123 resultados para Lipschitz perturbation
An investigation is made of the impact of a full linearized physical (moist) parameterization package on extratropical singular vectors (SVs) using the ECMWF integrated forecasting system (IFS). Comparison is made for one particular period with a dry physical package including only vertical diffusion and surface drag. The crucial extra ingredient in the full package is found to be the large-scale latent heat release. Consistent with basic theory, its inclusion results in a shift to smaller horizontal scales and enhanced growth for the SVs. Whereas, for the dry SVs, T42 resolution is sufficient, the moist SVs require T63 to resolve their structure and growth. A 24-h optimization time appears to be appropriate for the moist SVs because of the larger growth of moist SVs compared with dry SVs. Like dry SVs, moist SVs tend to occur in regions of high baroclinicity, but their location is also influenced by the availability of moisture. The most rapidly growing SVs appear to enhance or reduce large-scale rain in regions ahead of major cold fronts. The enhancement occurs in and ahead of a cyclonic perturbation and the reduction in and ahead of an anticyclonic perturbation. Most of the moist SVs for this situation are slightly modified versions of the dry SVs. However, some occur in new locations and have particularly confined structures. The most rapidly growing SV is shown to exhibit quite linear behavior in the nonlinear model as it grows from 0.5 to 12 hPa in 1 day. For 5 times this amplitude the structure is similar but the growth is about half as the perturbation damps a potential vorticity (PV) trough or produces a cutoff, depending on its sign.
A simple physical model of the atmospheric effects of large explosive volcanic eruptions is developed. Using only one input parameter - the initial amount of sulphur dioxide injected into the stratosphere - the global-average stratospheric optical-depth perturbation and surface temperature response are modelled. The simplicity of this model avoids issues of incomplete data (applicable to more comprehensive models), making it a powerful and useful tool for atmospheric diagnostics of this climate forcing mechanism. It may also provide a computationally inexpensive and accurate way of introducing volcanic activity into larger climate models. The modelled surface temperature response for an initial sulphur-dioxide injection, coupled with emission-history statistics, is used to demonstrate that the most climatically significant volcanic eruptions are those of sufficient explosivity to just reach into the stratosphere (and achieve longevity). This study also highlights the fact that this measure of significance is highly sensitive to the representation of the climatic response and the frequency data used, and that we are far from producing a definitive history of explosive volcanism for at least the past 1000 years. Given this high degree of uncertainty, these results suggest that eruptions that release around and above 0.1 Mt SO2 into the stratosphere have the maximum climatic impact.
On the time scale of a century, the Atlantic thermohaline circulation (THC) is sensitive to the global surface salinity distribution. The advection of salinity toward the deep convection sites of the North Atlantic is one of the driving mechanisms for the THC. There is both a northward and a southward contributions. The northward salinity advection (Nsa) is related to the evaporation in the subtropics, and contributes to increased salinity in the convection sites. The southward salinity advection (Ssa) is related to the Arctic freshwater forcing and tends on the contrary to diminish salinity in the convection sites. The THC changes results from a delicate balance between these opposing mechanisms. In this study we evaluate these two effects using the IPSL-CM4 ocean-atmosphere-sea-ice coupled model (used for IPCC AR4). Perturbation experiments have been integrated for 100 years under modern insolation and trace gases. River runoff and evaporation minus precipitation are successively set to zero for the ocean during the coupling procedure. This allows the effect of processes Nsa and Ssa to be estimated with their specific time scales. It is shown that the convection sites in the North Atlantic exhibit various sensitivities to these processes. The Labrador Sea exhibits a dominant sensitivity to local forcing and Ssa with a typical time scale of 10 years, whereas the Irminger Sea is mostly sensitive to Nsa with a 15 year time scale. The GIN Seas respond to both effects with a time scale of 10 years for Ssa and 20 years for Nsa. It is concluded that, in the IPSL-CM4, the global freshwater forcing damps the THC on centennial time scales.
An experimental study is made of the lower pass-band of waveguides built as necklaces of oblate spheroids. Short lengths of guide are tested in open resonators. The dominant mode is found to be a glow-wave dipole type having no low-frequency cut off. High Q factors indicate low attenuations. Perturbation measurements demonstrate this energy to be concentrated in the vicinity of the guide.
An eddy current testing system consists of a multi-sensor probe, a computer and a special expansion card and software for data-collection and analysis. The probe incorporates an excitation coil, and sensor coils; at least one sensor coil is a lateral current-normal coil and at least one is a current perturbation coil.
An eddy current testing system consists of a multi-sensor probe, computer and a special expansion card and software for data collection and analysis. The probe incorporates an excitation coil, and sensor coils; at least one sensor coil is a lateral current-normal coil and at least one is a current perturbation coil.
Several quartic force fields and a full sextic anharmonic force field for H,O have been determined from high-quality ab initio calculations, the highest at the aug-cc-pVQZ CCSD(T) level of theory. These force fields have been used to determine vibrational excited state band origins up to 15 000 cm - ’ above the zero-point level, using both a perturbation-resonancea pproach and a variational approach. An optimisedq uartic force field hasb eeno btained by least squares refinement of our best ab initio results to fit the observed overtone levels of 5 symmetrically substituted isotopomers of water (Hi60, Hi70, HisO, D,O, and T,O) with an rms error of less than 10 cm-‘, using the perturbation-resonancem odel for the vibrational calculation. Predicatel east squaresr efinement was usedt o provide a loose constraint of the refined force field to the ab initio results. The results obtained prove the viability of the perturbation-resonancem odel for usei n larger molecular systemsa nd also highlight someo f its weaknesse
Three experiments have been performed to resolve an uncertainty in the assignment of ν2 and ν4 for SO3: (i) the gas phase Raman spectrum has been measured; (ii) the infrared active combination band ν3 + ν4 has been measured; (iii) a band contour calculation has been performed taking account of the ℓ-type resonance in ν4 and a strong Coriolis resonance between ν2 and ν4. These experiments establish beyond any doubt that ν2 lies at about 497.5 cm−1 and ν4 lies at about 530.2 cm−1. The contour calculation also shows that the Coriolis resonance gives rise to a positive intensity perturbation.
The vibration-rotation Raman spectrum of the ν2 and ν5 fundamentals of CH3F is reported, from 1320 to 1640 cm−1, with a resolution of about 0.3 cm−1. The Coriolis resonance between the two bands leads to many perturbation-allowed transitions. Where the resonance is still sufficiently weak that the quantum number K′ retains its meaning, perturbation-allowed transitions are observed for all values of ΔK from +4 to −4; in regions of strong resonance, however, we can only say that the observed transitions obey the selection rule Δ(k−l) = 0 or ±3. The spectrum has been analyzed by band contour simulation using a computer program based on exact diagonalization of the Hamiltonian within the ν2, ν5 vibrational levels, and improved vibration-rotation constants for these bands are reported. The relative magnitudes and relative sings of polarizability derivatives involved in these vibrations are also reported.
Infra-red spectra have been recorded for silyl fluoride and silyl fluoride-d3 at a resolution of circa 0·3 cm-1. Rotational structure has been observed for parallel fundamentals in both molecules, and for all perpendicular fundamentals. In both SiH3F and SiD3F the A1 and E species deformation modes interact strongly via a Coriolis perturbation; this has been analysed, and the band origin of v5 for SiH3F is reassigned. A hybrid-orbital force field based on the experimental data is also reported.
High‐resolution infrared spectra of B2H6 vapor are reported. The sample was prepared from the naturally occurring 11B☒10B isotopic mixture. The rotational structure of the infrared bands has been analysed for Coriolis perturbations due to rotation about the axis of least moment of inertia (the B⋅⋅⋅B axis). The following results have been obtained: (a) interaction between the Type A fundamental ν18 and the inactive fundamental ν5 has been observed, thus confirming the assignment of ν5 at 833 cm—1, giving ∣ ζ5,18Z ∣=0.55±0.05; (b) interaction observed between the Type A combination band (ν10+ν12) at 1283 cm—1 and the inactive combination (ν10+ν7) gives an estimate of the unobserved fundamental ν7 as 850±30 cm—1, and an estimate of ∣ ζ7,12Z ∣=0.6±0.1; (c) the absence of any observed perturbation of the Type C fundamental ν14 at 973 cm—1, suggests, by negative arguments, that either the unobserved fundamental ν9 does not lie in the frequency range 900 to 1100 cm—1, or ∣ ζ9,14Z ∣<0.2. The assignment of the unobserved fundamental vibrations of diborane is discussed in the light of this evidence.
Targeted observations are generally taken in regions of high baroclinicity, but often show little impact. One plausible explanation is that important dynamical information, such as upshear tilt, is not extracted from the targeted observations by the data assimilation scheme and used to correct initial condition error. This is investigated by generating pseudo targeted observations which contain a singular vector (SV) structure that is not present in the background field or routine observations, i.e. assuming that the background has an initial condition error with tilted growing structure. Experiments were performed for a single case-study with varying numbers of pseudo targeted observations. These were assimilated by the Met Office four-dimensional variational (4D-Var) data assimilation scheme, which uses a 6 h window for observations and background-error covariances calculated using the National Meteorological Centre (NMC) method. The forecasts were run using the operational Met Office Unified Model on a 24 km grid. The results presented clearly demonstrate that a 6 h window 4D-Var system is capable of extracting baroclinic information from a limited set of observations and using it to correct initial condition error. To capture the SV structure well (projection of 0.72 in total energy), 50 sondes over an area of 1×106 km2 were required. When the SV was represented by only eight sondes along an example targeting flight track covering a smaller area, the projection onto the SV structure was lower; the resulting forecast perturbations showed an SV structure with increased tilt and reduced initial energy. The total energy contained in the perturbations decreased as the SV structure was less well described by the set of observations (i.e. as fewer pseudo observations were assimilated). The assimilated perturbation had lower energy than the SV unless the pseudo observations were assimilated with the dropsonde observation errors halved from operational values. Copyright © 2010 Royal Meteorological Society
We use proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) to study a transient teleconnection event at the onset of the 2001 planet-encircling dust storm on Mars, in terms of empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs). There are several differences between this and previous studies of atmospheric events using EOFs. First, instead of using a single variable such as surface pressure or geopotential height on a given pressure surface, we use a dataset describing the evolution in time of global and fully three-dimensional atmospheric fields such as horizontal velocity and temperature. These fields are produced by assimilating Thermal Emission Spectrometer observations from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft into a Mars general circulation model. We use total atmospheric energy (TE) as a physically meaningful quantity which weights the state variables. Second, instead of adopting the EOFs to define teleconnection patterns as planetary-scale correlations that explain a large portion of long time-scale variability, we use EOFs to understand transient processes due to localised heating perturbations that have implications for the atmospheric circulation over distant regions. The localised perturbation is given by anomalous heating due to the enhanced presence of dust around the northern edge of the Hellas Planitia basin on Mars. We show that the localised disturbance is seemingly restricted to a small number (a few tens) of EOFs. These can be classified as low-order, transitional, or high-order EOFs according to the TE amount they explain throughout the event. Despite the global character of the EOFs, they show the capability of accounting for the localised effects of the perturbation via the presence of specific centres of action. We finally discuss possible applications for the study of terrestrial phenomena with similar characteristics.
The absorption intensities of the two infra-red active vibrations in methane have been obtained from a perturbation calculation on the equilibrium wave functions derived in the preceding paper. The perturbation field is the change in the potential field due to the nuclei which results from moving the nuclei in the vibrational coordinate concerned, and a simplified form of second order perturbation theory, developed by Pople and Schofield, is used for the calculation. The main approximation involved is the neglect of f and higher harmonics in the spherical harmonic expansion of the nuclear field. The resulting dipole moment derivatives are approximately three times larger than the experimental values, but they show qualitative features and sign relationships which are significant.
Formulas are derived for the quartic anharmonic resonance coefficients observed to be important between C–H stretching and the combination of one quantum of C≡C stretching and two quanta of H–C≡C bending in a number of acetylene molecules. Examples of this resonance are ν3 with ν2+ν4+ν5 in 12C2H2, ν1 with ν2+2ν5 in 13C2H2, and ν1 with ν2+2ν4 in monofluoroacetylene and monochloroacetylene. The coefficients characterizing the resonances in these examples, which we denote K3,245, K1,255, and K1,244, arise from cubic and quartic terms in the anharmonic force field, in the normal coordinate representation, through second order and first order perturbation treatments respectively, where the second order resonances are calculated by a Van Vleck resonance formalism. The experimentally determined values of these coefficients are compared with values calculated from model anharmonic force fields.