48 resultados para 5-HT1A rat lines
The time-course of metabolic events following response to a model hepatotoxin ethionine (800 mg/kg) was investigated over a 7 day period in rats using high-resolution (1)H NMR spectroscopic analysis of urine and multivariate statistics. Complementary information was obtained by multivariate analysis of (1)H MAS NMR spectra of intact liver and by conventional histopathology and clinical chemistry of blood plasma. (1)H MAS NMR spectra of liver showed toxin-induced lipidosis 24 h postdose consistent with the steatosis observed by histopathology, while hypertaurinuria was suggestive of liver injury. Early biochemical changes in urine included elevation of guanidinoacetate, suggesting impaired methylation reactions. Urinary increases in 5-oxoproline and glycine suggested disruption of the gamma-glutamyl cycle. Signs of ATP depletion together with impairment of the energy metabolism were given from the decreased levels in tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates, the appearance of ketone bodies in urine, the depletion of hepatic glucose and glycogen, and also hypoglycemia. The observed increase in nicotinuric acid in urine could be an indication of an increase in NAD catabolism, a possible consequence of ATP depletion. Effects on the gut microbiota were suggested by the observed urinary reductions in the microbial metabolites 3-/4-hydroxyphenyl propionic acid, dimethylamine, and tryptamine. At later stages of toxicity, there was evidence of kidney damage, as indicated by the tubular damage observed by histopathology, supported by increased urinary excretion of lactic acid, amino acids, and glucose. These studies have given new insights into mechanisms of ethionine-induced toxicity and show the value of multisystem level data integration in the understanding of experimental models of toxicity or disease.
Endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor responses in the rat middle cerebral artery are blocked by inhibiting IKCa channels alone, contrasting with peripheral vessels where block of both IKCa and SKCa is required. As the contribution of IKCa and SKCa to endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization differs in peripheral arteries, depending on the level of arterial constriction, we investigated the possibility that SKCa might contribute to equivalent hyperpolarization in cerebral arteries under certain conditions. METHODS: Rat middle cerebral arteries (approximately 175 microm) were mounted in a wire myograph. The effect of KCa channel blockers on endothelium-dependent responses to the protease-activated receptor 2 agonist, SLIGRL (20 micromol/L), were then assessed as simultaneous changes in tension and membrane potential. These data were correlated with the distribution of arterial KCa channels revealed with immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: SLIGRL hyperpolarized and relaxed cerebral arteries undergoing variable levels of stretch-induced tone. The relaxation was unaffected by specific inhibitors of IKCa (TRAM-34, 1 micromol/L) or SKCa (apamin, 50 nmol/L) alone or in combination. In contrast, the associated smooth-muscle hyperpolarization was inhibited, but only with these blockers in combination. Blocking nitric oxide synthase (NOS) or guanylyl cyclase evoked smooth-muscle depolarization and constriction, with both hyperpolarization and relaxation to SLIGRL being abolished by TRAM-34 alone, whereas apamin had no effect. Immunolabeling showed SKCa and IKCa within the endothelium. CONCLUSIONS: In the absence of NO, IKCa underpins endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization and relaxation in cerebral arteries. However, when NOS is active SKCa contributes to hyperpolarization, whatever the extent of background contraction. These changes may have relevance in vascular disease states where NO release is compromised and when the levels of SKCa expression may be altered.
Independent studies have demonstrated that flagella are associated with the invasive process of Salmonella enterica serotypes, and aflagellate derivatives of Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis are attenuated in murine and avian models of infection. One widely held view is that the motility afforded by flagella, probably aided by chemotactic responses, mediates the initial interaction between bacterium and host cell. The adherence and invasion properties of two S. Enteritidis wild-type strains and isogenic aflagellate mutants were assessed on HEp-2 and Div-1 cells that are of human and avian epithelial origin, respectively. Both aflagellate derivatives showed a significant reduction of invasion compared with wild type over the three hours of the assays. Complementation of the defective fliC allele recovered partially the wild-type phenotype. Examination of the bacterium-host cell interaction by electron and confocal microscopy approaches showed that wild-type bacteria induced ruffle formation and significant cytoskeletal rearrangements on HEp-2 cells within 5 minutes of contact. The aflagellate derivatives induced fewer ruffles than wild type. Ruffle formation on the Div-1 cell line was less pronounced than for HEp-2 cells for wild-type S. Enteritidis. Collectively, these data support the hypothesis that flagella play an active role in the early events of the invasive process.
The voltage-gated potassium channel subunit Kv3.1 confers fast firing characteristics to neurones. Kv3.1b subunit immunoreactivity (Kv3.1b-IR) was widespread throughout the medulla oblongata, with labelled neurones in the gracile, cuneate and spinal trigeminal nuclei. In the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS), Kv3.1b-IR neurones were predominantly located close to the tractus solitarius (TS) and could be GABAergic or glutamatergic. Ultrastructurally, Kv3.1b-IR was detected in NTS terminals, some of which were vagal afferents. Whole-cell current-clamp recordings from neurones near the TS revealed electrophysiological characteristics consistent with the presence of Kv3.1b subunits: short duration action potentials (4.2 +/- 1.4 ms) and high firing frequencies (68.9 +/- 5.3 Hz), both sensitive to application of TEA (0.5 mm) and 4-aminopyridine (4-AP; 30 mum). Intracellular dialysis of an anti-Kv3.1b antibody mimicked and occluded the effects of TEA and 4-AP in NTS and dorsal column nuclei neurones, but not in dorsal vagal nucleus or cerebellar Purkinje cells (which express other Kv3 subunits, but not Kv3.1b). Voltage-clamp recordings from outside-out patches from NTS neurones revealed an outward K(+) current with the basic characteristics of that carried by Kv3 channels. In NTS neurones, electrical stimulation of the TS evoked EPSPs and IPSPs, and TEA and 4-AP increased the average amplitude and decreased the paired pulse ratio, consistent with a presynaptic site of action. Synaptic inputs evoked by stimulation of a region lacking Kv3.1b-IR neurones were not affected, correlating the presence of Kv3.1b in the TS with the pharmacological effects.
In the heart, inflammatory cytokines including interleukin (IL) 1β are implicated in regulating adaptive and maladaptive changes, whereas IL33 negatively regulates cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and promotes cardioprotection. These agonists signal through a common co-receptor but, in cardiomyocytes, IL1β more potently activates mitogen-activated protein kinases and NFκB, pathways that regulate gene expression. We compared the effects of external application of IL1β and IL33 on the cardiomyocyte transcriptome. Neonatal rat cardiomyocytes were exposed to IL1β or IL33 (0.5, 1 or 2h). Transcriptomic profiles were determined using Affymetrix rat genome 230 2.0 microarrays and data were validated by quantitative PCR. IL1β induced significant changes in more RNAs than IL33 and, generally, to a greater degree. It also had a significantly greater effect in downregulating mRNAs and in regulating mRNAs associated with selected pathways. IL33 had a greater effect on a small, select group of specific transcripts. Thus, differences in intensity of intracellular signals can deliver qualitatively different responses. Quantitatively different responses in production of receptor agonists and transcription factors may contribute to qualitative differences at later times resulting in different phenotypic cellular responses.
N-(2-Hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide (HPMA) copolymer–doxorubicin (Dox) has already shown clinical activity in breast cancer patients. Moreover, we have recently found that an HPMA conjugate containing a combination of both Dox and the aromatase inhibitor aminoglutethimide (AGM) shows significantly increased anti-tumour activity in vitro. To better understand the mechanism of action of HPMA copolymer–AGM conjugates several models were used here to investigate their effect on cell growth and aromatase inhibition. Cytotoxicity of HPMA copolymer conjugates containing AGM, Dox and also the combination AGM–Dox was determined by MTT assay in MCF-7 and MCF-7ca cells. Androstenedione (5 × 10− 8 M) stimulates the growth of MCF-7ca cells. Both free AGM and polymer-bound AGM (0.2–0.4 mg/ml) were shown to block this mitogenic activity. When MCF-7ca cells were incubated [3H]androstenedione both AGM and HPMA copolymer–GFLG–AGM (0.2 mg/ml AGM-equiv.) showed the ability to inhibit aromatase. Although, free AGM was able to inhibit isolated human placental microsomal aromatase in a concentration dependent manner, polymer-bound AGM was not, suggesting that drug release is essential for activity of the conjugate. HPMA copolymer conjugates containing aromatase inhibitors have potential for the treatment of hormone-dependant cancers, and it would be particularly interesting to explore further as potential therapies in post-menopausal women as components of combination therapy.
Introgression in Festulolium is a potentially powerful tool to isolate genes for a large number of traits which differ between Festuca pratensis Huds. and Lolium perenne L. Not only are hybrids between the two species fertile, but the two genomes can be distinguished by genomic in situ hybridisation and a high frequency of recombination occurs between homoeologous chromosomes and chromosome segments. By a programme of introgression and a series of backcrosses, L. perenne lines have been produced which contain small F. pratensis substitutions. This material is a rich source of polymorphic markers targeted towards any trait carried on the F. pratensis substitution not observed in the L. perenne background. We describe here the construction of an F. pratensis BAC library, which establishes the basis of a map-based cloning strategy in L. perenne. The library contains 49,152 clones, with an average insert size of 112 kbp, providing coverage of 2.5 haploid genome equivalents. We have screened the library for eight amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) derived markers known to be linked to an F. pratensis gene introgressed into L. perenne and conferring a staygreen phenotype as a consequence of a mutation in primary chlorophyll catabolism. While for four of the markers it was possible to identify bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones, the other four AFLPs were too repetitive to enable reliable identification of locus-specific BACs. Moreover, when the four BACs were partially sequenced, no obvious coding regions could be identified. This contrasted to BACs identified using cDNA sequences, when multiple genes were identified on the same BAC.
In our seminal work, we reported how the biomaterial Parylene-C has the unique ability to coerce neurons and glial cells to migrate to and then grow in straight lines along serum coated rectangular parylene-C structures mounted on an oxidised silicon substrate. In this brief communication, we report how astrocyte cell bodies, from the dissociated postnatal rat hippocampus, can now to be successfully localised on an ultra-thin 13nm layer of parylene-C mounted on oxidised silicon (Figure 1). What is extremely interesting about this finding is that the astrocyte processes extended mainly in horizontal and vertical directions from the cell body thus creating a regular lattice network of individual cells. In addition, they comfortably extended a 50μm gap (equivalent to ~ 10 cell body diameters) to connect to adjacent astrocytes on neighbouring Parylene-C structures. This was found to occur repeatedly on circular geometries of 20μm diameter. In comparison to our previous work [1], we have decreased the thickness of the parylene-C structures by a factor of 10, to allow such technology to be able to be utilised for passive electrode design that requires extremely thin structures such as these. Thus, being able to culture astrocytes in regular lattice networks will pave the way for precise monitoring and stimulation of such ensembles via multi-electrode arrays, allowing a closer insight into their dynamic behaviour and their network properties.
A severe complication of spinal cord injury is loss of bladder function (neurogenic bladder), which is characterized by loss of bladder sensation and voluntary control of micturition (urination), and spontaneous hyperreflexive voiding against a closed sphincter (detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia). A sacral anterior root stimulator at low frequency can drive volitional bladder voiding, but surgical rhizotomy of the lumbosacral dorsal roots is needed to prevent spontaneous voiding and dyssynergia. However, rhizotomy is irreversible and eliminates sexual function, and the stimulator gives no information on bladder fullness. We designed a closed-loop neuroprosthetic interface that measures bladder fullness and prevents spontaneous voiding episodes without the need for dorsal rhizotomy in a rat model. To obtain bladder sensory information, we implanted teased dorsal roots (rootlets) within the rat vertebral column into microchannel electrodes, which provided signal amplification and noise suppression. As long as they were attached to the spinal cord, these rootlets survived for up to 3 months and contained axons and blood vessels. Electrophysiological recordings showed that half of the rootlets propagated action potentials, with firing frequency correlated to bladder fullness. When the bladder became full enough to initiate spontaneous voiding, high-frequency/amplitude sensory activity was detected. Voiding was abolished using a high-frequency depolarizing block to the ventral roots. A ventral root stimulator initiated bladder emptying at low frequency and prevented unwanted contraction at high frequency. These data suggest that sensory information from the dorsal root together with a ventral root stimulator could form the basis for a closed-loop bladder neuroprosthetic. Copyright © 2013, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive, well-tolerated, anticonvulsant plant cannabinoid, although its mechanism(s) of seizure suppression remains unknown. Here, we investigate the effect of CBD and the structurally similar cannabinoid, cannabigerol (CBG), on voltage-gated Na+ (NaV) channels, a common anti-epileptic drug target. CBG’s anticonvulsant potential was also assessed in vivo. CBD effects on NaV channels were investigated using patch-clamp recordings from rat CA1 hippocampal neurons in brain slices, human SH-SY5Y (neuroblastoma) cells and mouse cortical neurons in culture. CBG effects were also assessed in SH-SY5Y cells and mouse cortical neurons. CBD and CBG effects on veratridine-stimulated human recombinant NaV1.1, 1.2 or 1.5 channels were assessed using a membrane potential-sensitive fluorescent dye high-throughput assay. The effect of CBG on pentyleneterazole-induced (PTZ) seizures was assessed in rat. CBD (10M) blocked NaV currents in SH-SY5Y cells, mouse cortical neurons and recombinant cell lines, and affected spike parameters in rat CA1 neurons; CBD also significantly decreased membrane resistance. CBG blocked NaV to a similar degree to CBD in both SH-SY5Y and mouse recordings, but had no effect (50-200mg/kg) on PTZ-induced seizures in rat. CBD and CBG are NaV channel blockers at micromolar concentrations in human and murine neurons and recombinant cells. In contrast to previous reports investigating CBD, CBG had no effect upon PTZ-induced seizures in rat, indicating that NaV blockade per se does not correlate with anticonvulsant effects.
The permeability of the lung is critical in determining the disposition of inhaled drugs and the respiratory epithelium provides the main physical barrier to drug absorption. The 16HBE14o- human bronchial epithelial cell line has been developed recently as a model of the airway epithelium. In this study, the transport of 10 low molecular weight compounds was measured in the 16HBE14o- cell layers, with apical to basolateral (absorptive) apparent permeability coefficients (P(app)) ranging from 0.4 x 10(-6)cms(-1) for Tyr-D-Arg-Phe-Phe-NH(2) to 25.2x10(-6)cms(-1) for metoprolol. Permeability in 16HBE14o- cells was found to correlate with previously reported P(app) in Caco-2 cells and absorption rates in the isolated perfused rat lung (k(a,lung)) and the rat lung in vivo (k(a,in vivo)). Log linear relationships were established between P(app) in 16HBE14o- cells and P(app) in Caco-2 cells (r(2)=0.82), k(a,lung) (r(2)=0.78) and k(a,in vivo) (r(2)=0.68). The findings suggest that permeability in 16HBE14o- cells may be useful to predict the permeability of compounds in the lung, although no advantage of using the organ-specific cell line 16HBE14o- compared to Caco-2 cells was found in this study.
The regulation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and MAPK kinase (MEK) was studied in freshly isolated adult rat heart preparations. In contrast to the situation in ventricular myocytes cultured from neonatal rat hearts, stimulation of MAPK activity by 1 mumol/L phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) was not consistently detectable in crude extracts. After fast protein liquid chromatography, MAPK isoforms p42MAPK and p44MAPK and two peaks of MEK were shown to be activated > 10-fold in perfused hearts or ventricular myocytes exposed to 1 mumol/L PMA for 5 minutes. The identities of MAPK or MEK were confirmed by immunoblotting and, for MAPK, by the "in-gel" myelin basic protein phosphorylation assay. In retrogradely perfused hearts, high coronary perfusion pressure (120 mm Hg for 5 minutes), norepinephrine (50 mumol/L for 5 minutes), or isoproterenol (50 mumol/L for 5 minutes) stimulated MAPK and MEK approximately 2- to 5-fold. In isolated myocytes, endothelin 1 (100 nmol/L for 5 minutes) also stimulated MAPK, but stimulation by norepinephrine or isoproterenol was difficult to detect. Immunoblotting showed that the relative abundances of MAPK and MEK protein in ventricles declined to < 20% of their postpartal abundances after 50 days. This may explain the difficulties encountered in assaying the activity of MAPK in crude extracts from adult hearts. We conclude that potentially hypertrophic agonists and interventions stimulate the MAPK cascade in adult rats and suggest that the MAPK cascade may be an important intracellular signaling pathway in this response.
The translocation of protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms PKC-alpha, PKC-delta, PKC-epsilon, and PKC-zeta from soluble to particulate fractions was studied in ventricular cardiomyocytes cultured from neonatal rats. Endothelin-1 (ET-1) caused a rapid ETA receptor-mediated translocation of PKC-delta and PKC-epsilon (complete in 0.5-1 min). By 3-5 min, both isoforms were returning to the soluble fraction, but a greater proportion of PKC-epsilon remained associated with the particulate fraction. The EC50 of translocation for PKC-delta was 11-15 nM ET-1 whereas that for PKC-epsilon was 1.4-1.7 nM. Phenylephrine caused a rapid translocation of PKC-epsilon (EC50 = 0.9 microM) but the proportion lost from the soluble fraction was less than with ET-1. Translocation of PKC-delta was barely detectable with phenylephrine. Neither agonist caused any consistent translocation of PKC-alpha or PKC-zeta. Activation of p42 and p44 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) by ET-1 or phenylephrine followed more slowly (complete in 3-5 min). Phosphorylation of p42-MAPK occurred simultaneously with its activation. The proportion of the total p42-MAPK pool phosphorylated in response to ET-1 (50%) was greater than with phenylephrine (20%). In addition to activation of MAPK, an unidentified p85 protein kinase was activated by ET-1 in the soluble fraction whereas an unidentified p58 protein kinase was activated in the particulate fraction.
In ventricular myocytes cultured from neonatal rat hearts, bradykinin (BK), kallidin or BK(1-8) [(Des-Arg9)BK] stimulated PtdinsP2 hydrolysis by 3-4-fold. EC50 values were 6 nM (BK), 2 nM (kallidin), and 14 microM [BK(1-8)]. BK or kallidin stimulated the rapid (less than 30 s) translocation of more than 80% of the novel protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms nPKC-delta and nPKC-epsilon from the soluble to the particulate fraction. EC50 values for nPKC-delta translocation by BK or kallidin were 10 and 2 nM respectively. EC50 values for nPKC-epsilon translocation by BK or kallidin were 2 and 0.6 nM respectively. EC50 values for the translocation of nPKC-delta and nPKC-epsilon by BK(1-8) were more than 5 microM. The classical PKC, cPKC-alpha, and the atypical PKC, nPKC-zeta, did not translocate. BK caused activation and phosphorylation of p42-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) (maximal at 3-5 min, 30-35% of p42-MAPK phosphorylated). p44-MAPK was similarly activated. EC50 values for p42/p44-MAPK activation by BK were less than 1 nM whereas values for BK(1-8) were more than 10 microM. The order of potency [BK approximately equal to kallidin > BK (1-8)] for the stimulation of PtdInsP2 hydrolysis, nPKC-delta and nPKC-epsilon translocation, and p42/p44-MAPK activities suggests involvement of the B2 BK receptor subtype. In addition, stimulation of all three processes by BK was inhibited by the B2BK receptor-selective antagonist HOE140 but not by the B1-selective antagonist Leu8BK(1-8). Exposure of cells to phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate for 24 h inhibited subsequent activation of p42/p44-MAPK by BK suggesting participation of nPKC (and possibly cPKC) isoforms in the activation process. Thus, like hypertrophic agents such as endothelin-1 (ET-1) and phenylephrine (PE), BK activates PtdInsP2 hydrolysis, translocates nPKC-delta, and nPKC-epsilon, and activates p42/p44-MAPK. However, in comparison with ET-1 and PE, BK was only weakly hypertrophic as assessed by cell morphology and patterns of gene expression. This difference could not be attributed to dissimilarities between the duration of activation of p42/p44-MAPK by BK or ET-1. Thus activation of these signalling pathways alone may be insufficient to induce a powerful hypertrophic response.
"Stress-regulated" mitogen-activated protein kinases (SR-MAPKs) comprise the stress-activated protein kinases (SAPKs)/c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) and the p38-MAPKs. In the perfused heart, ischemia/reperfusion activates SR-MAPKs. Although the agent(s) directly responsible is unclear, reactive oxygen species are generated during ischemia/reperfusion. We have assessed the ability of oxidative stress (as exemplified by H2O2) to activate SR-MAPKs in the perfused heart and compared it with the effect of ischemia/reperfusion. H2O2 activated both SAPKs/JNKs and p38-MAPK. Maximal activation by H2O2 in both cases was observed at 0.5 mM. Whereas activation of p38-MAPK by H2O2 was comparable to that of ischemia and ischemia/reperfusion, activation of the SAPKs/JNKs was less than that of ischemia/reperfusion. As with ischemia/reperfusion, there was minimal activation of the ERK MAPK subfamily by H2O2. MAPK-activated protein kinase 2 (MAPKAPK2), a downstream substrate of p38-MAPKs, was activated by H2O2 to a similar extent as with ischemia or ischemia/reperfusion. In all instances, activation of MAPKAPK2 in perfused hearts was inhibited by SB203580, an inhibitor of p38-MAPKs. Perfusion of hearts at high aortic pressure (20 kilopascals) also activated the SR-MAPKs and MAPKAPK2. Free radical trapping agents (dimethyl sulfoxide and N-t-butyl-alpha-phenyl nitrone) inhibited the activation of SR-MAPKs and MAPKAPK2 by ischemia/reperfusion. These data are consistent with a role for reactive oxygen species in the activation of SR-MAPKs during ischemia/reperfusion.