72 resultados para Recent advances in Molecular Biology


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The cephalochordate amphioxus is the best available proxy for the last common invertebrate ancestor of the vertebrates. During the last decade, the developmental genetics of amphioxus have been extensively examined for insights into the evolutionary origin and early evolution of the vertebrates. Comparisons between expression domains of homologous genes in amphioxus and vertebrates have strengthened proposed homologies between specific body parts. Molecular genetic studies have also highlighted parallels in the developmental mechanisms of amphioxus and vertebrates. In both groups, a similar nested pattern of Hox gene expression is involved in rostrocaudal patterning of the neural tube, and homologous genes also appear to be involved in dorsoventral neural patterning. Studies of amphioxus molecular biology have also hinted that the protochordate ancestor of the vertebrates included cell populations that modified their developmental genetic pathways during early vertebrate evolution to yield definitive neural crest and neurogenic placodes. We also discuss how the application of expressed sequence tag and gene-mapping approaches to amphioxus have combined with developmental studies to advance our understanding of chordate genome evolution. We conclude by considering the potential offered by the sequencing of the amphioxus genome, which was completed in late 2004.


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In recent years, our increased understanding of the complex signal transduction mechanisms that regulate cellular function has fueled huge advances in all aspects of biomedical science and cell biology. Platelet and megakaryocyte function is no exception to this. In the last 10 yr our understanding of the receptor biochemistry and the systems that they control has been pivotal in the development of new strategies to inhibit platelet function and thereby prevent thrombosis. Experimental techniques have become more and more elegant, however; the basic toolbox that a researcher requires to study signaling in platelets and megakaryoctes is described in this and several subsequent chapters.


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In recent years, we have witnessed major advances in our understanding of the mammalian cell cycle and how it is regulated. Normal mammalian cellular proliferation is tightly regulated at each phase of the cell cycle by the activation and deactivation of a series of proteins that constitute the cell cycle machinery. This review article describes the various phases of the mammalian cell cycle and focuses on the cell cycle regulatory molecules that act at each stage to ensure normal cellular progression.


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Cycloaddition reactions have been employed in polymer synthesis since the mid-nineteen sixties. This critical review will highlight recent notable advances in this field. For example, [2 + 2] cycloaddition reactions have been utilized in numerous polymerizations to enable the construction of strained polymer systems such as poly(2-azetidinone)s that can, in turn, afford polyfunctional beta-amino acid derived polymers. Polymers have also been synthesized successfully via (3 + 2) cycloaddition methods utilizing both thermal and high-pressure conditions. 'Click chemistry'-a process involving the reaction of azides with olefins, has also been adopted to generate linear and hyperbranched polymer architectures in a very efficient manner. [4 + 2] Cycloadditions have also been utilized under thermal and high-pressure conditions to produce rigid polymers such as polyimides and polyphenylenes. These cycloaddition polymerization methods afford polymers with potential for use in high performance polymers applications such as high temperature resistant coatings and polymeric organic light emitting diodes.


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This mini-review outlines recent key developments in the use of dendritic architectures in self-assembly processes via utilisation of molecular recognition motifs.


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In recent years, we have witnessed major advances in our understanding of the mammalian cell cycle and how it is regulated. Normal mammalian cellular proliferation is tightly regulated at each phase of the cell cycle by the activation and deactivation of a series of proteins that constitute the cell cycle machinery. This review article describes the various phases of the mammalian cell cycle and focuses on the cell cycle regulatory molecules that act at each stage to ensure normal cellular progression.


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Strokes affect thousands of people worldwide leaving sufferers with severe disabilities affecting their daily activities. In recent years, new rehabilitation techniques have emerged such as constraint-induced therapy, biofeedback therapy and robot-aided therapy. In particular, robotic techniques allow precise recording of movements and application of forces to the affected limb, making it a valuable tool for motor rehabilitation. In addition, robot-aided therapy can utilise visual cues conveyed on a computer screen to convert repetitive movement practice into an engaging task such as a game. Visual cues can also be used to control the information sent to the patient about exercise performance and to potentially address psychosomatic variables influencing therapy. This paper overviews the current state-of-the-art on upper limb robot-mediated therapy with a focal point on the technical requirements of robotic therapy devices leading to the development of upper limb rehabilitation techniques that facilitate reach-to-touch, fine motor control, whole-arm movements and promote rehabilitation beyond hospital stay. The reviewed literature suggest that while there is evidence supporting the use of this technology to reduce functional impairment, besides the technological push, the challenge ahead lies on provision of effective assessment of outcome and modalities that have a stronger impact transferring functional gains into functional independence.


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As a major mode of intraseasonal variability, which interacts with weather and climate systems on a near-global scale, the Madden – Julian Oscillation (MJO) is a crucial source of predictability for numerical weather prediction (NWP) models. Despite its global significance and comprehensive investigation, improvements in the representation of the MJO in an NWP context remain elusive. However, recent modifications to the model physics in the ECMWF model led to advances in the representation of atmospheric variability and the unprecedented propagation of the MJO signal through the entire integration period. In light of these recent advances, a set of hindcast experiments have been designed to assess the sensitivity of MJO simulation to the formulation of convection. Through the application of established MJO diagnostics, it is shown that the improvements in the representation of the MJO can be directly attributed to the modified convective parametrization. Furthermore, the improvements are attributed to the move from a moisture-convergent- to a relative-humidity-dependent formulation for organized deep entrainment. It is concluded that, in order to understand the physical mechanisms through which a relative-humidity-dependent formulation for entrainment led to an improved simulation of the MJO, a more process-based approach should be taken. T he application of process-based diagnostics t o t he hindcast experiments presented here will be the focus of Part II of this study.


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Potassium and phosphorus are important macronutrients for crops but are often deficient in the field. Very little is known about how plants sense fluctuations in K and P and how information about K and P availability is integrated at the whole plant level into physiological and metabolic adaptations. This chapter reviews recent advances in discovering molecular responses of plants to K and P deficiency by microarray experiments. These studies provide us not only with a comprehensive picture of adaptive mechanisms, but also with a large number of transcriptional markers that can be used to identify upstream components of K and P signalling pathways. On the basis of the available information we discuss putative receptors and signals involved in the sensing and integration of K and P status both at the cellular and at the whole plant level. These involve membrane potential, voltage-dependent ion channels, intracellular Ca and pH, and transcription factors, as well as hormones and metabolites for systemic signalling. Genetic screens of reporter lines for transcriptional markers and metabolome analysis of K- and P-deficient plants are likely to further advance our knowledge in this area in the near future.


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Molecular mechanisms regulating the flowering process have been extensively studied in model annual plants; in perennials, however, understanding of the molecular mechanisms controlling flowering has just started to emerge. Here we review the current state of flowering research in perennial plants of the rose family (Rosaceae), which is one of the most economically important families of horticultural plants. Strawberry (Fragaria spp.), raspberry (Rubus spp.), rose (Rosa spp.), and apple (Malus spp.) are used to illustrate how photoperiod and temperature control seasonal flowering in rosaceous crops. We highlight recent molecular studies which have revealed homologues of TERMINAL FLOWER1 (TFL1) to be major regulators of both the juvenile to adult, and the vegetative to reproductive transitions in various rosaceous species. Additionally, recent advances in understanding of the regulation of TFL1 are discussed.


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The Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) is the dominant mode of intraseasonal variability in the Trop- ics. It can be characterised as a planetary-scale coupling between the atmospheric circulation and organised deep convection that propagates east through the equatorial Indo-Pacific region. The MJO interacts with weather and climate systems on a near-global scale and is a crucial source of predictability for weather forecasts on medium to seasonal timescales. Despite its global signifi- cance, accurately representing the MJO in numerical weather prediction (NWP) and climate models remains a challenge. This thesis focuses on the representation of the MJO in the Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF), a state-of-the-art NWP model. Recent modifications to the model physics in Cycle 32r3 (Cy32r3) of the IFS led to ad- vances in the simulation of the MJO; for the first time the observed amplitude of the MJO was maintained throughout the integration period. A set of hindcast experiments, which differ only in their formulation of convection, have been performed between May 2008 and April 2009 to asses the sensitivity of MJO simulation in the IFS to the Cy32r3 convective parameterization. Unique to this thesis is the attribution of the advances in MJO simulation in Cy32r3 to the mod- ified convective parameterization, specifically, the relative-humidity-dependent formulation for or- ganised deep entrainment. Increasing the sensitivity of the deep convection scheme to environmen- tal moisture is shown to modify the relationship between precipitation and moisture in the model. Through dry-air entrainment, convective plumes ascending in low-humidity environments terminate lower in the atmosphere. As a result, there is an increase in the occurrence of cumulus congestus, which acts to moisten the mid-troposphere. Due to the modified precipitation-moisture relationship more moisture is able to build up which effectively preconditions the tropical atmosphere for the transition to deep convection. Results from this thesis suggest that a tropospheric moisture control on convection is key to simulating the interaction between the physics and large-scale circulation associated with the MJO.


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Methods of approaching the study of discourse have developed rapidly in the last ten years, influenced by a growing interdisciplinary spirit among linguistics and anthropology, sociology, cognitive and cultural psychology and cultural studies, as well as among established sub-fields within linguistics itself. Among the more recent developments are an increasing ‘critical’ turn in discourse analysis, a growing interest in historical, ethnographic and corpus-based approaches to discourse, more concern with the social contexts in which discourse occurs, the social actions that it is used to take and the identities that are constructed through it, as well as a revaluation of what counts as ‘discourse’ to include multi-modal texts and interaction. Advances in Discourse Studies brings together contributions from leading scholars in the field, investigating the historical and theoretical relationships between new advances in discourse studies and pointing towards new directions for the future of the discipline. Featuring discussion questions, classroom projects and recommended readings at the end of each section, as well as case studies illustrating each approach discussed, this is an invaluable resource for students of interdisciplinary discourse analysis.