34 resultados para Targets Coded


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The completion of the Human Genome Project has revealed a multitude of potential avenues for the identification of therapeutic targets. Extensive sequence information enables the identification of novel genes but does not facilitate a thorough understanding of how changes in gene expression control the molecular mechanisms underlying the development and regulation of a cell or the progression of disease. Proteomics encompasses the study of proteins expressed by a population of cells, and evaluates changes in protein expression, post-translational modifications, protein interactions, protein structure and splice variants, all of which are imperative for a complete understanding of protein function within the cell. From the outset, proteomics has been used to compare the protein profiles of cells in healthy and diseased states and as such can be used to identify proteins associated with disease development and progression. These candidate proteins might provide novel targets for new therapeutic agents or aid the development of assays for disease biomarkers. This review provides an overview of the current proteomic techniques available and focuses on their application in the search for novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of disease.


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Studies in the literature have proposed techniques to facilitate pointing in graphical user interfaces through the use of proxy targets. Proxy targets effectively bring the target to the cursor, thereby reducing the distance that the cursor must travel. This paper describes a study which aims to provide an initial understanding of how older adults respond to proxy targets, and compares older with younger users. We found that users in both age groups adjusted to the proxy targets without difficulty, and there was no indication in the cursor trajectories that users were confused about which target, i.e. the original versus the proxy, was to be selected. In terms of times, preliminary results show that for younger users, proxies did not provide any benefits over direct selection, while for older users, times were increased with proxy targets. A full analysis of the movement times, error rates, throughput and subjective feedback is currently underway.


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Single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies of two terminally protected tetrapeptides Boc-Ile-Aib-Val-m-ABA-OMe (I) and Boc-Ile-Aib-Phe-m-ABA-OMe (II) (Aib = alpha-aminoisobutyric acid; m-ABA = meta-aminobenzoic acid) reveal that they form continuous H-bonded helices through the association of double-bend (type III and I) building blocks. NMR Studies support the existence of the double-bend (type Ill and I) structures of the peptides in solution also. Field emission scanning electron-microscopic (FE-SEM) and high-resolution transmission electron-microscopic (HR-TEM) images of the peptides exhibit amyloid-like fibrils in the solid state. The Congo red-stained fibrils of peptide I and II, observed between crossed polarizers, show green-gold birefringence, a characteristic of amyloid fibrils.


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Herd Companion uses routine milk‐recording records to generate twelve‐month rolling averages that indicate performance trends. This article looks at Herd Somatic Cell Count (SCC) and four other SCC‐related parameters from 252 National Milk Records (NMR) recorded herds to assess how each parameter correlates with the Herd SCC. The analysis provides evidence for the importance of targeting individual cows with high SCC recordings (>200,000 cells/ml and >500,000 cells/ml) and/or individual cows with repeatedly high SCC recordings (chronic high SCC) and/or cows that begin lactation with a high SCC recording (dry period infection) in order to achieve bulk milk Herd SCC below 200,000 cells/ml.


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Although a number of studies have reported that force feedback gravity wells can improve performance in "point-and-click" tasks, there have been few studies addressing issues surrounding the use of gravity wells for multiple on-screen targets. This paper investigates the performance of users, both with and without motion-impairments, in a "point-and-click" task when an undesired haptic distractor is present. The importance of distractor location is studied explicitly. Results showed that gravity wells can still improve times and error rates, even on occasions when the cursor is pulled into a distractor. The greatest improvement is seen for the most impaired users. In addition to traditional measures such as time and errors, performance is studied in terms of measures of cursor movement along a path. Two cursor measures, angular distribution and temporal components, are proposed and their ability to explain performance differences is explored.


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While selenium (Se) is an essential micronutrient for humans, epidemiological studies have raised concern that supranutritional Se intake may increase the risk to develop Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). We aimed to determine the impact of Se at a dose and source frequently ingested by humans on markers of insulin sensitivity and signalling. Male pigs were fed either a Se-adequate (0.17 mg Se/kg) or a Se-supranutritional (0.50 mg Se/kg; high-Se) diet. After 16 weeks of intervention, fasting plasma insulin and cholesterol levels were non-significantly increased in the high-Se pigs, whereas fasting glucose concentrations did not differ between the two groups. In skeletal muscle of high-Se pigs, glutathione peroxidase activity was increased, gene expression of forkhead box O1 transcription factor and peroxisomal proliferator-activated receptor- coactivator 1 were increased and gene expression of the glycolytic enzyme pyruvate kinase was decreased. In visceral adipose tissue of high-Se pigs, mRNA levels of sterol regulatory element-binding transcription factor 1 were increased, and the phosphorylation of Akt, AMP-activated kinase and mitogen-activated protein kinases was affected. In conclusion, dietary Se oversupply may affect expression and activity of proteins involved in energy metabolism in major insulin target tissues, though this is probably not sufficient to induce diabetes.


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Serine proteinases like thrombin can signal to cells by the cleavage/activation of proteinase-activated receptors (PARs). Although thrombin is a recognized physiological activator of PAR(1) and PAR(4), the endogenous enzymes responsible for activating PAR(2) in settings other than the gastrointestinal system, where trypsin can activate PAR(2), are unknown. We tested the hypothesis that the human tissue kallikrein (hK) family of proteinases regulates PAR signaling by using the following: 1) a high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC)-mass spectral analysis of the cleavage products yielded upon incubation of hK5, -6, and -14 with synthetic PAR N-terminal peptide sequences representing the cleavage/activation motifs of PAR(1), PAR(2), and PAR(4); 2) PAR-dependent calcium signaling responses in cells expressing PAR(1), PAR(2), and PAR(4) and in human platelets; 3) a vascular ring vasorelaxation assay; and 4) a PAR(4)-dependent rat and human platelet aggregation assay. We found that hK5, -6, and -14 all yielded PAR peptide cleavage sequences consistent with either receptor activation or inactivation/disarming. Furthermore, hK14 was able to activate PAR(1), PAR(2), and PAR(4) and to disarm/inhibit PAR(1). Although hK5 and -6 were also able to activate PAR(2), they failed to cause PAR(4)-dependent aggregation of rat and human platelets, although hK14 did. Furthermore, the relative potencies and maximum effects of hK14 and -6 to activate PAR(2)-mediated calcium signaling differed. Our data indicate that in physiological settings, hKs may represent important endogenous regulators of the PARs and that different hKs can have differential actions on PAR(1), PAR(2), and PAR(4).


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SUMOylation (small ubiquitin-like modifier conjugation) is an important post-translational modification which is becoming increasingly implicated in the altered protein dynamics associated with brain ischemia. The function of SUMOylation in cells undergoing ischemic stress and the identity of small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) targets remain in most cases unknown. However, the emerging consensus is that SUMOylation of certain proteins might be part of an endogenous neuroprotective response. This review brings together the current understanding of the underlying mechanisms and downstream effects of SUMOylation in brain ischemia, including processes such as autophagy, mitophagy and oxidative stress. We focus on recent advances and controversies regarding key central nervous system proteins, including those associated with the nucleus, cytoplasm and plasma membrane, such as glucose transporters (GLUT1, GLUT4), excitatory amino acid transporter 2 glutamate transporters, K+ channels (K2P1, Kv1.5, Kv2.1), GluK2 kainate receptors, mGluR8 glutamate receptors and CB1 cannabinoid receptors, which are reported to be SUMO-modified. A discussion of the roles of these molecular targets for SUMOylation could play following an ischemic event, particularly with respect to their potential neuroprotective impact in brain ischemia, is proposed.


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Proneural genes such as Ascl1 are known to promote cell cycle exit and neuronal differentiation when expressed in neural progenitor cells. The mechanisms by which proneural genes activate neurogenesis--and, in particular, the genes that they regulate--however, are mostly unknown. We performed a genome-wide characterization of the transcriptional targets of Ascl1 in the embryonic brain and in neural stem cell cultures by location analysis and expression profiling of embryos overexpressing or mutant for Ascl1. The wide range of molecular and cellular functions represented among these targets suggests that Ascl1 directly controls the specification of neural progenitors as well as the later steps of neuronal differentiation and neurite outgrowth. Surprisingly, Ascl1 also regulates the expression of a large number of genes involved in cell cycle progression, including canonical cell cycle regulators and oncogenic transcription factors. Mutational analysis in the embryonic brain and manipulation of Ascl1 activity in neural stem cell cultures revealed that Ascl1 is indeed required for normal proliferation of neural progenitors. This study identified a novel and unexpected activity of the proneural gene Ascl1, and revealed a direct molecular link between the phase of expansion of neural progenitors and the subsequent phases of cell cycle exit and neuronal differentiation.


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almonella enterica serovar Typhimurium is an established model organism for Gram-negative, intracellular pathogens. Owing to the rapid spread of resistance to antibiotics among this group of pathogens, new approaches to identify suitable target proteins are required. Based on the genome sequence of Salmonella Typhimurium and associated databases, a genome-scale metabolic model was constructed. Output was based on an experimental determination of the biomass of Salmonella when growing in glucose minimal medium. Linear programming was used to simulate variations in energy demand, while growing in glucose minimal medium. By grouping reactions with similar flux responses, a sub-network of 34 reactions responding to this variation was identified (the catabolic core). This network was used to identify sets of one and two reactions, that when removed from the genome-scale model interfered with energy and biomass generation. 11 such sets were found to be essential for the production of biomass precursors. Experimental investigation of 7 of these showed that knock-outs of the associated genes resulted in attenuated growth for 4 pairs of reactions, while 3 single reactions were shown to be essential for growth.


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The role and function of a given protein is dependent on its structure. In recent years, however, numerous studies have highlighted the importance of unstructured, or disordered regions in governing a protein’s function. Disordered proteins have been found to play important roles in pivotal cellular functions, such as DNA binding and signalling cascades. Studying proteins with extended disordered regions is often problematic as they can be challenging to express, purify and crystallise. This means that interpretable experimental data on protein disorder is hard to generate. As a result, predictive computational tools have been developed with the aim of predicting the level and location of disorder within a protein. Currently, over 60 prediction servers exist, utilizing different methods for classifying disorder and different training sets. Here we review several good performing, publicly available prediction methods, comparing their application and discussing how disorder prediction servers can be used to aid the experimental solution of protein structure. The use of disorder prediction methods allows us to adopt a more targeted approach to experimental studies by accurately identifying the boundaries of ordered protein domains so that they may be investigated separately, thereby increasing the likelihood of their successful experimental solution.