26 resultados para Nutrient-uptake Rates


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ATP-binding cassette transporters from several rhizobia and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, but not secondarily coupled systems, were inhibited by high concentrations (100 to 500 mM) of various osmolytes, an effect reversed by the removal of the osmolyte. ABC systems were also inactivated in isolated pea bacteroids, probably due to the obligatory use of high-osmolarity isolation media. Measurement of nutrient cycling in isolated pea bacteroids is impeded by this effect.


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Elevated levels of low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) in the plasma are a well-established risk factor for the development of coronary heart disease. Plasma LDL-C levels are in part determined by the rate at which LDL particles are removed from the bloodstream by hepatic uptake. The uptake of LDL by mammalian liver cells occurs mainly via receptor-mediated endocytosis, a process which entails the binding of these particles to specific receptors in specialised areas of the cell surface, the subsequent internalization of the receptor-lipoprotein complex, and ultimately the degradation and release of the ingested lipoproteins' constituent parts. We formulate a mathematical model to study the binding and internalization (endocytosis) of LDL and VLDL particles by hepatocytes in culture. The system of ordinary differential equations, which includes a cholesterol-dependent pit production term representing feedback regulation of surface receptors in response to intracellular cholesterol levels, is analysed using numerical simulations and steady-state analysis. Our numerical results show good agreement with in vitro experimental data describing LDL uptake by cultured hepatocytes following delivery of a single bolus of lipoprotein. Our model is adapted in order to reflect the in vivo situation, in which lipoproteins are continuously delivered to the hepatocyte. In this case, our model suggests that the competition between the LDL and VLDL particles for binding to the pits on the cell surface affects the intracellular cholesterol concentration. In particular, we predict that when there is continuous delivery of low levels of lipoproteins to the cell surface, more VLDL than LDL occupies the pit, since VLDL are better competitors for receptor binding. VLDL have a cholesterol content comparable to LDL particles; however, due to the larger size of VLDL, one pit-bound VLDL particle blocks binding of several LDLs, and there is a resultant drop in the intracellular cholesterol level. When there is continuous delivery of lipoprotein at high levels to the hepatocytes, VLDL particles still out-compete LDL particles for receptor binding, and consequently more VLDL than LDL particles occupy the pit. Although the maximum intracellular cholesterol level is similar for high and low levels of lipoprotein delivery, the maximum is reached more rapidly when the lipoprotein delivery rates are high. The implications of these results for the design of in vitro experiments is discussed.


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It is well known that raised plasma triglycerides (TG) are positively linked to the development of coronary heart disease. However, triglycerides circulate in a range of distinct lipoprotein subtractions and the relative atherogenicity of these subtractions is not clear. In this study, three fractions of triglyceride rich lipoprotein (TRL) were isolated from normolipidaemic males according to their differing Svedberg flotation (S-f) rates: chylomicron (CM, S-f > 400), very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)-1 (S-f 60-400) and VLDL-2 (S-f 20-60). These fractions were incubated with THP-1 monocyte-derived macrophages for determination of cholesterol and TG accumulation, in the presence and absence of the lipoprotein lipase (LPL) inhibitor orlistat. Expression of LDL receptor related protein (LRP) and apolipoprotein B48 receptor (apoB48R) was also examined in both differentiating monocytes, and monocyte-derived macrophages, incubated with TRL. VLDL-I caused a significantly greater accumulation of TG within macrophages compared to VLDL-2. Binding studies also tended to show a greater preference for VLDL-1. No change in expression of LRP or apoB48R was observed in fully differentiated macrophages incubated with VLDL-1, VLDL-2 or CM, although a greater expression of LRP mRNA was observed in differentiating monocytes exposed to VLDL-1, compared to those incubated with CM or VLDL-2. TG loading in response to all three TRL fractions was blocked by orlistat, suggesting that it is likely that the major pathway for uptake of TG was hydrolysis by LPL. Calculations suggested that direct uptake of particles accounts for between 12 and 25% of total TAG uptake. In conclusion, THP monocyte-derived macrophages demonstrate a preference for VLDL-1, both through the LPL pathway and by direct uptake of whole particles. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Glutinous rice (or sticky rice) has to be soaked in water over an extended period of time before cooking. Soaking provides some of the water needed for starch gelatinisation to occur during cooking. The extent of water uptake during soaking is known to be influenced by temperature. This paper explores the use of very high pressures up to 600 MPa to accelerate water uptake kinetics during soaking. Changes occurring in length, diameter and moisture content were determined as a function of soaking time, pressure and temperature. The results show that length and diameter are positively correlated with all three parameters. However, the expansion ratios are not very high: the maximum length expansion ratio observed was 1.2, while the maximum diameter expansion ratio was 1. 1. Given these low values, it was possible to model water uptake kinetics by using the well-known Fickian model applied to a finite cylinder, assuming uniform average dimensions and effective diffusion coefficient. The results showed that the overall rates of water uptake and the equilibrium moisture content increased with pressure and temperature. The effective diffusion coefficient, on the other hand, did not follow the same trend. Temperature influenced the effective diffusion coefficient below 300 MPa, but had a marginal effect at higher pressures. Moreover, the effective diffusion coefficient increased with temperature between 20 and 50 degrees C, but dropped at higher temperatures. This drop can be attributed to the gelatinisation of starch, which restricts the transport of water. Regardless, it is possible to increase the quantity of water absorbed by rice and the rate at which it is absorbed, by using high pressures and temperatures. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An isotope dilution model for partitioning phenylalanine uptake by the liver of the lactating dairy cow was constructed and solved in the steady state. If assumptions are made, model solution permits calculation of the rate of phenylalanine uptake from portal vein and hepatic arterial blood supply, phenylalanine release into the hepatic vein, phenylalanine oxidation and synthesis, and degradation of hepatic constitutive and export proteins. The model requires the measurement of plasma fow rate through the liver in combination with phenylalanine concentrations and plateau isotopic enrichments in arterial, portal and hepatic plasma during a constant infusion of [1-13C]phenylalanine tracer. The model can be applied to other amino acids with similar metabolic fates and will provide a means for assessing the impact of hepatic metabolism on amino acid availability to peripheral tissues. This is of particular importance for the dairy cow when considering the requirements for milk protein synthesis and the negative environmental impact of excessive nitrogen excretion.


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The research outlined in this paper highlights the importance of the early nutrition of vegetable crops, and its long-term effects on their subsequent growth and development. Results are also presented to demonstrate how the nutrient supply during the establishment stages of young seedlings and transplants can be enhanced by targeting fertiliser to a zone close to their developing roots. Three different precision fertiliser placement techniques are compared for this purpose: starter, band or side-injected fertiliser. The use of each of these methods consistently produced the same (or greater) yields at lower application rates than those from conventional broadcast applications, increasing the apparent recovery of N, P and K, and the overall efficiency of nutrient use, while reducing the levels of residual nutrients in the soil. Starter fertilisers also advanced the maturity of some crops, and enhanced produce quality by increasing the proportions of the larger and/or more desirable marketable grades. The benefits of the different placement techniques are illustrated with selected examples from research at Warwick HRI using different vegetable crops, including lettuce, onion and carrot.


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Zinc (Zn)-deficient soils constrain rice (Oryza sativa) production and cause Zn malnutrition. The identification of Zn-deficiency-tolerant rice lines indicates that breeding might overcome these constraints. Here, we seek to identify processes underlying Zn-deficiency tolerance in rice at the physiological and transcriptional levels. A Zn-deficiency-tolerant line RIL46 acquires Zn more efficiently and produces more biomass than its nontolerant maternal line (IR74) at low Zn(ext) under field conditions. We tested if this was the result of increased expression of Zn(2+) transporters; increased root exudation of deoxymugineic acid (DMA) or low-molecular-weight organic acids (LMWOAs); and/or increased root production. Experiments were performed in field and controlled environment conditions. There was little genotypic variation in transcript abundance of Zn-responsive root Zn(2+)-transporters between the RIL46 and IR74. However, root exudation of DMA and LMWOA was greater in RIL46, coinciding with increased root expression of putative ligand-efflux genes. Adventitious root production was maintained in RIL46 at low Zn(ext), correlating with altered expression of root-specific auxin-responsive genes. Zinc-deficiency tolerance in RIL46 is most likely the result of maintenance of root growth, increased efflux of Zn ligands, and increased uptake of Zn-ligand complexes at low Zn(ext); these traits are potential breeding targets.


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The Mar Menor is a coastal lagoon increasingly threatened by urban and agricultural pressures. The main watercourse draining into the lagoon is the Rambla del Albujón. A fortnightly campaign carried out over one annual cycle enabled us to characterize the treated urban sewage effluents and agricultural sources which contribute to the nutrient fluxes in the watercourse. Multivariate analysis provided information for establishing chemical signatures and for assessing the relative influence of the various sources on the water quality at the outlet. Mass balances were used to examine net gains and losses, and cross-correlations with rainfall to analyze climatic influence and control factors in the trends of the nutrient flux. The rainfall pattern was significantly cross-correlated with nitrate and phosphorus fluxes from agricultural sources, while fluctuations in the resident population explained the phosphorus flux trend in urban sources. 50% of dissolved inorganic nitrogen was from agricultural sources, while 70% of total phosphate and 91% of total organic carbon were from urban point sources. The net amounts of all the nutrients fell as a result of plant uptake and/or denitrification in the channel. The control of urban point sources (phosphorus-enriched) is suggested as a promptly action for improving the health of the coastal lagoon.


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Background and Aims Ptilotus polystachyus (green mulla mulla; ptilotus) is a short-lived perennial herb that occurs widely in Australia in arid and semi-arid regions with nutrient poor soils. As this species shows potential for domestication, its response to addition of phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) was compared to a variety of the domesticated exotic perennial pasture herb Cichorium intybus (chicory), ‘Puna’. Methods Pots were filled with 3 kg of an extremely nutrient-deficient sterilized field soil that contained 3 mg kg−1 mineral N and 2 mg kg−1 bicarbonate-extractable P. The growth and P and N accumulation of ptilotus and chicory in response to seven rates of readily available phosphorus (0–300 mg P pot−1) and nitrogen (N) (0–270 mg N pot−1) was examined. Key Results Ptilotus grew extremely well under low P conditions: shoot dry weights were 23, 6 and 1·7 times greater than for chicory at the three lowest levels of P addition, 0, 15 and 30 mg P pot−1, respectively. Ptilotus could not downregulate P uptake. Concentrations of P in shoots approached 4 % of dry weight and cryo-scanning electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis showed 35–196 mm of P in cell vacuoles in a range of tissues from young leaves. Ptilotus had a remarkable tolerance of high P concentrations in shoots. While chicory exhibited symptoms of P toxicity at the highest rate of P addition (300 mg P pot−1), no symptoms were present for ptilotus. The two species responded in a similar manner to addition of N. Conclusions In comparison to chicory, ptilotus demonstrated an impressive ability to grow well under conditions of low and high P availability. Further study of the mechanisms of P uptake and tolerance in ptilotus is warranted.


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Three sludge types from the same treatment stream (undigested liquid, anaerobically digested liquid and dewatered, anaerobically digested cake) were used in a field based tub study. Amendments (4, 8, and 16 Mg dry solid (ds)ha(-1)) were incorporated into the upper 15 cm of a sandy loam soil prior to sowing with rye-grass (Lolium perenne L.). Nitrogen transformations in the soil were determined for the 80 d period following incorporation. Nitrogen uptake and crop yield were measured in the cut sward 35 and 70 d after sowing. The study showed that application of sewage sludge at rates as low as 4 Mgha(-1) can have a nutritional benefit to rye-grass over the two harvests. Differences in N transformation, and hence crop nutritional benefit, between sludge types were evident throughout the experiment. In particular, the dewatering process changed the mineral N characteristics of the anaerobically digested sludge, which, when not dewatered, outperformed the other sludges in terms of yield and mineralisation rate at both harvests. The dewatered sludge produced the lowest yield of rye-grass. The undigested liquid sludge had the lowest foliar N and soil NO(3)-N concentrations, possibly immobilised as the large oxidisable C component of this sludge was metabolised by the microbial biomass. Correlation data support the concept of preferential uptake of NH(4)-N over NO(3)-N in Lolium perenne. Results are discussed in the context of managing sludge type and application for a plant nutrient source and NO(3)-N release.


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In the largely organic soils in which ectomycorrhizas are commonly found, a preference for absorbing organic nitrogen over mineral forms is likely to be an advantage, especially where mineralisation rates are low. To determine rates of both independent and preferential growth of ectomycorrhizal basidiomycetes on organic and inorganic nitrogen, strains of Hebeloma were grown on nutrient agar media containing either NH4+ or glutamic acid as the sole source of nitrogen, on both single medium and split plate Petri dishes. Growth rates on the split plate Petri dishes, where the fungi had access to both nitrogen sources, were generally greater than on the single medium dishes. Growth on glutamic acid was at least equal to, and usually greater than, that on NH4+. In some cases growth on NH4+ alone appeared severely inhibited, a condition that was partially alleviated by access to glutamic acid on the split plates Petri dishes. This highlights a potential pitfall of single nitrogen source growth studies. The greater growth of most strains on glutamic acid suggests an adaptation to organic nitrogen utilisation in these strains. If this is so in soils with low mineralisation rates, direct uptake of amino acids by ectomycorrhizal plants could by-pass the bottle neck that requires mineral nitrogen to be made available for plant uptake.