49 resultados para Geometry, Plane


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A combination of photoelectron spectroscopy, temperature programmed desorption and low energy electron diffraction structure determinations have been applied to study the p(2 x 2) structures of pure hydrogen and co-adsorbed hydrogen and CO on Ni {111}. In agreement with earlier work atomic hydrogen is found to adsorb on fcc and hcp sites in the pure layer with H-Ni bond lengths of 1.74Angstrom. The substrate interlayer distances, d(12) = 2.05Angstrom and d(23) = 2.06Angstrom, are expanded with respect to clean Ni {111} with buckling of 0.04Angstrom in the first layer. In the co-adsorbed phase Co occupies hcp sites and only the hydrogen atoms on fcc sites remain on the surface. d(12) is even further expanded to 2.08Angstrom with buckling in the first and second layer of 0.06 and 0.02Angstrom, respectively. The C-O, C-Ni, and H-Ni bond lengths are within the range of values also found for the pure adsorbates.


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The mutual influence of surface geometry (e.g. lattice parameters, morphology) and electronic structure is discussed for Cu-Ni bimetallic (111) surfaces. It is found that on flat surfaces the electronic d-states of the adlayer experience very little influence from the substrate electronic structure which is due to their large separation in binding energies and the close match of Cu and Ni lattice constants. Using carbon monoxide and benzene as probe molecules, it is found that in most cases the reactivity of Cu or Ni adlayers is very similar to the corresponding (111) single crystal surfaces. Exceptions are the adsorption of CO on submonolayers of Cu on Ni(111) and the dissociation of benzene on Ni/Cu(111) which is very different from Ni(111). These differences are related to geometric factors influencing the adsorption on these surfaces.


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Despite a number of earlier studies which seemed to confirm molecular adsorption of water on close-packed surfaces of late transition metals, new controversy has arisen over a recent theoretical work by Feibelman, according to which partial dissociation occurs on the Ru{0001} surface leading to a mixed (H2O + OH + H) superstructure. Here, we present a refined LEED-IV analysis of the (root3 x root3)R30degrees-D2O-Ru{0001} structure, testing explicitly this new model by Feibelman. Our results favour the model proposed earlier by Held and Menzel assuming intact water molecules with almost coplanar oxygen atoms and out-of-plane hydrogen atoms atop the slightly higher oxygen atoms. The partially dissociated model with an almost identical arrangement of oxygen atoms can, however, not unambiguously be excluded, especially when the single hydrogen atoms are not present in the surface unit cell. In contrast to the earlier LEED-IV analysis, we can, however, clearly exclude a buckled geometry of oxygen atoms.


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This topical review discusses the influence of the surface geometry (e.g. lattice parameters and termination) and electronic structure of well-defined bimetallic surfaces on the adsorption and dissociation of benzene. The available data can be divided into two categories with combinations of non-transition metals and transition metals on the one side and combinations of two transition metals on the other. The main effect of non-transition metals in surface alloys is site blocking which can suppress chemisorption and dissociation of the molecules completely. When two transition metals are combined, the effects are less dramatic. They mainly affect the strength of the chemisorption bond and the degree of dissociation due to electronic and template effects.


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Low energy electron diffraction (LEED) structure determinations have been performed for the p(2 x 2) structures of pure oxygen and oxygen co-adsorbed with CO on Ni{111}. Optimisation of the non-geometric parameters led to very good agreement between experimental and theoretical IV-curves and hence to a high accuracy in the structural parameters. In agreement with earlier work atomic oxygen is found to adsorb on fee sites in both structures. In the co-adsorbed phase CO occupies atop sites. The positions of the substrate atoms are almost identical, within 0.02 Angstrom, in both structures, implying that the interaction with oxygen dominates the arrangement of Ni atoms at the surface.


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Infrared filters and coatings have been employed on many sensing radiometer instruments to measure the thermal emission profiles and concentrations of certian chemical constituents found in planetary atmospheres. The High Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder ( HIRDLS) is an example of the most recent developments in limb-viewing radiometry by employing a cooled focal plane detector array to provide simultaneous multi-channel monitoring of emission from gas and aerosols over an altitude range between 8 - 70 km. The use of spectrally selective cooled detectors in focal plane arrays has simplified the optical layout of radiometers, greatly reducing the number of components in the optical train. this has inevitably led to increased demands for the enviromnetal durability of the focal plane filters because of the need to cut sub-millimeter sizes, whilst maintaining an optimal spectral performance. Additionally the remaining refractive optical elements require antireflection coatings which must cover the entire spectral range of the focal plane array channels, in this case 6 to 18µm, with a minimum of reflection and absorption. This paper describes the optical layout and spectral design requirements for filteriong in the HIRDLS instrument, and reports progress on the manufacturing and testing of the sub-millimetre sized cooled filters. We also report on the spectral and environmental performance of prototype wideband antireflection coatings which satisfy the requirements above.


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The High Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder is described, with particular reference to the atmospheric measurements to be made and the rationale behind the measurement strategy. The demands this strategy places on the filters to be used in the instrument and the designs to which this leads to are described. A second set of filters at an intermediate image plane to reduce "Ghost Imaging" is discussed together with their required spectral properties. A method of combining the spectral characteristics of the primary and secondary filters in each channel are combined together with the spectral response of the detectors and other optical elements to obtain the system spectral response weighted appropriately for the Planck function and atmospheric limb absorption. This method is used to demonstrate whether the out-of-band spectral blocking requirement for a channel is being met and an example calculation is demonstrated showing how the blocking is built up for a representative channel. Finally, the techniques used to produce filters of the necessary sub-millimetre sizes together with the testing methods and procedures used to assess the environmental durability and establish space flight quality are discussed.


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Chemisorbed layers of lysine adsorbed on Cu{110} have been studied using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy. XPS indicates that the majority (70%) of the molecules in the saturated layer at room temperature (coverage 0.27 ML) are in their zwitterionic state with no preferential molecular orientation. After annealing to 420 K a less densely packed layer is formed (0.14 ML), which shows a strong angular dependence in the characteristic π-resonance of oxygen K edge NEXAFS and no indication of zwitterions in XPS. These experimental results are best compatible with molecules bound to the substrate through the oxygen atoms of the (deprotonated) carboxylate group and the two amino groups involving Cu atoms in three different close packed rows. This μ4 bonding arrangement with an additional bond through the !-amino group is different from geometries previously suggested for lysine on Cu{110}.


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Two Schiff bases, HL1 and HL2 have been prepared by the condensation of N-methyl-1,3-propanediamine (mpn) with salicylaldehyde and 1-benzoylacetone (Hbn) respectively. HL1 on reaction with Cu(ClO4)(2)center dot 6H(2)O in methanol produced a trinuclear Cu-II complex, [(CuL1)(3)(mu(3)-OH)](ClO4)(2)center dot H2O center dot 0.5CH(2)Cl(2) (1) but HL2 underwent hydrolysis under similar reaction conditions to result in a ternary Cu-II complex, [Cu(bn)(mpn)ClO4]. Both complexes have been characterised by single-crystal X-ray analyses, IR and UV-Vis spectroscopy and electrochemical studies. The partial cubane core [Cu3O4] of 1 consists of a central mu(3)-OH and three peripheral phenoxo bridges from the Schiff base. All three copper atoms of the trinuclear unit are five-coordinate with a distorted square-pyramidal geometry. The ternary complex 2 is mononuclear with the square-pyramidal Cu-II coordinated by a chelating bidentate diamine (mpn) and a benzoylacetonate (bn) moiety in the equatorial plane and one of the oxygen atoms of perchlorate in an axial position. The results show that the Schiff base (HL2) derived from 1-benzoylacetone is more prone to hydrolysis than that from salicylaldehyde (HL1). Magnetic measurements of 1 have been performed in the 1.8-300 K temperature range. The experimental data clearly indicate antiferromagnetism in the complex. The best-fit parameters for complex 1 are g = 2.18(1) and J = -15.4(2) cm(-1).