41 resultados para Xenomai, Xbee, control loop, PID, BeagleBone
It is usually expected that the intelligent controlling mechanism of a robot is a computer system. Research is however now ongoing in which biological neural networks are being cultured and trained to act as the brain of an interactive real world robot - thereby either completely replacing or operating in a cooperative fashion with a computer system. Studying such neural systems can give a distinct insight into biological neural structures and therefore such research has immediate medical implications. In particular, the use of rodent primary dissociated cultured neuronal networks for the control of mobile `animals' (artificial animals, a contraction of animal and materials) is a novel approach to discovering the computational capabilities of networks of biological neurones. A dissociated culture of this nature requires appropriate embodiment in some form, to enable appropriate development in a controlled environment within which appropriate stimuli may be received via sensory data but ultimate influence over motor actions retained. The principal aims of the present research are to assess the computational and learning capacity of dissociated cultured neuronal networks with a view to advancing network level processing of artificial neural networks. This will be approached by the creation of an artificial hybrid system (animal) involving closed loop control of a mobile robot by a dissociated culture of rat neurons. This 'closed loop' interaction with the environment through both sensing and effecting will enable investigation of its learning capacity This paper details the components of the overall animat closed loop system and reports on the evaluation of the results from the experiments being carried out with regard to robot behaviour.
An indoor rowing machine has been modified for functional electrical stimulation (FES) assisted rowing exercise in paraplegia. To perform the rowing manoeuvre successfully, however, the voluntarily controlled upper body movements must be co-ordinated with the movements of the electrically stimulated paralysed legs. To achieve such co-ordination, an automatic FES controller was developed that employs two levels of hierarchy. At the upper level, a finite state controller identifies the state or phase of the rowing cycle and activates the appropriate lower-level controller, in which electrical stimulation to the paralysed leg muscles is applied with reference to switching curves representing the desired seat velocity as a function of the seat position. In a pilot study, the hierarchical control of FES rowing was shown to be intuitive, reliable and easy to use. Compared with open-loop control of stimulation, all three variants of the closed-loop switching curve controllers used less muscle stimulation per rowing cycle (73% of the open-loop control on average). Further, the closed-loop controller that used switching curves derived from normal rowing kinematics used the lowest muscle stimulation (65% of the open-loop control) and was the most convenient to use for the client.
Many photovoltaic inverter designs make use of a buck based switched mode power supply (SMPS) to produce a rectified sinusoidal waveform. This waveform is then unfolded by a low frequency switching structure to produce a fully sinusoidal waveform. The Cuk SMPS could offer advantages over the buck in such applications. Unfortunately the Cuk converter is considered to be difficult to control using classical methods. Correct closed loop design is essential for stable operation of Cuk converters. Due to these stability issues, Cuk converter based designs often require stiff low bandwidth control loops. In order to achieve this stable closed loop performance, traditional designs invariably need large, unreliable electrolytic capacitors. In this paper, an inverter with a sliding mode control approach is presented which enables the designer to make use of the Cuk converters advantages, while ameliorating control difficulties. This control method allows the selection of passive components based predominantly on ripple and reliability specifications while requiring only one state reference signal. This allows much smaller, more reliable non-electrolytic capacitors to be used. A prototype inverter has been constructed and results obtained which demonstrate the design flexibility of the Cuk topology when coupled with sliding mode control.
Objectives. Theoretic modeling and experimental studies suggest that functional electrical stimulation (FES) can improve trunk balance in spinal cord injured subjects. This can have a positive impact on daily life, increasing the volume of bimanual workspace, improving sitting posture, and wheelchair propulsion. A closed loop controller for the stimulation is desirable, as it can potentially decrease muscle fatigue and offer better rejection to disturbances. This paper proposes a biomechanical model of the human trunk, and a procedure for its identification, to be used for the future development of FES controllers. The advantage over previous models resides in the simplicity of the solution proposed, which makes it possible to identify the model just before a stimulation session ( taking into account the variability of the muscle response to the FES). Materials and Methods. The structure of the model is based on previous research on FES and muscle physiology. Some details could not be inferred from previous studies, and were determined from experimental data. Experiments with a paraplegic volunteer were conducted in order to measure the moments exerted by the trunk-passive tissues and artificially stimulated muscles. Data for model identification and validation also were collected. Results. Using the proposed structure and identification procedure, the model could adequately reproduce the moments exerted during the experiments. The study reveals that the stimulated trunk extensors can exert maximal moment when the trunk is in the upright position. In contrast, previous studies show that able-bodied subjects can exert maximal trunk extension when flexed forward. Conclusions. The proposed model and identification procedure are a successful first step toward the development of a model-based controller for trunk FES. The model also gives information on the trunk in unique conditions, normally not observable in able-bodied subjects (ie, subject only to extensor muscles contraction).
In this paper stability of one-step ahead predictive controllers based on non-linear models is established. It is shown that, under conditions which can be fulfilled by most industrial plants, the closed-loop system is robustly stable in the presence of plant uncertainties and input–output constraints. There is no requirement that the plant should be open-loop stable and the analysis is valid for general forms of non-linear system representation including the case out when the problem is constraint-free. The effectiveness of controllers designed according to the algorithm analyzed in this paper is demonstrated on a recognized benchmark problem and on a simulation of a continuous-stirred tank reactor (CSTR). In both examples a radial basis function neural network is employed as the non-linear system model.
A simple parameter adaptive controller design methodology is introduced in which steady-state servo tracking properties provide the major control objective. This is achieved without cancellation of process zeros and hence the underlying design can be applied to non-minimum phase systems. As with other self-tuning algorithms, the design (user specified) polynomials of the proposed algorithm define the performance capabilities of the resulting controller. However, with the appropriate definition of these polynomials, the synthesis technique can be shown to admit different adaptive control strategies, e.g. self-tuning PID and self-tuning pole-placement controllers. The algorithm can therefore be thought of as an embodiment of other self-tuning design techniques. The performances of some of the resulting controllers are illustrated using simulation examples and the on-line application to an experimental apparatus.
A neural network enhanced proportional, integral and derivative (PID) controller is presented that combines the attributes of neural network learning with a generalized minimum-variance self-tuning control (STC) strategy. The neuro PID controller is structured with plant model identification and PID parameter tuning. The plants to be controlled are approximated by an equivalent model composed of a simple linear submodel to approximate plant dynamics around operating points, plus an error agent to accommodate the errors induced by linear submodel inaccuracy due to non-linearities and other complexities. A generalized recursive least-squares algorithm is used to identify the linear submodel, and a layered neural network is used to detect the error agent in which the weights are updated on the basis of the error between the plant output and the output from the linear submodel. The procedure for controller design is based on the equivalent model, and therefore the error agent is naturally functioned within the control law. In this way the controller can deal not only with a wide range of linear dynamic plants but also with those complex plants characterized by severe non-linearity, uncertainties and non-minimum phase behaviours. Two simulation studies are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the controller design procedure.
A dynamic recurrent neural network (DRNN) that can be viewed as a generalisation of the Hopfield neural network is proposed to identify and control a class of control affine systems. In this approach, the identified network is used in the context of the differential geometric control to synthesise a state feedback that cancels the nonlinear terms of the plant yielding a linear plant which can then be controlled using a standard PID controller.
Predictive controllers are often only applicable for open-loop stable systems. In this paper two such controllers are designed to operate on open-loop critically stable systems, each of which is used to find the control inputs for the roll control autopilot of a jet fighter aircraft. It is shown how it is quite possible for good predictive control to be achieved on open-loop critically stable systems.
This paper presents a controller design scheme for a priori unknown non-linear dynamical processes that are identified via an operating point neurofuzzy system from process data. Based on a neurofuzzy design and model construction algorithm (NeuDec) for a non-linear dynamical process, a neurofuzzy state-space model of controllable form is initially constructed. The control scheme based on closed-loop pole assignment is then utilized to ensure the time invariance and linearization of the state equations so that the system stability can be guaranteed under some mild assumptions, even in the presence of modelling error. The proposed approach requires a known state vector for the application of pole assignment state feedback. For this purpose, a generalized Kalman filtering algorithm with coloured noise is developed on the basis of the neurofuzzy state-space model to obtain an optimal state vector estimation. The derived controller is applied in typical output tracking problems by minimizing the tracking error. Simulation examples are included to demonstrate the operation and effectiveness of the new approach.
This paper is concerned with the design of robust feedback H~-control systems for the control of the upright posture of paraplegic persons standing. While the subject stands in a special apparatus, stabilising torque at the ankle joint is generated by electrical stimulation of the paralyzed calf muscles. Since the muscles acting as actuators in this setup show a significant degree of nonlinearity, a robust H~-control design is used. The design approach is implemented in experiments with a paraplegic subject. The results demonstrate good performance and closed loop stability over the whole range of operation.
This paper discusses a new method of impedance control that has been successfully implemented on the master robot of a teleoperation system. The method involves calibrating the robot to quantify the effect of adjustable controller parameters on the impedances along its different axes. The empirical equations relating end-effector impedance to the controller's feedback gains are obtained by performing system identification tests along individual axes of the robot. With these equations, online control of end-effector stiffness and damping is possible without having to monitor joint torques or solving complex algorithms. Hard contact conditions and compliant interfaces have been effectively demonstrated on a telemanipulation test-bed using appropriate combinations of stiffness and damping settings obtained by this method.
In this paper, we show how a set of recently derived theoretical results for recurrent neural networks can be applied to the production of an internal model control system for a nonlinear plant. The results include determination of the relative order of a recurrent neural network and invertibility of such a network. A closed loop controller is produced without the need to retrain the neural network plant model. Stability of the closed-loop controller is also demonstrated.
A neural network was used to map three PID operating regions for a two-input two-output steam generator system. The network was used in stand alone feedforward operation to control the whole operating range of the process, after being trained from the PID controllers corresponding to each control region. The network inputs are the plant error signals, their integral, their derivative and a 4-error delay train.
The paper describes a self-tuning adaptive PID controller suitable for use in the control of robotic manipulators. The scheme employs a simple recursive estimator which reduces the computational effort to an acceptable level for many applications in robotics.