29 resultados para Porto’s Historic Center


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This study analyzes the short-term consequences of visitors' use of different types of exhibits (i.e., "exemplars of phenomena" and "analogy based") together with the factors affecting visitors' understanding of and their evaluation of the use of such exhibits. One hundred and twenty five visitors (either alone or in groups) were observed during their interaction and interviewed immediately afterwards. Findings suggest that the type of exhibit constrains the nature of the understanding achieved. The use of analogical reasoning may lead to an intended causal explanation of an exhibit that is an exemplar of a phenomenon, but visitors often express misconceptions as a consequence of using this type of exhibit. Analogy-based exhibits are often not used as intended by the designer. This may be because visitors do not access the source domain intended; are unaware of the use of analogy per se (in particular, when the exhibit is of the subtype "only showing similarities between relationships"); only acquire fragmentary knowledge about the target; or fail to use analogical reasoning of which they were capable. Furthermore, exhibits related to everyday world situations are recognized to have an immediate educative value for visitors. Suggestions for enhancing the educative value of exhibits are proposed.


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Aims: To test the possibility that wines available in the marketplace may contain culturable yeasts and to evaluate the 5.8S-ITS rDNA sequence analysis as adequate means for the identification of isolates. Methods and Results: As a case study, typical Greek wines were surveyed. Sequence analysis of the 5.8S-ITS rDNA was tested for its robustness in species or strain identification. Sixteen isolates could be assigned into the species Brettanomyces bruxellensis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Rhodotorula pinicola, whereas four isolates could not be safely identified. B. bruxellensis was the dominant species present in house wines, while non-Saccharomyces sp. were viable in aged wines of high alcohol content. Conclusions: Yeast population depends on postfermentation procedures or storage conditions. Although 5.8S-ITS rDNA sequence analysis is generally a rapid method to identify wine yeast isolates at the species level, or even below that, it may not be sufficient for some genera. Significance and Impact of the Study: This is the first report to show that commercial wines may possess diverse and potentially harmful yeast populations. The knowledge of yeasts able to reside in this niche environment is essential towards integrated quality assurance programmes. For selected species, the 5.8S-ITS rDNA sequence analysis is a rapid and accurate means.


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Endothelial cells are primary targets for pro-atherosclerotic stressors such as oxidized LDL (ox-LDL). The isoflavone genistein, on the other hand, is suggested to prevent a variety of processes underlying atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. By analyzing the proteome of EA(.)hy 926 endothelial cells, here we show, that genistein reverses the ox-LDL-induced changes of the steady-state levels of several proteins involved in atherosclerosis. These alterations caused by genistein are functionally linked to the inhibition of ox-LDL induced apoptosis.


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Crystal structure determination of adducts of sparteine and PhLi, (-)-sparteine and PhOLi and of sparteine and PhLi/PhOLi reveal a four-membered ring with two lithium centers, each capped by a (-)-sparteine ligand, as central motif of all structure. Quantum-chemical calculations show that the mixed aggregate [PhLi center dot PhOLi center dot 2(-)-sparteine] is energetically more favorable than the model system {1/2[PhLi center dot(-)-sparteine](2) + 1/2[PhOLi center dot(-)-sparteine](2)}.


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Myoglobin has been studied in considerable detail using different experimental and computational techniques over the past decades. Recent developments in time-resolved spectroscopy have provided experimental data amenable to detailed atomistic simulations. The main theme of the present review are results on the structures, energetics and dynamics of ligands ( CO, NO) interacting with myoglobin from computer simulations. Modern computational methods including free energy simulations, mixed quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics simulations, and reactive molecular dynamics simulations provide insight into the dynamics of ligand dynamics in confined spaces complementary to experiment. Application of these methods to calculate and understand experimental observations for myoglobin interacting with CO and NO are presented and discussed.


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This paper deals with the selection of centres for radial basis function (RBF) networks. A novel mean-tracking clustering algorithm is described as a way in which centers can be chosen based on a batch of collected data. A direct comparison is made between the mean-tracking algorithm and k-means clustering and it is shown how mean-tracking clustering is significantly better in terms of achieving an RBF network which performs accurate function modelling.


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Volcanic ash fallout associated with renewal of explosive activity at Colima, represents a serious threat to the surrounding urbanized area. Here we assess the tephra fallout hazard associated with a Plinian eruption scenario. The eruptive history of Volcán de Colima shows that Plinian eruptions occur approximately every 100 years and the last eruption, the 1913, represents the largest historic eruption of this volcano. We used the last eruption as a reference to discuss volcanic hazard and risk scenarios connected with ash fallout. Tephra fallout deposits are modeled using HAZMAP, a model based on a semi-analytical solution of the advection– diffusion–sedimentation equation for volcanic particles. Based on a statistical study of wind profiles at Colima region, we first reconstructed ash loading maps and then computed ground load probability maps for different seasons. The obtained results show that a Plinian eruptive scenario at Volcán de Colima, could seriously damage more than 10 small towns and ranches, and potentially affect big cities located at tens of kilometers from the eruptive center. The probability maps obtained are aimed to give support to the risk mitigation strategies


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Historic environments and buildings are valued and valuable features of the UK tourism sector, as visitor attractions and as holiday accommodation. Keeping historic environments in economic use is crucial to their conservation, but they date from eras when access for disabled people was not a consideration. Part III of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (the DDA) took effect on 1 October 2004 and requires service providers to make reasonable building adjustments to remove physical barriers to disabled access. This independent scoping study by the College of Estate Management, sponsored by Marsh Limited and The Mercers' Company, explores progress in making historic environments accessible to disabled people through an examination of UK policy, literature and case studies in South Oxfordshire and London. The report findings are relevant for property and built environment professionals, business managers and all those involved with historic environments that are used for tourism.


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Changes in landscape composition and structure may impact the conservation and management of protected areas. Species that depend on specific habitats are at risk of extinction when these habitats are degraded or lost. Designing robust methods to evaluate landscape composition will assist decision- and policy-making in emerging landscapes. This paper describes a rapid assessment methodology aimed at evaluating landcover quality for birds, plants, butterflies and bees around seven UK Natura 2000 sites. An expert panel assigned quality values to standard Coordination of Information on the Environment (CORINE) landcover classes for each taxonomic group. Quality was assessed based on historical (1950, 1990), current (2000) and future (2030) land-cover data, the last projected using three alternative scenarios: a growth applied strategy (GRAS), a business-as-might-beusual (BAMBU) scenario, and sustainable European development goal (SEDG) scenario. A quantitative quality index weighted the area of each land-cover parcel with a taxa-specific quality measure. Land parcels with high quality for all taxonomic groups were evaluated for temporal changes in area, size and adjacency. For all sites and taxonomic groups, the rate of deterioration of land-cover quality was greater between 1950 and 1990 than current rates or as modelled using the alternative future scenarios (2000– 2030). Model predictions indicated land-cover quality stabilized over time under the GRAS scenario, and was close to stable for the BAMBU scenario. The SEDG scenario suggested an ongoing loss of quality, though this was lower than the historical rate of c. 1% loss per decade. None of the future scenarios showed accelerated fragmentation, but rather increases in the area, adjacency and diversity of high quality land parcels in the landscape.


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At least three ferritins are found in the bacterium Escherichia coli, the heme-containing bacterioferritin (EcBFR) and two non-heme bacterial ferritins (EcFtnA and EcFtnB). In addition to the conserved A- and B-sites of the diiron ferroxidase center, EcFtnA has a third iron-binding site (the C-site) of unknown function that is nearby the diiron site. In the present work, the complex chemistry of iron oxidation and deposition in EcFtnA has been further defined through a combination of oximetry, pH stat, stopped-flow and conventional kinetics, UV-visible, fluorescence and EPR spectroscopic measurements on the wildtype protein and site-directed variants of the A-, B- and C-sites. The data reveal that, while H2O2 is a product of dioxygen reduction in EcFtnA and oxidation occurs with a stoichiometry of Fe(II)/O2 ~ 3:1, most of the H2O2 produced is consumed in subsequent reactions with a 2:1 Fe(II)/H2O2 stoichiometry, thus suppressing hydroxyl radical formation. While the A- and B-sites are essential for rapid iron oxidation, the C-site slows oxidation and suppresses iron turnover at the ferroxidase center. A tyrosyl radical, assigned to Tyr24 near the ferroxidase center, is formed during iron oxidation and its possible significance to the function of the protein is discussed. Taken as a whole, the data indicate that there are multiple iron-oxidation pathways in EcFtnA with O2 and H2O2 as oxidants. Furthermore, the data are inconsistent with the C-site being a transit site, providing iron to the A- and B-sites, and does not support a universal mechanism for iron oxidation in all ferritins as recently proposed.


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We use sunspot group observations from the Royal Greenwich Observatory (RGO) to investigate the effects of intercalibrating data from observers with different visual acuities. The tests are made by counting the number of groups RB above a variable cut-off threshold of observed total whole-spot area (uncorrected for foreshortening) to simulate what a lower acuity observer would have seen. The synthesised annual means of RB are then re-scaled to the full observed RGO group number RA using a variety of regression techniques. It is found that a very high correlation between RA and RB (rAB > 0.98) does not prevent large errors in the intercalibration (for example sunspot maximum values can be over 30 % too large even for such levels of rAB). In generating the backbone sunspot number (RBB), Svalgaard and Schatten (2015, this issue) force regression fits to pass through the scatter plot origin which generates unreliable fits (the residuals do not form a normal distribution) and causes sunspot cycle amplitudes to be exaggerated in the intercalibrated data. It is demonstrated that the use of Quantile-Quantile (“Q  Q”) plots to test for a normal distribution is a useful indicator of erroneous and misleading regression fits. Ordinary least squares linear fits, not forced to pass through the origin, are sometimes reliable (although the optimum method used is shown to be different when matching peak and average sunspot group numbers). However, other fits are only reliable if non-linear regression is used. From these results it is entirely possible that the inflation of solar cycle amplitudes in the backbone group sunspot number as one goes back in time, relative to related solar-terrestrial parameters, is entirely caused by the use of inappropriate and non-robust regression techniques to calibrate the sunspot data.


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When travelling north-east across the Somerset Levels and Moors the eye is drawn to the dark mass of the Mendip Hills, a Carboniferous Limestone ridge which rises abruptly from the flatness of its surroundings. The Historic Landscape of the Mendip Hills explores the archaeology and architecture of this remarkable corner of England, beginning with evidence for the first hunting groups who passed through the region over half a million years ago. Succeeding generations have left their mark on the Hills, from the enigmatic ceremonial structures of the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age, to the ancient farming landscapes and brooding hillforts of the Later Prehistoric period. Field archaeology, combined with architectural and historical enquiry, has also allowed a complex narrative to be constructed for more recent periods of history. This is a story dominated by adaptation and change, evidenced by the developing architecture of manorial centres and the shadowy remains of earlier structures fossilized within village houses. This volume presents a synthesis of the results of recent fieldwork undertaken by English Heritage and traces this region’s remarkable past, revealing ways in which it has shaped the landscape we see and value today.