150 resultados para Applied Computing
With the latest advances in the area of advanced computer architectures we are seeing already large scale machines at petascale level and we are discussing exascale computing. All these require efficient scalable algorithms in order to bridge the performance gap. In this paper examples of various approaches of designing scalable algorithms for such advanced architectures will be given and the corresponding properties of these algorithms will be outlined and discussed. Examples will outline such scalable algorithms applied to large scale problems in the area Computational Biology, Environmental Modelling etc. The key properties of such advanced and scalable algorithms will be outlined.
The Java language first came to public attention in 1995. Within a year, it was being speculated that Java may be a good language for parallel and distributed computing. Its core features, including being objected oriented and platform independence, as well as having built-in network support and threads, has encouraged this view. Today, Java is being used in almost every type of computer-based system, ranging from sensor networks to high performance computing platforms, and from enterprise applications through to complex research-based.simulations. In this paper the key features that make Java a good language for parallel and distributed computing are first discussed. Two Java-based middleware systems, namely MPJ Express, an MPI-like Java messaging system, and Tycho, a wide-area asynchronous messaging framework with an integrated virtual registry are then discussed. The paper concludes by highlighting the advantages of using Java as middleware to support distributed applications.
Synchronous collaborative systems allow geographically distributed users to form a virtual work environment enabling cooperation between peers and enriching the human interaction. The technology facilitating this interaction has been studied for several years and various solutions can be found at present. In this paper, we discuss our experiences with one such widely adopted technology, namely the Access Grid [1]. We describe our experiences with using this technology, identify key problem areas and propose our solution to tackle these issues appropriately. Moreover, we propose the integration of Access Grid with an Application Sharing tool, developed by the authors. Our approach allows these integrated tools to utilise the enhanced features provided by our underlying dynamic transport layer.
The design space of emerging heterogenous multi-core architectures with re-configurability element makes it feasible to design mixed fine-grained and coarse-grained parallel architectures. This paper presents a hierarchical composite array design which extends the curret design space of regular array design by combining a sequence of transformations. This technique is applied to derive a new design of a pipelined parallel regular array with different dataflow between phases of computation.
How can a bridge be built between autonomic computing approaches and parallel computing system? The work reported in this paper is motivated towards bridging this gap by proposing swarm-array computing, a novel technique to achieve autonomy for distributed parallel computing systems. Among three proposed approaches, the second approach, namely 'Intelligent Agents' is of focus in this paper. The task to be executed on parallel computing cores is considered as a swarm of autonomous agents. A task is carried to a computing core by carrier. agents and can be seamlessly transferred between cores in the event of a pre-dicted failure, thereby achieving self-ware objectives of autonomic computing. The feasibility of the proposed approach is validated on a multi-agent simulator.
Space applications are challenged by the reliability of parallel computing systems (FPGAs) employed in space crafts due to Single-Event Upsets. The work reported in this paper aims to achieve self-managing systems which are reliable for space applications by applying autonomic computing constructs to parallel computing systems. A novel technique, 'Swarm-Array Computing' inspired by swarm robotics, and built on the foundations of autonomic and parallel computing is proposed as a path to achieve autonomy. The constitution of swarm-array computing comprising for constituents, namely the computing system, the problem / task, the swarm and the landscape is considered. Three approaches that bind these constituents together are proposed. The feasibility of one among the three proposed approaches is validated on the SeSAm multi-agent simulator and landscapes representing the computing space and problem are generated using the MATLAB.
The work reported in this paper proposes 'Intelligent Agents', a Swarm-Array computing approach focused to apply autonomic computing concepts to parallel computing systems and build reliable systems for space applications. Swarm-array computing is a robotics a swarm robotics inspired novel computing approach considered as a path to achieve autonomy in parallel computing systems. In the intelligent agent approach, a task to be executed on parallel computing cores is considered as a swarm of autonomous agents. A task is carried to a computing core by carrier agents and can be seamlessly transferred between cores in the event of a predicted failure, thereby achieving self-* objectives of autonomic computing. The approach is validated on a multi-agent simulator.
How can a bridge be built between autonomic computing approaches and parallel computing systems? How can autonomic computing approaches be extended towards building reliable systems? How can existing technologies be merged to provide a solution for self-managing systems? The work reported in this paper aims to answer these questions by proposing Swarm-Array Computing, a novel technique inspired from swarm robotics and built on the foundations of autonomic and parallel computing paradigms. Two approaches based on intelligent cores and intelligent agents are proposed to achieve autonomy in parallel computing systems. The feasibility of the proposed approaches is validated on a multi-agent simulator.
Space applications demand the need for building reliable systems. Autonomic computing defines such reliable systems as self-managing systems. The work reported in this paper combines agent-based and swarm robotic approaches leading to swarm-array computing, a novel technique to achieve self-managing distributed parallel computing systems. Two swarm-array computing approaches based on swarms of computational resources and swarms of tasks are explored. FPGA is considered as the computing system. The feasibility of the two proposed approaches that binds the computing system and the task together is simulated on the SeSAm multi-agent simulator.
Space applications demand the need for building reliable systems. Autonomic computing defines such reliable systems as self-managing systems. The work reported in this paper combines agent-based and swarm robotic approaches leading to swarm-array computing, a novel technique to achieve self-managing distributed parallel computing systems. Two swarm-array computing approaches based on swarms of computational resources and swarms of tasks are explored. FPGA is considered as the computing system. The feasibility of the two proposed approaches that binds the computing system and the task together is simulated on the SeSAm multi-agent simulator.