A recent phylogenetic study based on multiple datasets is used as the framework for a more detailed examination of one of the ten molecularly circumscribed groups identified, the Ophrys fuciflora aggregate. The group is highly morphologically variable, prone to phenotypic convergence, shows low levels of sequence divergence and contains an unusually large proportion of threatened taxa, including the rarest Ophrys species in the UK. The aims of this study were to (a) circumscribe minimum resolvable genetically distinct entities within the O. fuciflora aggregate, and (b) assess the likelihood of gene flow between genetically and geographically distinct entities at the species and population levels. Fifty-five accessions sampled in Europe and Asia Minor from the O. fuciflora aggregate were studied using the AFLP genetic fingerprinting technique to evaluate levels of infraspecific and interspecific genetic variation and to assess genetic relationships between UK populations of O. fuciflora s.s. in Kent and in their continental European and Mediterranean counterparts. The two genetically and geographically distinct groups recovered, one located in England and central Europe and one in south-eastern Europe, are incongruent with current species delimitation within the aggregate as a whole and also within O. fuciflora s.s. Genetic diversity is higher in Kent than in the rest of western and central Europe. Gene flow is more likely to occur between populations in closer geographical proximity than those that are morphologically more similar. Little if any gene flow occurs between populations located in the south-eastern Mediterranean and those dispersed throughout the remainder of the distribution, revealing a genetic discontinuity that runs north-south through the Adriatic. This discontinuity is also evident in other clades of Ophrys and is tentatively attributed to the long-term influence of prevailing winds on the long-distance distribution of pollinia and especially seeds. A cline of gene flow connects populations from Kent and central and southern Europe; these individuals should therefore be considered part of an extensive meta-population. Gene flow is also evident among populations from Kent, which appear to constitute a single metapopulation. They show some evidence of hybridization, and possibly also introgression, with O. apifera.
We present the first assessment of phylogenetic utility of a potential novel low-copy nuclear gene region in flowering plants. A fragment of the MORE AXILLARY GROWTH 4 gene (MAX4, also known as RAMOSUS1 and DECREASED APICAL DOMINANCE1), predicted to span two introns, was isolated from members of Digitalis/Isoplexis. Phylogenetic analyses, under both maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference, were performed and revealed evidence of putative MAX4-like paralogues. The MAX4-like trees were compared with those obtained for Digitalis/Isoplexis using ITS and trnL-F, revealing a high degree of incongruence between these different DNA regions. Network analyses indicate complex patterns of evolution between the MAX4 sequences, which cannot be adequately represented on bifurcating trees. The incidence of paralogy restricts the use of MAX4 in phylogenetic inference within the study group, although MAX4 could potentially be used in combination with other DNA regions for resolving species relationships in cases where paralogues can be clearly identified.
We present the first assessment of phylogenetic utility of a potential novel low-copy nuclear gene region in flowering plants. A fragment of the MORE AXILLARY GROWTH 4 gene (MAX4, also known as RAMOSUS1 and DECREASED APICAL DOMINANCE1), predicted to span two introns, was isolated from members of Digitalis/Isoplexis. Phylogenetic analyses, under both maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference, were performed and revealed evidence of putative MAX4-like paralogues. The MAX4-like trees were compared with those obtained for Digitalis/Isoplexis using ITS and trnL-F, revealing a high degree of incongruence between these different DNA regions. Network analyses indicate complex patterns of evolution between the MAX4 sequences, which cannot be adequately represented on bifurcating trees. The incidence of paralogy restricts the use of MAX4 in phylogenetic inference within the study group, although MAX4 could potentially be used in combination with other DNA regions for resolving species relationships in cases where paralogues can be clearly identified.
The monophyly of the Peltophorum group, one of nine informal groups recognized by Polhill in the Caesalpinieae, was tested using sequence data from the trnL-F, rbcL, and rps16 regions of the chloroplast genome. Exemplars were included from all 16 genera of the Peltophorum group, and from 15 genera representing seven of the other eight informal groups in the tribe. The data were analyzed separately and in combined analyses using parsimony and Bayesian methods. The analysis method had little effect on the topology of well-supported relationships. The molecular data recovered a generally well-supported phylogeny with many intergeneric relationships resolved. Results show that the Peltophorum group as currently delimited is polyphyletic, but that eight genera plus one undescribed genus form a core Peltophorum group, which is referred to here as the Peltophorum group sensu stricto. These genera are Bussea, Conzattia, Colvillea, Delonix, Heteroflorum (inedit.), Lemuropisum, Parkinsonia, Peltophorum, and Schizolobium. The remaining eight genera of the Peltophorum group s.l. are distributed across the Caesalpinieae. Morphological support for the redelimited Peltophorum group and the other recovered clades was assessed, and no unique synapomorphy was found for the Peltophorum group s.s. A proposal for the reclassification of the Peltophorum group s.l. is presented.
Twenty-eight microsatellite primer pairs developed from Fragaria vesca ‘Rügen’ were applied to sixteen accessions representing eight diploid Fragaria species. The number of alleles generated, the power of discrimination and the percentage of accessions where no PCR product could be amplified were calculated for each locus for the thirteen non-F. vesca accessions. A phylogeny was then generated for the species accessions sampled, using the presence or absence of alleles at the polymorphic loci as character states. Despite the problems inherent in phylogeny reconstruction from microsatellite data, the phylogeny showed some congruence with a previously published phylogeny of Fragaria, based on nucleotide sequence data. However, relationships inferred from microsatellite allele data were relatively unresolved and poorly supported. The genetic basis of allelic polymorphisms at specific loci was investigated through direct sequencing of the PCR products amplified by three primer pairs. The potential utility of sequence data generated from microsatellite loci in evolutionary studies of closely related species groups is briefly explored.