83 resultados para biomass partitioning


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Pollutant plumes with enhanced concentrations of trace gases and aerosols were observed over the southern coast of West Africa during August 2006 as part of the AMMA wet season field campaign. Plumes were observed both in the mid and upper troposphere. In this study we examined the origin of these pollutant plumes, and their potential to photochemically produce ozone (O3) downwind over the Atlantic Ocean. Their possible contribution to the Atlantic O3 maximum is also discussed. Runs using the BOLAM mesoscale model including biomass burning carbon monoxide (CO) tracers were used to confirm an origin from central African biomass burning fires. The plumes measured in the mid troposphere (MT) had significantly higher pollutant concentrations over West Africa compared to the upper tropospheric (UT) plume. The mesoscale model reproduces these differences and the two different pathways for the plumes at different altitudes: transport to the north-east of the fire region, moist convective uplift and transport to West Africa for the upper tropospheric plume versus north-west transport over the Gulf of Guinea for the mid-tropospheric plume. Lower concentrations in the upper troposphere are mainly due to enhanced mixing during upward transport. Model simulations suggest that MT and UT plumes are 16 and 14 days old respectively when measured over West Africa. The ratio of tracer concentrations at 600 hPa and 250 hPa was estimated for 14–15 August in the region of the observed plumes and compares well with the same ratio derived from observed carbon dioxide (CO2) enhancements in both plumes. It is estimated that, for the period 1–15 August, the ratio of Biomass Burning (BB) tracer concentration transported in the UT to the ones transported in the MT is 0.6 over West Africa and the equatorial South Atlantic. Runs using a photochemical trajectory model, CiTTyCAT, initialized with the observations, were used to estimate in-situ net photochemical O3 production rates in these plumes during transport downwind of West Africa. The mid-troposphere plume spreads over altitude between 1.5 and 6 km over the Atlantic Ocean. Even though the plume was old, it was still very photochemically active (mean net O3 production rates over 10 days of 2.6 ppbv/day and up to 7 ppbv/day during the first days) above 3 km especially during the first few days of transport westward. It is also shown that the impact of high aerosol loads in the MT plume on photolysis rates serves to delay the peak in modelled O3 concentrations. These results suggest that a significant fraction of enhanced O3 in mid-troposphere over the Atlantic comes from BB sources during the summer monsoon period. According to simulated occurrence of such transport, BB may be the main source for O3 enhancement in the equatorial south Atlantic MT, at least in August 2006. The upper tropospheric plume was also still photochemically active, although mean net O3 production rates were slower (1.3 ppbv/day). The results suggest that, whilst the transport of BB pollutants to the UT is variable (as shown by the mesoscale model simulations), pollution from biomass burning can make an important contribution to additional photochemical production of O3 in addition to other important sources such as nitrogen oxides (NOx) from lightning.


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The relationship between plant species diversity, productivity and the development of the soil community during early secondary succession on former arable land across Europe is investigated. The enhancement of biomass production due to the increase in initial plant species diversity and the consequent stimulation of soil microbial biomass and abundance of soil invertebrates are examined.


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In order to identify the effect of burrowing nematodes on the shoots (pseudostem and leaves) of banana plants and to determine whether or not shoot characteristics are associated with plant resistance to nematodes two experiments were conducted in controlled conditions within polytunnels. The banana plants were harvested on three occasions for the measurement of root morphology and biomass. Varieties differed in their resistance to nematodes from resistant (Yg Km5, FHIA 17, FHIA 03) and partly resistant (FHIA 01, FHIA 25) to not resistant (FHIA 23, Williams). Nematodes reduced total plant dry weight at the first harvest in Experiment 1 and by an average of 8.8% in Experiment 2, but did not affect leaf area in either experiment. The ratio of above-ground Weight to total plant weight was reduced from 75% to 72% in nematode-infected plants compared with the control plants for all varieties tested in Experiment 1, but was only reduced in FHIA 25 and FHIA 23 in Experiment 2. Varieties differed in above-ground growth. The FHIA varieties had greater shoot weights and leaf area than YgKm5 and Williams. Overall, resistance to nematodes was associated with the partitioning of a greater proportion of biomass to the roots than to above-ground parts.


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The results from three types of study with broilers, namely nitrogen (N) balance, bioassays and growth experiments, provided the data used herein. Sets of data on N balance and protein accretion (bioassay studies) were used to assess the ability of the monomolecular equation to describe the relationship between (i) N balance and amino acid (AA) intake and (ii) protein accretion and AA intake. The model estimated the levels of isoleucine, lysine, valine, threonine, methionine, total sulphur AAs and tryptophan resulting in zero balance to be 58, 59, 80, 96, 23, 85 and 32 mg/kg live weight (LW)/day, respectively. These estimates show good agreement with those obtained in previous studies. For the growth experiments, four models, specifically re-parameterized for analysing energy balance data, were evaluated for their ability to determine crude protein (CP) intake at maintenance and efficiency of utilization of CP intake for producing gain. They were: a straight line, two equations representing diminishing returns behaviour (monomolecular and rectangular hyperbola) and one equation describing smooth sigmoidal behaviour with a fixed point of inflexion (Gompertz). The estimates of CP requirement for maintenance and efficiency of utilization of CP intake for producing gain varied from 5.4 to 5.9 g/kg LW/day and 0.60 to 0.76, respectively, depending on the models.


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The primary purpose of this study was to model the partitioning of evapotranspiration in a maize-sunflower intercrop at various canopy covers. The Shuttleworth-Wallace (SW) model was extended for intercropping systems to include both crop transpiration and soil evaporation and allowing interaction between the two. To test the accuracy of the extended SW model, two field experiments of maize-sunflower intercrop were conducted in 1998 and 1999. Plant transpiration and soil evaporation were measured using sap flow gauges and lysimeters, respectively. The mean prediction error (simulated minus measured values) for transpiration was zero (which indicated no overall bias in estimation error), and its accuracy was not affected by the plant growth stages, but simulated transpiration during high measured transpiration rates tended to be slightly underestimated. Overall, the predictions for daily soil evaporation were also accurate. Model estimation errors were probably due to the simplified modelling of soil water content, stomatal resistances and soil heat flux as well as due to the uncertainties in characterising the 2 micrometeorological conditions. The SW’s prediction of transpiration was most sensitive to parameters most directly related to the canopy characteristics such as the partitioning of captured solar radiation, canopy resistance, and bulk boundary layer resistance.


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Calliandra calothyrsus is a tree legume native to Mexico and Central America. The species has attracted considerable attention for its capacity to produce both fuelwood and foliage for either green manure or fodder. Its high content of proanthocyanidins (condensed tannins) and associated low digestibility has, however, limited its use as a feed for ruminants, and there is also a widespread perception that wilting the leaves further reduces their nutritive value. Nevertheless, there has been increasing uptake of calliandra as fodder in certain regions, notably the Central Highlands of Kenya. The present study, conducted in Embu, Kenya, investigated effects of provenance, wilting, cutting frequency and seasonal variation both in the laboratory (in vitro digestibility, crude protein, neutral detergent fibre, extractable and bound proanthocyanidins) and in on-station animal production trials with growing lambs and lactating goats. The local Kenyan landrace of calliandra (Embu) and a closely-related Guatemalan provenance (Patulul) were found to be significantly different, and superior, to a provenance from Nicaragua (San Ramon) in most of the laboratory traits measured, as well as in animal production and feed efficiency. Cutting frequency had no important effect on quality; and although all quality traits displayed seasonal variation there was little discernible pattern to this variation. Wilting had a much less negative effect than expected, and for lambs fed calliandra as a supplement to a low quality basal feed (maize stover), wilting was actually found to give higher live-weight gain and feed efficiency. Conversely, with a high quality basal diet (Napier grass) wilting enhanced intake but not live-weight gain, so feed efficiency was greater for fresh material. The difference between fresh and wilted leaves was not great enough to justify the current widespread recommendation that calliandra should always be fed fresh.


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P>1. Management of lowland mesotrophic grasslands in north-west Europe often makes use of inorganic fertilizers, high stocking densities and silage-based forage systems to maximize productivity. The impact of these practices has resulted in a simplification of the plant community combined with wide-scale declines in the species richness of grassland invertebrates. We aim to identify how field margin management can be used to promote invertebrate diversity across a suite of functionally diverse taxa (beetles, planthoppers, true bugs, butterflies, bumblebees and spiders). 2. Using an information theoretic approach we identify the impacts of management (cattle grazing, cutting and inorganic fertilizer) and plant community composition (forb species richness, grass species richness and sward architecture) on invertebrate species richness and body size. As many of these management practices are common to grassland systems throughout the world, understanding invertebrate responses to them is important for the maintenance of biodiversity. 3. Sward architecture was identified as the primary factor promoting increased species richness of both predatory and phytophagous trophic levels, as well as being positively correlated with mean body size. In all cases phytophagous invertebrate species richness was positively correlated with measures of plant species richness. 4. The direct effects of management practices appear to be comparatively weak, suggesting that their impacts are indirect and mediated though the continuous measures of plant community structure, such as sward architecture or plant species richness. 5. Synthesis and applications. By partitioning field margins from the remainder of the field, economically viable intensive grassland management can be combined with extensive management aimed at promoting native biodiversity. The absence of inorganic fertilizer, combined with a reduction in the intensity of both cutting and grazing regimes, promotes floral species richness and sward architectural complexity. By increasing sward architecture the total biomass of invertebrates also increased (by c. 60% across the range of sward architectural measures seen in this study), increasing food available for higher trophic levels, such as birds and mammals.


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Growth patterns and cropping were evaluated over the season for the everbearing strawberry 'Everest' at a range of temperatures (15-27degreesC) in two light environments (ambient and 50% shade). The highest yield was recorded for unshaded plants grown at 23degreesC, but the optimum temperature for vegetative growth was 15degreesC. With increasing temperature fruit number increased, but fruit weight decreased. Fruit weight was also significantly reduced by shade, and although 'Everest' showed a degree of shade tolerance in vegetative growth, yield was consistently reduced by shade. Shade also reduced the number of crowns developed by the plants over the course of the season, emphasising that crown number was ultimately the limiting factor for yield potential. We conclude that, in contrast to Junebearers which partition more assimilates to fruit at temperatures around 15degreesC (Le Miere et al., 1998), optimised cropping in the everbearer 'Everest' is achieved at the significantly higher temperature of 23degreesC. These findings have significance for commercial production, in which protection tends to reduce light levels but increase average temperature throughout the season.


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New hydrophobic, tetradentate nitrogen heterocyclic reagents, 6.6'-bis-(5,6-dialkyl- 1,2,4-triazin-3-yl)2,2'-bipyridines (BTBPs) have been synthesised. These reagents form complexes with lanthanides and crystal structures with 11 different lanthanides have been determined. The majority of the structures show the lanthanide to be 10-coordinate with stoichiometry [Ln(BTBP)(NO3)(3)] although Yb and Lu are 9-coordinate in complexes with stoichiometry [Ln(BTBP)(NO3)(2)(H2O)](NO3). In these complexes the BTBP ligands are tetradentate and planar with donor nitrogens mutually cis i.e. in the cis, cis, cis conformation. Crystal structures of two free molecules, namely C2-BTBP and CyMe4-BTBP have also been determined and show different conformations described as cis, trans, cis and trans, trans, trans respectively. A NMR titration between lanthanum nitrate and C5-BTBP showed that two different complexes are to be found in solution, namely [La(C5-BTBP)(2)](3+) and [La(C5-BTBP)(NO3)(3)]. The BTBPs dissolved in octanol were able to extract Am(III) and Eu(III) from 1 M nitric acid with large separation factors.


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It has been established that 6-(5,6-dialkyl-1,2,4-triazin-3-yl)-2,2'-bipyridines (R,hemi-BTPs) have properties which are intermediate between those of the terpyridines and the bis(1,2,4-triazin-3-yl)pyridines (BTPs). However, they resemble the terpyridines much more closely than the BTPs. It has been shown that Et, hemi-BTP when dissolved in TPH-a dodecane-like solvent-is a selective reagent for the separation of americium(III) from europium(III). Solution NMR in acetonitrile largely confirmed the crystallographic results. There was no evidence for a 1 : 3 complex cation, or for significant differences between metal(III)-N distances for the pyridine and 1,2,4-triazine rings. Intramolecular hydrogen bonding plays a crucial role in the formation of metal coordination spheres, which explains the differences between the terpyridyl, R,hemi-BTPs and the BTPs. Protonation of the R,hemi-BTPs facilitates a conformational change which is necessary for complexation.