63 resultados para Ultrasonic diffraction


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Gallaborane (GaBH6, 1), synthesized by the metathesis of LiBH4 with [H2GaCl]n at ca. 250 K, has been characterized by chemical analysis and by its IR and 1H and 11B NMR spectra. The IR spectrum of the vapor at low pressure implies the presence of only one species, viz. H2Ga(μ-H)2BH2, with a diborane-like structure conforming to C2v symmetry. The structure of this molecule has been determined by gas-phase electron diffraction (GED) measurements afforced by the results of ab initio molecular orbital calculations. Hence the principal distances (rα in Å) and angles ( α in deg) are as follows: r(Ga•••B), 2.197(3); r(Ga−Ht), 1.555(6); r(Ga−Hb), 1.800(6); r(B−Ht), 1.189(7); r(B−Hb), 1.286(7); Hb−Ga−Hb, 71.6(4); and Hb−B−Hb, 110.0(5) (t = terminal, b = bridging). Aggregation of the molecules occurs in the condensed phases. X-ray crystallographic studies of a single crystal at 110 K reveal a polymeric network with helical chains made up of alternating pseudotetrahedral GaH4 and BH4 units linked through single hydrogen bridges; the average Ga•••B distance is now 2.473(7) Å. The compound decomposes in the condensed phases at temperatures exceeding ca. 240 K with the formation of elemental Ga and H2 and B2H6. The reactions with NH3, Me3N, and Me3P are also described.


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Quasi-Newton-Raphson minimization and conjugate gradient minimization have been used to solve the crystal structures of famotidine form B and capsaicin from X-ray powder diffraction data and characterize the chi(2) agreement surfaces. One million quasi-Newton-Raphson minimizations found the famotidine global minimum with a frequency of ca 1 in 5000 and the capsaicin global minimum with a frequency of ca 1 in 10 000. These results, which are corroborated by conjugate gradient minimization, demonstrate the existence of numerous pathways from some of the highest points on these chi(2) agreement surfaces to the respective global minima, which are passable using only downhill moves. This important observation has significant ramifications for the development of improved structure determination algorithms.


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We discuss a novel approach that would lead to the development of an ultrasonic optical force-feedback measurement microphone.


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Gas-phase electron diffraction (GED) data together with results from ab initio molecular orbital calculations (HF and MP2/6-311+G(d,p)) have been used to determine the structure of hexamethyldigermane ((CH3)3Ge-Ge(CH3)3). The equilibrium symmetry is D3d, but the molecule has a very low-frequency, largeamplitude, torsional mode (φCGeGeC) that lowers the thermal average symmetry. The effect of this largeamplitude mode on the interatomic distances was described by a dynamic model which consisted of a set of pseudoconformers spaced at even intervals. The amount of each pseudoconformer was obtained from the ab initio calculations (HF/6-311+G(d,p)). The results for the principal distances (ra) and angles (∠h1) obtained from the combined GED/ab initio (with estimated 1σ uncertainties) are r(Ge-Ge) ) 2.417(2) Å, r(Ge-C) ) 1.956(1) Å, r(C-H) ) 1.097(5) Å, ∠GeGeC ) 110.5(2)°, and ∠GeCH ) 108.8(6)°. Theoretical calculations were performed for the related molecules ((CH3)3Si-Si(CH3)3 and (CH3)3C-C(CH3)3).


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The yncE gene of Escherichia coli encodes a predicted periplasmic protein of unknown function. The gene is de-repressed under iron restriction through the action of the global iron regulator Fur. This suggests a role in iron acquisition, which is supported by the presence of the adjacent yncD gene encoding a potential TonB-dependent outer-membrane transporter. Here, the preliminary crystallographic structure of YncE is reported, revealing that it consists of a seven-bladed beta-propeller which resembles the corresponding domain of the `surface-layer protein' of Methanosarcina mazei. A full structure determination is under way in order to provide insight into the function of this protein.


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YcdB is a periplasmic haem-containing protein from Escherichia coli that has a potential role in iron transport. It is currently the only reported haem-containing Tat-secreted substrate. Here, the overexpression, purification, crystallization and structure determination at 2.0 angstrom resolution are reported for the apo form of the protein. The apo-YcdB structure resembles those of members of the haem-dependent peroxidase family and thus confirms that YcdB is also a member of this family. Haem-soaking experiments with preformed apo-YcdB crystals have been optimized to successfully generate haem-containing YcdB crystals that diffract to 2.9 angstrom. Completion of model building and structure refinement are under way.


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The structure of 2,5-dihydropyrrole (C4NH7) has been determined by gas-phase electron diffraction (GED), augmented by the results from ab initio calculations employing third-order Moller-Plesset (MP3) level of theory and the 6-311+G(d,p) basis set. Several theoretical calculations were performed. From theoretical calculations using MP3/6-311+G(d,p) evidence was obtained for the presence of an axial (63%) (N-H bond axial to the CNC plane) and an equatorial conformer (37%) (N-H bond equatorial to the CNC plane). The five-membered ring was found to be puckered with the CNC plane inclined at 21.8 (38)° to the plane of the four carbon atoms.


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The structures of trimethylchlorogermane ((CH3)(3)GeCl) and trimethylbromogermane ((CH3)(3)GeBr) have been determined by gas-phase electron diffraction (GED), augmented by the results from ab initio calculations employing second-order Moller-Plesset (MP2) level of theory and the 6-311+G(d) basis set. All the electrons were included in the correlation calculation. The results from the ab initio calculations indicated that these molecules have C-3v symmetry, and models with this symmetry were used in the electron diffraction analysis. The results for the principal distances (r(g)) and angles (angle(alpha)) from the combined GED/ab initio study of trimethylchlorogermane (with estimated 2sigma uncertainties) are: r(Ge-C) = 1.950(4) Angstrom, r(Ge-Cl) = 2.173(4) Angstrom, r(C-H) = 1.090(9) Angstrom, angleCGeC = 112.7(7)degrees, angleCGeCl = 106.0(8)degrees, angleGeCH = 107.8(12)degrees. The results for the principal distances (r(g)) and angles (angle(alpha)) from the combined GED/ab initio study of trimethylbromogermane (with estimated 2sigma uncertainties) are: r(Ge-C) = 1.952(7) Angstrom, r(Ge-Br) = 2.325(4) Angstrom, r(C-H) = 1. 140(28) Angstrom, angleCGeC = 114.2(11)degrees, angleCGeBr = 104.2(13)degrees, angleGeCH 106.9(43)degrees. Local C-3v symmetry and staggered conformation were assumed for the methyl groups.


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The structures of benzoic acid (C6H5COOH) and 2-hydroxybenzoic acid (C6H4OHCOOH) have been determined in the gas phase by electron diffraction using results from quantum chemical calculations to inform restraints used on the structural parameters. Theoretical methods (HF and MP2/6-311+G(d, p)) predict two conformers for benzoic acid, one which is 25.0 kJ mol(-1) (MP2) lower in energy than the other. In the low-energy form, the carboxyl group is coplanar with the phenyl ring and the O-H group eclipses the C=O bond. Theoretical calculations (HF and MP2/6-311+ G(d, p)) carried out for 2-hydroxybenzoic acid gave evidence for seven stable conformers but one low-energy form (11.7 kJ mol-1 lower in energy (MP2)) which again has the carboxyl group coplanar with the phenyl ring, the O-H of the carboxyl group eclipsing the C=O bond and the C=O of the carboxyl group oriented toward the O-H group of the phenyl ring. The effects of internal hydrogen bonding in 2-hydroxybenzoic acid can be clearly observed by comparison of pertinent structural parameters between the two compounds. These differences for 2-hydroxybenzoic acid include a shorter exocyclic C-C bond, a lengthening of the ring C-C bond between the substituents, and a shortening of the carboxylic single C-O bond.


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The structures of 3-hydroxybenzoic acid and 4-hydroxybenzoic acid have been determined by gas-phase electron diffraction using results from quantum chemical calculations to inform the choice of restraints applied to some of the structural parameters. The results from the study presented here demonstrate that resonance hybrids are not as helpful in rationalizing the structures of 2-, 3-, and 4-hydroxybenzoic acids as are models based upon electrostatic effects.


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Analysis of X-ray powder data for the melt-crystallisable aromatic poly(thioether thioether ketone) [-S-Ar-S-Ar-CO-Ar](n), ('PTTK', Ar= 1,4-phenylene), reveals that it adopts a crystal structure very different from that established for its ether-analogue PEEK. Molecular modelling and diffraction-simulation studies of PTTK show that the structure of this polymer is analogous to that of melt-crystallised poly(thioetherketone) [-SAr-CO-Ar](n) in which the carbonyl linkages in symmetry-related chains are aligned anti-parallel to one another. and that these bridging units are crystallographically interchangeable. The final model for the crystal structure of PTTK is thus disordered, in the monoclinic space group 121a (two chains per unit cell), with cell dimensions a = 7.83, b = 6.06, c = 10.35 angstrom, beta = 93.47 degrees. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Polycondensation of 2,6-dihydroxynaphthalene with 4,4'-bis(4"-fluorobenzoyl)biphenyl affords a novel, semicrystalline poly(ether ketone) with a melting point of 406 degreesC and glass transition temperature (onset) of 168 degreesC. Molecular modeling and diffraction-simulation studies of this polymer, coupled with data from the single-crystal structure of an oligomer model, have enabled the crystal and molecular structure of the polymer to be determined from X-ray powder data. This structure-the first for any naphthalene-containing poly(ether ketone)-is fully ordered, in monoclinic space group P2(1)/b, with two chains per unit cell. Rietveld refinement against the experimental powder data gave a final agreement factor (R-wp) of 6.7%.


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In the past two decades, the geometric pathways involved in the transformations between inverse bicontinuous cubic phases in amphiphilic systems have been extensively theoretically modeled. However, little experimental data exists on the cubic-cubic transformation in pure lipid systems. We have used pressure-jump time-resolved X-ray diffraction to investigate the transition between the gyroid Q(II)(G) and double-diamond Q(II)(D) phases in mixtures of 1-monoolein in 30 wt% water. We find for this system that the cubic-cubic transition occurs without any detectable intermediate structures. In addition, we have determined the kinetics of the transition, in both the forward and reverse directions, as a function of pressure-jump amplitude, temperature, and water content. A recently developed model allows (at least in principle) the calculation of the activation energy for lipid phase transitions from such data. The analysis is applicable only if kinetic reproducibility is achieved, at least within one sample, and achievement of such kinetic reproducibility is shown here, by carrying out prolonged pressure-cycling. The rate of transformation shows clear and consistent trends with pressure-jump amplitude, temperature, and water content, all of which are shown to be in agreement with the effect of the shift in the position of the cubic-cubic phase boundary following a change in the thermodynamic parameters.


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The structure of gold cyanide, AuCN, has been determined at 10 and 300 K using total neutron diffraction. The structure consists of infinite -Au-(CN)-Au-(CN)-Au-(CN)- linear chains, hexagonally packed, with the gold atoms in sheets. The Au-C and Au-N bond lengths are found to be identical, with d(Au-C/N) = 1.9703(5) Angstrom at 300 K. This work supersedes a previous study, by others, which used Rietveld analysis of neutron Bragg diffraction in isolation, and found these bonds to have significantly different lengths (Deltad = 0.24 Angstrom) at 300 K. The total correlation function, T(r), at 10 and 300 K, has been modeled using information derived from total diffraction. The broadening of inter- and intrachain correlations differs markedly due to random displacements of the chains in the direction of the chain axes. This is a consequence of the relatively weak bonding between the chains. An explanation for the negative thermal expansion in the c-direction, which occurs between 10 and 300 K, is presented.