57 resultados para Cell-surface


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Elevated levels of low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) in the plasma are a well-established risk factor for the development of coronary heart disease. Plasma LDL-C levels are in part determined by the rate at which LDL particles are removed from the bloodstream by hepatic uptake. The uptake of LDL by mammalian liver cells occurs mainly via receptor-mediated endocytosis, a process which entails the binding of these particles to specific receptors in specialised areas of the cell surface, the subsequent internalization of the receptor-lipoprotein complex, and ultimately the degradation and release of the ingested lipoproteins' constituent parts. We formulate a mathematical model to study the binding and internalization (endocytosis) of LDL and VLDL particles by hepatocytes in culture. The system of ordinary differential equations, which includes a cholesterol-dependent pit production term representing feedback regulation of surface receptors in response to intracellular cholesterol levels, is analysed using numerical simulations and steady-state analysis. Our numerical results show good agreement with in vitro experimental data describing LDL uptake by cultured hepatocytes following delivery of a single bolus of lipoprotein. Our model is adapted in order to reflect the in vivo situation, in which lipoproteins are continuously delivered to the hepatocyte. In this case, our model suggests that the competition between the LDL and VLDL particles for binding to the pits on the cell surface affects the intracellular cholesterol concentration. In particular, we predict that when there is continuous delivery of low levels of lipoproteins to the cell surface, more VLDL than LDL occupies the pit, since VLDL are better competitors for receptor binding. VLDL have a cholesterol content comparable to LDL particles; however, due to the larger size of VLDL, one pit-bound VLDL particle blocks binding of several LDLs, and there is a resultant drop in the intracellular cholesterol level. When there is continuous delivery of lipoprotein at high levels to the hepatocytes, VLDL particles still out-compete LDL particles for receptor binding, and consequently more VLDL than LDL particles occupy the pit. Although the maximum intracellular cholesterol level is similar for high and low levels of lipoprotein delivery, the maximum is reached more rapidly when the lipoprotein delivery rates are high. The implications of these results for the design of in vitro experiments is discussed.


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Many G protein-coupled receptors have been shown to exist as oligomers, but the oligomerization state and the effects of this on receptor function are unclear. For some G protein-coupled receptors, in ligand binding assays, different radioligands provide different maximal binding capacities. Here we have developed mathematical models for co-expressed dimeric and tetrameric species of receptors. We have considered models where the dimers and tetramers are in equilibrium and where they do not interconvert and we have also considered the potential influence of the ligands on the degree of oligomerization. By analogy with agonist efficacy, we have considered ligands that promote, inhibit or have no effect on oligomerization. Cell surface receptor expression and the intrinsic capacity of receptors to oligomerize are quantitative parameters of the equations. The models can account for differences in the maximal binding capacities of radioligands in different preparations of receptors and provide a conceptual framework for simulation and data fitting in complex oligomeric receptor situations.


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Antagonists of the chemokine receptor, CCRS, may provide important new drugs for the treatment of HIV-1. In this study we have examined the mechanism of action of two functional antagonists of the chemokine receptor CCRS (UK-396,794, UK-438,235) in signalling and internalisation assays using CHO cells expressing CCR5. Both compounds were potent inverse agonists versus agonist-independent [S-3]GTP gamma S binding to membranes of CHO cells expressing CCR5. Both compounds also acted as allosteric inhibitors of CCL5 (RANTES) and CCL8 (MCP-2) -stimulated [S-35]GTP gamma S binding to CHO-CCR5 membranes, reducing the potency and maximal effects of the two chemokines. The data are consistent with effects of the allosteric inhibitors on both the binding and signalling of the chemokines. Both compounds inhibited CCR5 internalisation triggered by chemokines. When CHO-CCR5 cells were treated with either of the two compounds for prolonged periods of time (24 h) an increase (similar to 15%) in cell surface CCRS was detected. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved


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The related inflammatory cytokines, interleukin- (IL-) 1β and IL-33, are both implicated in the response of the heart to injury. They also activate mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) in cardiac myocytes. The hypertrophic Gq protein-coupled receptor agonist endothelin-1 is a potentially cardioprotective peptide and may modulate the inflammatory response. Endothelin-1 also stimulates (MAPKs) in cardiac myocytes and promotes rapid changes in expression of mRNAs encoding intercellular and intracellular signalling components including receptors for IL-33 (ST2) and phosphoprotein phosphatases. Prior exposure to endothelin-1 may specifically modulate the response to IL-33 and, more globally, influence MAPK activation by different stimuli. Neonatal rat ventricular myocytes were exposed to IL-1β or IL-33 with or without pre-exposure to endothelin-1 (5 h) and MAPK activation assessed. IL-33 activated ERK1/2, JNKs and p38-MAPK, but to a lesser degree than IL-1β. Endothelin-1 increased expression of soluble IL-33 receptors (sST2 receptors) which may prevent binding of IL-33 to the cell-surface receptors. However, pretreatment with endothelin-1 only inhibited activation of p38-MAPK by IL-33 with no significant influence on ERK1/2 and a small increase in activation of JNKs. Inhibition of p38-MAPK signalling following pretreatment with endothelin-1 was also detected with IL-1β, H2O2 or tumour necrosis factor α (TNFα) indicating an effect intrinsic to the signalling pathway. Endothelin-1 pretreatment suppressed the increase in expression of IL-6 mRNA induced by IL-1β and decreased the duration of expression of TNFα mRNA. Coupled with the general decrease in p38-MAPK signalling, we conclude that endothelin-1 attenuates the cardiac myocyte inflammatory response, potentially to confer cardioprotection.


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The cell catalysts calnexin (CNX) and protein-disulfide isomerase (PDI) cooperate in establishing the disulfide bonding of the HIV envelope (Env) glycoprotein. Following HIV binding to lymphocytes, cell-surface PDI also reduces Env to induce the fusogenic conformation. We sought to define the contact points between Env and these catalysts to illustrate their potential as therapeutic targets. In lysates of Env-expressing cells, 15% of the gp160 precursor, but not gp120, coprecipitated with CNX, whereas only 0.25% of gp160 and gp120 coprecipitated with PDI. Under in vitro conditions, which mimic the Env/PDI interaction during virus/cell contact, PDI readily associated with Env. The domains of Env interacting in cellulo with CNX or in vitro with PDI were then determined using anti-Env antibodies whose binding site was occluded by CNX or PDI. Antibodies against domains V1/V2, C2, and the C terminus of V3 did not bind CNX-associated Env, whereas those against C1, V1/V2, and the CD4-binding domain did not react with PDI-associated Env. In addition, a mixture of the latter antibodies interfered with PDI-mediated Env reduction. Thus, Env interacts with intracellular CNX and extracellular PDI via discrete, largely nonoverlapping, regions. The sites of interaction explain the mode of action of compounds that target these two catalysts and may enable the design of further new competitive agents.


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Aims: To investigate the effect of the oxidative stress of ozone on the microbial inactivation, cell membrane integrity and permeability and morphology changes of Escherichia coli. Methods and Results: Escherichia coli BW 25113 and its isogenic mutants in soxR, soxS, oxyR, rpoS and dnaK genes were treated with ozone at a concentration of 6 lg ml)1 for a period up to 240 s. A significant effect of ozone exposure on microbial inactivation was observed. After ozonation, minor effects on the cell membrane integrity and permeability were observed, while scanning electron microscopy analysis showed slightly altered cell surface structure. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that cell lysis was not the major mechanism of microbial inactivation. The deletion of oxidative stress–related genes resulted in increased susceptibility of E. coli cells to ozone treatment, implying that they play an important role for protection against the radicals produced by ozone. However, DnaK that has previously been shown to protect against oxidative stress did not protect against ozone treatment in this study. Furthermore, RpoS was important for the survival against ozone. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study provides important information about the role of oxidative stress in the responses of E. coli during ozonation.


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Traditional vaccines such as inactivated or live attenuated vaccines, are gradually giving way to more biochemically defined vaccines that are most often based on a recombinant antigen known to possess neutralizing epitopes. Such vaccines can offer improvements in speed, safety and manufacturing process but an inevitable consequence of their high degree of purification is that immunogenicity is reduced through the lack of the innate triggering molecules present in more complex preparations. Targeting recombinant vaccines to antigen presenting cells (APCs) such as dendritic cells however can improve immunogenicity by ensuring that antigen processing is as efficient as possible. Immune complexes, one of a number of routes of APC targeting, are mimicked by a recombinant approach, crystallizable fragment (Fc) fusion proteins, in which the target immunogen is linked directly to an antibody effector domain capable of interaction with receptors, FcR, on the APC cell surface. A number of virus Fc fusion proteins have been expressed in insect cells using the baculovirus expression system and shown to be efficiently produced and purified. Their use for immunization next to non-Fc tagged equivalents shows that they are powerfully immunogenic in the absence of added adjuvant and that immune stimulation is the result of the Fc-FcR interaction.


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The pefA gene which encoded the serotype associated plasmid (SAP) mediated fimbrial major subunit antigen of Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium shared genetic identity with 128 of 706 salmonella isolates as demonstrated by dot (colony) hybridization. Seventy-seven of 113 isolates of Typhimurium and individual isolates of serotypes Bovis-morbificans, Cholerae-suis and Enteritidis phage type 9b hybridized pefA strongly, whereas 48 isolates of Enteritidis hybridized pefA weakly and one Enteritidis isolate of phage type 14b failed to hybridize. Individual isolates of 294 serotypes and 247 individual isolates of serotype Dublin did not hybridize pefA. Southern hybridization of plasmids extracted from Enteritidis demonstrated that the pefA gene probe hybridized strongly an atypical SAP of 80 kb in size harboured by one Enteritidis isolate of phage-type 9b, whereas the typical SAP of 58 kb in size harboured by 48 Enteritidis isolates hybridized weakly. One Enteritidis isolate of phage type 14b which failed to hybridize pefA in dot (colony) hybridization experiments was demonstrated to be plasmid free. A cosmid library of Enteritidis phage type 4 expressed in Escherichia coli K12 was screened by hybridization for the presence of pef sequences. Recombinant clones which were deduced to harbour the entire pef operon elaborated a PEF-like fimbrial structure at the cell surface. The PEF-like fimbrial antigen was purified from one cosmid clone and used in western blot experiments with sera from chickens infected with Enteritidis phage-type 4. Seroconversion to the fimbrial antigen was observed which indicated that the Enteritidis PEF-like fimbrial structure was expressed at some stage during infection. Nucleotide sequence analysis demonstrated that the pefA alleles of Typhimurium and Enteritidis phage-type 4 shared 76% DNA nucleotide and 82% deduced amino acid sequence identity.


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BipA is a novel member of the ribosome binding GTPase superfamily and is widely distributed in bacteria and plants. We report here that it regulates -multiple cell surface- and virulence-associated -components in the enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) strain E2348/69. The regulated components include bacterial flagella, the espC pathogenicity island and a type III secretion system specified by the locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE). BipA positively regulated the espC and LEE gene clusters through transcriptional control of the LEE-encoded regulator, Ler. Additionally, it affected the pattern of proteolysis of intimin, a key LEE-encoded adhesin specified by the LEE. BipA control of the LEE operated independently of the previously characterized regulators Per, integration host factor and H-NS. In contrast, it negatively regulated the flagella-mediated motility of EPEC and in a Ler-independent manner. Our results indicate that the BipA GTPase functions high up in diverse regulatory cascades to co-ordinate the expression of key pathogenicity islands and other virulence-associated factors in E. coli.


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There is growing evidence that a number of oral Treponema species, in particular Treponema denticola, are associated with the progression of human periodontal disease. The major sheath (or surface) protein (Msp) of T. denticola is implicated in adhesion of bacteria to host cells and tissue proteins and is likely to be an important virulence factor. However, the binding regions of the Msp are not known. We have purified from Escherichia coli recombinant Msp (rMsp) polypeptides corresponding to the following: full-length Msp (rMsp) minus 13 N-terminal amino acid (aa) residues, an amino-terminal fragment (rN-Msp, 189 aa residues), a 57-aa residue segment from the central region (rV-Msp), and a C-terminal fragment (rC-Msp, 272 aa residues). rMsp (530 aa residues) bound to immobilized fibronectin, keratin, laminin, collagen type 1, fibrinogen, hyaluronic acid, and heparin. The N- and V-region polypeptides, but not rC-Msp, also bound to these substrates. Binding of rMsp to fibronectin was targeted to the N-terminal heparin I/fibrin I domain. Antibodies to the N-region or V-region polypeptides, but not antibodies to the rC-Msp fragment, blocked adhesion of T. denticola ATCC 35405 cells to a range of host protein molecules. These results suggest that the N-terminal half of Msp carries epitopes that are surface exposed and that are involved in mediating adhesion. Binding of rMsp onto the cell surface of low-level fibronectin-binding Treponema isolates conferred a 10-fold increase in fibronectin binding. This confirms that Msp functions autonomously as an adhesin and raises the possibility that phenotypic complementation of virulence functions might occur within mixed populations of Treponema species.


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Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) exerts its diverse effects on vasodilation, nociception, secretion, and motor function through a heterodimeric receptor comprising of calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CLR) and receptor activity-modifying protein 1 (RAMP1). Despite the importance of CLR.RAMP1 in human disease, little is known about its distribution in the human gastrointestinal (GI) tract, where it participates in inflammation and pain. In this study, we determined that CLR and RAMP1 mRNAs are expressed in normal human stomach, ileum and colon by RT-PCR. We next characterized antibodies that we generated to rat CLR and RAMP1 in transfected HEK cells. Having characterized these antibodies in vitro, we then localized CLR-, RAMP1-, CGRP- and intermedin-immunoreactivity (IMD-IR) in various human GI segments. In the stomach, nerve bundles in the myenteric plexus and nerve fibers throughout the circular and longitudinal muscle had prominent CLR-IR. In the proximal colon and ileum, CLR was found in nerve varicosities of the myenteric plexus and surrounding submucosal neurons. Interestingly, CGRP expressing fibers did not co-localize, but were in close proximity to CLR. However, CLR and RAMP1, the two subunits of a functional CGRP receptor were clearly localized in myenteric plexus, where they may form functional cell-surface receptors. IMD, another member of calcitonin peptide family was also found in close proximity to CLR, and like CGRP, did not co-localize with either CLR or RAMP1 receptors. Thus, CGRP and IMD appear to be released locally, where they can mediate their effect on their receptors regulating diverse functions such as inflammation, pain and motility.


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The enzymatic activity of peptidases must be tightly regulated to prevent uncontrolled hydrolysis of peptide bonds, which could have devastating effects in biological systems. Peptidases are often generated as inactive propeptidases, secreted with endogenous inhibitors or they are compartmentalized. Propeptidases become active after proteolytic removal of N-terminal activation peptides by other peptidases. Some peptidases only become active towards substrates only at certain pHs, thus confining activity to specific compartments or conditions. This review discusses the different roles proteolysis plays in regulating G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). At the cell-surface, certain GPCRs are regulated by the hydrolytic inactivation of bioactive peptides by membrane-anchored peptidases, which prevents signaling. Conversely, cell-surface peptidases can also generate bioactive peptides that directly activate GPCRs. Alternatively, cell-surface peptidases activated by GPCRs, can generate bioactive peptides to cause transactivation of receptor tyrosine kinases, thereby promoting signaling. Certain peptidases can signals directly to cells, by cleaving GPCR to initiate intracellular signaling cascades. Intracellular peptidases also regulate GPCRs; lysosomal peptidases destroy GPCRs in lysosomes to permanently terminate signaling and mediate downregulation; endosomal peptidases cleave internalized peptide agonists to regulate GPCR recycling, resensitization and signaling; and soluble intracellular peptidases also participate in GPCR function by regulating the ubiquitination state of GPCRs, thereby altering GPCR signaling and fate. Although the use of peptidase inhibitors has already brought success in the treatment of diseases such as hypertension, the discovery of new regulatory mechanisms involving proteolysis that control GPCRs may provide additional targets to modulate dysregulated GPCR signaling in disease.


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Neuropeptide signalling at the plasma membrane is terminated by neuropeptide degradation by cell-surface peptidases, and by beta-arrestin-dependent receptor desensitization and endocytosis. However, receptors continue to signal from endosomes by beta-arrestin-dependent processes, and endosomal sorting mediates recycling and resensitization of plasma membrane signalling. The mechanisms that control signalling and trafficking of receptors in endosomes are poorly defined. We report a major role for endothelin-converting enzyme-1 (ECE-1) in controlling substance P (SP) and the neurokinin 1 receptor (NK(1)R) in endosomes of myenteric neurones. ECE-1 mRNA and protein were expressed by myenteric neurones of rat and mouse intestine. SP (10 nM, 10 min) induced interaction of NK(1)R and beta-arrestin at the plasma membrane, and the SP-NK(1)R-beta-arrestin signalosome complex trafficked by a dynamin-mediated mechanism to ECE-1-containing early endosomes, where ECE-1 can degrade SP. After 120 min, NK(1)R recycled from endosomes to the plasma membrane. ECE-1 inhibitors (SM-19712, PD-069185) and the vacuolar H(+)ATPase inhibitor bafilomycin A(1), which prevent endosomal SP degradation, suppressed NK(1)R recycling by >50%. Preincubation of neurones with SP (10 nM, 5 min) desensitized Ca(2+) transients to a second SP challenge after 10 min, and SP signals resensitized after 60 min. SM-19712 inhibited NK(1)R resensitization by >90%. ECE-1 inhibitors also caused sustained SP-induced activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases, consistent with stabilization of the SP-NK(1)R-beta-arrestin signalosome. By degrading SP and destabilizing endosomal signalosomes, ECE-1 has a dual role in controlling endocytic signalling and trafficking of the NK(1)R: promoting resensitization of G protein-mediated plasma membrane signalling, and terminating beta-arrestin-mediated endosomal signalling.


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Activated G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are phosphorylated and interact with beta-arrestins, which mediate desensitization and endocytosis. Endothelin-converting enzyme-1 (ECE-1) degrades neuropeptides in endosomes and can promote recycling. Although endocytosis, dephosphorylation, and recycling are accepted mechanisms of receptor resensitization, a large proportion of desensitized receptors can remain at the cell surface. We investigated whether reactivation of noninternalized, desensitized (phosphorylated) receptors mediates resensitization of the substance P (SP) neurokinin 1 receptor (NK(1)R). Herein, we report a novel mechanism of resensitization by which protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is recruited to dephosphorylate noninternalized NK(1)R. A desensitizing concentration of SP reduced cell-surface SP binding sites by only 25%, and SP-induced Ca(2+) signals were fully resensitized before cell-surface binding sites started to recover, suggesting resensitization of cell-surface-retained NK(1)R. SP induced association of beta-arrestin1 and PP2A with noninternalized NK(1)R. beta-Arrestin1 small interfering RNA knockdown prevented SP-induced association of cell-surface NK(1)R with PP2A, indicating that beta-arrestin1 mediates this interaction. ECE-1 inhibition, by trapping beta-arrestin1 in endosomes, also impeded SP-induced association of cell-surface NK(1)R with PP2A. Resensitization of NK(1)R signaling required both PP2A and ECE-1 activity. Thus, after stimulation with SP, PP2A interacts with noninternalized NK(1)R and mediates resensitization. PP2A interaction with NK(1)R requires beta-arrestin1. ECE-1 promotes this process by releasing beta-arrestin1 from NK(1)R in endosomes. These findings represent a novel mechanism of PP2A- and ECE-1-dependent resensitization of GPCRs.


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Although long regarded as a conduit for the degradation or recycling of cell surface receptors, the endosomal system is also an essential site of signal transduction. Activated receptors accumulate in endosomes, and certain signaling components are exclusively localized to endosomes. Receptors can continue to transmit signals from endosomes that are different from those that arise from the plasma membrane, resulting in distinct physiological responses. Endosomal signaling is widespread in metazoans and plants, where it transmits signals for diverse receptor families that regulate essential processes including growth, differentiation and survival. Receptor signaling at endosomal membranes is tightly regulated by mechanisms that control agonist availability, receptor coupling to signaling machinery, and the subcellular localization of signaling components. Drugs that target mechanisms that initiate and terminate receptor signaling at the plasma membrane are widespread and effective treatments for disease. Selective disruption of receptor signaling in endosomes, which can be accomplished by targeting endosomal-specific signaling pathways or by selective delivery of drugs to the endosomal network, may provide novel therapies for disease.