58 resultados para MUFA


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The aim was to determine in 32 healthy young men from northern and southern Europe whether differences in the secretion of insulin and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) might explain these findings through the actions of these hormones on lipoprotein lipase. In a randomized, single-blind, crossover study the effects of 2 test meals of identical macronutrient composition but different saturated fatty acid (SFA) and monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) contents were investigated on postprandial GIP, insulin, the ratio of incremental triacylglycerol to apolipoprotein B-48 (a marker of chylomicron size), and the activity of postheparin lipases. Fasting and postprandial GIP concentrations and postheparin hepatic lipase (HL) activities were higher in the southern Europeans (P<0.001 and P<0.02, respectively). Lipoprotein lipase activity after the SFA-rich meal was higher in the northern Europeans (P<0.01). HL activity 9 h after the SFA-rich meal and the area under the curve (AUC) for the postprandial insulin response correlated with the AUC for the postprandial GIP response (r=0.44 (P<0.04) and r=0.46 (P<0.05), respectively). There were no significant differences in chylomicron size between the 2 groups for either meal, but when the groups were combined there was a difference in chylomicron size between the SFA- and MUFA-rich meals (P<0.05), which could be due to the formation of larger chylomicrons after the MUFA-rich meal. The significantly higher GIP and insulin responses and HL activities in southern Europeans may provide an explanation for a previous report of attenuated postprandial triacylglycerol and apolipoprotein B-48 responses in them.


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In two separate studies, the cholesterol-lowering efficacy of a diet high in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) was evaluated by means of a randomized crossover trial. In both studies subjects were randomized to receive either a high-MUFA diet or the control diet first, which they followed for a period of 8 weeks; following a washout period of 4–6 weeks they were transferred onto the opposing diet for a further period of 8 weeks. In one study subjects were healthy middle-aged men (n 30), and in the other they were young men (n 23) with a family history of CHD recruited from two centres (Guildford and Dublin). The two studies were conducted over the same time period using identical foods and study designs. Subjects consumed 38% energy as fat, with 18% energy as MUFA and 10% as saturated fatty acids (MUFA diet), or 13% energy as MUFA and 16% as saturated fatty acids (control diet). The polyunsaturated fatty acid content of each diet was 7%. The diets were achieved by providing subjects with manufactured foods such as spreads, ‘ready meals’, biscuits, puddings and breads, which, apart from their fatty acid compositions, were identical for both diets. Subjects were blind to which of the diets they were following on both arms of the study. Weight changes on the diets were less than 1 kg. In the groups combined (n 53) mean total and LDL-cholesterol levels were significantly lower at the end of the MUFA diet than the control diet by 0×29 (SD 0×61) mmol/l (P,0×001) and 0×38 (SD 0×64) mmol/l (P, 0×0001) respectively. In middle-aged men these differences were due to a mean reduction in LDL-cholesterol of ¹11 (SD 12) % on the MUFA diet with no change on the control diet (¹1×1 (SD 10) %). In young men the differences were due to an increase in LDL-cholesterol concentration on the control diet of þ6×2 (SD 13) % and a decrease on the MUFA diet of ¹7×8 (SD 20) %. Differences in the responses of middle-aged and young men to the two diets did not appear to be due to differences in their habitual baseline diets which were generally similar, but appeared to reflect the lower baseline cholesterol concentrations in the younger men. There was a moderately strong and statistically significant inverse correlation between the change in LDLcholesterol concentration on each diet and the baseline fasting LDL-cholesterol concentration (r¹0×49; P,0×0005). In conclusion, diets in which saturated fat is partially replaced by MUFA can achieve significant reductions in total and LDL-cholesterol concentrations, even when total fat and energy intakes are maintained. The dietary approach used to alter fatty acid intakes would be appropriate for achieving reductions in saturated fat intakes in whole populations.


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The extent and duration of postprandial lipaemia have been linked to risk of CHD but the influence of dietary variables on, and the relative contributions of, exogenous (chylomicron) and endogenous (VLDL) triacylglycerols to the total lipaemic response have not been comprehensively evaluated. In the present study the triacylglycerol, apolipoprotein (apo) B-48 and retinyl ester (RE) responses to three test meals of varying monounsaturated (MUFA) and saturated fatty acid (SFA) content were measured in the triacylglycerol-rich lipoprotein (TRL) fraction of plasma (r ¼ 1·006 g/ml) for 9 h after meal consumption. Fifteen healthy normolipidaemic young men consumed, on separate occasions, three test meals which were identical apart from their MUFA and SFA contents. Expressed as a percentage of total energy the MUFA/SFA contents of the meals were: (1) 12 %/17 %; (2) 17 %/12% and (3) 24 %/5 %. The contribution of the intestinally-derived lipoproteins (chylomicrons) to the lipaemic response was investigated by determining the time to reach peak concentration and the total and incremental areas under the time response curves (AUC and incremental AUC) for RE, apoB-48 and triacylglycerol in the TRL fraction. No significant differences in these measurements were observed for the three meals. However, visual comparison of the postprandial responses to the three meals suggested that as meal MUFA content increased there was a tendency for the triacylglycerol, apoB-48 and RE responses to become biphasic as opposed to the typical monophasic response seen with the 12% MUFA/17% SFA meal. Comparison of the apoB-48 and RE responses for the three test meals confirmed other workers’ findings of delayed entry of RE relative to apoB-48 in TRL. The value of the two markers in investigating dietary fat absorption and metabolism is discussed.


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BACKGROUND AND AIM: The atherogenic potential of dietary derived lipids, chylomicrons (CM) and their remnants (CMr) is now becoming more widely recognised. To investigate factors effecting levels of CM and CMr and their importance in coronary heart disease risk it is essential to use a specific method of quantification. Two studies were carried out to investigate: (i) effects of increased daily intake of long chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (LC n-3 PUFA), and (ii) effects of increasing meal monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) content on the postprandial response of intestinally-derived lipoproteins. The contribution of the intestinally-derived lipoproteins to total lipaemia was assessed by triacylglycerol-rich lipoprotein (TRL) apolipoprotein B-48 (apo B-48) and retinyl ester (RE) concentrations. METHODS AND RESULTS: In a randomised controlled crossover trial (placebo vs LC n-3 PUFA) a mean daily intake of 1.4 g/day of LC n-3 PUFA failed to reduce fasting and postprandial triacylglycerol (TAG) response in 9 healthy male volunteers. Although the pattern and nature of the apo B-48 response was consistent with the TAG response following the two diets, the postprandial RE response differed on the LC n-3 PUFA diet with a lower early RE response and a delayed and more marked increase in RE in the late postprandial period compared with the control diet, but the differences did not reach levels of statistical significance. In the meal study there was no effect of MUFA/SFA content on the total lipaemic response to the meals nor on the contribution of intestinally derived lipoproteins evaluated as TAG, apo B-48 and RE responses in the TRL fraction. In both studies, the RE and apo B-48 measurements provided broadly similar information with respect to lack of effects of dietary or meal fatty acid composition and the presence of single or multiple peak responses. However the apo B-48 and RE measurements differed with respect to the timing of their peak response times, with a delayed RE peak, relalive to apo B-48, of approximately 2-3 hours for the LC n-3 PUFA diet (p = 0.002) study and 1-1.5 hours for the meal MUFA/SFA study. CONCLUSIONS: It was concluded that there are limitations of using RE as a specific CM marker, apo B-48 quantitation was found to be a more appropriate method for CM and CMr quantitation. However it was still considered of value to measure RE as it provided additional information regarding the incorporation of other constituents into the CM particle.


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Although the beneficial effects of Mediterranean-type diets, which are rich in olive oil, a good source of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), are generally accepted, little is known about the effects of long-term dietary MUFA intake on postprandial lipoprotein metabolism and hemostasis. This study used a single-blind, randomized, crossover design to investigate the relative effects of a long-term dietary olive oil intervention and a control [saturated fatty acid (SFA)-enriched] diet on postprandial triacylglycerol metabolism and factor VII activity. The postprandial response to a standard test meal was investigated in 23 healthy men who adhered to both diets for 8 wk. cis-MUFAs were successfully substituted for SFAs in the MUFA diet without affecting total dietary fat or energy intakes. The long-term dietary MUFA intervention significantly reduced plasma and LDL-cholesterol concentrations (P = 0.01). Postprandial triacylglycerol concentrations were significantly greater in the early postprandial period after the MUFA diet (P = 0.003). Postprandial factor VII activation and the concentration of the factor VII antigen were significantly lower after the MUFA diet (P = 0.04 and P = 0 006, respectively). This study showed that isoenergetic substitution of MUFAs for SFAs reduces plasma cholesterol and reduces the degree of postprandial factor VII activation. The alterations in the postprandial triacylglycerol response suggest a greater rate of dietary fat absorption and postprandial triacylglycerol metabolism after a diet rich in MUFAs. This study presents new insights into the biochemical basis of the beneficial effects associated with long-term dietary MUFA consumption, which may explain the lower rates of coronary mortality in Mediterranean regions.


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Epidemiological evidence shows that a diet high in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) but low in saturated fatty acids (SFA) is associated with reduced risk of CHD. The hypocholesterolaemic effect of MUFA is known but there has been little research on the effect of test meal MUFA and SFA composition on postprandial lipid metabolism. The present study investigated the effect of meals containing different proportions of MUFA and SFA on postprandial triacylglycerol and non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) metabolism. Thirty healthy male volunteers consumed three meals containing equal amounts of fat (40 g), but different proportions of MUFA (12, 17 and 24% energy) in random order. Postprandial plasma triacylglycerol, apolipoprotein B-48, cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, glucose and insulin concentrations and lipoprotein lipase (EC activity were not significantly different following the three meals which varied in their levels of SFA and MUFA. There was a significant difference in the postprandial NEFA response between meals. The incremental area under the curve of postprandial plasma NEFA concentrations was significantly (P = 0.03) lower following the high-MUFA meal. Regression analysis showed that the non-significant difference in fasting NEFA concentrations was the most important factor determining difference between meals, and that the test meal MUFA content had only a minor effect. In conclusion, varying the levels of MUFA and SFA in test meals has little or no effect on postprandial lipid metabolism.


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Consumption of diets rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) has been linked with a low prevalence of atherosclerosis and there has been great interest in the effects of MUFAs on lipoprotein metabolism. Less attention has been paid to the effects of MUFAs on the immune system, yet cells of the immune system are an inherent part of the inflammatory events involved in atherosclerosis and several animal studies showed that olive oil has some potent immunomodulatory actions. We therefore considered it important to investigate the effects of chronic consumption of MUFAs on several immune cell functions in healthy humans. Healthy middle-aged males entered a doubleblind, randomized, controlled trial in which they consumed either a MUFA diet or a control diet for 2 mo. There was a significant decrease in the expression of intercellular adhesion molecule 1 by peripheral blood mononuclear cells from subjects consuming the MUFA diet. Consumption of the MUFA diet did not affect natural killer cell activity or proliferation of mitogen-stimulated leukocytes. The effects of a MUFA-rich diet on adhesion molecule expression may have implications for the influence of dietary fat on inflammatory diseases, including atherosclerosis.


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Postprandial lipaemic responses to two test meals were investigated in 30 Northern (15 British and 15 Irish), and 30 Southern (Greeks from Crete) healthy male Europeans. The meals were a saturated fatty acid (SFA) meal, which resembled the fatty acid composition of an average UK diet, and a monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) meal in which the fat consisted of olive oil. Habitual diets of the two groups differed, with higher total fat, (P < 0.03) and MUFA (P < 0.0001) and lower polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) (P < 0.0001) intakes in Southern than Northern Europeans. Levels of total MUFA (P < 0.02) and oleic acid (P < 0.004) were also higher in adipose tissue of Southern in comparison to Northern Europeans. In both European groups there were no significant differences in postprandial triglyceride response between the two meal types, SFA or MUFA. However, Northern and Southern Europeans showed significant differences in their patterns of postprandial response in plasma triglycerides (P < 0.0001), apolipoprotein B-48 (P < 0.0001), NEFA (P < 0.0001), insulin (P < 0.0007), and factor VII activity (P-0.03). In the case of NEFA, areas under the response curve were higher following the SFA than the MUFA meal for both groups, (P < 0.003) and were greater in Southern than Northern Europeans (P < 0.002) and apo B-48 responses were lower (P < 0.005). Some of these differences may reflect differences in fasting levels since fasting apolipoprotein B-48 levels were lower (P < 0.01) and fasting NEFA (P < 0.02) and insulin (P < 0.005) were higher in the Southern than in the Northern Europeans. In addition, 9 h postprandial post-heparin lipoprotein lipase activity was lower in the Southern than in the Northern Europeans (P < 0.0006). This is the first report of differences in postprandial lipid, factor VII and insulin responses in Southern and Northern Europeans which may be of importance in explaining the different susceptibilities of these two populations to risk of coronary artery disease.


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The fatty acid composition of the diet of seven free-living subjects (five men and two women) aged 41–56 years was altered for 1 month. The aim was to increase the intake of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) from subjects current habitual levels of 12% dietary energy to a target intake of 18% dietary energy, and to decrease saturated fatty acid (SFA) from habitual levels of 16% dietary energy to target levels of 10% dietary energy. The change in fatty acid intake was achieved by supplying volunteers with foods prepared using MUFA-containing spreads or olive oil (ready meals, sweet biscuits and cakes) and also by supplying spreads, cooking oil and MUFA-enriched milk for domestic use. Body weight and plasma total cholesterol measurements were made at baseline and at 2 and 4 weeks on the diet as an aid to maintaining subject compliance. MUFA consumption was significantly increased from 12% dietary energy to 16% dietary energy (P<0.01), and SFA intake was reduced from 16% dietary energy to 6% dietary energy (P<0.01) during the 4-week intervention. The diet failed to achieve the target increase in MUFA but exceeded the target reduction in SFA. This was due to the fact that subjects reduced their total fat intake from a mean habitual level of 38% dietary energy to a mean level of 30% dietary energy. During the dietary period, mean plasma cholesterol levels were lower at 2 weeks (P<0.01) and at 4 weeks (P<0.01) than the baseline, with a mean reduction of 20% over the dietary period. This study demonstrates the difficulty of achieving increased MUFA intakes (by SFA substitution) in free-living populations when only a limited range of fatty-acid modified food products are provided to volunteers.


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Diets high in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) are increasingly being recommended as a highly-effective cholesterol-lowering strategy in populations at risk of CHD. However, the need for a re-appraisal of the benefits of diets rich in MUFA became apparent as a result of recent studies showing that meals high in olive oil cause greater postprandial activation of blood coagulation factor VII than meals rich in saturated fatty acids. The present review evaluates the evidence for the effects of MUFA-rich diets on fasting and postprandial measurements of haemostasis, and describes data from a recently-completed long-term controlled dietary intervention study. The data show that a background diet high in MUFA has no adverse effect on fasting haemostatic variables and decreases the postprandial activation of factor VII in response to a standard fat-containing meal. Since the same study also showed a significant reduction in the ex vivo activation of platelets in subjects on the high-MUFA diet, the overall findings suggest that there is no reason for concern regarding adverse haemostatic consequences of high-MUFA diets.


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Lambs (n = 48) were used in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments to evaluate effects of inclusion of oil containing PUFA in high-concentrate diets (with or without) and duration of oil supplementation (pre- vs. postweaning) on CLA concentration of muscle and adipose tissue. Lambs were fed preweaning creep diets (with or without oil) corresponding to the dietary lactation treatment diet (with or without oil) of the dam. Dams blocked by lambing date and rearing type were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 lactation dietary treatments with or without oil supplementation. Creep diets contained approximately 70% concentrate and 30% roughage and were provided to lambs for ad libitum intake. At weaning (58.7 ± 2.5 d of age), lambs (n = 48) were randomly assigned within preweaning treatment groups to 1 of 2 postweaning dietary treatments (with or without oil) and 16 pens in a randomized block design, blocked by sex and BW. Postweaning diets were formulated to contain approximately 80% concentrate and 20% roughage and were fed once daily for ad libitum intake. Soybean and linseed oil (2:1, respectively) replaced ground corn and provided 3% additional fat in pre- and postweaning diets. Lambs were slaughtered at 60.3 ± 4.2 kg of BW. A subcutaneous fat (SQ) sample was obtained within 1 h postmortem and a LM sample at the 12th rib was obtained 24 h postmortem, and both were analyzed for fatty acid profile. Feedlot performance and carcass measurements were not affected (P ≥ 0.26) by oil supplementation. Total CLA content of LM and SQ was not affected (P ≥ 0.08) by oil supplementation pre- or postweaning, but trans-10, cis-12 CLA was greater (P = 0.02) in SQ from lambs supplemented with oil postweaning. Total PUFA content in LM was greater (P = 0.02) in lambs supplemented with oil pre- or postweaning as a result of increased concentrations of 18:2cis-9, cis-12 and longer chain PUFA. Conversely, pre- and postweaning oil supplementation resulted in less (P = 0.04) MUFA content in LM. Only postweaning oil supplementation increased (P = 0.001) SQ PUFA content. Feeding oils containing PUFA to lambs pre- and postweaning did not increase CLA content of muscle, whereas postweaning oil supplementation minimally increased CLA concentration of SQ fat. Inclusion of soybean and linseed oil in pre- and postweaning diets increased total PUFA content of SQ fat and muscle tissue without adversely affecting growth performance or carcass characteristics.


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Background: Adiponectin gene expression is modulated by peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor γ, which is a transcription factor activated by unsaturated fatty acids. Objective: We investigated the effect of the interaction between variants at the ADIPOQ gene locus, age, sex, body mass index (BMI), ethnicity, and the replacement of dietary saturated fatty acids (SFAs) with monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) or carbohydrates on serum adiponectin concentrations. Design: The RISCK (Reading, Imperial, Surrey, Cambridge, and Kings) study is a parallel-design, randomized controlled trial. Serum adiponectin concentrations were measured after a 4-wk high-SFA (HS) diet and a 24-wk intervention with reference (HS), high-MUFA (HM), and low-fat (LF) diets. Single nucleotide polymorphisms at the ADIPOQ locus −11391 G/A (rs17300539), −10066 G/A (rs182052), −7734 A/C (rs16861209), and +276 G/T (rs1501299) were genotyped in 448 participants. Results: In white Europeans, +276 T was associated with higher serum adiponectin concentrations (n = 340; P = 0.006) and −10066 A was associated with lower serum adiponectin concentrations (n = 360; P = 0.03), after adjustment for age, BMI, and sex. After the HM diet, −10066 G/G subjects showed a 3.8% increase (95% CI: −0.1%, 7.7%) and G/A+A/A subjects a 2.6% decrease (95% CI: −5.6%, 0.4%) in serum adiponectin (P = 0.006 for difference after adjustment for the change in BMI, age, and sex). In −10066 G/G homozygotes, serum adiponectin increased with age after the HM diet and decreased after the LF diet. Conclusion: In white −10066 G/G homozygotes, an HM diet may help to increase adiponectin concentrations with advancing age. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as ISRCTN29111298.


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The PPARγ2 gene SNP Pro12Ala has shown variable association with metabolic syndrome traits in healthy subjects. We investigated the effect of interaction between genotype and the ratio of polyunsaturated:saturated (P:S) fatty acid intake on plasma lipids in 367 White subjects aged 30-70 y at increased cardiometabolic risk, in the RISCK study. Interaction was determined after habitual diet at recruitment, at baseline after a 4-week high-SFA (HS) diet and after 24-week reference (HS), high-MUFA (HM) and low-fat (LF) diets. At recruitment, there were no significant associations between genotype and plasma lipids, however, P:S x genotype interaction influenced plasma total cholesterol (TC) (P=0.02), LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) (P=0.002) and triglyceride (TG) (P=0.02) concentrations. At P:S ratio ≤0.33, mean TC and LDL-C concentrations in Ala12 allele carriers were significantly higher than in non-carriers (respectively P=0.003; P=0.0001). Significant trends in reduction of plasma TC (P=0.02) and TG (P=0.002) concentrations occurred with increasing P:S (respectively ≤0.33 to >0.65 and 0.34 to >0.65) in Ala12 allele carriers. There were no significant differences between carriers and non-carriers after the 4-week HS diet or 24-week interventions. Plasma TC and TG concentrations in PPARG Ala12 allele carriers decrease as P:S increases, but are not dependent on a reduction in SFA intake.


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CVD still represent the greatest cause of death and disease burden in Europe and there remains uncertainty whether or not diets rich in milk and/or dairy products affect CVD risk. This paper reviews current evidence on this from prospective studies and the role of serum lipids and blood pressure as markers of CVD risk with such diets. Also the potential of animal nutrition-based approaches aimed at reducing CVD risk from consumption of milk and dairy products is outlined. Briefly, the evidence from prospective studies indicates that increased consumption of milk does not result in increased CVD risk and may give some long-term benefits, although few studies relate specifically to cheese and butter and more information on the relationship between milk/dairy product consumption and dementia is needed. Recent data suggest that the SFA in dairy products may be less of a risk factor than previously thought; although this is based on serum cholesterol responses which taken in isolation may be misleading. Milk and some dairy products have counterbalancing effects by reducing blood pressure and possibly BMI control. Despite this, animal nutrition strategies to replace some SFA in milk with cis-MUFA or cis-PUFA are extensive and intuitively beneficial, although this remains largely unproven, especially for milk. There is an urgent need for robust intervention studies to evaluate such milk-fat modifications using holistic markers of CVD risk including central arterial stiffness.


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Several insulin receptor substrate-2 (IRS-2) polymorphisms have been studied in relation to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. To examine whether the genetic variability at the IRS-2 gene locus was associated with the degree of insulin resistance and plasma fatty acid levels in metabolic syndrome (MetS) subjects. Methods and results: Insulin sensitivity, insulin secretion, glucose effectiveness, plasma fatty acid composition and three IRS-2 tag-single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were determined in 452 MetS subjects. Among subjects with the lowest level of monounsaturated (MUFA) (below the median), the rs2289046 A/A genotype was associated with lower glucose effectiveness (p<0.038), higher fasting insulin concentrations (p<0.028) and higher HOMA IR (p<0.038) as compared to subjects carrying the minor G-allele (A/G and G/G). In contrast, among subjects with the highest level of MUFA (above the median), the A/A genotype was associated with lower fasting insulin concentrations and HOMA-IR, whereas individuals carrying the G allele and with the highest level of ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (above the median) showed lower fasting insulin (p<0.01) and HOMA-IR (p<0.02) as compared with A/A subjects. Conclusion: The rs2289046 polymorphism at the IRS2 gene locus may influence insulin sensitivity by interacting with certain plasma fatty acids in MetS subjects.