38 resultados para Karyotype symmetry


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The brace notation, introduced by Allen and Csaszar (1993, J. chem. Phys., 98, 2983), provides a simple and compact way to deal with derivatives of arbitrary non-tensorial quantities. One of its main advantages is that it builds the permutational symmetry of the derivatives directly into the formalism. The brace notation is applied to formulate the general nth-order Cartesian derivatives of internal coordinates, and to provide closed forms for general, nth-order transformation equations of anharmonic force fields, expressed as Taylor series, from internal to Cartesian or normal coordinate spaces.


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Absolute intensity measurements have been made on the fundamental vibrations of methyl chloride, bromide, and iodide, and their fully deuterated derivatives, by integrating the optical density over the absorption bands. The bands were fully pressure broadened by using up to 80 atmos of foreign gas. Band separations were made graphically. The results are analyzed in terms of the dipole moment derivatives with respect to symmetry coordinates in the molecule, (∂p/∂Si). The data on the different isotopic species are shown to yield consistent results, and this requirement of consistency has also been used as an aid in the analysis. In the E‐class vibrations the signs of the dipole moment derivatives have been determined unambiguously by assuming the permanent dipole to be directed CH3+☒X—.


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A program has been developed to calculate the energy levels and corresponding wavefunctions for a two‐dimensional anharmonic potential surface of at least C2v symmetry. This program has been employed to explain the high resolution splittings observed in the far infrared spectrum of 2,5‐dihydrofuran. The magnitude of the cross term connecting the ring‐twisting and ring‐puckering modes of 2,5‐dihydrofuran is sufficiently large to be significant. The potential surface determined also suggests that the ring‐twisting mode may be slightly anharmonic.


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In a recent paper [P. Glaister, Conservative upwind difference schemes for compressible flows in a Duct, Comput. Math. Appl. 56 (2008) 1787–1796] numerical schemes based on a conservative linearisation are presented for the Euler equations governing compressible flows of an ideal gas in a duct of variable cross-section, and in [P. Glaister, Conservative upwind difference schemes for compressible flows of a real gas, Comput. Math. Appl. 48 (2004) 469–480] schemes based on this philosophy are presented for real gas flows with slab symmetry. In this paper we seek to extend these ideas to encompass compressible flows of real gases in a duct. This will incorporate the handling of additional terms arising out of the variable geometry and the non-ideal nature of the gas.


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Gallaborane (GaBH6, 1), synthesized by the metathesis of LiBH4 with [H2GaCl]n at ca. 250 K, has been characterized by chemical analysis and by its IR and 1H and 11B NMR spectra. The IR spectrum of the vapor at low pressure implies the presence of only one species, viz. H2Ga(μ-H)2BH2, with a diborane-like structure conforming to C2v symmetry. The structure of this molecule has been determined by gas-phase electron diffraction (GED) measurements afforced by the results of ab initio molecular orbital calculations. Hence the principal distances (rα in Å) and angles ( α in deg) are as follows: r(Ga•••B), 2.197(3); r(Ga−Ht), 1.555(6); r(Ga−Hb), 1.800(6); r(B−Ht), 1.189(7); r(B−Hb), 1.286(7); Hb−Ga−Hb, 71.6(4); and Hb−B−Hb, 110.0(5) (t = terminal, b = bridging). Aggregation of the molecules occurs in the condensed phases. X-ray crystallographic studies of a single crystal at 110 K reveal a polymeric network with helical chains made up of alternating pseudotetrahedral GaH4 and BH4 units linked through single hydrogen bridges; the average Ga•••B distance is now 2.473(7) Å. The compound decomposes in the condensed phases at temperatures exceeding ca. 240 K with the formation of elemental Ga and H2 and B2H6. The reactions with NH3, Me3N, and Me3P are also described.


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A model potential energy function for the ground state of H2CO has been derived which covers the whole space of the six internal coordinates. This potential reproduces the experimental energy, geometry and quadratic force field of formaldehyde, and dissociates correctly to all possible atom, diatom and triatom fragments. Thus there are good reasons for believing it to be close to the true potential energy surface except in regions where both hydrogen atoms are close to the oxygen. It leads to the prediction that there should be a metastable singlet hydroxycarbene HCOH which has a planar trans structure and an energy of 2•31 eV above that of equilibrium formaldehyde. The reaction path for dissociation into H2 + CO is predicted to pass through a low symmetry transition state with an activation energy of 4•8 eV. Both of these predictions are in good agreement with recently published ab initio calculations.


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The Fourier-transform spectrum of CH3F from 2800 to 3100 cm−1, obtained by Guelachvili in Orsay at a resolution of about 0.003 cm−1, was analyzed. The effective Hamiltonian used contained all symmetry allowed interactions up to second order in the Amat-Nielsen classification, together with selected third-order terms, amongst the set of nine vibrational basis functions represented by the states ν1(A1), ν4(E), 2ν2(A1), ν2 + ν5(E), 2ν50(A1), and 2ν5±2(E). A number of strong Fermi and Coriolis resonances are involved. The vibrational Hamiltonian matrix was not factorized beyond the requirements of symmetry. A total of 59 molecular parameters were refined in a simultaneous least-squares analysis to over 1500 upper-state energy levels for J ≤ 20 with a standard deviation of 0.013 cm−1. Although the standard deviation remains an order of magnitude greater than the precision of the measurements, this work breaks new ground in the simultaneous analysis of interacting symmetric top vibrational levels, in terms of the number of interacting vibrational states and the number of parameters in the Hamiltonian.


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The different types of surface intersection which may occur in linear configurations of triatomic molecules are reviewed, particularly with regard to the way in which the degeneracy is split as the molecule bends. The Renner-Teller effect in states of symmetry Π, Δ, Φ, etc., and intersections between Σ and Π, Σ and Δ, and Π and Δ states are discussed. A general method of modelling such intersecting potential surfaces is proposed, as a development of the model previously used by Murrell and Carter and co-workers for single-valued surfaces. Some of the lower energy surfaces of H2O, NH2, O3, C3, and HNO are discussed as examples.