Unlike most domestic livestock species, sheep are widely known as an animal with marked seasonality of breeding activity. The annual cycle of daily photoperiod has been identified as the determinant factor of this phenomenon, while environmental temperature, nutritional status, social interactions, lambing date and lactation period are considered to modulate it. The aim of this paper is to review the current state of knowledge of the reproductive seasonality in sheep. Following general considerations concerning the importance of seasonal breeding as a reproductive strategy for the survival of species, the paper describes the manifestations of seasonality in both the ram and the ewe. Both determinant and modulating factors are developed and special emphasis is given to the neuroendocrine base of photoperiodic regulation of seasonal breeding. Other aspects such as the role of melatonin, the involvement of thyroid hormones and the concept of photorefractoriness are also reviewed. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A size-structured plant population model is developed to study the evolution of pathogen-induced leaf shedding under various environmental conditions. The evolutionary stable strategy (ESS) of the leaf shedding rate is determined for two scenarios: i) a constant leaf shedding strategy and ii) an infection load driven leaf shedding strategy. The model predicts that ESS leaf shedding rates increase with nutrient availability. No effect of plant density on the ESS leaf shedding rate is found even though disease severity increases with plant density. When auto-infection, that is increased infection due to spores produced on the plant itself, plays a key role in further disease increase on the plant, shedding leaves removes disease that would otherwise contribute to disease increase on the plant itself. Consequently leaf shedding responses to infections may evolve. When external infection, that is infection due to immigrant spores, is the key determinant, shedding a leaf does not reduce the force of infection on the leaf shedding plant. In this case leaf shedding will not evolve. Under a low external disease pressure adopting an infection driven leaf shedding strategy is more efficient than adopting a constant leaf shedding strategy, since a plant adopting an infection driven leaf shedding strategy does not shed any leaves in the absence of infection, even when leaf shedding rates are high. A plant adopting a constant leaf shedding rate sheds the same amount of leaves regardless of the presence of infection. Based on the results we develop two hypotheses that can be tested if the appropriate plant material is available.
1. Although the importance of plant community assemblages in structuring invertebrate assemblages is well known, the role that architectural complexity plays is less well understood. In particular, direct empirical data for a range of invertebrate taxa showing how functional groups respond to plant architecture is largely absent from the literature. 2. The significance of sward architectural complexity in determining the species richness of predatory and phytophagous functional groups of spiders, beetles, and true bugs, sampled from 135 field margin plots over 2 years was tested. The present study compares the relative importance of sward architectural complexity to that of plant community assemblage. 3. Sward architectural complexity was found to be a determinant of species richness for all phytophagous and predatory functional groups. When individual species responses were investigated, 62.5% of the spider and beetle species, and 50.0% of the true bugs responded to sward architectural complexity. 4. Interactions between sward architectural complexity and plant community assemblage indicate that the number of invertebrate species supported by the plant community alone could be increased by modification of sward architecture. Management practices could therefore play a key role in diversifying the architectural structure of existing floral assemblages for the benefit of invertebrate assemblages. 5. The contrasting effects of sward architecture on invertebrate functional groups characterised by either direct (phytophagous species) or indirect (predatory species) dependence on plant communities is discussed. It is suggested that for phytophagous taxa, plant community assemblage alone is likely to be insufficient to ensure successful species colonisation or persistence without appropriate development of sward architecture.
This paper investigates Willingness to Accept (WTA) Genetic Modification (GM) foods based on experimental auctions carried out in the USA, UK and France. It explores perceptions of risk and benefits, moral concerns and their antecedents, attitudes to the environment and technology and trust in various sources using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Trust in information provided by industry proved to be the most important determinant of risk/benefit perceptions and WTA followed by general attitudes to the environment and technology. Education and age are also enhance perceived benefits and lower perceived risks of GM. Perception of risk/benefit and moral concerns all have significant effects on consumers' WTA but the perceived benefits are most important. The research suggests that trust-building by industry would be the most effective in enhancing GM acceptance.
Many viruses, including human influenza A virus, have developed strategies for counteracting the host type I interferon (IFN) response. We have explored whether avian influenza viruses were less capable of combating the type I IFN response in mammalian cells, as this might be a determinant of host range restriction. A panel of avian influenza viruses isolated between 1927 and 1997 was assembled. The selected viruses showed variation in their ability to activate the expression of a reporter gene under the control of the IFN-beta promoter and in the levels of IFN induced in mammalian cells. Surprisingly, the avian NS1 proteins expressed alone or in the genetic background of a human influenza virus controlled IFN-beta induction in a manner similar to the NS1 protein of human strains. There was no direct correlation between the IFN-beta induction and replication of avian influenza viruses in human A549 cells. Nevertheless, human cells deficient in the type I IFN system showed enhanced replication of the avian viruses studied, implying that the human type I IFN response limits avian influenza viruses and can contribute to host range restriction.
Mature nonstructural protein-15 (nsp15) from the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) contains a novel uridylate-specific Mn2+-dependent endoribonuclease (NendoU). Structure studies of the full-length form of the obligate hexameric enzyme from two CoVs, SARS-CoV and murine hepatitis virus, and its monomeric homologue, XendoU from Xenopus laevis, combined with mutagenesis studies have implicated several residues in enzymatic activity and the N-terminal domain as the major determinant of hexamerization. However, the tight link between hexamerization and enzyme activity in NendoUs has remained an enigma. Here, we report the structure of a trimmed, monomeric form of SARS-CoV nsp15 (residues 28 to 335) determined to a resolution of 2.9 A. The catalytic loop (residues 234 to 249) with its two reactive histidines (His 234 and His 249) is dramatically flipped by approximately 120 degrees into the active site cleft. Furthermore, the catalytic nucleophile Lys 289 points in a diametrically opposite direction, a consequence of an outward displacement of the supporting loop (residues 276 to 295). In the full-length hexameric forms, these two loops are packed against each other and are stabilized by intimate intersubunit interactions. Our results support the hypothesis that absence of an adjacent monomer due to deletion of the hexamerization domain is the most likely cause for disruption of the active site, offering a structural basis for why only the hexameric form of this enzyme is active.
Substantial resources are used for surveillance of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) despite an extremely low detection rate, especially in healthy slaughtered cattle. We have developed a method based on the geometric waiting time distribution to establish and update the statistical evidence for BSE-freedom for defined birth cohorts using continued surveillance data. The results suggest that currently (data included till September 2004) a birth cohort of Danish cattle born after March 1999 is free from BSE with probability (power) of 0.8746 or 0.8509, depending on the choice of a model for the diagnostic sensitivity. These results apply to an assumed design prevalence of 1 in 10,000 and account for prevalence heterogeneity. The age-dependent, diagnostic sensitivity for the detection of BSE has been identified as major determinant of the power. The incorporation of heterogeneity was deemed adequate on scientific grounds and led to improved power values. We propose our model as a decision tool for possible future modification of the BSE surveillance and discuss public health and international trade implications.
We have investigated the signalling properties of the chemokine receptor, CCR5, using several assays for agonism: stimulation of changes in intracellular Ca2+ or CCR5 internalisation in CHO cells expressing CCR5 or stimulation of [S-35]GTP gamma S binding in membranes of CHO cells expressing CCR5. Four isoforms of the chemokine CCL3 with different amino termini (CCL3, CCL3(2-70), CCL3(5-70), CCL3L1) were tested in these assays in order to probe structure/activity relationships. Each isoform exhibited agonism. The pattern of agonism (potency, maximal effect) was different in the three assays, although the rank order was the same with CCL3L1 being the most potent and efficacious. The data show that the amino terminus of the chemokine is important for signalling. A proline at position 2 (CCL3L1) provides for high potency and efficacy but the isoform with a serine at position 2 (CCL3(2-70)) is as efficacious in some assays showing that the proline is not the only determinant of high efficacy. We also increased the sensitivity of CCR5 signalling by treating cells with sodium butyrate, thus increasing the receptor/G protein ratio. This allowed the detection of a change in intracellular Ca2+ after treatment with CCL7 and Met-RANTES showing that these ligands possess measurable but low efficacy. This study therefore shows that sodium butyrate treatment increases the sensitivity of signalling assays and enables the detection of efficacy in ligands previously considered as antagonists. The use of different assay systems, therefore, provides different estimates of efficacy for some ligands at this receptor. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A size-structured plant population model is developed to study the evolution of pathogen-induced leaf shedding under various environmental conditions. The evolutionary stable strategy (ESS) of the leaf shedding rate is determined for two scenarios: i) a constant leaf shedding strategy and ii) an infection load driven leaf shedding strategy. The model predicts that ESS leaf shedding rates increase with nutrient availability. No effect of plant density on the ESS leaf shedding rate is found even though disease severity increases with plant density. When auto-infection, that is increased infection due to spores produced on the plant itself, plays a key role in further disease increase on the plant, shedding leaves removes disease that would otherwise contribute to disease increase on the plant itself. Consequently leaf shedding responses to infections may evolve. When external infection, that is infection due to immigrant spores, is the key determinant, shedding a leaf does not reduce the force of infection on the leaf shedding plant. In this case leaf shedding will not evolve. Under a low external disease pressure adopting an infection driven leaf shedding strategy is more efficient than adopting a constant leaf shedding strategy, since a plant adopting an infection driven leaf shedding strategy does not shed any leaves in the absence of infection, even when leaf shedding rates are high. A plant adopting a constant leaf shedding rate sheds the same amount of leaves regardless of the presence of infection. Based on the results we develop two hypotheses that can be tested if the appropriate plant material is available.
Identification of cost-determinant variables and evaluation of their degree of influence play an essential role in building reliable cost models and enhance the competitive edge of quantity surveyors as well as contracting organisations. Sixty-seven variables affecting pre-tender construction cost estimates are identified through literature and interviews. These factors are grouped into six categories and a comparison analysis of their impact is conducted. Priority ranking of cost-influencing factors is carried out using a questionnaire survey commissioned amongst quantity surveyors based in the UK. Findings of this survey indicate that there is a strong agreement between quantity surveyors in ranking cost-influencing factors of construction projects. Comparisons between the outcomes of this research and other related studies are presented.
Baby leaf salads are gaining in popularity over traditional whole head lettuce salads in response to consumer demand for greater variety and convenience in their diet. Baby lettuce leaves are mixed, washed and packaged as whole leaves, with a shelf-life of approximately 10 days post-processing. End of shelf-life, as determined by the consumer, is typified by bruising, water-logging and blackening of the leaves, but the biological events causing this phenotype have not been studied to date. We investigated the physiological and ultrastructural characteristics during postharvest shelf-life of two lettuce varieties with very different leaf morphologies. Membrane disruption was an important determinant of cell death in both varieties. although the timing and characteristics of breakdown was different in each with Lollo rossa showing signs of aging such as thylakoid disruption and plastoglobuli accumulation earlier than Cos. Membranes in Lollo rossa showed a later, but more distinct increase in permeability than in Cos. as indicated by electrolyte leakage and the presence of cytoplasmic fragments in the vacuole, but Cos membranes show distinct fractures towards the end of shelf-life. The tissue lost less than 25% fresh weight during shelf-life and there was little protein loss compared to developmentally aging leaves in an ambient environment. Biophysical measurements showed that breakstrength was significantly reduced in Lollo rossa, whereas irreversible leaf plasticity was significantly reduced in Cos leaves. The reversible elastic properties of both varieties changed throughout shelf-life. We compared the characteristics of shelf-life in both varieties of bagged lettuce leaves with other leafy salad crops and discuss the potential targets for future work to improve postharvest quality of baby leaf lettuce. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Based on the potential benefits of cis-9, trans- 11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) for human health there is a need to develop effective strategies for enhancing milk fat CLA concentrations. In this experiment, the effect of forage type and level of concentrate in the diet on milk fatty acid composition was examined in cows given a mixture of fish oil and sunflower oil. Four late lactation Holstein-British Friesian cows were used in a 4 x 4 Latin-square experiment with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments and 21-day experimental periods. Treatments consisted of grass (G) or maize (M) silage supplemented with low (L) or high (H) levels of concentrates (65: 35 and 35: 65; forage: concentrate ratio, on a dry matter (DM) basis, respectively) offered as a total mixed ration at a restricted level of intake (20 kg DM per day). Lipid supplements (30 g/kg DM) containing fish oil and sunflower oil (2: 3 w/w) were offered during the last 14 days of each experimental period. Treatments had no effect on total DM intake, milk yield, milk constituent output or milk fat content, but milk protein concentrations were lower (P<0.05) for G than M diets (mean 43.0 and 47.3 g/kg, respectively). Compared with grass silage, milk fat contained higher (P<0.05) amounts Of C-12: 0, C-14: 0, trans C-18:1 and long chain >= C20 (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and lower (P<0.05) levels Of C-18:0 and trans C-18:2 when maize silage was offered. Increases in the proportion of concentrate in the diet elevated (P<0.05) C-18:2 (n-6) and long chain >= C20 (n-3) PUFA content, but reduced (P<0.05) the amount Of C-18:3 (n-3). Concentrations of trans-11 C-18:1 in milk were independent of forage type, but tended (P<0.10) to be lower for high concentrate diets (mean 7.2 and 4.0 g/100 g fatty acids, for L and H respectively). Concentrations of trans-10 C-18:1 were higher (P<0.05) in milk from maize compared with grass silage (mean 10.3 and 4.1 g/100 g fatty acids, respectively) and increased in response to high levels of concentrates in the diet (mean 4.1 and 10.3 g/100 g fatty acids, for L and H, respectively). Forage type had no effect (P>0.05) on total milk conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) (2.7 and 2.8 g/100 g fatty acids, for M and G, respectively) or cis-9, trans-11 CLA content (2.2 and 2.4 g/100 g fatty acids). Feeding high concentrate diets tended (P<0.10) to decrease total CLA (3.3 and 2.2 g/100 g fatty acids, for L and H, respectively) and cis-9, trans-11 CLA (2.9 and 1/7 g/100 g fatty acids) concentrations and increase milk trans-9, cis-11 CLA and trans-10, cis-12 CLA content. In conclusion, the basal diet is an important determinant of milk fatty acid composition when a supplement of fish oil and sunflower oil is given.
Interaction of heat-moisture conditions and physical properties in oat processing: II. Flake quality
Product quality is an important determinant of consumer acceptance. Consistent oat flake properties are thus necessary in the mill as well as in the marketplace. The effects of kilning and tempering conditions (30, 60 or 90 min at 80, 95 or 110 degrees C) on flake peroxidase activity, size, thickness, strength and water absorption were therefore determined. After kilning, some peroxidase activity remained but steaming and tempering effectively destroyed the activity of these enzymes. Thus the supposed protective effect of kilning or groat durability was not confirmed. Kilning resulted in an increase in flake specific weight, but no other significant effect on flake quality was observed. Tempering time and temperature interacted significantly to produce complex effects on flake specific weight, thickness and water absorption. Flake thickness and specific weight were significantly correlated (r = 0.808, n = 54). Longer tempering times resulted in an increased fines' fraction, from 1.45% at 30 min to 1.75% at 90 min. It is concluded that whilst kilning has little effect on flake quality, the heat treatment immediately prior to flaking, can be used to adjust flake quality independently of flake thickness.
To examine how sulfur deprivation may affect acrylamide formation in cooked potatoes, three varieties of potato were grown under conditions of either severe sulfur deprivation or an adequate supply of sulfur. In all three varieties sulfur deprivation led to a decrease in acrylamide formation, even though the levels of sugars, which are acrylamide precursors, were higher in tubers of the sulfur-deprived plants. In one variety the concentration of free asparagine, the other precursor for acrylamide, was also higher. There was a very close correlation between the concentration of asparagine in the tubers expressed as a proportion of the total free amino acid pool and the formation of acrylamide upon cooking, whereas sugars were poorly correlated with acrylamide. In potatoes, where concentrations of sugars are usually limiting, competition between asparagine and other amino acids participating in the Maillard reaction may be a key determinant of the amount of acrylamide that is formed during processing.
Apolipoprotein E (apoE), an important determinant of plasma lipoprotein metabolism, has three common alleles (ε 2, ε 3, and ε 4). Population studies have shown that the risk of diseases characterized by oxidative damage, such as coronary heart disease and Alzheimer's disease, is significantly higher in ε 4 carriers. We evaluated the association between apoE genotypes and plasma F-2-isoprostane levels, an index of lipid peroxidation, in humans. Two hundred seventy-four healthy subjects (104 males, 170 females; 46.9 &PLUSMN; 13.0 yr; 200 whites, 74 blacks; 81 nonsmokers, 64 passive smokers, and 129 active smokers) recruited for a randomized clinical antioxidant intervention trial were included in this analysis. ApoE genotype was determined by PCR and restriction enzyme digestion. Free plasma F2-isoprostane was measured by GC-MS. Genotype groups were compared using multiple regression analysis with adjustment for sex, age, race, smoking status, body mass index, plasma ascorbic acid, and β-carotene. Subjects with ε 3/ε 4 and ε 4/ε 4 genotype (ε 4-carriers) and with ε 2/ε 3 and ε 3/ε 3 (non-ε 4-carriers) were pooled for analysis. In subjects with high cholesterol levels (total cholesterol above 200 mg/dl), plasma F-2-isoprostane levels were 29% higher in ε 4 carriers than in non-ε 4-carriers (P= 0.0056). High-cholesterol subjects that are ε 4 carriers have significantly higher levels of lipid peroxidation as assessed by circulating F-2-isoprostane levels.