38 resultados para Multi layer perceptron


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A new snow-soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer (Snow-SVAT) scheme, which simulates the accumulation and ablation of the snow cover beneath a forest canopy, is presented. The model was formulated by coupling a canopy optical and thermal radiation model to a physically-based multi-layer snow model. This canopy radiation model is physically-based yet requires few parameters, so can be used when extensive in-situ field measurements are not available. Other forest effects such as the reduction of wind speed, interception of snow on the canopy and the deposition of litter were incorporated within this combined model, SNOWCAN, which was tested with data taken as part of the Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (BOREAS) international collaborative experiment. Snow depths beneath four different canopy types and at an open site were simulated. Agreement between observed and simulated snow depths was generally good, with correlation coefficients ranging between r^2=0.94 and r^2=0.98 for all sites where automatic measurements were available. However, the simulated date of total snowpack ablation generally occurred later than the observed date. A comparison between simulated solar radiation and limited measurements of sub-canopy radiation at one site indicates that the model simulates the sub-canopy downwelling solar radiation early in the season to within measurement uncertainty.


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A new class of high molecular weight polyethersulfone ionomers is described in which the ionic content can be varied, at will, over a very wide and fully-controllable range. A novel type of coating process enables these materials to be deposited from alcohol-type solvents as cohesive but very thin (50 – 250 nm) films on porous support-membranes, giving high-flux membranes (3.3 – 5.0 L m-2 h-1 bar-1) with very good, though not outstanding salt rejection (typically 92 - 96%). A secondary layer, of formaldehyde-cross-linked polyvinyl alcohol, can be deposited from aqueous solution on the surface of the ionomer membrane, and this layer increases salt rejection to greater than 99% without serious loss of water permeability. The final multi-layer membrane shows excellent chlorine tolerance in reverse-osmosis operation.


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Simple Adaptive Momentum [1] was introduced as a simple means of speeding the training of multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs) by changing the momentum term depending on the angle between the current and previous changes in the weights of the MLP. In the original paper. the weight changes of the whole network are used in determining this angle. This paper considers adapting the momentum term using certain subsets of these weights. This idea was inspired by the author's object oriented approach to programming MLPs. successfully used in teaching students: this approach is also described. It is concluded that the angle is best determined using the weight changes in each layer separately.


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In this paper we report the observation of drifts in the responsivity of cryogenically cooled InSb detector-based infrared filter radiometers which have very strong wavelength dependence. These drifts can result in the increase or decrease of the response of the filter radiometers by over 5%. The origin of these variations was investigated and was shown to arise due to a thin film of ice formed on the multi-layer bandpass filter used to define the spectral response of the filter radiometer. The thin layer of ice interacts with the characteristics of the filter (which itself consists of a number of thin layers) and modifies the filter spectral transmission thus modifying the response of the filter radiometer of which the filter is part of. These observations are particularly relevant to space instruments which use infrared filter radiometers for earth observation. Debris from the spacecraft engines is known to accumulate on cold surfaces of instruments carried on board. The deposition of this debris on cold filters can modify the spectral response of the instruments, which use these filters to define a spectral response. Crown Copyright (c) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This invention relates to the manufacture of multi-layer interference filters for use with infra-red radiation, especially at wavelengths beyond 3.8 microns. A method of manufacturing a multi-layer interference filter comprising the steps of forming on a substrate successive layers of lead telluride and another material in alternation, under conditions in which sufficient oxygen is included in the lead telluride layers to reduce the apparent free charge carrier concentration therein, so that the resulting filter exhibits enhanced transparency to radiation of wavelengths greater than 3.8 microns and enhanced natural absorption to radiation of wavelength less than 3.8 microns.


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This invention relates to the manufacture of coated substrates, and particularly, but not exclusively, to the deposition of multi-layer coatings in the manufacture of interference filters consisting of multiple thin films. An object of the invention is to allow accurate control of the deposition of a succession of layers having good uniformity, for example during the manufacture by vacuum evaporation of multilayer interference filters for use with infrared radiation of particularly long wavelength, using a method which is self calibrating and which avoids the repetitive use of individual control layers.


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The use of n-tuple or weightless neural networks as pattern recognition devices is well known (Aleksander and Stonham, 1979). They have some significant advantages over the more common and biologically plausible networks, such as multi-layer perceptrons; for example, n-tuple networks have been used for a variety of tasks, the most popular being real-time pattern recognition, and they can be implemented easily in hardware as they use standard random access memories. In operation, a series of images of an object are shown to the network, each being processed suitably and effectively stored in a memory called a discriminator. Then, when another image is shown to the system, it is processed in a similar manner and the system reports whether it recognises the image; is the image sufficiently similar to one already taught? If the system is to be able to recognise and discriminate between m-objects, then it must contain m-discriminators. This can require a great deal of memory. This paper describes various ways in which memory requirements can be reduced, including a novel method for multiple discriminator n-tuple networks used for pattern recognition. By using this method, the memory normally required to handle m-objects can be used to recognise and discriminate between 2^m — 2 objects.


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A look is taken at the use of radial basis functions (RBFs), for nonlinear system identification. RBFs are firstly considered in detail themselves and are subsequently compared with a multi-layered perceptron (MLP), in terms of performance and usage.


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In 2007, the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Mobile Facility (AMF) was operated for a nine-month period in the Murg Valley, Black Forest, Germany, in support of the Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study (COPS). The synergy of AMF and COPS partner instrumentation was exploited to derive a set of high-quality thermodynamic and cloud property profiles with 30 s resolution. In total, clouds were present 72% of the time, with multi-layer mixed phase (28.4%) and single-layer water clouds (11.3%) occurring most frequently. A comparison with the Cloudnet sites Chilbolton and Lindenberg for the same time period revealed that the Murg Valley exhibits lower liquid water paths (LWPs; median = 37.5 g m−2) compared to the two sites located in flat terrain. In order to evaluate the derived thermodynamic and cloud property profiles, a radiative closure study was performed with independent surface radiation measurements. In clear sky, average differences between calculated and observed surface fluxes are less than 2% and 4% for the short wave and long wave part, respectively. In cloudy situations, differences between simulated and observed fluxes, particularly in the short wave part, are much larger, but most of these can be related to broken cloud situations. The daytime cloud radiative effect (CRE), i.e. the difference of cloudy and clear-sky net fluxes, has been analysed for the whole nine-month period. For overcast, single-layer water clouds, sensitivity studies revealed that the CRE uncertainty is likewise determined by uncertainties in liquid water content and effective radius. For low LWP clouds, CRE uncertainty is dominated by LWP uncertainty; therefore refined retrievals, such as using infrared and/or higher microwave frequencies, are needed.


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The Along-Track Scanning Radiometers (ATSRs) provide a long time-series of measurements suitable for the retrieval of cloud properties. This work evaluates the freely-available Global Retrieval of ATSR Cloud Parameters and Evaluation (GRAPE) dataset (version 3) created from the ATSR-2 (1995�2003) and Advanced ATSR (AATSR; 2002 onwards) records. Users are recommended to consider only retrievals flagged as high-quality, where there is a good consistency between the measurements and the retrieved state (corresponding to about 60% of converged retrievals over sea, and more than 80% over land). Cloud properties are found to be generally free of any significant spurious trends relating to satellite zenith angle. Estimates of the random error on retrieved cloud properties are suggested to be generally appropriate for optically-thick clouds, and up to a factor of two too small for optically-thin cases. The correspondence between ATSR-2 and AATSR cloud properties is high, but a relative calibration difference between the sensors of order 5�10% at 660 nm and 870 nm limits the potential of the current version of the dataset for trend analysis. As ATSR-2 is thought to have the better absolute calibration, the discussion focusses on this portion of the record. Cloud-top heights from GRAPE compare well to ground-based data at four sites, particularly for shallow clouds. Clouds forming in boundary-layer inversions are typically around 1 km too high in GRAPE due to poorly-resolved inversions in the modelled temperature profiles used. Global cloud fields are compared to satellite products derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) measurements, and a climatology of liquid water content derived from satellite microwave radiometers. In all cases the main reasons for differences are linked to differing sensitivity to, and treatment of, multi-layer cloud systems. The correlation coefficient between GRAPE and the two MODIS products considered is generally high (greater than 0.7 for most cloud properties), except for liquid and ice cloud effective radius, which also show biases between the datasets. For liquid clouds, part of the difference is linked to choice of wavelengths used in the retrieval. Total cloud cover is slightly lower in GRAPE (0.64) than the CALIOP dataset (0.66). GRAPE underestimates liquid cloud water path relative to microwave radiometers by up to 100 g m�2 near the Equator and overestimates by around 50 g m�2 in the storm tracks. Finally, potential future improvements to the algorithm are outlined.


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Motivation: In order to enhance genome annotation, the fully automatic fold recognition method GenTHREADER has been improved and benchmarked. The previous version of GenTHREADER consisted of a simple neural network which was trained to combine sequence alignment score, length information and energy potentials derived from threading into a single score representing the relationship between two proteins, as designated by CATH. The improved version incorporates PSI-BLAST searches, which have been jumpstarted with structural alignment profiles from FSSP, and now also makes use of PSIPRED predicted secondary structure and bi-directional scoring in order to calculate the final alignment score. Pairwise potentials and solvation potentials are calculated from the given sequence alignment which are then used as inputs to a multi-layer, feed-forward neural network, along with the alignment score, alignment length and sequence length. The neural network has also been expanded to accommodate the secondary structure element alignment (SSEA) score as an extra input and it is now trained to learn the FSSP Z-score as a measurement of similarity between two proteins. Results: The improvements made to GenTHREADER increase the number of remote homologues that can be detected with a low error rate, implying higher reliability of score, whilst also increasing the quality of the models produced. We find that up to five times as many true positives can be detected with low error rate per query. Total MaxSub score is doubled at low false positive rates using the improved method.


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Deep Brain Stimulation has been used in the study of and for treating Parkinson’s Disease (PD) tremor symptoms since the 1980s. In the research reported here we have carried out a comparative analysis to classify tremor onset based on intraoperative microelectrode recordings of a PD patient’s brain Local Field Potential (LFP) signals. In particular, we compared the performance of a Support Vector Machine (SVM) with two well known artificial neural network classifiers, namely a Multiple Layer Perceptron (MLP) and a Radial Basis Function Network (RBN). The results show that in this study, using specifically PD data, the SVM provided an overall better classification rate achieving an accuracy of 81% recognition.


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This work studied the effect of multi-layer coating of alginate beads on the survival of encapsulated Lactobacillus plantarum in simulated gastric solution and during storage in pomegranate juice at 4 °C. Uncoated, single and double chitosan coated beads were examined. The survival of the cells in simulated gastric solution (pH 1.5) was improved in the case of the chitosan coated beads by 0.5–2 logs compared to the uncoated beads. The cell concentration in pomegranate juice after six weeks of storage was higher than 5.5 log CFU/mL for single and double coated beads, whereas for free cells and uncoated beads the cells died after 4 weeks of storage. In simulated gastric solution, the size of the beads decreased and their hardness increased with time; however, the opposite trend was observed for pomegranate juice, indicating that there is no correlation between cell survival and the hardness of the beads.


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To bridge the gaps between traditional mesoscale modelling and microscale modelling, the National Center for Atmospheric Research, in collaboration with other agencies and research groups, has developed an integrated urban modelling system coupled to the weather research and forecasting (WRF) model as a community tool to address urban environmental issues. The core of this WRF/urban modelling system consists of the following: (1) three methods with different degrees of freedom to parameterize urban surface processes, ranging from a simple bulk parameterization to a sophisticated multi-layer urban canopy model with an indoor–outdoor exchange sub-model that directly interacts with the atmospheric boundary layer, (2) coupling to fine-scale computational fluid dynamic Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes and Large-Eddy simulation models for transport and dispersion (T&D) applications, (3) procedures to incorporate high-resolution urban land use, building morphology, and anthropogenic heating data using the National Urban Database and Access Portal Tool (NUDAPT), and (4) an urbanized high-resolution land data assimilation system. This paper provides an overview of this modelling system; addresses the daunting challenges of initializing the coupled WRF/urban model and of specifying the potentially vast number of parameters required to execute the WRF/urban model; explores the model sensitivity to these urban parameters; and evaluates the ability of WRF/urban to capture urban heat islands, complex boundary-layer structures aloft, and urban plume T&D for several major metropolitan regions. Recent applications of this modelling system illustrate its promising utility, as a regional climate-modelling tool, to investigate impacts of future urbanization on regional meteorological conditions and on air quality under future climate change scenarios. Copyright © 2010 Royal Meteorological Society


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Praseodymium oxide as a thin film of controllable layer is known to display many unique physiochemical properties, which can be useful to ceramic, semiconductive and sensor industries. Here in this short paper, we describe a new chemical method of depositing praseodymium oxide on tin-doped indium oxide (ITO) surface using a layer-by-layer approach. The process is carried out by dipping the ITO in solutions of adsorbable polycationic chitosan and alkaline praseodymium hydroxide Pr(OH)(3) alternatively in order to build up the well-defined multi-layers. XRD suggests that the predominant form of the oxide is Pr6O11, obtained after heat treatment of the deposited ITO in static air at 500 degrees C. Microscopic studies including AFM, TEM and SEM indicate that the deposited oxide particles are uniform in size and shape (cylindrical), mesoporous and the thickness of the film can be controlled. AC impedance measurements of the deposited materials also reveal that the oxide layers display a high electrical conductivity hence suitable for sensor uses. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.