58 resultados para Electron optics


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A synthesis method is outlined for the design of broadband anti-reflection coatings for use in spaceborne infrared optics. The Golden Section optimisation routine is used to make a search, using designated non-absorptive dielectric thin film combinations, for the coating design which fulfils the required spectral requirements using the least number of layers and different materials. Three examples are given of coatings designed by this method : (I) 1µm to 12µm anti-reflection coating on Zinc Sulphide using Zinc Sulphide and Yttrium Fluoride thin film materials. (ii) 2µm to 14µm anti-reflection coating on Germanium using Germanium and Ytterbium Fluoride thin film materials. (iii) 6µm to 17µm anti-reflection coating on Germanium using Lead Telluride, Zinc Selenide and Barium Fluoride. The measured spectral performance of the manufactured 6µm to 17µm coating on Germanium is given. This is the anti-reflection coating for the germanium optics in the NASA Cassini Orbiter CIRS instrument.


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We report on a distributed moisture detection scheme which uses a cable design based on waterswellable hydrogel polymers. The cable modulates the loss characteristic of light guided within a multi-mode optical fibre in response to relative water potentials in the surrounding environment. Interrogation of the cable using conventional optical time-domain reflectometry (OTDR) instruments allows water ingress points to be identified and located with a spatial resolution of 50 cm. The system has been tested in a simulated tendon duct grouting experiment as a means of mapping the extent of fill along the duct during the grouting process. Voided regions were detected and identified to within 50 cm. A series of salt solutions has been used to determine the sensor behaviour over a range of water potentials. These experiments predict that measurements of soil moisture content can be made over the range 0 to – 1500 kPa. Preliminary data on soil measurements have shown that the sensor can detect water pressure changes with a resolution of 45 kPa. Applications for the sensor include quality assurance of grouting procedures, verification of waterproofing barriers and soil moisture content determination (for load-bearing calculations).


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Puff-by-puff resolved gas phase free radicals were measured in mainstream smoke from Kentucky 2R4F reference cigarettes using ESR spectroscopy. Three spin-trapping reagents were evaluated: PBN, DMPO and DEPMPO. Two procedures were used to collect gas phase smoke on a puff-resolved basis: i) the accumulative mode, in which all the gas phase smoke up to a particular puff was bubbled into the trap (i.e., the 5th puff corresponded to the total smoke from the 1st to 5th puffs). In this case, after a specified puff, an aliquot of the spin trap was taken and analysed; or, ii) the individual mode, in which the spin trap was analysed and then replaced after each puff. Spin concentrations were determined by double-integration of the first derivative of the ESR signal. This was compared with the integrals of known standards using the TEMPO free radical. The radicals trapped with PBN were mainly carbon-centred, whilst the oxygen-centred radicals were identified with DMPO and DEPMPO. With each spin trap, the puff-resolved radical concentrations showed a characteristic pattern as a function of the puff number. Based on the spin concentrations, the DMPO and DEPMPO spin traps showed better trapping efficiencies than PBN. The implication for gas phase free radical analysis is that a range of different spin traps should be used to probe complex free radical reactions in cigarette smoke.


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Free radicals in cigarette smoke have been studied using spin trapping EPR techniques. 2R4F reference cigarettes were smoked using 35 ml puff volumes of 2 seconds duration, once every 60 seconds. The particulate phase of the smoke was separated from the gas phase by passing the smoke through a Cambridge filter pad. For both phases, free radicals were measured and identified. A range of spin-traps was employed: PBN, DMPO, DEPMPO, and DPPH-PBN. In the gas-phase, short-lived carbon- and oxygen- centered radicals were identified; the ratios between them changed during the smoking runs. For the first puffs, C-centered radicals predominated while for the later puffs, O-centered radicals were mainly observed. The particulate phase and the ‘tar’ were studied as well.


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UV–Vis absorption spectra of one-electron reduction products and 3MLCT excited states of [ReICl(CO)3- (N,N)] (N,N = 2,20-bipyridine, bpy; 1,10-phenanthroline, phen) have been measured by low-temperature spectroelectrochemistry and UV–Vis transient absorption spectroscopy, respectively, and assigned by open-shell TD-DFT calculations. The characters of the electronic transitions are visualized and analyzed using electron density redistribution maps. It follows that reduced and excited states can be approximately formulated as [ReICl(CO)3(N,Nÿ)]ÿ and ⁄[ReIICl(CO)3(N,Nÿ)], respectively. UV–Vis spectra of the reduced complexes are dominated by IL transitions, plus weaker MLCT contributions. Excited-state spectra show an intense band in the UV region of 50% IL origin mixed with LMCT (bpy, 373 nm) or MLCT (phen, 307 nm) excitations. Because of the significant IL contribution, this spectral feature is akin to the principal IL band of the anions. In contrast, the excited-state visible spectral pattern arises from predominantly LMCT transitions, any resemblance with the reduced-state visible spectra being coincidental. The Re complexes studied herein are representatives of a broad class of metal a-diimines, for which similar spectroscopic behavior can be expected.


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Gas-phase electron-diffraction (GED) data together with results from ab initio molecular orbital calculations have been used to determine the structure of propylene sulphide. Values found for the main structural parameters for the molecule are consistent with those obtained from microwave studies and are compared here with those found for similar sulphur containing rings of general formula S(CH2)n (n = 2–5). A high ring strain enthalpy was calculated for propylene sulphide which is consistent with the small C–S–C angle (48.2(6)degrees) and the relatively long C–S bond lengths (ra = 1.831(2) Å). This is thought to account for the ease of ring opening in propylene sulphide observed in MOCVD reactions and the ready polymerisation of the molecule.


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A pentametallic cluster is formed by addition of two [SnR2][R = CH(SiMe3)2] groups to [Os3(CO)8(µ-H)(C6H4PhPCH2PPh2)], in a reaction reversing the ortho-hydrogen abstraction and giving the first closed electron-precise paramagnetic cluster.


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A method has been established for observing the internal structure of the network component of polymer-stabilised liquid crystals. In situ photopolymerisation of a mesogenic diacrylate monomer using ultraviolet light leads to a sparse network (∼1 wt%) within a nematic host. Following polymerisation, the host was removed through dissolution in heptane, revealing the network. In order to observe a cross-section through the network, it was embedded in a resin and then sectioned using an ultramicrotome. However, imaging of the network was not possible due to poor contrast. To improve this, several reagents were used for network staining, but only one was successful: bromine. The use of a Melinex-resin composite for sectioning was also found to be advantageous. Imaging of the network using transmission electron microscopy revealed solid “droplets” of width 0.07–0.20 μm, possessing an open, yet homogeneous structure, with no evidence for any large-scale internal structures.


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We present a new method to determine mesospheric electron densities from partially reflected medium frequency radar pulses. The technique uses an optimal estimation inverse method and retrieves both an electron density profile and a gradient electron density profile. As well as accounting for the absorption of the two magnetoionic modes formed by ionospheric birefringence of each radar pulse, the forward model of the retrieval parameterises possible Fresnel scatter of each mode by fine electronic structure, phase changes of each mode due to Faraday rotation and the dependence of the amplitudes of the backscattered modes upon pulse width. Validation results indicate that known profiles can be retrieved and that χ2 tests upon retrieval parameters satisfy validity criteria. Application to measurements shows that retrieved electron density profiles are consistent with accepted ideas about seasonal variability of electron densities and their dependence upon nitric oxide production and transport.


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The structures of 2-hydroxybenzamide(C7H7NO2) and 2-methoxybenzamide (C8H9NO2) have been determined in the gas-phase by electron diffraction using results from quantum chemical calculations to inform restraints used on the structural parameters. Theoretical methods (HF and MP2/6-311+G(d,p)) predict four stable conformers for both 2-hydroxybenzamide and 2-methoxybenzamide. For both compounds, evidence for intramolecular hydrogen bonding is presented. In 2-hydroxybenzamide, the observed hydrogen bonded fragment is between the hydroxyl and carbonyl groups, while in 2-methoxybenzamide, the hydrogen bonded fragment is between one of the hydrogen atoms of the amide group and the methoxy oxygen atom.


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In order to make best use of the opportunities provided by space missions such as the Radiation Belt Storm Probes, we determine the response of complementary subionospheric radiowave propagation measurements (VLF), riometer absorption measurements (CNA), and GPS-produced total electron content (vTEC) to different energetic electron precipitation (EEP). We model the relative sensitivity and responses of these instruments to idealised monoenergetic beams of precipitating electrons, and more realistic EEP spectra chosen to represent radiation belts and substorm precipitation. In the monoenergetic beam case, we find riometers are more sensitive to the same EEP event occurring during the day than during the night, while subionospheric VLF shows the opposite relationship, and the change in vTEC is independent. In general, the subionospheric VLF measurements are much more sensitive than the other two techniques for EEP over 200 keV, responding to flux magnitudes two-three orders of magnitude smaller than detectable by a riometer. Detectable TEC changes only occur for extreme monoenergetic fluxes. For the radiation belt EEP case, clearly detectable subionospheric VLF responses are produced by daytime fluxes that are ~10 times lower than required for riometers, while nighttime fluxes can be 10,000 times lower. Riometers are likely to respond only to radiation belt fluxes during the largest EEP events and vTEC is unlikely to be significantly disturbed by radiation belt EEP. For the substorm EEP case both the riometer absorption and the subionospheric VLF technique respond significantly, as does the change in vTEC, which is likely to be detectable at ~3-4 TECu.


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Using a self-consistent drift-kinetic simulation code, we investigate whether electron acceleration owing to shear Alfvén waves in the plasma sheet boundary layer is sufficient to cause auroral brightening in the ionosphere. The free parameters used in the simulation code are guided by in situ observations of wave and plasma parameters in the magnetosphere at distances >4 RE from the Earth. For the perpendicular wavelength used in the study, which maps to ∼4 km at 110 km altitude, there is a clear amplitude threshold which determines whether magnetospheric shear Alfvén waves above the classical auroral acceleration region can excite sufficient electrons to create the aurora. Previous studies reported wave amplitudes that easily exceed this threshold; hence, the results reported in this paper demonstrate that auroral acceleration owing to shear Alfvén waves can occur in the magnetosphere at distances >4 RE from the Earth.