42 resultados para Palm, A. J
Nutrient cycles link agricultural systems to their societies and surroundings; inputs of nitrogen and phosphorus in particular are essential for high crop yields, but downstream and downwind losses of these same nutrients diminish environmental quality and human well-being. Agricultural nutrient balances differ substantially with economic development, from inputs that are inadequate to maintain soil fertility in parts of many developing countries, particularly those of sub-Saharan Africa, to excessive and environmentally damaging surpluses in many developed and rapidly growing economies. National and/or regional policies contribute to patterns of nutrient use and their environmental consequences in all of these situations. Solutions to the nutrient challenges that face global agriculture can be informed by analyses of trajectories of change within, as well as across, agricultural systems.
In April–July 2008, intensive measurements were made of atmospheric composition and chemistry in Sabah, Malaysia, as part of the "Oxidant and particle photochemical processes above a South-East Asian tropical rainforest" (OP3) project. Fluxes and concentrations of trace gases and particles were made from and above the rainforest canopy at the Bukit Atur Global Atmosphere Watch station and at the nearby Sabahmas oil palm plantation, using both ground-based and airborne measurements. Here, the measurement and modelling strategies used, the characteristics of the sites and an overview of data obtained are described. Composition measurements show that the rainforest site was not significantly impacted by anthropogenic pollution, and this is confirmed by satellite retrievals of NO2 and HCHO. The dominant modulators of atmospheric chemistry at the rainforest site were therefore emissions of BVOCs and soil emissions of reactive nitrogen oxides. At the observed BVOC:NOx volume mixing ratio (~100 pptv/pptv), current chemical models suggest that daytime maximum OH concentrations should be ca. 105 radicals cm−3, but observed OH concentrations were an order of magnitude greater than this. We confirm, therefore, previous measurements that suggest that an unexplained source of OH must exist above tropical rainforest and we continue to interrogate the data to find explanations for this.
Poor glucose tolerance may be an under-researched contributory factor in the high (10% to 20%) pre-weaning mortality rate observed in pigs. Insulin resistance commences at around week 12 of gestation in the sow, although there are conflicting reports in the literature about the extent to which insulin resistance is modulated by maternal diet. The aim of the study was to determine the effects of supplementing the maternal diet with different dietary oils during either the first half or the second half of gestation on the glucose tolerance of the sow. Sows were offered the control (C: n = 5) diet as pellets or the C diet plus 10% extra energy (h = 16 per group) derived from either. (i) extra pellets; (ii) palm oil; (iii) olive oil; (iv) sunflower oil; or (v) fish oil. Experimental diets were fed during either the first (G1) or second (G2) half of gestation. A glucose tolerance test (GTT) was conducted on day 108 of gestation by administering 0.5g/kg glucose i.v. Blood samples were taken every 5 to 10 min for 90 min post administration. The change in body weight and backfat thickness during gestation was similar but both type and timing of dietary supplementation influenced litter size and weight. With the exception of the sunflower oil group, supplementing the maternal diet in G1 resulted in larger and heavier litters, particularly in mothers offered palm oil. Basal blood glucose concentrations tended to be more elevated in G1 than G2 groups, whilst plasma insulin concentrations were similar Following a GTT, the adjusted area under the curve was greater in G1 compared to G2 sows, despite no differences in glucose clearance. Maternal diet appeared to influence the relationship between glucose curve characteristics following a GTT and litter outcome. In conclusion, the degree of insulin sensitivity can be altered by both the period during which maternal nutritional supplementation is offered and the fatty acid profile of the diet.
Eighty-eight multiparous sows were used to evaluate whether type and timing of oil supplementation during gestation influences the incidence of low birth weight (LBW). Sows were allocated (eight per treatment) commercial sow pellets (3 kg/d; control diet) or an experimental diet consisting of control diet plus 10 % extra energy in the form of excess pellets, palm oil, olive oil (OO), sunflower oil (SO) or fish oil; experimental diets were fed during either the first half (G1) or second half (G2) of gestation. Growth performance and endocrine profile of LBW ( < 1·09 kg) and normal birth weight (NBW; 1·46–1·64 kg) offspring were compared. Maternal dietary supplementation altered the distribution curve for piglet birth weight. SOG1 sows had a greater proportion of LBW piglets (P < 0·05), whilst it was reduced in the OOG1 group (P < 0·05). Growth rate of LBW piglets was lower compared with their NBW siblings (P < 0·05) when dietary supplementation was offered in G2 but were similar for G1. At birth, LBW offspring of supplemented animals possessed more fat compared with the control group (P < 0·05); LBW offspring of control animals exhibited a more rapid decline in fat free mass/kg prior to weaning. Plasma metabolites and insulin concentrations were influenced by maternal diet and birth weight. In conclusion, maternal dietary supplementation altered the distribution of piglet birth weights and improved the energy status of LBW piglets. Supplementation with MUFA during G1 reduced the incidence of LBW, whereas PUFA had the reverse effect.
Background: Although there is considerable interest in the postprandial events involved in the absorption of dietary fats and the subsequent metabolism of diet-derived triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins, little is known about the effects of meal fatty acids on the composition of these particles. Objective: We examined the effect of meal fatty acids on the lipid and apolipoprotein contents of triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins. Design: Ten normolipidemic men received in random order a mixed meal containing 50 L, of a mixture of palm oil and cocoa butter [rich in saturated fatty acids (SFAs)], safflower oil [n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs)]. or olive oil [monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs)] on 3 occasions. Fasting and postprandial apolipoproteins B-48. B-100, E. C-II, and C-III and lipids (triacylglycerol and cholesterol) were measured in plasma fractions with Svedberg flotation rates (S-f) >400 S-f 60-400, and S-f 20 - 60. Results: Calculation of the composition of the triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins (expressed per mole of apolipoprotein B) showed notable differences in the lipid and apolipoprotein contents of the SFA-enriched particles in the S-f > 400 and S-f 60-400 fractions. After the SFA meal, triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins in these fractions showed significantly greater amounts of triacylglycerol and of apolipoproteins C-II (Sf 60-400 fraction only), C-III, and E than were found after the MUFA meal (P < 0.02) and more cholesterol, apolipoprotein C-III (Sf > 400 fraction only), and apolipoprotein E than after the PUFA meal (P < 0.02). Conclusions: Differences in the composition of S-f > 400 and S-f 60-400 triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins formed after saturated compared with unsaturated fatty acid-rich meals may explain differences in the metabolic handling of dietary fats.
Most haptic environments are based on single point interactions whereas in practice, object manipulation requires multiple contact points between the object, fingers, thumb and palm. The Friction Cone Algorithm was developed specifically to work well in a multi-finger haptic environment where object manipulation would occur. However, the Friction Cone Algorithm has two shortcomings when applied to polygon meshes: there is no means of transitioning polygon boundaries or feeling non-convex edges. In order to overcome these deficiencies, Face Directed Connection Graphs have been developed as well as a robust method for applying friction to non-convex edges. Both these extensions are described herein, as well as the implementation issues associated with them.
The present invention relates to haploid oil palm plants and homozygous doubled haploid oil palm plants. The invention also relates to methods for producing and selecting haploid and doubled haploid plants. More particularly, but not exclusively, the method may be used for selecting haploid and doubled haploid oil palm plants. Haploid and doubled haploid plants are selected by a large-scale screening based on a combination of the phenotype with the use of molecular methods combined with flow cytometry techniques to identify haploid and doubled haploid plants. More particularly, a method for selecting haploid and doubled haploid plants is described comprising: (a) germinating seeds; (b) selecting seedlings with atypical phenotype; (c) assessing heterozygosity using markers; (d) isolating cells from the seedlings and determining the DNA content of the cells; and (e) isolating and purifying the DNA and using defined molecular markers to characterise the genotype of the plant. The haploid oil palm plants may be used for producing homozygous doubled haploid oil palms: doubled haploids may be intercrossed to produce uniform F.sub.1 hybrids of superior properties.
Laser beams emitted from the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS), as well as other spaceborne laser instruments, can only penetrate clouds to a limit of a few optical depths. As a result, only optical depths of thinner clouds (< about 3 for GLAS) are retrieved from the reflected lidar signal. This paper presents a comprehensive study of possible retrievals of optical depth of thick clouds using solar background light and treating GLAS as a solar radiometer. To do so one must first calibrate the reflected solar radiation received by the photon-counting detectors of the GLAS 532-nm channel, the primary channel for atmospheric products. Solar background radiation is regarded as a noise to be subtracted in the retrieval process of the lidar products. However, once calibrated, it becomes a signal that can be used in studying the properties of optically thick clouds. In this paper, three calibration methods are presented: (i) calibration with coincident airborne and GLAS observations, (ii) calibration with coincident Geostationary Opera- tional Environmental Satellite (GOES) and GLAS observations of deep convective clouds, and (iii) cali- bration from first principles using optical depth of thin water clouds over ocean retrieved by GLAS active remote sensing. Results from the three methods agree well with each other. Cloud optical depth (COD) is retrieved from the calibrated solar background signal using a one-channel retrieval. Comparison with COD retrieved from GOES during GLAS overpasses shows that the average difference between the two retriev- als is 24%. As an example, the COD values retrieved from GLAS solar background are illustrated for a marine stratocumulus cloud field that is too thick to be penetrated by the GLAS laser. Based on this study, optical depths for thick clouds will be provided as a supplementary product to the existing operational GLAS cloud products in future GLAS data releases.
A cause and effect relationship between glucagon-like peptide 1 (7, 36) amide (GLP-1) and cholecystokinin (CCK) and DMI regulation has not been established in ruminants. Three randomized complete block experiments were conducted to determine the effect of feeding fat or infusing GLP-1 or CCK intravenously on DMI, nutrient digestibility, and Cr rate of passage (using Cr(2)O(3) as a marker) in wethers. A total of 18 Targhee × Hampshire wethers (36.5 ± 2.5 kg of BW) were used, and each experiment consisted of four 21-d periods (14 d for adaptation and 7 d for infusion and sampling). Wethers allotted to the control treatments served as the controls for all 3 experiments; experiments were performed simultaneously. The basal diet was 60% concentrate and 40% forage. In Exp. 1, treatments were the control (0% added fat) and addition of 4 or 6% Ca salts of palm oil fatty acids (DM basis). Treatments in Exp. 2 and 3 were the control and 3 jugular vein infusion dosages of GLP-1 (0.052, 0.103, or 0.155 µg•kg of BW(-1)•d(-1)) or CCK (0.069, 0.138, or 0.207 µg•kg of BW(-1)•d(-1)), respectively. Increases in plasma GLP-1 and CCK concentrations during hormone infusions were comparable with increases observed when increasing amounts of fat were fed. Feeding fat and infusion of GLP-1 tended (linear, P = 0.12; quadratic, P = 0.13) to decrease DMI. Infusion of CCK did not affect (P > 0.21) DMI. Retention time of Cr in the total gastrointestinal tract decreased (linear, P < 0.01) when fat was fed, but was not affected by GLP-1 or CCK infusion. In conclusion, jugular vein infusion produced similar plasma CCK and GLP-1 concentrations as observed when fat was fed. The effects of feeding fat on DMI may be partially regulated by plasma concentration of GLP-1, but are not likely due solely to changes in a single hormone concentration.
Inference on the basis of recognition alone is assumed to occur prior to accessing further information (Pachur & Hertwig, 2006). A counterintuitive result of this is the “less-is-more” effect: a drop in the accuracy with which choices are made as to which of two or more items scores highest on a given criterion as more items are learned (Frosch, Beaman & McCloy, 2007; Goldstein & Gigerenzer, 2002). In this paper, we show that less-is-more effects are not unique to recognition-based inference but can also be observed with a knowledge-based strategy provided two assumptions, limited information and differential access, are met. The LINDA model which embodies these assumptions is presented. Analysis of the less-is-more effects predicted by LINDA and by recognition-driven inference shows that these occur for similar reasons and casts doubt upon the “special” nature of recognition-based inference. Suggestions are made for empirical tests to compare knowledge-based and recognition-based less-is-more effects
There is emerging evidence to show that high levels of NEFA contribute to endothelial dysfunction and impaired insulin sensitivity. However, the impact of NEFA composition remains unclear. A total of ten healthy men consumed test drinks containing 50 g of palm stearin (rich in SFA) or high-oleic sunflower oil (rich in MUFA) on separate occasions; a third day included no fat as a control. The fats were emulsified into chocolate drinks and given as a bolus (approximately 10 g fat) at baseline followed by smaller amounts (approximately 3 g fat) every 30 min throughout the 6 h study day. An intravenous heparin infusion was initiated 2 h after the bolus, which resulted in a three- to fourfold increase in circulating NEFA level from baseline. Mean arterial stiffness as measured by digital volume pulse was higher during the consumption of SFA (P,0·001) but not MUFA (P¼0·089) compared with the control. Overall insulin and gastric inhibitory peptide response was greater during the consumption of both fats compared with the control (P,0·001); there was a second insulin peak in response to MUFA unlike SFA. Consumption of SFA resulted in higher levels of soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (sI-CAM) at 330 min than that of MUFA or control (P#0·048). There was no effect of the test drinks on glucose, total nitrite, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 or endothelin-1 concentrations. The present study indicates a potential negative impact of elevated NEFA derived from the consumption of SFA on arterial stiffness and sI-CAM levels. More studies are needed to fully investigate the impact of NEFA composition on risk factors for CVD.
The present study was designed to examine whether the type of fat ingested in an initial test meal influences the response and density distribution of dietary-derived lipoproteins in the Svedberg flotation rate (Sf)>400, Sf 60 - 400 and Sf 20 - 60 lipoprotein fractions. A single-blind randomized within-subject crossover design was used to study the effects of palm oil, safflower oil, a mixture of fish and safflower oil, and olive oil on postprandial apolipoprotein (apo) B-48, retinyl ester and triacylglycerol responses in each lipoprotein fraction following an initial test meal containing one of the oils and a second standardized test meal. For all dietary oils, late postprandial (300min) concentrations of triacylglycerol and apo B-48 were significantly higher in the Sf 60 - 400 fraction than in the Sf>400 fraction (P<0.02). Significantly greater apo B-48 incremental areas under the curve (IAUCs) were also observed in the Sf 60 - 400 fraction than in the Sf>400 fraction following palm oil, safflower oil and olive oil (P<0.04), with a similar non-significant trend for fish/safflower oil. Olive oil resulted in a significantly greater apo B-48 IAUC in the Sf>400 fraction (P<0.02) than did any of the other dietary oils, as well as a tendency for a higher IAUC in the Sf 60 - 400 fraction compared with the palm, safflower and fish/safflower oils. In conclusion, we have found that the majority of intestinally derived lipoproteins present in the circulation following meals enriched with saturated, polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fatty acids are of the density and size of small chylomicrons and chylomicron remnants. Olive oil resulted in a greater apo B-48 response compared with the other dietary oils following sequential test meals, suggesting the formation of a greater number of small (Sf 60 - 400) and large (Sf>400) apo B-48-containing lipoproteins in response to this dietary oil.
Background: Compared with the postprandial events after a single meal, different events occur when a second meal is ingested 4–6 h after a first meal. There is a rapid appearance of chylomicrons in the circulation carrying fat ingested with the first meal, with a peak 1 h after the second meal. Objective: Our goal was to examine whether different dietary oils have effects on the storage of triacylglycerol as a result of differences in their digestion, absorption, and incorporation into chylomicrons. Design: A single-blind, randomized, within-subject crossover design was used to study the effects of palm oil, safflower oil, a mixture of fish and safflower oil, and olive oil on postprandial apolipoprotein (apo) B-48, retinyl ester, and triacylglycerol in the Sf > 400 fraction with the use of a sequential meal protocol. Results: For triacylglycerol, retinyl ester, and apo B-48, the time to reach peak concentration was significantly earlier after the second meal than after the first meal (P < 0.005). This was apparent with each of the dietary oils. The pattern of the apo B-48 response differed significantly among the dietary oils, with olive oil resulting in higher concentrations after both meals (P = 0.003). The ratio of triacylglycerol to apo B-48 was significantly lower after olive oil feeding than after feeding with the other oils (P = 0.02). Conclusions: The rapid entry of chylomicrons after the ingestion of a second meal 5 h after a first meal was seen with all of the oils investigated. The short-term ingestion of olive oil produced more chylomicrons than did the other dietary oils, which may have been due to differences in the metabolic handling of olive oil within the gut.