50 resultados para nitrogen application frequency
The effect of presubmergence and green manuring on various processes involved in [N-15]-urea transformations were studied in a growth chamber after [N-15]-urea application to floodwater. Presubmergence for 14 days increased urea hydrolysis rates and floodwater pH, resulting in higher NH3 volatilization as compared to without presubmergence. Presubmergence also increased nitrification and subsequent denitrification but lower N assimilation by floodwater algae caused higher gaseous losses. Addition of green manure maintained higher NH4+-N concentration in floodwater mainly because of lower nitrification rates but resulted in highest NH3 volatilization losses. Although green manure did not affect the KCl extractable NH4+-N from applied fertilizer, it maintained higher NH4+-N content due to its decomposition and increased mineralization of organic N. After 32 days about 36.9% (T-1), 23.9% (T-2), and 36.4% (T-3) of the applied urea N was incorporated in the pool of soil organic N in treatments. It was evident that the presubmergence has effected the recovery of applied urea N.
Asynchronous Optical Sampling (ASOPS) [1,2] and frequency comb spectrometry [3] based on dual Ti:saphire resonators operated in a master/slave mode have the potential to improve signal to noise ratio in THz transient and IR sperctrometry. The multimode Brownian oscillator time-domain response function described by state-space models is a mathematically robust framework that can be used to describe the dispersive phenomena governed by Lorentzian, Debye and Drude responses. In addition, the optical properties of an arbitrary medium can be expressed as a linear combination of simple multimode Brownian oscillator functions. The suitability of a range of signal processing schemes adopted from the Systems Identification and Control Theory community for further processing the recorded THz transients in the time or frequency domain will be outlined [4,5]. Since a femtosecond duration pulse is capable of persistent excitation of the medium within which it propagates, such approach is perfectly justifiable. Several de-noising routines based on system identification will be shown. Furthermore, specifically developed apodization structures will be discussed. These are necessary because due to dispersion issues, the time-domain background and sample interferograms are non-symmetrical [6-8]. These procedures can lead to a more precise estimation of the complex insertion loss function. The algorithms are applicable to femtosecond spectroscopies across the EM spectrum. Finally, a methodology for femtosecond pulse shaping using genetic algorithms aiming to map and control molecular relaxation processes will be mentioned.
The effect of variety, agronomic and environmental factors on the chemical composition and energy value for ruminants and non-ruminants of husked and naked oats grain was studied. Winter oats were grown as experimental plots in each of 2 years on three sites in England. At each site two conventional husked oat cultivars (Gerald and Image) and two naked cultivars (Kynon and Pendragon) were grown. At each site, crops were sown on two dates and all crops were grown with the application of either zero or optimum fertiliser nitrogen. Variety and factors contained within the site + year effect had the greatest influence on the chemical composition and nutritive value of oats, followed by nitrogen ferfiliser treatment. For example, compared with zero nitrogen, the optimum nitrogen fertiliser treatment resulted in a consistent and significant (P < 0.001) increase in crude protein for all varieties at all sites from an average of 95 to 118 g kg(-1) DM, increased the potassium concentration in all varieties from an average of 4.9 to 5.1 g kg(-1) DM (P < 0.01) and reduced total lipid by a small but significant (P < 0.001) amount. Optimum nitrogen increased (P < 0.001) the NDF concentration in the two husked varieties and in the naked variety Pendragon. Naked cultivars were lower in fibre, had considerably higher energy, total lipid, linoleic acid, protein, starch and essential amino acids than the husked cultivars. Thus nutritionists need to be selective in their choice of naked or husked oat depending on the intended dietary use. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Three successive field experiments (2000/01-2002/03) assessed the effect of wheat cultivar (Consort.. Hereward and Shamrock) and fungicide (epoxiconazole and azoxystrobin) applied at and after flag leaf emergence on the nitrogen in the above-ground crop (Total N) and grain (Grain N), net nitrogen remobilization from non-grain tissues (Remobilized N). grain dry matter (Grain Dill), and nitrogen utilization efficiency (NUtE(g) = Grain DM/Total N). Ordinary logistic curves were fitted to the accumulation of Grain N, Grain DM and Remobilized N against thermal time after anthesis and used to simultaneously derive fits for Total N and NUtE(g). When disease was controlled, Consort achieved the greatest Grain DM, Total N, Grain N and NUtEg; in each case due mostly to longer durations, rather than quicker rates, of accumulation. Fungicide application increased final Grain Dill.. Grant N, Total N and Remobilized N, also mostly through effects on duration rather than rate of accumulation. Completely senesced leaf laminas retained less nitrogen when fungicide had been applied compared with leaf laminas previously infected severely with brown rust (Puccinia recondita) and Septoria tritici, or with just S. tritici. Late movement of nitrogen out of fungicide-treated laminas contributed to extended duration of both nitrogen remobilization and grain N filling, and meant that increases in NUtE(g) could occur without simultaneous reductions in grain N concentration.
Four field experiments over 2 years investigated whether wheat hybrids had higher nitrogen-use efficiency (NUE) than their parents over a range of seed rates and different N regimes. There was little heterosis for total N in the above-ground biomass (NYt), but there was high-parent heterosis for grain N yields (NYg) in two of the hybrids, Hyno Esta and Hyno Rista, associated with greater nitrogen harvest index (NHI). Overall, the hybrids did not significantly increase the total dry matter produced per unit N in the above-ground crop (NUtE(t)), but did increase the grain dry matter per unit N in the above ground crop (NUtE(g)). The improvement in NUtE(g) was at the partial detriment of grain N concentration. Heterosis for grain NYg in Hyno Esta was lower at zero-N, suggesting that it did not achieve higher yields through more efficient capture or utilization of N. The greater NHI in Hyno Esta appeared to be facilitated by both greater N uptake, and remobilization of N from vegetative tissues, after anthesis. The response of N efficiency and uptake to seed rate was dependent on N supply and season. Where N fertilizer was applied, N uptake over time was slower at the lower seed rates, but where N was withheld N capture at the lowest seed rate soon approached the N capture of the higher seed rates. During grain filling, the rate of accumulation of N into the grain increased with seed rate and the duration of N accumulation decreased with seed rate. With N applied, N yields increased to all asymptote with seed rate, when N was withheld there was little response of N yields to seed rate. In 2002, N utilization efficiency (NUtE(t) and NUtE(g)) also increased asymptotically with seed rate, but in 2003 seed rate had little effect on N utilization efficiency. When nitrogen fertilizer had not been applied, NHI consistently decreased with increasing seed rate. The timing of N application made little difference to NUE, NY, or NUtE.
Models are important tools to assess the scope of management effects on crop productivity under different climatic and soil regimes. Accordingly, this study developed and used a simple model to assess the effects of nitrogen fertiliser and planting density on the water use efficiency (q) of maize in semi-arid Kenya. Field experiments were undertaken at Sonning, Berkshire, UK, in 1996 (one sowing) and 1997 (two sowings). The results from the field experiments plus soil and weather data for Machakos, Kenya (1 degree 33'S, 37 degree 14'E and 1560 m above sea level), were then used to predict the effects that N application and planting density may have on water use by a maize crop grown in semi-arid Kenya. The increase in q due to N application was greater under irrigated (15%-19%) than rainfed (7%-8%) conditions. Also, high planting density increased q (by 13%) under irrigation but decreased q (by 17%) under rainfed conditions. The current study has shown the significance of crop modelling techniques in assessing the influence of N and planting density on maize production in one region of semi-arid Kenya where there is high variability of rainfall.
Winter wheat was grown in three field experiments, each repeated over two or three seasons, to investigate effects of extending flag leaf life by fungicide application on the concentration, kg ha(-1) and mg grain(-1) of nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S) as well as N:S ratio and sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) sedimentation volume. The experiments involved up to six cultivars and different application rates, timings and frequencies of azoxystrobin and epoxiconazole. For every day the duration to 37 % green flag leaf area (m) was extended, N yield was increased by 2.58 kg ha(-1), N per grain by 0.00957 mg, S yield by 0.186 kg ha(-1) and S per grain by 0.000718 mg. The N:S ratio decreased by 0.0135 per day. There was no evidence that these responses varied with cultivar. In contrast, the relationship between flag leaf life and N or S concentration interacted with cultivar. The N and S concentrations of Shamrock, the cultivar that suffered most from brown rust (Puccinia rccondita), increased with the extension of flag leaf life whereas the concentrations of N and S in Malacca, a cultivar more susceptible to Septoria tritici, decreased as flag leaf senescence was delayed. This was because the relationships between m and N and S yields were much better conserved over cultivars than those between m and thousand grain weight (TGW) and grain yield ha(-1). (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The extensive development of the ruminant forestomach sets apart their N economy from that of nonruminants in a number of respects. Extensive pregastric fermentation alters the profile of protein reaching the small intestine, largely through the transformation of nitrogenous compounds into microbial protein. This process is fueled primarily by carbohydrate fermentation and includes extensive recycling of N between the body and gut lumen pools. Nitrogen recycling occurs via blood and gut lumen exchanges of urea and NH3, as well as endogenous gut and secretory N entry into the gut lumen, and the subsequent digestion and absorption of microbial and endogenous protein. Factors controlling urea transfer to the gut from blood, including the contributions of urea transporters, remain equivocal. Ammonia produced by microbial degradation of urea and dietary and endogenous AA is utilized by microbial fermentation or absorbed and primarily converted to urea. Therefore, microbial growth and carbohydrate fermentation affect the extent of NH3 absorption and urea N recycling and excretion. The extensive recycling of N to the rumen represents an evolutionary advantage of the ruminant in terms of absorbable protein supply during periods of dietary protein deficiency, or asynchronous carbohydrate and protein supply, but incurs a cost of greater N intakes, especially in terms of excess N excretion. Efforts to improve the efficiency of N utilization in ruminants by synchronizing fermentable energy and N availability have generally met with limited success with regards to production responses. In contrast, imposing asynchrony through oscillating dietary protein concentration, or infrequent supplementation, surprisingly has not negatively affected production responses unless the frequency of supplementation is less than once every 3 d. In some cases, oscillation of dietary protein concentration has improved N retention compared with animals fed an equal amount of dietary protein on a daily basis. This may reflect benefits of Orn cycle adaptations and sustained recycling of urea to the gut. The microbial symbiosis of the ruminant is inherently adaptable to asynchronous N and energy supply. Recycling of urea to the gut buffers the effect of irregular dietary N supply such that intuitive benefits of rumen synchrony in terms of the efficiency of N utilization are typically not observed in practice.
Field experiments were conducted over 3 years to study the effect of applying triazole and strobilurin fungicides on the bread-making quality of Malacca winter wheat. Averaged over all years the application of a fungicide programme increased yields, particularly when strobilurin fungicides were applied. Reductions in protein concentration, sulphur concentration, Hageberg failing number and loaf volumes also occurred as the amount of fungicide applied increased. However, there were no deleterious effects of fungicide application on sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) sedimentation volumes, N:S ratios or dough theology. Effects of fungicide application on bread-making quality were not product specific. Therefore, it appears that new mechanisms to explain strobilurin effects on bread-making quality do not need to be invoked. Where reductions in protein concentration did occur they could be compensated for by a late-season application of nitrogen either as granular ammonium nitrate at flag leaf emergence or foliar urea at anthesis. These applications, however, sometimes increased the N:S ratio of the extracted flour and failed to improve loaf volume. Multiple regression analysis revealed that main effects of year, flour protein concentration and N:S ratio could explain 93% of the variance in loaf volume caused by season, fungicide and nitrogen treatments. However, an equally good fit was achieved by just including sulphur concentration with year. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effect of adding strobilurins to a triazole (epoxiconazole) fungicide programme on the quality of a range of wheat cultivars was assessed in field experiments in three successive years. Strobilurin was applied at just flag leaf emergence (azoxystrobin) or at the start of stem extension (azoxystrobin or picoxystrobin) and again at flag leaf emergence or at flag leaf emergence and again at ear emergence (azoxystrobin). All strobilurin treatments reduced disease levels, delayed senescence of the flag leaf and consistently increased yields, thousand grain weight and specific weight. Reductions in Hagberg falling number were observed, even by fungicide applications at the start of stem extension, but effects were small compared to the variation among cultivars. Application of fungicide (triazole or strobilurin) before ear emergence increased the amount of blackpoint, but this was partly countered by applying azoxystrobin at ear emergence. The effect of fungicide on protein concentration differed over seasons and cultivar. Where they occurred. small reductions in protein concentration could be compensated for by extra application of nitrogen as foliar urea at anthesis. Foliar urea (40 kg N ha(-1)) applied at anthesis also improved Hagberg failing number and reduced blackpoint in one of the growing seasons. In one season, the effect of foliar urea at anthesis was compared with applications of granular fertiliser at flag leaf emergence. The granular treatment produced grain with more concentrated protein, while the later, foliar application produced higher specific weights. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The synthesis of highly ordered mesoporous tungsteno-silicas in which a high percentage of tungsten is introduced into a silica framework is reported hereafter. Powder XRD and TEM have been used to characterize the materials synthesized at room temperature. The materials are shown to be homogeneous as there is no evidence for any crystalline species other than the silica framework. The pore diameter and the surface area of the materials, evaluated from the nitrogen adsorption isotherms and unit cell parameter indicate a pore diameter of about 2 nm and a surface area of 1400 m(2) g(-1) for a content of 10% tungsten. Catalyzed dehydration of 2-propanol has been investigated and the activity of the materials synthesized is significant, even for low tungsten content W-MCM-41 materials. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Field experiments were conducted over 3 years to study the effect of applying triazole and strobilurin fungicides on the bread-making quality of Malacca winter wheat. Averaged over all years the application of a fungicide programme increased yields, particularly when strobilurin fungicides were applied. Reductions in protein concentration, sulphur concentration, Hageberg failing number and loaf volumes also occurred as the amount of fungicide applied increased. However, there were no deleterious effects of fungicide application on sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) sedimentation volumes, N:S ratios or dough theology. Effects of fungicide application on bread-making quality were not product specific. Therefore, it appears that new mechanisms to explain strobilurin effects on bread-making quality do not need to be invoked. Where reductions in protein concentration did occur they could be compensated for by a late-season application of nitrogen either as granular ammonium nitrate at flag leaf emergence or foliar urea at anthesis. These applications, however, sometimes increased the N:S ratio of the extracted flour and failed to improve loaf volume. Multiple regression analysis revealed that main effects of year, flour protein concentration and N:S ratio could explain 93% of the variance in loaf volume caused by season, fungicide and nitrogen treatments. However, an equally good fit was achieved by just including sulphur concentration with year. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper investigates the application of the Hilbert spectrum (HS), which is a recent tool for the analysis of nonlinear and nonstationary time-series, to the study of electromyographic (EMG) signals. The HS allows for the visualization of the energy of signals through a joint time-frequency representation. In this work we illustrate the use of the HS in two distinct applications. The first is for feature extraction from EMG signals. Our results showed that the instantaneous mean frequency (IMNF) estimated from the HS is a relevant feature to clinical practice. We found that the median of the IMNF reduces when the force level of the muscle contraction increases. In the second application we investigated the use of the HS for detection of motor unit action potentials (MUAPs). The detection of MUAPs is a basic step in EMG decomposition tools, which provide relevant information about the neuromuscular system through the morphology and firing time of MUAPs. We compared, visually, how MUAP activity is perceived on the HS with visualizations provided by some traditional (e.g. scalogram, spectrogram, Wigner-Ville) time-frequency distributions. Furthermore, an alternative visualization to the HS, for detection of MUAPs, is proposed and compared to a similar approach based on the continuous wavelet transform (CWT). Our results showed that both the proposed technique and the CWT allowed for a clear visualization of MUAP activity on the time-frequency distributions, whereas results obtained with the HS were the most difficult to interpret as they were extremely affected by spurious energy activity. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We present an application of cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy with an off-axis alignment of the cavity formed by two spherical mirrors and with time integration of the cavity-output intensity for detection of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and iodine monoxide (IO) radicals using a violet laser diode at lambda = 404.278 nm. A noise-equivalent (1sigma = root-mean-square variation of the signal) fractional absorption for one optical pass of 4.5x10(-8) was demonstrated with a mirror reflectivity of similar to0.99925, a cavity length of 0.22 m and a lock-in-amplifier time constant of 3 s. Noise-equivalent detection sensitivities towards nitrogen dioxide of 1.8x10(10) molecule cm(-3) and towards the IO radical of 3.3x10(9) molecule cm(-3) were achieved in flow tubes with an inner diameter of 4 cm for a lock-in-amplifier time constant of 3 s. Alkyl peroxy radicals were detected using chemical titration with excess nitric oxide (RO2 + NO --> RO + NO2). Measurement of oxygen-atom concentrations was accomplished by determining the depletion of NO2 in the reaction NO2 + O --> NO + O-2. Noise-equivalent concentrations of alkyl peroxy radicals and oxygen atoms were 3x10(10) molecule cm(-3) in the discharge-flow-tube experiments.
Multi-factor approaches to analysis of real estate returns have, since the pioneering work of Chan, Hendershott and Sanders (1990), emphasised a macro-variables approach in preference to the latent factor approach that formed the original basis of the arbitrage pricing theory. With increasing use of high frequency data and trading strategies and with a growing emphasis on the risks of extreme events, the macro-variable procedure has some deficiencies. This paper explores a third way, with the use of an alternative to the standard principal components approach – independent components analysis (ICA). ICA seeks higher moment independence and maximises in relation to a chosen risk parameter. We apply an ICA based on kurtosis maximisation to weekly US REIT data using a kurtosis maximising algorithm. The results show that ICA is successful in capturing the kurtosis characteristics of REIT returns, offering possibilities for the development of risk management strategies that are sensitive to extreme events and tail distributions.