47 resultados para Economic growth Effects of differentials in remuneration Mathematical models


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This paper examines the nutritional and veterinary effects of tannins on ruminants and makes some comparisons with non-ruminants. Tannin chemistry per se is not covered and readers are referred to several excellent reviews instead: (a) Okuda T et al. Heterocycles 30:1195-1218 (1990); (b) Ferreira D and Slade D. Nat Prod Rep 19:517-541 (2002); (c) Yoshida T et al. In Studies in Natural Product Chemistry. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, pp. 395-453 (2000); (d) Khanbabaee K and van Ree T. Nat Prod Rep 18:641-649 (2001); (e) Okuda et al. Phytochemistvy 55:513-529 (2000). The effects of tannins on rumen micro-organisms are also not reviewed, as these have been addressed by others: (a) McSweeney CS et al. Anim Feed Sci Technol 91:83-93 (2001); (b) Smith AH and Mackie RI. Appl Environ Microbiol 70:1104-1115 (2004). This paper deals first with the nutritional effects of tannins in animal feeds, their qualitative and quantitative diversity, and the implications of tannin-protein complexation. It then summarises the known physiological and harmful effects and discusses the equivocal evidence of the bioavailability of tannins. Issues concerning tannin metabolism and systemic effects are also considered. Opportunities are presented on how to treat feeds with high tannin contents, and some lesser-known but successful feeding strategies are highlighted. Recent research has explored the use of tannins for preventing animal deaths from bloat, for reducing intestinal parasites and for lowering gaseous ammonia and methane emissions. Finally, several tannin assays and a hypothesis are discussed that merit further investigation in order to assess their suitability for predicting animal responses. The aim is to provoke discussion and spur readers into new approaches. An attempt is made to synthesise the emerging information for relating tannin structures with their activities. Although many plants with high levels of tannins produce negative effects and require treatments, others are very useful animal feeds. Our ability to predict whether tannin-containing feeds confer positive or negative effects will depend on interdisciplinary research between animal nutritionists and plant chemists. The elucidation of tannin structure-activity relationships presents exciting opportunities for future feeding strategies that will benefit ruminants and the environment within the contexts of extensive, semi-intensive and some intensive agricultural systems. (c) 2006 Society of Chemical Industry


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Soil invertebrate communities are likely to be highly vulnerable to low soil moisture, caused by a reduction in summer rainfall which is predicted for some regions under current climate change scenarios. However, the effects of changes in summer rainfall on soil invertebrate assemblages have rarely been tested experimentally. In this study, samples were taken in 2003 and 2004 from a long-running field experiment, to investigate the impact of 10 years of experimental summer drought and increased summer rainfall manipulations on the soil fauna of a calcareous grassland. Summer drought altered the soil invertebrate assemblage in the autumn, immediately following treatment application, but by the following spring treatment effects were no longer apparent. The two most common root herbivore species responded differently to the summer rainfall manipulations. Larvae of the dominant root-chewing species, Agriotes lineatus, were more numerous under enhanced rainfall in both the spring and autumn. In contrast, abundance of the Coccoidea Lecanopsis formicarum was unaffected by the rainfall manipulations. The responses of root herbivores to an increased incidence of summer droughts are therefore likely to vary, depending on their feeding strategy and life history. (c) 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Mathematics in Defence 2011 Abstract. We review transreal arithmetic and present transcomplex arithmetic. These arithmetics have no exceptions. This leads to incremental improvements in computer hardware and software. For example, the range of real numbers, encoded by floating-point bits, is doubled when all of the Not-a-Number(NaN) states, in IEEE 754 arithmetic, are replaced with real numbers. The task of programming such systems is simplified and made safer by discarding the unordered relational operator,leaving only the operators less-than, equal-to, and greater than. The advantages of using a transarithmetic in a computation, or transcomputation as we prefer to call it, may be had by making small changes to compilers and processor designs. However, radical change is possible by exploiting the reliability of transcomputations to make pipelined dataflow machines with a large number of cores. Our initial designs are for a machine with order one million cores. Such a machine can complete the execution of multiple in-line programs each clock tick


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In this paper new robust nonlinear model construction algorithms for a large class of linear-in-the-parameters models are introduced to enhance model robustness, including three algorithms using combined A- or D-optimality or PRESS statistic (Predicted REsidual Sum of Squares) with regularised orthogonal least squares algorithm respectively. A common characteristic of these algorithms is that the inherent computation efficiency associated with the orthogonalisation scheme in orthogonal least squares or regularised orthogonal least squares has been extended such that the new algorithms are computationally efficient. A numerical example is included to demonstrate effectiveness of the algorithms. Copyright (C) 2003 IFAC.


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Bloom-forming and toxin-producing cyanobacteria remain a persistent nuisance across the world. Modelling of cyanobacteria in freshwaters is an important tool for understanding their population dynamics and predicting the location and timing of the bloom events in lakes and rivers. In this article, a new deterministic model is introduced which simulates the growth and movement of cyanobacterial blooms in river systems. The model focuses on the mathematical description of the bloom formation, vertical migration and lateral transport of colonies within river environments by taking into account the four major factors that affect the cyanobacterial bloom formation in freshwaters: light, nutrients, temperature and river flow. The model consists of two sub-models: a vertical migration model with respect to growth of cyanobacteria in relation to light, nutrients and temperature; and a hydraulic model to simulate the horizontal movement of the bloom. This article presents the model algorithms and highlights some important model results. The effects of nutrient limitation, varying illumination and river flow characteristics on cyanobacterial movement are simulated. The results indicate that under high light intensities and in nutrient-rich waters colonies sink further as a result of carbohydrate accumulation in the cells. In turbulent environments, vertical migration is retarded by vertical velocity component generated by turbulent shear stress. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A combined mathematical model for predicting heat penetration and microbial inactivation in a solid body heated by conduction was tested experimentally by inoculating agar cylinders with Salmonella typhimurium or Enterococcus faecium and heating in a water bath. Regions of growth where bacteria had survived after heating were measured by image analysis and compared with model predictions. Visualisation of the regions of growth was improved by incorporating chromogenic metabolic indicators into the agar. Preliminary tests established that the model performed satisfactorily with both test organisms and with cylinders of different diameter. The model was then used in simulation studies in which the parameters D, z, inoculum size, cylinder diameter and heating temperature were systematically varied. These simulations showed that the biological variables D, z and inoculum size had a relatively small effect on the time needed to eliminate bacteria at the cylinder axis in comparison with the physical variables heating temperature and cylinder diameter, which had a much greater relative effect. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Sapintoxin A (SAP A), a naturally occurring biologically active but non-promoting phorbol ester, acts as an effective in vitro mitogen for freshly derived human melanocytes. Seven days after addition of 50 nM SAP A there was a four to fivefold increase in melanocyte number over that observed in untreated control cultures comparable to that achieved with a 50 nM concentration of 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA). The fluorescent stage 2 promoter sapintoxin D (SAP D) also supported the growth of these cells, with a 50 nM dose producing an increase in cell number comparable to that observed with 200 nM TPA. Similar results were obtained with an established, but non-tumorigenic, line of murine melanocytes. The same compounds exerted a potent anti-proliferative effect against transformed melanocyte lines of murine and human origin associated with morphological alterations and an increase in melanin production consistent with induced cytodifferentiation.


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Studies have shown that natural ultraviolet (UV) radiation increases secondary products such as phenolics but can significantly inhibit biomass accumulation in lettuce plants. In the work presented here, the effect of UV radiation on phenolic concentration and biomass accumulation was assessed in relation to photosynthetic performance in red and green lettuce types. Lettuce plants in polythene clad tunnels were exposed to either ambient (UV transparent film) or UV-free conditions (UV blocking film). The study tested whether growth reduction in lettuce plants exposed to natural UV radiation is because of inhibition of photosynthesis by direct damage to the photosynthetic apparatus or by internal shading by anthocyanins. Ambient levels of UV radiation did not limit the efficiency of photosynthesis suggesting that phenolic compounds may effectively protect the photosynthetic apparatus. Growth inhibition does, however, occur in red lettuce and could be explained by the high metabolic cost of phenolic compounds for UV protection. From a commercial perspective, UV transparent and UV blocking films offer opportunities because, in combination, they could increase plant quality as well as productivity. Growing plants continuously under a UV blocking film, and then 6 days before the final harvest transferring them to a UV transparent film, showed that high yields and high phytochemical content can be achieved complementarily.


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We report preliminary results from studies of biological effects induced by non-thermal levels of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation. Exponentially growing Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells grown on dry media were exposed to electromagnetic fields in the 200–350 GHz frequency range at low power density to observe possible non-thermal effects on the microcolony growth. Exposure to the electromagnetic field was conducted over 2.5 h. The data from exposure and control experiments were grouped into either large-, medium- or small-sized microcolonies to assist in the accurate assessment of growth. The three groups showed significant differences in growth between exposed and control microcolonies. A statistically significant enhanced growth rate was observed at 341 GHz. Growth rate was assessed every 30 min via time-lapse photography. Possible interaction mechanisms are discussed, taking into account Frohlich's hypothesis.


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Leaf expansion in the fast-growing tree,Populus × euramericana was stimulated by elevated [CO2] in a closed-canopy forest plantation, exposed using a free air CO2 enrichment technique enabling long-term experimentation in field conditions. The effects of elevated [CO2] over time were characterized and related to the leaf plastochron index (LPI), and showed that leaf expansion was stimulated at very early (LPI, 0–3) and late (LPI, 6–8) stages in development. Early and late effects of elevated [CO2] were largely the result of increased cell expansion and increased cell production, respectively. Spatial effects of elevated [CO2] were also marked and increased final leaf size resulted from an effect on leaf area, but not leaf length, demonstrating changed leaf shape in response to [CO2]. Leaves exhibited a basipetal gradient of leaf development, investigated by defining seven interveinal areas, with growth ceasing first at the leaf tip. Interestingly, and in contrast to other reports, no spatial differences in epidermal cell size were apparent across the lamina, whereas a clear basipetal gradient in cell production rate was found. These data suggest that the rate and timing of cell production was more important in determining leaf shape, given the constant cell size across the leaf lamina. The effect of elevated [CO2] imposed on this developmental gradient suggested that leaf cell production continued longer in elevated [CO2] and that basal increases in cell production rate were also more important than altered cell expansion for increased final leaf size and altered leaf shape in elevated [CO2].


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It has been postulated that the R- and S-equol enantiomers have different biological properties given their different binding affinities for the estrogen receptor. S-(-)equol is produced via the bacterial conversion of the soy isoflavone daidzein in the gut. We have compared the biological effects of purified S-equol to that of racemic (R and S) equol on breast and prostate cancer cells of varying receptor status in vitro. Both racemic and S-equol inhibited the growth of the breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 (> or = 10 microM) and the prostate cancer cell lines LNCaP (> or = 5 microM) and LAPC-4 (> or = 2.5 microM). The compounds also showed equipotent effects in inhibiting the invasion of MDA-MB-231 and PC-3 cancer cells through matrigel. S-equol (1, 10, 30 microM) was unable to prevent DNA damage in MCF-7 or MCF-10A breast cells following exposure to 2-hydroxy-4-nonenal, menadione, or benzo(a)pyrene-7,8-dihydrodiol-9,10-epoxide. In contrast, racemic equol (10, 30 microM) prevented DNA damage in MCF-10A cells following exposure to 2-hydroxy-4-nonenal or menadione. These findings suggest that racemic equol has strong antigenotoxic activity in contrast to the purified S-equol enantiomer implicating the R-, rather than the S-enantiomer as being responsible for the antioxidant effects of equol, a finding that may have implications for the in vivo chemoprotective properties of equol.


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Growth profiles of two isolates of Salmonella enteritidis phage type (PT) 4 inoculated into either the albumen of whole shell eggs or into separated albumen were found to be markedly affected by the size of the inoculum and the composition of the medium used to suspend the cells prior to inoculation. Using our model with an inoculum of two cells, multiplication of the Salmonella was not seen in 93% of eggs held at 20 degreesC for 8 days. In approximately 7% of eggs, however, growth occurred during the 8 days of storage. If the inoculum equaled or exceeded 25 cells per egg when eggs were subsequently stored at 20 degreesC, or 250 cells per egg when eggs were stored at 30 degreesC, high levels of growth of Salmonella in the egg occurred significantly more frequently than when the inoculum was two cells. High levels of growth were also seen more frequently if the inoculum was suspended in buffered peptone water or maximal recovery diluent rather than in phosphate buffered saline. Growth of Salmonella in separated albumen occurred very infrequently (1.1% of samples) at low inoculum levels and did not become significant until the inoculum was 250 cells or greater. Growth in the albumen was unaffected by the composition of the suspending medium. Provided that the inoculum was approximately 2 cells per egg and the bacteria were suspended in PBS, observed growth profiles of S. enteritidis inoculated into the albumen of whole eggs resembled those in naturally contaminated eggs. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.