79 resultados para Nmr Of Proteins


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Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) strains comprise a broad group of bacteria, some of which cause attaching and effacing (AE) lesions and enteritis in humans and animals. Non-O157:H7 EHEC strains contain the gene efa-1 (referred to in previous publications as efa1), which influences adherence to cultured epithelial cells. An almost identical gene in enteropathogenic E. coli (lifA) mediates the inhibition of lymphocyte proliferation and proinflammatory cytokine synthesis. We have shown previously that significantly lower numbers of EHEC 05 and 0111 efa-1 mutants are shed in feces following experimental infection in calves and that these mutants exhibit reduced adherence to intestinal epithelia compared with isogenic wild-type strains. E. coli O157:H7 strains lack efa-1 but encode a homolog on the pO157 plasmid (toxB/l7095) and contain a truncated version of the efa-1 gene (efa-1'/z4332 in O island 122 of the EDL933 chromosome). Here we report that E. coli O157:H7 toxB and efa-1' single and double mutants exhibit reduced adherence to cultured epithelial cells and show reduced expression and secretion of proteins encoded by the locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE), which plays a key role in the host-cell interactions of EHEC. The activity of LEE1, LEE4, and LEE5 promoters was not significantly altered in E. coli O157:H7 strains harboring toxB or efa-1' mutations, indicating that the effect on the expression of LEE-encoded secreted proteins occurs at a posttranscriptional level. Despite affecting type III secretion, mutation of toxB and efa-1' did not significantly affect the course of fecal shedding of E. coli O157:H7 following experimental inoculation of 10- to 14-day-old calves or 6-week-old sheep. Mutation of tir caused a significant reduction in fecal shedding of E. coli O157:H7 in calves, indicating that the formation of AE lesions is important for colonization of the bovine intestine.


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Protein tyrosine phosphorylation in angiosperms has been implicated in various physiological processes, including seed development and germination. In conifers, the role of tyrosine phosphorylation and the mechanisms of its regulation are yet to be investigated. In this study, we examined the profile of protein tyrosine phosphorylation in Scots pine seeds at different stages of germination. We detected extensive protein tyrosine phosphorylation in extracts from Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) dormant seeds. In addition, the pattern of tyrosine phosphorylation was found to change significantly during seed germination, especially at earlier stages of post-imbibition which coincides with the initiation of cell division, and during the period of intensive elongation of hypocotyls. To better understand the molecular mechanisms of phosphotyrosine signaling, we employed affinity purification and mass spectrometry for the identification of pTyr-binding proteins from the extracts of Scots pine seedlings. Using this approach, we purified two proteins of 10 and 43 kDa, which interacted specifically with pTyr-Sepharose and were identified by mass spectrometry as P. sylvestris defensin 1 (PsDef1) and aldose 1-epimerase (EC:, respectively. Additionally, we demonstrated that both endogenous and recombinant PsDef1 specifically interact with pTyr-Sepharose, but not Tyr-beads. As the affinity purification approach did not reveal the presence of proteins with known pTyr binding domains (SH2, PTB and C2), we suggest that plants may have evolved a different mode of pTyr recognition, which yet remains to be uncovered.


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Ca(2+) elevation is essential to platelet activation. STIM1 senses Ca(2+) in the endoplasmic reticulum and activates Orai channels allowing store-operated Ca(2+) entry (SOCE). STIM1 has also been reported to be present in the plasma membrane (PM) with its N-terminal region exposed to the outside medium but its role is not fully understood. We have examined the effects of the antibody GOK/STIM1, which recognises the N-terminal region of STIM1, on SOCE, agonist-stimulated Ca(2+) entry, surface exposure, in vitro thrombus formation and aggregation in human platelets. We also determined novel binding partners of STIM1 using proteomics. The dialysed GOK/STIM1 antibody failed to reduced thapsigargin- and agonist-mediated Ca(2+) entry in Fura2-labelled cells. Using flow cytometry we detect a portion of STIM1 to be surface-exposed. The dialysed GOK/STIM1 antibody reduced thrombus formation by whole blood on collagen-coated capillaries under flow and platelet aggregation induced by collagen. In immunoprecipitation experiments followed by proteomic analysis, STIM1 was found to extract a number of proteins including myosin, DOCK10, thrombospondin-1 and actin. These studies suggest that PM STIM1 may facilitate platelet activation by collagen through novel interactions at the plasma membrane while the essential Ca(2+)-sensing role of STIM1 is served by the protein in the ER.


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Ras of complex proteins (ROC) domains were identified in 2003 as GTP binding modules in large multidomain proteins from Dictyostelium discoideum. Research into the function of these domains exploded with their identification in a number of proteins linked to human disease, including leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) and death-associated protein kinase 1 (DAPK1) in Parkinson’s disease and cancer, respectively. This surge in research has resulted in a growing body of data revealing the role that ROC domains play in regulating protein function and signaling pathways. In this review, recent advances in the structural informa- tion available for proteins containing ROC domains, along with insights into enzymatic function and the integration of ROC domains as molecular switches in a cellular and organismal context, are explored.


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One Norwegian and one UK spring wheat cultivar, Bjarne and Cadenza, respectively, were grown in climate chambers to investigate the effects of lower to moderate temperatures during grain filling on the gluten quality. Two experiments were carried out with weekly fertilization until anthesis, while post-anthesis fertilization was applied in a third experiment. The proportions of different gluten proteins were affected by temperature in a similar manner for both cultivars when grown without post-anthesis fertilization. However, whereas low temperature strongly decreased %UPP for Cadenza, Bjarne had high %UPP at all temperature regimes. The results indicated that the assembly of glutenin polymers in Bjarne was less sensitive to variation in temperature than in Cadenza. Thus, our results suggested that the temperature influenced the proportion of different gluten proteins in both cultivars, while its effects on the assembly of the glutenin polymers were cultivar dependent. The duration of grain filling was longer at the lower temperatures, and this was associated with increased grain weight. Temperature had little effect on the amount of protein accumulated per grain, thus the proportion of proteins was strongly decreased at lower temperatures. This was to some extent, but not fully counteracted by post-anthesis fertilization.


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In vivo, enzymatic reduction of some protein disulfide bonds, allosteric disulfide bonds, provides an important level of structural and functional regulation. The free cysteine residues generated can be labeled by maleimide reagents, including biotin derivatives, allowing the reduced protein to be detected or purified. During the screening of monoclonal antibodies for those specific for the reduced forms of proteins, we isolated OX133, a unique antibody that recognizes polypeptide resident, N-ethylmaleimide (NEM)-modified cysteine residues in a sequence-independent manner. OX133 offers an alternative to biotin-maleimide reagents for labeling reduced/alkylated antigens and capturing reduced/alkylated proteins with the advantage that NEM-modified proteins are more easily detected in mass spectrometry, and may be more easily recovered than is the case following capture with biotin based reagents.


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The cupin superfamily of proteins is among the most functionally diverse of any described to date. It was named on the basis of the conserved beta-barrel fold ('cupa' is the Latin term for a small barrel), and comprises both enzymatic and non-enzymatic members, which have either one or two cupin domains. Within the conserved tertiary structure, the variety of biochemical function is provided by minor variation of the residues in the active site and the identity of the bound metal ion. This review discusses the advantages of this particular scaffold and provides an evolutionary analysis of 18 different subclasses within the cupin superfamily.


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The recently described cupin superfamily of proteins includes the germin and germinlike proteins, of which the cereal oxalate oxidase is the best characterized. This superfamily also includes seed storage proteins, in addition to several microbial enzymes and proteins with unknown function. All these proteins are characterized by the conservation of two central motifs, usually containing two or three histidine residues presumed to be involved with metal binding in the catalytic active site. The present study on the coding regions of Synechocystis PCC6803 identifies a previously unknown group of 12 related cupins, each containing the characteristic two-motif signature. This group comprises 11 single-domain proteins, ranging in length from 104 to 289 residues, and includes two phosphomannose isomerases and two epimerases involved in cell wall synthesis, a member of the pirin group of nuclear proteins, a possible transcriptional regulator, and a close relative-of a cytochrome c551 from Rhodococcus. Additionally, there is a duplicated, two-domain protein that has close similarity to an oxalate decarboxylase from the fungus Collybia velutipes and that is a putative progenitor of the storage proteins of land plants.


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MOTIVATION: The accurate prediction of the quality of 3D models is a key component of successful protein tertiary structure prediction methods. Currently, clustering or consensus based Model Quality Assessment Programs (MQAPs) are the most accurate methods for predicting 3D model quality; however they are often CPU intensive as they carry out multiple structural alignments in order to compare numerous models. In this study, we describe ModFOLDclustQ - a novel MQAP that compares 3D models of proteins without the need for CPU intensive structural alignments by utilising the Q measure for model comparisons. The ModFOLDclustQ method is benchmarked against the top established methods in terms of both accuracy and speed. In addition, the ModFOLDclustQ scores are combined with those from our older ModFOLDclust method to form a new method, ModFOLDclust2, that aims to provide increased prediction accuracy with negligible computational overhead. RESULTS: The ModFOLDclustQ method is competitive with leading clustering based MQAPs for the prediction of global model quality, yet it is up to 150 times faster than the previous version of the ModFOLDclust method at comparing models of small proteins (<60 residues) and over 5 times faster at comparing models of large proteins (>800 residues). Furthermore, a significant improvement in accuracy can be gained over the previous clustering based MQAPs by combining the scores from ModFOLDclustQ and ModFOLDclust to form the new ModFOLDclust2 method, with little impact on the overall time taken for each prediction. AVAILABILITY: The ModFOLDclustQ and ModFOLDclust2 methods are available to download from: http://www.reading.ac.uk/bioinf/downloads/ CONTACT: l.j.mcguffin@reading.ac.uk.


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The assembly of sarcomeric proteins into the highly organized structure of the sarcomere is an ordered and complex process involving an array of structural and associated proteins. The sarcomere has shown itself to be considerably more complex than ever envisaged and may be considered one of the most complex macromolecular assemblies in biology. Studies over the last decade have helped to put a new face on the sarcomere, and, as such, the sarcomere is being redefined as a dynamic network of proteins capable of generating force and signalling with other cellular compartments and metabolic enzymes capable of controlling many facets of striated myocyte biology.


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The reliable assessment of the quality of protein structural models is fundamental to the progress of structural bioinformatics. The ModFOLD server provides access to two accurate techniques for the global and local prediction of the quality of 3D models of proteins. Firstly ModFOLD, which is a fast Model Quality Assessment Program (MQAP) used for the global assessment of either single or multiple models. Secondly ModFOLDclust, which is a more intensive method that carries out clustering of multiple models and provides per-residue local quality assessment.


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Background: We report an analysis of a protein network of functionally linked proteins, identified from a phylogenetic statistical analysis of complete eukaryotic genomes. Phylogenetic methods identify pairs of proteins that co-evolve on a phylogenetic tree, and have been shown to have a high probability of correctly identifying known functional links. Results: The eukaryotic correlated evolution network we derive displays the familiar power law scaling of connectivity. We introduce the use of explicit phylogenetic methods to reconstruct the ancestral presence or absence of proteins at the interior nodes of a phylogeny of eukaryote species. We find that the connectivity distribution of proteins at the point they arise on the tree and join the network follows a power law, as does the connectivity distribution of proteins at the time they are lost from the network. Proteins resident in the network acquire connections over time, but we find no evidence that 'preferential attachment' - the phenomenon of newly acquired connections in the network being more likely to be made to proteins with large numbers of connections - influences the network structure. We derive a 'variable rate of attachment' model in which proteins vary in their propensity to form network interactions independently of how many connections they have or of the total number of connections in the network, and show how this model can produce apparent power-law scaling without preferential attachment. Conclusion: A few simple rules can explain the topological structure and evolutionary changes to protein-interaction networks: most change is concentrated in satellite proteins of low connectivity and small phenotypic effect, and proteins differ in their propensity to form attachments. Given these rules of assembly, power law scaled networks naturally emerge from simple principles of selection, yielding protein interaction networks that retain a high-degree of robustness on short time scales and evolvability on longer evolutionary time scales.


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BACKGROUND: The bacterial biothreat agents Burkholderia mallei and Burkholderia pseudomallei are the cause of glanders and melioidosis, respectively. Genomic and epidemiological studies have shown that B. mallei is a recently emerged, host restricted clone of B. pseudomallei. RESULTS: Using bacteriophage-mediated immunoscreening we identified genes expressed in vivo during experimental equine glanders infection. A family of immunodominant antigens were identified that share protein domain architectures with hemagglutinins and invasins. These have been designated Burkholderia Hep_Hag autotransporter (BuHA) proteins. A total of 110/207 positive clones (53%) of a B. mallei expression library screened with sera from two infected horses belonged to this family. This contrasted with 6/189 positive clones (3%) of a B. pseudomallei expression library screened with serum from 21 patients with culture-proven melioidosis. CONCLUSION: Members of the BuHA proteins are found in other Gram-negative bacteria and have been shown to have important roles related to virulence. Compared with other bacterial species, the genomes of both B. mallei and B. pseudomallei contain a relative abundance of this family of proteins. The domain structures of these proteins suggest that they function as multimeric surface proteins that modulate interactions of the cell with the host and environment. Their effect on the cellular immune response to B. mallei and their potential as diagnostics for glanders requires further study.


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The expression of proteins using recombinant baculoviruses is a mature and widely used technology. However, some aspects of the technology continue to detract from high throughput use and the basis of the final observed expression level is poorly understood. Here, we describe the design and use of a set of vectors developed around a unified cloning strategy that allow parallel expression of target proteins in the baculovirus system as N-terminal or C-terminal fusions. Using several protein kinases as tests we found that amino-terminal fusion to maltose binding protein rescued expression of the poorly expressed human kinase Cot but had only a marginal effect on expression of a well-expressed kinase IKK-2. In addition, MBP fusion proteins were found to be secreted from the expressing cell. Use of a carboxyl-terminal GFP tagging vector showed that fluorescence measurement paralleled expression level and was a convenient readout in the context of insect cell expression, an observation that was further supported with additional non-kinase targets. The expression of the target proteins using the same vectors in vitro showed that differences in expression level were wholly dependent on the environment of the expressing cell and an investigation of the time course of expression showed it could affect substantially the observed expression level for poorly but not well-expressed proteins. Our vector suite approach shows that rapid expression survey can be achieved within the baculovirus system and in addition, goes some way to identifying the underlying basis of the expression level obtained. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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An important element of the developing field of proteomics is to understand protein-protein interactions and other functional links amongst genes. Across-species correlation methods for detecting functional links work on the premise that functionally linked proteins will tend to show a common pattern of presence and absence across a range of genomes. We describe a maximum likelihood statistical model for predicting functional gene linkages. The method detects independent instances of the correlated gain or loss of pairs of proteins on phylogenetic trees, reducing the high rates of false positives observed in conventional across-species methods that do not explicitly incorporate a phylogeny. We show, in a dataset of 10,551 protein pairs, that the phylogenetic method improves by up to 35% on across-species analyses at identifying known functionally linked proteins. The method shows that protein pairs with at least two to three correlated events of gain or loss are almost certainly functionally linked. Contingent evolution, in which one gene's presence or absence depends upon the presence of another, can also be detected phylogenetically, and may identify genes whose functional significance depends upon its interaction with other genes. Incorporating phylogenetic information improves the prediction of functional linkages. The improvement derives from having a lower rate of false positives and from detecting trends that across-species analyses miss. Phylogenetic methods can easily be incorporated into the screening of large-scale bioinformatics datasets to identify sets of protein links and to characterise gene networks.