56 resultados para Proteomic


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Stable isotope labeling combined with MS is a powerful method for measuring relative protein abundances, for instance, by differential metabolic labeling of some or all amino acids with N-14 and N-15 in cell culture or hydroponic media. These and most other types of quantitative proteomics experiments using high-throughput technologies, such as LC-MS/MS, generate large amounts of raw MS data. This data needs to be processed efficiently and automatically, from the mass spectrometer to statistically evaluated protein identifications and abundance ratios. This paper describes in detail an approach to the automated analysis of Uniformly N-14/N-15-labeled proteins using MASCOT peptide identification in conjunction with the trans-proteomic pipeline (TPP) and a few scripts to integrate the analysis workflow. Two large proteomic datasets from uniformly labeled Arabidopsis thaliana were used to illustrate the analysis pipeline. The pipeline can be fully automated and uses only common or freely available software.


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Background: The incidence of cardiovascular diseases increases after menopause, and soy consumption is suggested to inhibit disease development. Objective: The objective was to identify biomarkers of response to a dietary supplementation with an isoflavone extract in postmenopausal women by proteome analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Design: The study with healthy postmenopausal woman was performed in a placebo-controlled sequential design. Peripheral mononuclear blood cells were collected from 10 volunteers after 8 wk of receiving daily 2 placebo cereal bars and after a subsequent 8 wk of intervention with 2 cereal bars each providing 25 mg of isoflavones. The proteome of the cells was visualized after 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis, and peptide mass fingerprinting served to identify proteins that by the intervention displayed altered protein concentrations. Results: Twenty-nine proteins were identified that showed significantly altered expression in the mononuclear blood cells under the soy-isoflavone intervention, including a variety of proteins involved in an antiinflammatory response. Heat shock protein 70 or a lymphocyte-specific protein phosphatase and proteins that promote increased fibrinolysis, such as a-enolase, were found at increased intensities, whereas those that mediate adhesion, migration, and proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells, such as galectin-1, were found at reduced intensities after soy extract consumption. Conclusion: Protcome analysis identified in vivo markers that respond to a dietary intervention with isoflavone-enriched soy extract in postmenopausal women. The nature of the proteins identified suggests that soy isoflavones may increase the anti inflammatory response in blood mononuclear cells that might contribute to the atherosclerosis-preventive activities of a soy-rich diet.


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Accumulation of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) on proteins is associated with the development of diabetic complications. Although the overall extent of modification of protein by AGEs is limited, localization of these modifications at a few critical sites might have a significant effect on protein structure and function. In the present study, we describe the sites of modification of RNase by glyoxal under physiological conditions. Arg(39) and Arg(85), which are closest to the active site of the enzyme, were identified as the primary sites of formation of the glyoxal-derived dihydroxyimidazolidine and hydroimidazolone adducts. Lower amounts of modification were detected at Arg(10), while Arg(33) appeared to be unmodified. We conclude that dihydroxyimidazolidine adducts are the primary products of modification of protein by glyoxal, that Arg(39) and Arg(85) are the primary sites of modification of RNase by glyoxal, and that modification of arginine residues during Maillard reactions of proteins is a highly selective process.


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Proteomic analysis using electrospray liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (ESI-LC-MS) has been used to compare the sites of glycation (Amadori adduct formation) and carboxymethylation of RNase and to assess the role of the Amadori adduct in the formation of the advanced glycation end-product (AGE), N-is an element of-(carboxymethyl)lysine (CIVIL). RNase (13.7 mg/mL, 1 mM) was incubated with glucose (0.4 M) at 37 degreesC for 14 days in phosphate buffer (0.2 M, pH 7.4) under air. On the basis of ESI-LC-MS of tryptic peptides, the major sites of glycation of RNase were, in order, K41, K7, K1, and K37. Three of these, in order, K41, K7, and K37 were also the major sites of CIVIL formation. In other experiments, RNase was incubated under anaerobic conditions (1 mM DTPA, N-2 purged) to form Amadori-modified protein, which was then incubated under aerobic conditions to allow AGE formation. Again, the major sites of glycation were, in order, K41, K7, K1, and K37 and the major sites of carboxymethylation were K41, K7, and K37. RNase was also incubated with 1-5 mM glyoxal, substantially more than is formed by autoxidation of glucose under experimental conditions, but there was only trace modification of lysine residues, primarily at K41. We conclude the following: (1) that the primary route to formation of CIVIL is by autoxidation of Amadori adducts on protein, rather than by glyoxal generated on autoxidation of glucose; and (2) that carboxymethylation, like glycation, is a site-specific modification of protein affected by neighboring amino acids and bound ligands, such as phosphate or phosphorylated compounds. Even when the overall extent of protein modification is low, localization of a high proportion of the modifications at a few reactive sites might have important implications for understanding losses in protein functionality in aging and diabetes and also for the design of AGE inhibitors.


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Glycoxidation and lipoxidation reactions contribute to the chemical modification of proteins during the Maillard reaction. Reactive oxygen species, produced during the oxidation of sugars and lipids in these processes, irreversibly oxidize proteins. Methionine is particularly susceptible to oxidation, yielding the oxidation product methionine sulfoxide (MetSO). Here we describe a method for the analysis of MetSO using proteomic techniques. Using these techniques, we measured MetSO formation on the model protein RNase during aerobic incubations with glucose and arachidonate. We also evaluated the susceptibility of MetSO to reduction by NaBH4, a commonly used reductant in the analysis of Maillard reaction products.


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Traits used by bacteria to enhance ecological performance in natural environments are not well understood. Recognizing that the saprophytic plant-colonizing bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 experiences temperatures in its natural environment significantly cooler than the 28°C routinely used in the laboratory, we identified proteins differentially expressed between 28°C and the more environmentally relevant temperature of 14°C. Of 2102 protein isoforms, 32 were temperature responsive and identified by mass spectrometry. Seven of these (OmpR, MucD, GuaD, OsmY and three of unknown function, Tee1, Tee2 and Tee3) were selected for genetic and ecological analyses. In each instance, changes in protein expression with temperature were mirrored by parallel transcriptional changes. The fitness contribution of the genes encoding each of the seven proteins was larger at 14°C than 28°C and included two cases of trade-offs (enhanced fitness at one temperature and reduced fitness at the other – mucD and tee2 deletions). The relationship between the fitness effects of genes in vitro and in vivo was variable, but two temperature-responsive genes – osmY and mucD – contribute substantially to the ability of P. fluorescens to colonize the plant environment.


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Episodes of high temperature at anthesis, which in rice is the most sensitive stage to temperature, are expected to occur more frequently in future climates. The morphology of the reproductive organs and pollen number, and changes in anther protein expression, were studied in response to high temperature at anthesis in three rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes. Plants were exposed to 6 h of high (38 °C) and control (29 °C) temperature at anthesis and spikelets collected for morphological and proteomic analysis. Moroberekan was the most heat-sensitive genotype (18% spikelet fertility at 38 °C), while IR64 (48%) and N22 (71%) were moderately and highly heat tolerant, respectively. There were significant differences among the genotypes in anther length and width, apical and basal pore lengths, apical pore area, and stigma and pistil length. Temperature also affected some of these traits, increasing anther pore size and reducing stigma length. Nonetheless, variation in the number of pollen on the stigma could not be related to measured morphological traits. Variation in spikelet fertility was highly correlated (r=0.97, n=6) with the proportion of spikelets with ≥20 germinated pollen grains on the stigma. A 2D-gel electrophoresis showed 46 protein spots changing in abundance, of which 13 differentially expressed protein spots were analysed by MS/MALDI-TOF. A cold and a heat shock protein were found significantly up-regulated in N22, and this may have contributed to the greater heat tolerance of N22. The role of differentially expressed proteins and morphology during anther dehiscence and pollination in shaping heat tolerance and susceptibility is discussed.


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Single-cell analysis is essential for understanding the processes of cell differentiation and metabolic specialisation in rare cell types. The amount of single proteins in single cells can be as low as one copy per cell and is for most proteins in the attomole range or below; usually considered as insufficient for proteomic analysis. The development of modern mass spectrometers possessing increased sensitivity and mass accuracy in combination with nano-LC-MS/MS now enables the analysis of single-cell contents. In Arabidopsis thaliana, we have successfully identified nine unique proteins in a single-cell sample and 56 proteins from a pool of 15 single-cell samples from glucosinolate-rich S-cells by nanoLC-MS/MS proteomic analysis, thus establishing the proof-of-concept for true single-cell proteomic analysis. Dehydrin (ERD14_ARATH), two myrosinases (BGL37_ARATH and BGL38_ARATH), annexin (ANXD1_ARATH), vegetative storage proteins (VSP1_ARATH and VSP2_ARATH) and four proteins belonging to the S-adenosyl-l-methionine cycle (METE_ARATH, SAHH1_ARATH, METK4_ARATH and METK1/3_ARATH) with associated adenosine kinase (ADK1_ARATH), were amongst the proteins identified in these single-S-cell samples. Comparison of the functional groups of proteins identified in S-cells with epidermal/cortical cells and whole tissue provided a unique insight into the metabolism of S-cells. We conclude that S-cells are metabolically active and contain the machinery for de novo biosynthesis of methionine, a precursor for the most abundant glucosinolate glucoraphanine in these cells. Moreover, since abundant TGG2 and TGG1 peptides were consistently found in single-S-cell samples, previously shown to have high amounts of glucosinolates, we suggest that both myrosinases and glucosinolates can be localised in the same cells, but in separate subcellular compartments. The complex membrane structure of S-cells was reflected by the presence of a number of proteins involved in membrane maintenance and cellular organisation.


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Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine and compare the proteomes of three triclosan-resistant mutants of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium in order to identify proteins involved in triclosan resistance. Methods: The proteomes of three distinct but isogenic triclosan-resistant mutants were determined using two-dimensional liquid chromatography mass separation. Bioinformatics was then used to identify and quantify tryptic peptides in order to determine protein expression. Results: Proteomic analysis of the triclosan-resistant mutants identified a common set of proteins involved in production of pyruvate or fatty acid with differential expression in all mutants, but also demonstrated specific patterns of expression associated with each phenotype. Conclusions: These data show that triclosan resistance can occur via distinct pathways in Salmonella, and demonstrate a novel triclosan resistance network that is likely to have relevance to other pathogenic bacteria subject to triclosan exposure and may provide new targets for development of antimicrobial agents.


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In previous work, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium strain SL1344 was exposed to sublethal concentrations of three widely used farm disinfectants in daily serial passages for 7 days in an attempt to investigate possible links between the use of disinfectants and antimicrobial resistance. Stable variants OXCR1, QACFGR2, and TOPR2 were obtained following treatment with an oxidizing compound blend, a quaternary ammonium disinfectant containing formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde, and a tar acid-based disinfectant, respectively. All variants exhibited ca. fourfold-reduced susceptibility to ciprofloxacin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, and ampicillin. This coincided with reduced levels of outer membrane proteins for all strains and high levels of AcrAB-To1C for OXCR1 and QACFGR2, as demonstrated by two-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. The protein profiles of OXCR1 and QACFGR2 were similar, but they were different from that of TOPR2. An array of different proteins protecting against oxidants, nitroaromatics, disulfides, and peroxides were overexpressed in all strains. The growth and motility of variants were reduced compared to the growth and motility of the parent strain, the expression of several virulence proteins was altered, and the invasiveness in an enteric epithelial cell line was reduced. The colony morphology of OXCR1 and QACFGR2 was smooth, and both variants exhibited a loss of modal distribution of the lipopolysaccharide O-antigen chain length, favoring the production of short O-antigen chain molecules. Metabolic changes were also detected, suggesting that there was increased protein synthesis and a shift from oxidative phosphorylation to substrate level phosphorylation. In this study, we obtained evidence that farm disinfectants can select for strains with reduced susceptibility to antibiotics, and here we describe changes in protein expression in such strains.


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In Listeria monocytogenes the alternative sigma factor σB plays important roles in both virulence and stress tolerance. In this study a proteomic approach was used to define components of the σB regulon in L. monocytogenes 10403S (serotype 1/2a). Using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and the recently developed isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation technique, the protein expression profiles of the wild type and an isogenic ΔsigB deletion strain were compared. Overall, this study identified 38 proteins whose expression was σB dependent; 17 of these proteins were found to require the presence of σB for full expression, while 21 were expressed at a higher level in the ΔsigB mutant background. The data obtained with the two proteomic approaches showed limited overlap (four proteins were identified by both methods), a finding that highlights the complementarity of the two technologies. Overall, the proteomic data reaffirmed a role for σB in the general stress response and highlighted a probable role for σB in metabolism, especially in the utilization of alternative carbon sources. Proteomic and physiological data revealed the involvement of σB in glycerol metabolism. Five newly identified members of the σB regulon were shown to be under direct regulation of σB using reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR), while random amplification of cDNA ends-PCR was used to map four σB-dependent promoters upstream from lmo0796, lmo1830, lmo2391, and lmo2695. Using RT-PCR analysis of known and newly identified σB-dependent genes, as well as proteomic analyses, σB was shown to play a major role in the stationary phase of growth in complex media.


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A simple procedure was developed for packing PicoFrit HPLC columns with chromatographic stationary phase using a reservoir fabricated from standard laboratory HPLC fittings. Packed columns were mounted onto a stainless steel ultra-low volume precolumn filter assembly containing a 0.5-mu m pore size steel frit. This format provided a conduit for the application of the nanospray voltage and protected the column from obstruction by sample material. The system was characterised and operational performance assessed by analysis of a range of peptide standards (n = 9).


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Purification of intact enveloped virus particles can be useful as a first step in understanding the structure and function of both viral and host proteins that are incorporated into the virion. Purified preparations of virions can be used to address these questions using techniques such as mass spectrometry proteomics. Recent studies on the proteome of coronavirus virions have shown that in addition to the structural proteins, accessory and non-structural virus proteins and a wide variety of host cell proteins associate with virus particles. To further study the presence of virion proteins, high quality sample preparation is crucial to ensure reproducible analysis by the wide variety of methods available for proteomic analysis.


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Background: MS-based proteomics was applied to the analysis of the medicinal plant Artemisia annua, exploiting a recently published contig sequence database (Graham et al. (2010) Science 327, 328–331) and other genomic and proteomic sequence databases for comparison. A. annua is the predominant natural source of artemisinin, the precursor for artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs), which are the WHO-recommended treatment for P. falciparum malaria. Results: The comparison of various databases containing A. annua sequences (NCBInr/viridiplantae, UniProt/ viridiplantae, UniProt/A. annua, an A. annua trichome Trinity contig database, the above contig database and another A. annua EST database) revealed significant differences in respect of their suitability for proteomic analysis, showing that an organism-specific database that has undergone extensive curation, leading to longer contig sequences, can greatly increase the number of true positive protein identifications, while reducing the number of false positives. Compared to previously published data an order-of-magnitude more proteins have been identified from trichome-enriched A. annua samples, including proteins which are known to be involved in the biosynthesis of artemisinin, as well as other highly abundant proteins, which suggest additional enzymatic processes occurring within the trichomes that are important for the biosynthesis of artemisinin. Conclusions: The newly gained information allows for the possibility of an enzymatic pathway, utilizing peroxidases, for the less well understood final stages of artemisinin’s biosynthesis, as an alternative to the known non-enzymatic in vitro conversion of dihydroartemisinic acid to artemisinin. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD000703.