423 resultados para Warwick
The authors describe the design of a fuzzy logic controller for the control of a planar two-link manipulator. The plant is quasi-decoupled with respect to gravity. Complete decoupling is not achieved due to the nonoptimal nature of the expert rules. The performance of the fuzzy controller is compared to that of the critically damped computed torque controller. Results are presented complete with robustness tests.
The authors compare the performance of two types of controllers one based on the multilayered network and the other based on the single layered CMAC network (cerebellar model articulator controller). The neurons (information processing units) in the multi-layered network use Gaussian activation functions. The control scheme which is considered is a predictive control algorithm, along the lines used by Willis et al. (1991), Kambhampati and Warwick (1991). The process selected as a test bed is a continuous stirred tank reactor. The reaction taking place is an irreversible exothermic reaction in a constant volume reactor cooled by a single coolant stream. This reactor is a simplified version of the first tank in the two tank system given by Henson and Seborg (1989).
The authors consider the problem of a robot manipulator operating in a noisy workspace. The manipulator is required to move from an initial position P(i) to a final position P(f). P(i) is assumed to be completely defined. However, P(f) is obtained by a sensing operation and is assumed to be fixed but unknown. The authors approach to this problem involves the use of three learning algorithms, the discretized linear reward-penalty (DLR-P) automaton, the linear reward-penalty (LR-P) automaton and a nonlinear reinforcement scheme. An automaton is placed at each joint of the robot and by acting as a decision maker, plans the trajectory based on noisy measurements of P(f).
A statistical technique for fault analysis in industrial printing is reported. The method specifically deals with binary data, for which the results of the production process fall into two categories, rejected or accepted. The method is referred to as logistic regression, and is capable of predicting future fault occurrences by the analysis of current measurements from machine parts sensors. Individual analysis of each type of fault can determine which parts of the plant have a significant influence on the occurrence of such faults; it is also possible to infer which measurable process parameters have no significant influence on the generation of these faults. Information derived from the analysis can be helpful in the operator's interpretation of the current state of the plant. Appropriate actions may then be taken to prevent potential faults from occurring. The algorithm is being implemented as part of an applied self-learning expert system.
The paper describes a self-tuning adaptive PID controller suitable for use in the control of robotic manipulators. The scheme employs a simple recursive estimator which reduces the computational effort to an acceptable level for many applications in robotics.
In this paper, a continuation of a variable radius niche technique called Dynamic Niche Clustering developed by (Gan & Warwick, 1999) is presented. The technique employs a separate dynamic population of overlapping niches that coexists alongside the normal population. An empirical analysis of the updated methodology on a large group of standard optimisation test-bed functions is also given. The technique is shown to perform almost as well as standard fitness sharing with regards to stability and the accuracy of peak identification, but it outperforms standard fitness sharing with regards to time complexity. It is also shown that the technique is capable of forming niches of varying size depending on the characteristics of the underlying peak that the niche is populating.
The Routh-stability method is employed to reduce the order of discrete-time system transfer functions. It is shown that the Routh approximant is well suited to reduce both the denominator and the numerator polynomials, although alternative methods, such as PadÃ�Â(c)-Markov approximation, are also used to fit the model numerator coefficients.
An error polynomial is defined, the coefficients of which indicate the difference at any instant between a system and a model of lower order approximating the system. It is shown how Markov parameters and time series proportionals of the model can be matched with those of the system by setting error polynomial coefficients to zero. Also discussed is the way in which the error between system and model can be considered as being a filtered form of an error input function specified by means of model parameter selection.
The basic assumption from implicit self-tuning theory is that, for self tuning to occur, the control input obtained from the estimated system model converges to the value whic would be obtained if the system parameters were known. As as direct result of this, only certain control strategies are acceptable. Here a general rule for the self-tuning property of pole-placement self tuners is obtained, and previous strategies are shown to be special cases of this.
The presence of mismatch between controller and system is considered. A novel discrete-time approach is used to investigate the migration of closed-loop poles when this mismatch occurs. Two forms of state estimator are employed giving rise to several interesting features regarding stability and performance.
The National Grid Company plc. owns and operates the electricity transmission network in England and Wales, the day to day running of the network being carried out by teams of engineers within the national control room. The task of monitoring and operating the transmission network involves the transfer of large amounts of data and a high degree of cooperation between these engineers. The purpose of the research detailed in this paper is to investigate the use of interfacing techniques within the control room scenario, in particular, the development of an agent based architecture for the support of cooperative tasks. The proposed architecture revolves around the use of interface and user supervisor agents. Primarily, these agents are responsible for the flow of information to and from individual users and user groups. The agents are also responsible for tackling the synchronisation and control issues arising during the completion of cooperative tasks. In this paper a novel approach to human computer interaction (HCI) for power systems incorporating an embedded agent infrastructure is presented. The agent architectures used to form the base of the cooperative task support system are discussed, as is the nature of the support system and tasks it is intended to support.