorithm called hexagonal search (HEXBS), we propose the LHMEA and the Two-Pass Algorithm (TPA). We introduced hashtable into video compression. In this paper we employ LHMEA for the first-pass search in all the Macroblocks (MB) in the picture. Motion Vectors (MV) are then generated from the first-pass and are used as predictors for second-pass HEXBS motion estimation, which only searches a small number of MBs. The evaluation of the algorithm considers the three important metrics being time, compression rate and PSNR. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated by using standard video sequences and the results are compared to current algorithms, Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can offer the same compression rate as the Full Search. LHMEA with TPA has significant improvement on HEXBS and shows a direction for improving other fast motion estimation algorithms, for example Diamond Search.


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This review of recent developments starts with the publication of Harold van der Heijden's Study Database Edition IV, John Nunn's second trilogy on the endgame, and a range of endgame tables (EGTs) to the DTC, DTZ and DTZ50 metrics. It then summarises data-mining work by Eiko Bleicher and Guy Haworth in 2010. This used CQL and pgn2fen to find some 3,000 EGT-faulted studies in the database above, and the Type A (value-critical) and Type B-DTM (DTM-depth-critical) zugzwangs in the mainlines of those studies. The same technique was used to mine Chessbase's BIG DATABASE 2010 to identify Type A/B zugzwangs, and to identify the pattern of value-concession and DTM-depth concession in sub-7-man play.


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We consider a non-local version of the NJL model, based on a separable quark-quark interaction. The interaction is extended to include terms that bind vector and axial-vector mesons. The non-locality means that no further regulator is required. Moreover the model is able to confine the quarks by generating a quark propagator without poles at real energies. Working in the ladder approximation, we calculate amplitudes in Euclidean space and discuss features of their continuation to Minkowski energies. Conserved currents are constructed and we demonstrate their consistency with various Ward identities. Various meson masses are calculated, along with their strong and electromagnetic decay amplitudes. We also calculate the electromagnetic form factor of the pion, as well as form factors associated with the processes γγ* → π0 and ω → π0γ*. The results are found to lead to a satisfactory phenomenology and lend some dynamical support to the idea of vector-meson dominance.


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A nonlocal version of the NJL model is investigated. It is based on a separable quark-quark interaction, as suggested by the instanton liquid picture of the QCD vacuum. The interaction is extended to include terms that bind vector and axial-vector mesons. The nonlocality means that no further regulator is required. Moreover the model is able to confine the quarks by generating a quark propagator without poles at real energies. Features of the continuation of amplitudes from Euclidean space to Minkowski energies are discussed. These features lead to restrictions on the model parameters as well as on the range of applicability of the model. Conserved currents are constructed, and their consistency with various Ward identities is demonstrated. In particular, the Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner relation is derived both in the ladder approximation and at meson loop level. The importance of maintaining chiral symmetry in the calculations is stressed throughout. Calculations with the model are performed to all orders in momentum. Meson masses are determined, along with their strong and electromagnetic decay amplitudes. Also calculated are the electromagnetic form factor of the pion and form factors associated with the processes gamma gamma* --> pi0 and omega --> pi0 gamma*. The results are found to lead to a satisfactory phenomenology and demonstrate a possible dynamical origin for vector-meson dominance. In addition, the results produced at meson loop level validate the use of 1/Nc as an expansion parameter and indicate that a light and broad scalar state is inherent in models of the NJL type.


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This paper presents the results of the crowd image analysis challenge of the Winter PETS 2009 workshop. The evaluation is carried out using a selection of the metrics developed in the Video Analysis and Content Extraction (VACE) program and the CLassification of Events, Activities, and Relationships (CLEAR) consortium [13]. The evaluation highlights the detection and tracking performance of the authors’systems in areas such as precision, accuracy and robustness. The performance is also compared to the PETS 2009 submitted results.


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This paper presents the results of the crowd image analysis challenge of the PETS2010 workshop. The evaluation was carried out using a selection of the metrics developed in the Video Analysis and Content Extraction (VACE) program and the CLassification of Events, Activities, and Relationships (CLEAR) consortium. The PETS 2010 evaluation was performed using new ground truthing create from each independant two dimensional view. In addition, the performance of the submissions to the PETS 2009 and Winter-PETS 2009 were evaluated and included in the results. The evaluation highlights the detection and tracking performance of the authors’ systems in areas such as precision, accuracy and robustness.


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The stratospheric climate and variability from simulations of sixteen chemistry‐climate models is evaluated. On average the polar night jet is well reproduced though its variability is less well reproduced with a large spread between models. Polar temperature biases are less than 5 K except in the Southern Hemisphere (SH) lower stratosphere in spring. The accumulated area of low temperatures responsible for polar stratospheric cloud formation is accurately reproduced for the Antarctic but underestimated for the Arctic. The shape and position of the polar vortex is well simulated, as is the tropical upwelling in the lower stratosphere. There is a wide model spread in the frequency of major sudden stratospheric warnings (SSWs), late biases in the breakup of the SH vortex, and a weak annual cycle in the zonal wind in the tropical upper stratosphere. Quantitatively, “metrics” indicate a wide spread in model performance for most diagnostics with systematic biases in many, and poorer performance in the SH than in the Northern Hemisphere (NH). Correlations were found in the SH between errors in the final warming, polar temperatures, the leading mode of variability, and jet strength, and in the NH between errors in polar temperatures, frequency of major SSWs, and jet strength. Models with a stronger QBO have stronger tropical upwelling and a colder NH vortex. Both the qualitative and quantitative analysis indicate a number of common and long‐standing model problems, particularly related to the simulation of the SH and stratospheric variability.


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Recent research has suggested that forecast evaluation on the basis of standard statistical loss functions could prefer models which are sub-optimal when used in a practical setting. This paper explores a number of statistical models for predicting the daily volatility of several key UK financial time series. The out-of-sample forecasting performance of various linear and GARCH-type models of volatility are compared with forecasts derived from a multivariate approach. The forecasts are evaluated using traditional metrics, such as mean squared error, and also by how adequately they perform in a modern risk management setting. We find that the relative accuracies of the various methods are highly sensitive to the measure used to evaluate them. Such results have implications for any econometric time series forecasts which are subsequently employed in financial decisionmaking.