66 resultados para Wells, Carlton
Absolute intensity measurements have been made on the fundamental vibrations of ethylene and four of its deuteroisotopes. The bands were pressure broadened with nitrogen at 50 atmos, and the intensities were determined by the method of Wilson and Wells except that the observed optical density was integrated against logv rather than v. Normal coordinates have been calculated, and the intensities have been interpreted in terms of quantities (∂p/∂Si) giving the change in dipole moment with respect to each internal symmetry coordinate. Data from the different isotopic species have been used to eliminate ambiguities in the interpretation. Effective bond moments are calculated for each symmetry coordinate.
Absolute intensity measurements have been made on the fundamental vibrations of C2H6 and C2D6, using the extrapolation method of Wilson and Wells and using nitrogen at pressures up to 50 atmospheres to broaden the bands. The absorption coefficient was integrated against the logarithm of the frequency. Normal coordinates were calculated from the potential function of Hansen and Dennison, and were used to interpret the results in terms of quantities (∂p/∂Si) giving the change of dipole moment with respect to the symmetry coordinates Si. Consistency of data between the isotopes was used both to eliminate ambiguities in the interpretation, and as a criterion in separating overlapping pairs of absorption bands. The results have been interpreted in terms of bond effective moments.
This group, which is concerned with the applications of mathematics to agricultural science, was formed in 1970 and has since met at approximately yearly intervals in London for one-day meetings. The thirty-ninth meeting of the group, chaired by Professor N. Crout of the University of Nottingham, was held in the Kohn Centre at the Royal Society, 6 Carlton House Terrace, London on Friday, 30 March 2007 when the following papers were read.
Multivariate statistical methods were used to investigate file Causes of toxicity and controls on groundwater chemistry from 274 boreholes in an Urban area (London) of the United Kingdom. The groundwater was alkaline to neutral, and chemistry was dominated by calcium, sodium, and Sulfate. Contaminants included fuels, solvents, and organic compounds derived from landfill material. The presence of organic material in the aquifer caused decreases in dissolved oxygen, sulfate and nitrate concentrations. and increases in ferrous iron and ammoniacal nitrogen concentrations. Pearson correlations between toxicity results and the concentration of individual analytes indicated that concentrations of ammoinacal nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, ferrous iron, and hydrocarbons were important where present. However, principal component and regression analysis suggested no significant correlation between toxicity and chemistry over the whole area. Multidimensional Scaling was used to investigate differences in sites caused by historical use, landfill gas status, or position within the sample area. Significant differences were observed between sites with different historical land use and those with different gas status. Examination of the principal component matrix revealed that these differences are related to changes in the importance of reduced chemical species.
This article discusses issues in measuring lexical diversity, before outlining an approach based on mathematical modelling that produces a measure, D, designed to address these problems. The procedure for obtaining values for D directly from transcripts using software (vocd) is introduced, and then applied to thirty-two children from the Bristol Study of Language Development (Wells 1985) at ten different ages. A significant developmental trend is shown for D and an indication is given of the average scores and ranges to be expected between the ages of 18 and 42 months and at 5 years for these L1 English speakers. The meaning attributable to further ranges of values for D is illustrated by analysing the lexical diversity of academic writing, and its wider application is demonstrated with examples from specific language impairment, morphological development, and foreign/second language learning.
The aim of the study was to investigate the ability of pectic oligosaccharides (POS) to inhibit adhesion of three strains of verotoxigenic Escherichia coli, three strains of enteropathogenic E. coli, and one nonclinical strain of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans to human intestinal epithelial cell cultures. Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus gasseri were included for comparison. Attachment wits determined in the human HT29 cell line by viable Count of adherent bacteria. POS in buffer at pH 7.2 were antiadhesive at a dose of 2.5 mg ml(-1), reducing adhesion of enteropathogenic E. coli and verotoxigenic E. coli strains to less than 30% of control values. Concentrations resulting in 50% inhibition ranged from 0.15 to 0.46 mg ml(-1). L. acidophilus was not significantly affected. but adhesion of L. gasseri was reduced to 29% of the control value. POS reduced the adhesion of D. desulfuricans to 0.33% of the control value. POS also had a protective effect against E. coli verocytotoxins VT1 and VT2 at concentrations of 0.01 and 1 mu g ml(-1), respectively.
Many depressed patients report intrusive and distressing memories of specific events in their lives. Where present, these memories are believed to act as a maintaining factor. A series of ten patients with major depressive disorder and intrusive memories, many of them reporting severe, chronic, or recurrent episodes of depression, were given an average of 8.1 sessions of imagery rescripting as a stand-alone treatment. Hierarchical linear modelling demonstrated large treatment effects that were well maintained at one year follow-up. Seven patients showed reliable improvement, and six patients clinically significant improvement. These gains were achieved entirely by working through patients' visual imagination and without verbal challenging of negative beliefs. Spontaneous changes in beliefs, rumination, and behaviour were nevertheless observed. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Collaboratories provide an environment where researchers at distant locations work together at tackling important scientific and industrial problems. In this paper we outline the tools and principles used to form the eMinerals collaboratory, and discuss the experience, from within, of working towards establishing the eMinerals project team as a functioning virtual organisation. Much of the emphasis of this paper is on experience with the IT tools. We introduce a new application sharing tool.
This paper presents a study investigating how the performance of motion-impaired computer users in point and click tasks varies with target distance (A), target width (W), and force-feedback gravity well width (GWW). Six motion-impaired users performed point and click tasks across a range of values for A, W, and GWW. Times were observed to increase with A, and to decrease with W. Times also improved with GWW, and, with the addition of a gravity well, a greater improvement was observed for smaller targets than for bigger ones. It was found that Fitts Law gave a good description of behaviour for each value of GWW, and that gravity wells reduced the effect of task difficulty on performance. A model based on Fitts Law is proposed, which incorporates the effect of GWW on movement time. The model accounts for 88.8% of the variance in the observed data.
Objective The influences of genetic determinants on the magnitude of postprandial lipaemia are presently unclear. Here the impact of the common apolipoprotein (apo)E epsilon mutation on the postprandial triglyceride (TG) response is determined, along with an assessment of genotype penetrance according to age, body mass index and gender. Methods and results Healthy adults (n = 251) underwent a postprandial investigation, in which blood samples were taken at regular intervals after a test breakfast (0 min, 49 g fat) and lunch (330 min, 29 g fat) until 480 min after the test breakfast. There was a significant impact of apoE genotype on fasting total cholesterol (TC), (P = 0.027), LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C), (P = 0.008), and %LDL3 (P = 0.001), with higher and lower levels in the E4 and E2 carriers respectively relative to the E3/E3 genotype. Reflective of a higher fasting TG (P = 0.001), a significantly higher area under the curve for the postprandial TG response (TG AUC) was evident in the E4 carriers relative to the E3/E3 group (P = 0.038). In the group as a whole, a significant age × genotype interaction was observed for fasting TC (P = 0.021). In the participants >50 years there was a significant impact of genotype on TC (P = 0.005), LDL-C (P = 0.001) and TAG AUC (P = 0.028). Conclusions It is possible that an exaggerated postprandial lipaemia contributes to the increased coronary heart disease risk associated with carriers of the E4 allele; an effect which is more evident in older adults.