35 resultados para fibre rope


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Rolling Contact Fatigue (RCF) is one of the main issues that concern, at least initially, the head of the railway; progressively they can be of very high importance as they can propagate inside the material with the risk of damaging the railway. In this work, two different non-destructive techniques, infrared thermography (IRT) and fibre optics microscopy (FOM), were used in the inspection of railways for the tracing of defects and deterioration signs. In the first instance, two different approaches (dynamic and pulsed thermography) were used, whilst in the case of FOM, microscopic characterisation of the railway heads and classification of the deterioration -- damage on the railways according to the UIC (International Union of Railways) code, took place. Results from both techniques are presented and discussed.


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The use of plants fibre reinforced composites has continuously increased during recent years. Their low density, higher environmental friendliness, and reduced cost proved particularly attractive for low-tech applications e.g., in building, automotive and leisure time industry. However, a major limitation to the use of these materials in structural components is unsatisfactory impact performance. An intermediate approach, the production of glass/ plant fibre hybrid laminates, has also been explored, trying to obtain materials with sufficient impact properties, whilst retaining a reduced cost and a substantial environmental gain. A survey is given on some aspects, crucial for the use of glass/plant fibre hybrid laminates in structural components: performance of hybrids when subjected to impact testing; the effect of laminate configuration, manufacturing procedure and fibre treatment on impact properties of the composite. Finally, indications are provided for a suitable selection of plant fibres with minimal extraction damage and sufficient toughness, for introduction in an impact-resistant glass/plant fibre hybrid laminate.


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A fully automated procedure to extract and to image local fibre orientation in biological tissues from scanning X-ray diffraction is presented. The preferred chitin fibre orientation in the flow sensing system of crickets is determined with high spatial resolution by applying synchrotron radiation based X-ray microbeam diffraction in conjunction with advanced sample sectioning using a UV micro-laser. The data analysis is based on an automated detection of azimuthal diffraction maxima after 2D convolution filtering (smoothing) of the 2D diffraction patterns. Under the assumption of crystallographic fibre symmetry around the morphological fibre axis, the evaluation method allows mapping the three-dimensional orientation of the fibre axes in space. The resulting two-dimensional maps of the local fibre orientations - together with the complex shape of the flow sensing system - may be useful for a better understanding of the mechanical optimization of such tissues.


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Background and aims: Epidemiological evidence indicates that cereal dietary fibre (DF) may have several cardiovascular health benefits. The underlying mechanisms have not yet been elucidated. Here, the potential nutritional effects of physico-chemical. properties modifications of durum wheat dietary fibre (DWF) induced by enzyme treatment have been investigated. Methods and results: The conversion of the highly polymerised insoluble dietary fibre into soluble feruloyl oligosaccharides of DWF was achieved by a tailored enzymatic treatment. The in vitro fermentation and release of ferulic acid by intestinal microbiota from DWF before and after the enzymatic treatment were assessed using a gut model validated to mimic the human colonic microbial environment. Results demonstrated that, compared to DWF, the enzyme-treated DWF (ETD-WF) stimulated the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Concurrently, the release of free ferulic acid by ET-DWF was almost three times higher respect to the control. No effect on the formation of short chain fatty acids was observed. Conclusions: The conversion of insoluble dietary fibre from cereals into soluble dietary fibre generated a gut microbial fermentation that supported bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. The concurrent increase in free ferulic acid from the enzyme-treated DWF might result in a higher plasma ferulic acid concentration which could be one of the reasons for the health benefits reported for dietary fibre in cardiovascular diseases. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The burden (economic and medicinal) of acute and chronic gut disorders continues to increase. As efficient therapies are few, attention has turned towards the use of so-called functional foods to mediate against gut disorder. These target particular genera of gut bacteria seen as beneficial, e.g. bifidobacteria, lactobacilli. The use of products containing live microbial species (probiotics) has a long history of use in humans and many trials have been reported as 'positive'. Taking the view that positive components of the gut flora already exist in the intestinal tract, the prebiotic concept has been developed. Here, dietary carbohydrates have a selective metabolism within the gut flora thereby shifting the community towards a more advantageous structure. Conventional fibres like pectins, cellulose, etc. are not selectively metabolised by gut bacteria. However, certain oligosaccharides do have this capability. Most research has been conducted with fructooligosaccharides, like inulin, which have a powerful bifidogenic effect. Trials are ongoing to determine the clinical benefits of prebiotic use. Intestinal disorders like ulcerative colitis, gastroenteritis and irritable bowel syndrome are particular targets. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Tracer gas techniques have been the most appropriate experimental method of determining airflows and ventilation rates in houses. However, current trends to reduce greenhouse gas effects have prompted the need for alternative techniques, such as passive sampling. In this research passive sampling techniques have been used to demonstrate the potential to fulfil these requirements by using solutions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and solid phase microextraction (SPME) fibres. These passive sampling techniques have been calibrated against tracer gas decay techniques and measurements from a standard orifice plate. Two constant sources of volatile organic compounds were diffused into two sections of a humidity chamber and sampled using SPME fibres. From a total of four SPME fibres (two in each section), reproducible results were obtained. Emission rates and air movement from one section to the other were predicted using developed algorithms. Comparison of the SPME fibre technique with that of the tracer gas technique and measurements from an orifice plate showed similar results with good precision and accuracy. With these fibres, infiltration rates can be measured over grab samples in a time weighted averaged period lasting from 10 minutes up to several days. Key words: passive samplers, solid phase microextraction fibre, tracer gas techniques, airflow, air infiltration, houses.


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We report on a distributed moisture detection scheme which uses a cable design based on waterswellable hydrogel polymers. The cable modulates the loss characteristic of light guided within a multi-mode optical fibre in response to relative water potentials in the surrounding environment. Interrogation of the cable using conventional optical time-domain reflectometry (OTDR) instruments allows water ingress points to be identified and located with a spatial resolution of 50 cm. The system has been tested in a simulated tendon duct grouting experiment as a means of mapping the extent of fill along the duct during the grouting process. Voided regions were detected and identified to within 50 cm. A series of salt solutions has been used to determine the sensor behaviour over a range of water potentials. These experiments predict that measurements of soil moisture content can be made over the range 0 to – 1500 kPa. Preliminary data on soil measurements have shown that the sensor can detect water pressure changes with a resolution of 45 kPa. Applications for the sensor include quality assurance of grouting procedures, verification of waterproofing barriers and soil moisture content determination (for load-bearing calculations).


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A new automatic feedback potometer for physiological studies of water uptake by root systems is described. A dual-optical-fibre amplitude-modulating displacement transducer of improved sensitivity is employed to detect the changes in liquid level. The merits of optimal double-cut fibres, which make full use of the critical angle and improve coupling between the emitter and the receiver, have resulted in a sensor that is 64 times more responsive than the simple emitter - detector probe. Positioning the optical fibre transducer in a narrow capillary and using feedback to control the liquid level allows continuous measurement of volumes in the nanolitre range. The optical sensor used does not need re-calibration for the different salt solutions used in such studies.


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Magnetic clouds (MCs) are a subset of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) which exhibit signatures consistent with a magnetic flux rope structure. Techniques for reconstructing flux rope orientation from single-point in situ observations typically assume the flux rope is locally cylindrical, e.g., minimum variance analysis (MVA) and force-free flux rope (FFFR) fitting. In this study, we outline a non-cylindrical magnetic flux rope model, in which the flux rope radius and axial curvature can both vary along the length of the axis. This model is not necessarily intended to represent the global structure of MCs, but it can be used to quantify the error in MC reconstruction resulting from the cylindrical approximation. When the local flux rope axis is approximately perpendicular to the heliocentric radial direction, which is also the effective spacecraft trajectory through a magnetic cloud, the error in using cylindrical reconstruction methods is relatively small (≈ 10∘). However, as the local axis orientation becomes increasingly aligned with the radial direction, the spacecraft trajectory may pass close to the axis at two separate locations. This results in a magnetic field time series which deviates significantly from encounters with a force-free flux rope, and consequently the error in the axis orientation derived from cylindrical reconstructions can be as much as 90∘. Such two-axis encounters can result in an apparent ‘double flux rope’ signature in the magnetic field time series, sometimes observed in spacecraft data. Analysing each axis encounter independently produces reasonably accurate axis orientations with MVA, but larger errors with FFFR fitting.


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This paper presents a completely new design of a bogie-frame made of glass fibre reinforced composites and its performance under various loading conditions predicted by finite element analysis. The bogie consists of two frames, with one placed on top of the other, and two axle ties connecting the axles. Each frame consists of two side arms and a transom between. The top frame is thinner and more compliant and has a higher curvature compared with the bottom frame. Variable vertical stiffness can be achieved before and after the contact between the two frames at the central section of the bogie to cope with different load levels. Finite element analysis played a very important role in the design of this structure. Stiffness and stress levels of the full scale bogie presented in this paper under various loading conditions have been predicted by using Marc provided by MSC Software. In order to verify the finite element analysis (FEA) models, a fifth scale prototype of the bogie has been made and tested under quasi-static loading conditions. Results of testing on the fifth scale bogie have been used to fine tune details like contact and friction in the fifth scale FEA models. These conditions were then applied to the full scale models. Finite element analysis results show that the stress levels in all directions are low compared with material strengths.


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This paper presents the results of quasi-static and dynamic testing of glass fiber-reinforced polyester leaf suspension for rail freight vehicles named Euroleaf. The principal elements of the suspension's design and manufacturing process are initially summarized. Comparison between quasi-static tests and finite element predictions are then presented. The Euroleaf suspension have been mounted on a tipper wagon and tested dynamically at tare and full load on a purpose-built shaker rig. A shaker rig dynamic testing methodology has been pioneered for rail vehicles, which follows closely road vehicle suspension dynamic testing methodology. The use and evaluation of this methodology have demonstrated that the Euroleaf suspension is dynamically much softer than steel suspensions even though it is statically much stiffer. As a consequence, the suspension dynamic loading at laden loading conditions is reduced compared to the most advanced steel leaf suspension over shaker rig track tests.


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Wheat dextrin soluble fibre may have metabolic and health benefits, potentially acting via mechanisms governed by the selective modulation of the human gut microbiota. Our aim was to examine the impact of wheat dextrin on the composition and metabolic activity of the gut microbiota. We used a validated in vitro three-stage continuous culture human colonic model (gut model) system comprised of vessels simulating anatomical regions of the human colon. To mimic human ingestion, 7 g of wheat dextrin (NUTRIOSE® FB06) was administered to three gut models, twice daily at 10.00 and 15.00, for a total of 18 days. Samples were collected and analysed for microbial composition and organic acid concentrations by 16S rRNA-based fluorescence in situ hybridisation and gas chromatography approaches, respectively. Wheat dextrin mediated a significant increase in total bacteria in vessels simulating the transverse and distal colon, and a significant increase in key butyrate-producing bacteria Clostridium cluster XIVa and Roseburia genus in all vessels of the gut model. The production of principal short-chain fatty acids, acetate, propionate and butyrate, which have been purported to have protective, trophic and metabolic host benefits, were increased. Specifically, wheat dextrin fermentation had a significant butyrogenic effect in all vessels of the gut model and significantly increased production of acetate (vessels 2 and 3) and propionate (vessel 3), simulating the transverse and distal regions of the human colon, respectively. In conclusion, wheat dextrin NUTRIOSE® FB06 is selectively fermented in vitro by Clostridium cluster XIVa and Roseburia genus and beneficially alters the metabolic profile of the human gut microbiota.