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The time-mean quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity equation of the atmospheric flow on isobaric surfaces can explicitly include an atmospheric (internal) forcing term of the stationary-eddy flow. In fact, neglecting some non-linear terms in this equation, this forcing can be mathematically expressed as a single function, called Empirical Forcing Function (EFF), which is equal to the material derivative of the time-mean potential vorticity. Furthermore, the EFF can be decomposed as a sum of seven components, each one representing a forcing mechanism of different nature. These mechanisms include diabatic components associated with the radiative forcing, latent heat release and frictional dissipation, and components related to transient eddy transports of heat and momentum. All these factors quantify the role of the transient eddies in forcing the atmospheric circulation. In order to assess the relevance of the EFF in diagnosing large-scale anomalies in the atmospheric circulation, the relationship between the EFF and the occurrence of strong North Atlantic ridges over the Eastern North Atlantic is analyzed, which are often precursors of severe droughts over Western Iberia. For such events, the EFF pattern depicts a clear dipolar structure over the North Atlantic; cyclonic (anticyclonic) forcing of potential vorticity is found upstream (downstream) of the anomalously strong ridges. Results also show that the most significant components are related to the diabatic processes. Lastly, these results highlight the relevance of the EFF in diagnosing large-scale anomalies, also providing some insight into their interaction with different physical mechanisms.


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Disturbances of arbitrary amplitude are superposed on a basic flow which is assumed to be steady and either (a) two-dimensional, homogeneous, and incompressible (rotating or non-rotating) or (b) stably stratified and quasi-geostrophic. Flow over shallow topography is allowed in either case. The basic flow, as well as the disturbance, is assumed to be subject neither to external forcing nor to dissipative processes like viscosity. An exact, local ‘wave-activity conservation theorem’ is derived in which the density A and flux F are second-order ‘wave properties’ or ‘disturbance properties’, meaning that they are O(a2) in magnitude as disturbance amplitude a [rightward arrow] 0, and that they are evaluable correct to O(a2) from linear theory, to O(a3) from second-order theory, and so on to higher orders in a. For a disturbance in the form of a single, slowly varying, non-stationary Rossby wavetrain, $\overline{F}/\overline{A}$ reduces approximately to the Rossby-wave group velocity, where (${}^{-}$) is an appropriate averaging operator. F and A have the formal appearance of Eulerian quantities, but generally involve a multivalued function the correct branch of which requires a certain amount of Lagrangian information for its determination. It is shown that, in a certain sense, the construction of conservable, quasi-Eulerian wave properties like A is unique and that the multivaluedness is inescapable in general. The connection with the concepts of pseudoenergy (quasi-energy), pseudomomentum (quasi-momentum), and ‘Eliassen-Palm wave activity’ is noted. The relationship of this and similar conservation theorems to dynamical fundamentals and to Arnol'd's nonlinear stability theorems is discussed in the light of recent advances in Hamiltonian dynamics. These show where such conservation theorems come from and how to construct them in other cases. An elementary proof of the Hamiltonian structure of two-dimensional Eulerian vortex dynamics is put on record, with explicit attention to the boundary conditions. The connection between Arnol'd's second stability theorem and the suppression of shear and self-tuning resonant instabilities by boundary constraints is discussed, and a finite-amplitude counterpart to Rayleigh's inflection-point theorem noted


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Global climate change and a growing population require tackling the reduction in arable land and improving biomass production and seed yield per area under varying conditions. One of these conditions is suboptimal water availability. Here, we review some of the classical approaches to dealing with plant response to drought stress and we evaluate how research on RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASES (RLKs) can contribute to improving plant performance under drought stress. RLKs are considered as key regulators of plant architecture and growth behavior, but they also function in defense and stress responses. The available literature and analyses of available transcript profiling data indeed suggest that RLKs can play an important role in optimizing plant responses to drought stress. In addition, RLK pathways are ideal targets for nontransgenic approaches, such as synthetic molecules, providing a novel strategy to manipulate their activity and supporting translational studies from model species, such as Arabidopsis thaliana, to economically useful crops.


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Dual-polarisation radar measurements provide valuable information about the shapes and orientations of atmospheric ice particles. For quantitative interpretation of these data in the Rayleigh regime, common practice is to approximate the true ice crystal shape with that of a spheroid. Calculations using the discrete dipole approximation for a wide range of crystal aspect ratios demonstrate that approximating hexagonal plates as spheroids leads to significant errors in the predicted differential reflectivity, by as much as 1.5 dB. An empirical modification of the shape factors in Gans's spheroid theory was made using the numerical data. The resulting simple expressions, like Gans's theory, can be applied to crystals in any desired orientation, illuminated by an arbitrarily polarised wave, but are much more accurate for hexagonal particles. Calculations of the scattering from more complex branched and dendritic crystals indicate that these may be accurately modelled using the new expression, but with a reduced permittivity dependent on the volume of ice relative to an enclosing hexagonal prism.


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The actin nodule is a novel F-actin structure present in platelets during early spreading. However, only limited detail is known regarding nodule organization and function. Here we use electron microscopy, SIM and dSTORM super-resolution, and live-cell TIRF microscopy to characterize the structural organization and signalling pathways associated with nodule formation. Nodules are composed of up to four actin-rich structures linked together by actin bundles. They are enriched in the adhesion-related proteins talin and vinculin, have a central core of tyrosine phosphorylated proteins and are depleted of integrins at the plasma membrane. Nodule formation is dependent on Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASp) and the ARP2/3 complex. WASp(-/-) mouse blood displays impaired platelet aggregate formation at arteriolar shear rates. We propose actin nodules are platelet podosome-related structures required for platelet-platelet interaction and their absence contributes to the bleeding diathesis of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome.


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Filamin A (FlnA) cross-links actin filaments and connects the Von Willebrand factor receptor GPIb-IX-V to the underlying cytoskeleton in platelets. Because FlnA deficiency is embryonic lethal, mice lacking FlnA in platelets were generated by breeding FlnA(loxP/loxP) females with GATA1-Cre males. FlnA(loxP/y) GATA1-Cre males have a macrothrombocytopenia and increased tail bleeding times. FlnA-null platelets have decreased expression and altered surface distribution of GPIbalpha because they lack the normal cytoskeletal linkage of GPIbalpha to underlying actin filaments. This results in approximately 70% less platelet coverage on collagen-coated surfaces at shear rates of 1,500/s, compared with wild-type platelets. Unexpectedly, however, immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)- and ITAM-like-mediated signals are severely compromised in FlnA-null platelets. FlnA-null platelets fail to spread and have decreased alpha-granule secretion, integrin alphaIIbbeta3 activation, and protein tyrosine phosphorylation, particularly that of the protein tyrosine kinase Syk and phospholipase C-gamma2, in response to stimulation through the collagen receptor GPVI and the C-type lectin-like receptor 2. This signaling defect was traced to the loss of a novel FlnA-Syk interaction, as Syk binds to FlnA at immunoglobulin-like repeat 5. Our findings reveal that the interaction between FlnA and Syk regulates ITAM- and ITAM-like-containing receptor signaling and platelet function.