42 resultados para hydrophilic


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Critical micelle concentrations (cmc) of aqueous solutions of poly(methyl methacrylate)-block-poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) were determined at several temperatures by surface tensiometry. Below the lower critical solution temperature (LCST), the low Delta(mic) H-0 determined can be assigned to the PMMA block being tightly coiled in the dispersed molecular state, so that the unfavorable interactions of hydrophobic entities with water are minimized. Above the LCST the cmc value was found to increase; an anomalous behavior that can be directly related to the micelle-globule transition of the hydrophilic block. Interestingly, above the LCST the surface tension of relatively concentrated solutions was found to depend weakly on temperature not following the usual strong decrease with temperature expected for aqueous solutions. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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alpha B-Crystallin is a ubiquitous small heat-shock protein (sHsp) renowned for its chaperone ability to prevent target protein aggregation. It is stress-inducible and its up-regulation is associated with a number of disorders, including those linked to the deposition of misfolded proteins, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. We have characterised the formation of amyloid fibrils by human alpha B-crystallin in detail, and also that of alpha A-crystallin and the disease-related mutant R120G (alpha B-crystallin. We find that the last 12 amino acid residues of the C-terminal region of alpha B-crystallin are predicted from their physico-chemical properties to have a very low propensity to aggregate. H-1 NMR spectroscopy reveals that this hydrophilic C-terminal region is flexible both in its solution state and in amyloid fibrils, where it protrudes from the fibrillar core. We demonstrate, in addition, that the equilibrium between different protofilament assemblies can be manipulated and controlled in vitro to select for particular alpha B-crystallin amyloid morphologies. Overall, this study suggests that there could be a fine balance in vivo between the native functional sHsp state and the formation of amyloid fibrils. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Homogeneous dispersion of microemulsion containing palladium nanoparticles in scCO(2) is, for the first time, observed via sapphire window reactor and these particles show an unusual reluctance for double bond hydrogenation of citral aldehyde at hydrophobic end rather than hydrophilic end (high regioselectivity) owing to the unique micelle environment in supercritical carbon dioxide that guide a head-on attack of the molecule.


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A water-soluble, hydrophilic tripeptide GYE, having sequence identity with the N-terminal segment of amyloid peptides A,beta(9-11), upon self-association exhibits amyloid-like fibrils and significant neurotoxicity towards the Neuro2A cell line. However, the tripeptides GFE and GWE, in which the centrally located tyrosine residue has been replaced by phenylalanine or tryptophan, fail to show amyloidogenic behavior and exhibit little or no neurotoxicity.


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Terminally protected acyclic tripeptides Boc-Tyr(1)-Val(2)-Tyr(3)-OMe 1 and Boc-Tyr(1)-lle(2)-Tyr(3)-OMe 2 self-assemble into nanotubes in crystals through various noncovalent interactions with an average internal diameter of 5 Angstrom (0.5 nm), and the tubular ensemble is developed through the hydrogen-bonded side chains of tyrosine residues. The inside of the hollow nanotubular structures is hydrophilic; however, no solvent molecules have been crystallographically detected.


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A novel series of polyaromatic ionomers with similar equivalent weights but very different sulphonic acid distributions along the ionomer backbone has been designed and prepared. By synthetically organising the sequence-distribution so that it consists of fully defined ionic segments (containing singlets, doublets or quadruplets of sulphonic acid groups) alternating strictly with equally well-defined nonionic spacer segments, a new class of polymers which may be described as microblock ionomers has been developed. These materials exhibit very different properties and morphologies from analogous randomly substituted systems. Progressively extending the nonionic spacer length in the repeat unit (maintaining a constant equivalent weight by increasing the degree of sulphonation. of the ionic segment) leads to an increasing degree of nanophase separation between hydrophilic and hydrophobic domains in these materials. Membranes cast from ionomers with the more highly phase-separated morphologies show significantly higher onset temperatures for uncontrolled swelling in water. This new type of ionomer design has enabled the fabrication of swelling-resistant hydrocarbon membranes, suitable for fuel cell operation, with very much higher ion exchange capacities (>2 meq g(-1)) than those previously reported in the literature. When tested in a fuel cell at high temperature (120 degrees C) and low relative humidity (35% RH), the best microblock membrane matched the performance of Nafion 112. Moreover, comparative low load cycle testing of membrane -electrode assemblies suggests that the durability of the new membranes under conditions of high temperature and low relative humidity is superior to that of conventional perfluorinated materials.


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It is widely reported that cholera toxin (Ctx) remains a significant cause of gastrointestinal disease globally, particularly in developing countries where access to clean drinking water is at a premium. Vaccines are prohibitively expensive and have shown only short-term protection. Consequently, there is scope for continued development of novel treatment strategies. One example is the use of galactooligosaccharides (GOS) as functional mimics for the cell-surface toxin receptor (GM1). In this study, GOS fractions were fractionated using cation exchange chromatography followed by structural characterization using a combination of hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) such that their molecular weight profiles were known. Each profile was correlated against biological activity measured using a competitive inhibitory GM1-linked ELISA. GOS fractions containing > 5% hexasaccharides (DP6) exhibited > 90% binding, with EC50 values between 29.27 and 56.04 mg/mL. Inhibition by GOS DP6, was dose dependent, with an EC50 value of 5.10 mg/mL (5.15 mu M MW of 990 Da). In removing low molecular weight carbohydrates that do possess prebiotic, nutraceutical, and/or biological properties and concentrating GOS DP5 and/or DP6, Ctx antiadhesive activity per unit of (dry) weight was improved. This could be advantageous in the manufacture of pharmaceutical or nutraceutical formulations for the treatment or prevention of an acute or chronic disease associated with or caused by the adhesion and/or uptake of a Ctx or HLT.


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The effect of pH on the complexation of poly(acrylic acid) with poly(vinyl alcohol) in aqueous solution, the miscibility of these polymers in the solid state and the possibility for crosslinking the blends using gamma radiation has been studied. It is demonstrated that the complexation ability of poly(vinyl alcohol) with respect to poly(acrylic acid) is relatively low in comparison with some other synthetic non-ionic polymers. The precipitation of interpolymer complexes was observed below the critical pH of complexation (pH(crit1)), which characterizes the transition between a compact hydrophobic polycomplex and an extended hydrophilic interpolymer associate. Films prepared by casting from aqueous solutions at different pH values exhibited a transition from miscibility to immiscibility at a certain critical pH, pH(crit2), above which hydrogen bonding is prevented. It is shown here that gamma radiation crosslinking of solid blends is efficient and only results in the formation of hydrogel films for blends prepared between pH(crit1), and pH(crit2). The yield of the gel fraction and the swelling properties of the films depended on the absorbed radiation dose and the polymer ratio.


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Hydrophilic polymeric films based on blends of hydroxyethylcellulose and maleic acid-co-methyl vinyl ether were produced by casting from aqueous solutions. The physicochemical properties of the blends have been assessed using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, thermal gravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, dielectric spectroscopy, etc. The pristine films exhibit complete miscibility due to the formation of intermacromolecular hydrogen bonding. The thermal treatment of the blend films leads to cross-linking via intermacromolecular esterification and anhydride formation. The cross-linked materials are able to swell in water and their swelling degree can be easily controlled by temperature and thermal treatment time. The formation of the crosslinks is apparent in the dynamic properties of the blends as observed through the mechanical relaxation and dielectric relaxation spectra. The dielectric characteristics of the material are influenced by the effects of change in the local structure of the blend on the ionic conduction processes and the rate of dipolar relaxation. Separation of these processes is attempted using the dielectric modulus method. Significant deviations from a simple additive rule of mixing on the activation energy are observed consistent with hydrogen bonding and crosslinking of the matrix. This paper indicates a method for the creation of films with good mechanical and physical characteristics by exposing the blends to a relatively mild thermal treatment.


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In positron emission tomography and single photon emission computed tomography studies using D2 dopamine (DA) receptor radiotracers, a decrease in radiotracer binding potential (BP) is usually interpreted in terms of increased competition with synaptic DA. However, some data suggest that this signal may also reflect agonist (DA)-induced increases in D2 receptor (D2R) internalization, a process which would presumably also decrease the population of receptors available for binding to hydrophilic radioligands. To advance interpretation of alterations in D2 radiotracer BP, direct methods of assessment of D2R internalization are required. Here, we describe a confocal microscopy-based approach for the quantification of agonist-dependent receptor internalization. The method relies upon double-labeling of the receptors with antibodies directed against intracellular as well as extracellular epitopes. Following agonist stimulation, DA D2R internalization was quantified by differentiating, in optical cell sections, the signal due to the staining of the extracellular from intracellular epitopes of D2Rs. Receptor internalization was increased in the presence of the D2 agonists DA and bromocriptine, but not the D1 agonist SKF38393. Pretreatment with either the D2 antagonist sulpiride, or inhibitors of internalization (phenylarsine oxide and high molarity sucrose), blocked D2-agonist induced receptor internalization, thus validating this method in vitro. This approach therefore provides a direct and streamlined methodology for investigating the pharmacological and mechanistic aspects of D2R internalization, and should inform the interpretation of results from in vivo receptor imaging studies.


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An important step in liposome characterization is to determine the location of a drug within the liposome. This work thus investigated the interaction of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine liposomes with drugs of varied water solubility, polar surface area (PSA) and partition coefficient using high sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry. Lipophilic estradiol (ES) interacted strongest with the acyl chains of the lipid membrane, followed by the somewhat polar 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). Strongly hydrophilic mannitol (MAN) showed no evidence of interaction but water soluble polymers inulin (IN) and an antisense oligonucleotide (OLG), which have very high PSAs, interacted with the lipid head groups. Accordingly, the drugs could be classified as: hydrophilic ones situated in the aqueous core and which may interact with the head groups; those located at the water-bilayer interface with some degree of penetration into the lipid bilayer; those lipophilic drugs constrained within the bilayer. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The antioxidant capacity of some herbs used in dietology practice was determined by the DPPH free radical method, which was calibrated with ascorbic acid. Partially hydrophilic phenolic compounds are the most active compounds in plants, and therefore water was used as the extraction agent. Besides antioxidant capacity, the content of total phenolic compounds was also measured and a strong correlation between these two variables was found. The extracts of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.), peppermint (Mentha x piperita L.), oregano (Origanum vulgare L.), Greek oregano (Origanum heracleoticum L.), sage (Salvia officinalis L.) and winter savory (Satureja montana L.) showed very significant activity. It was comparable with the activity of green tea in the case of oregano and peppermint. Lower activity was observed in the case of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.), marjoram (Majorana hortensis), hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.), sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum), and lovage (Levisticum officinale Koch.). The inhibitory activity of the herb extracts was monitored also during the autooxidation of lard. Very high antioxidant capacity was observed mainly in sage samples, but also in marjoram and Greek oregano. The extracts of peppermint, oregano, rosemary, winter savory, lemon balm and hyssop showed middle activity comparable to that of alpha-tocopherol. The antioxidant capacity of sweet basil and lovage was insignificant.


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We use atomistic molecular dynamics simulations to probe the effects of added sodium chloride (NaCl) and sodium salicylate (NaSal) salts on the spherical-to-threadlike micelle shape transition in aqueous solutions of cetyltrimethylammonium chloride (CTAC) surfactants. Long threadlike micelles are found to be unstable and break into spherical micelles at low concentrations or NaCl, but remain stable for 20 ns above a threshold value of [NaCl] approximate to 3.0 M, which is about 2.5 times larger than the experimental salt concentration at which the transition between spherical and rodlike micelles occurs. The chloride counterions associate weakly oil the surface of the CTAC micelles with the degree of counterion dissociation decreasing slightly with increasing [NaCl] on spherical micelles, but dropping significantly on the threadlike micelles tit high [NaCl]. This effect indicates that the electrolyte ions drive the micellar shape transition by screening the electrostatic repulsions between the micellar headgroups, The aromatic salicylate counterions, on the other hand, penetrate inside the micelle with their hydrophilic groups staying in the surfactant headgroup region and the hydrophobic groups partially embedded into the hydrophobic core of the micelle. The strong association of the salicylate ions with the surfactant headgroups leads to dense packing of the surfactant molecules, which effectively reduces the surface area per surfactant, and increases intramicellar ordering of the surfactant headgroups, favoring the formation of long threadlike micelles. Simulation predictions of the geometric and electrostatic properties of the spherical and threadlike micelles are in good agreement with experiments.


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The human population is now exposed on a daily basis to a multitude of environmental pollutant chemicals that would not have been present a century ago, and many of these chemicals have been detected in the human breast. The fatty nature of human breast tissue makes it a particular target for lipophilic as well as hydrophilic pollutant chemicals, which may enter the human body through oral, respiratory, or dermal routes. These chemicals possess a range of endocrine-disrupting properties and genotoxic activity, but from a breast cancer perspective the greatest concern has centered around their ability to mimic or interfere with the action of estrogen. The breast is an endocrine target organ and exposure to estrogen is a known risk factor for breast cancer.


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The self-assembly of amphiphilic peptides is reviewed. The review covers surfactant-like peptides with amphiphilicity arising from the sequence of natural amino acids, and also peptide amphiphiles (PAs) in which lipid chains are attached to hydrophilic peptide sequences containing charged residues. The influence of the secondary structure on the self-assembled structure and vice versa is discussed. For surfactant-like peptides structures including fibrils, nanotubes, micelles and vesicles have been reported. A particularly common motif for PAs is beta-sheet based fibrils, although other structures have been observed. In these structures, the peptide epitope is presented at the surface of the nanostructure, providing remarkable bioactivity. Recent discoveries of potential, and actual, applications of these materials in biomedicine and bionanotechnology are discussed.