49 resultados para Membrane Coating, PTFE Membrane, Interfacial Bonding, Osmotic Distillation, Membrane Distillation, Surface-Active Agents.


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A recycle ultrafiltration membrane reactor was used to develop a continuous synthesis process for the production of isomaltooligosaccharides (IMO) from sucrose, using the enzymes dextransucrase and dextranase. A variety of membranes were tested and the parameters affecting reactor stability, productivity, and product molecular weight distribution were investigated. Enzyme inactivation in the reactor was reduced with the use of a non-ionic surfactant but its use had severe adverse effects on the membrane pore size and porosity. During continuous isomaltooligosaccharide synthesis, dextransucrase inactivation was shown to occur as a result of the dextranase activity and it was dependent mainly on the substrate availability in the reactor and the hydrolytic activity of dextranase. Substrate and dextranase concentrations (50-200 mg/mL(-1) and 10-30 U/mL(-1), respectively) affected permeate fluxes, reactor productivity, and product average molecular weight. The oligodextrans and isomaltooligosaccharides formed had molecular weights lower than in batch synthesis reactions but they largely consisted of oligosaccharides with a degree of polymerization (DP) greater than 5, depending on the synthesis conditions. No significant rejection of the sugars formed was shown by the membranes and permeate flux was dependent on tangential flow velocity. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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A study of galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) synthesis from lactose with beta-galactosidase from Kluyveromyces lactis (Maxilact(R) L2000) was carried out. The synthesis was performed using various initial lactose concentrations ranging from 220 to 400 mg/mL and enzyme concentrations ranging from 3 to 9 U/mL, and was investigated at 40degreesC and pH 7, in a stirred-tank reactor. In the experimental range examined, the results showed the amount of GOS formed depended on lactose concentration but not on enzyme concentration. Galactose was a competitive inhibitor, while glucose was a non-competitive inhibitor. In a further study, a laboratory-scale reactor system, fitted with a 10-kDa NMWCO composite regenerated cellulose membrane, was used in a continuous process. The reactor was operated in cross-flow mode. The effect of operating pressures on flux and productivity was investigated by applying different transmembrane pressures to the system. The continuous process showed better production performance compared to the batch synthesis with the same lactose and enzyme concentrations at 40degreesC, pH 7. Comparison of product structures from batch and continuous processes, analyzed by HPAEPAD and methylation analysis, showed similarities but differed from the structures found in a commercial GOS product (Vivinal(R)GOS). (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The aim of this work was to examine a possible association between resistance of two Escherichia coli strains to high hydrostatic pressure and the susceptibility of their cell membranes to pressure-induced damage. Cells were exposed to pressures between 100 and 700 MPa at room temperature (~20C) in phosphate-buffered-saline. In the more pressure-sensitive strain E. coli 8164, loss of viability occurred at pressures between 100 MPa and 300 MPa and coincided with irreversible loss of membrane integrity as indicated by uptake of propidium iodide (PI) and leakage of protein of molecular mass between 9 and 78 kDa from the cells. Protein release increased to a maximum at 400 MPa then decreased, possibly due to intracellular aggregation at the higher pressures. In the pressure-resistant strain E. coli J1, PI was taken up during pressure treatment but not after decompression indicating that cells were able to reseal their membranes. Loss of viability in strain J1 coincided with the transient loss of membrane integrity between approximately 200 MPa and 600 MPa. In E. coli J1 leakage of protein occurred before loss of viability and the released protein was of low molecular mass, between 8 and 11 kDa and may have been of periplasmic origin. In these two strains differences in pressure resistance appeared to be related to differences in the ability of their membranes to withstand disruption by pressure. However it appears that transient loss of membrane integrity during pressure can lead to cell death irrespective of whether cells can reseal their membranes afterwards.


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The aim of this study was to construct an artificial fetal membrane (FM) by combination of human amniotic epithelial stem cells (hAESCs) and a mechanically enhanced collagen scaffold containing encapsulated human amniotic stromal fibroblasts (hASFs). Such a tissue-engineered FM may have the potential to plug structural defects in the amniotic sac after antenatal interventions, or to prevent preterm premature rupture of the FM. The hAESCs and hASFs were isolated from human fetal amniotic membrane (AM). Magnetic cell sorting was used to enrich the hAESCs by positive ATP-binding cassette G2 selection. We investigated the use of a laminin/fibronectin (1:1)-coated compressed collagen gel as a novel scaffold to support the growth of hAESCs. A type I collagen gel was dehydrated to form a material mimicking the mechanical properties and ultra-structure of human AM. hAESCs successfully adhered to and formed a monolayer upon the biomimetic collagen scaffold. The resulting artificial membrane shared a high degree of similarity in cell morphology, protein expression profiles, and structure to normal fetal AM. This study provides the first line of evidence that a compacted collagen gel containing hASFs could adequately support hAESCs adhesion and differentiation to a degree that is comparable to the normal human fetal AM in terms of structure and maintenance of cell phenotype.


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In a short communication in this issue (Manser et al. 2012), Christopher Miller’s group at the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London present an elegant and convincing set of experiments using molecular techniques to show that a brain-enriched membrane-associated protein kinase, lemur tyrosine kinase-2 (LMTK2), is directly phosphorylated by the cyclin-dependent kinase-5/p35 and this event is sufficient for LMTK2 to phosphorylate an abundant protein phosphatase, PP1C. LMTK2 has been little studied to date and, despite its name, is a kinase which phosphorylates serine or threonine residues of protein substrates. The paper adds to the evidence that this enzyme is a potentially important mediator positioned to integrate a number of intracellular signalling pathways relevant to neurodegeneration.


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Plant cell growth and stress signaling require Ca2+ influx through plasma membrane transport proteins that are regulated by reactive oxygen species. In root cell growth, adaptation to salinity stress, and stomatal closure, such proteins operate downstream of the plasma membrane NADPH oxidases that produce extracellular superoxide anion, a reactive oxygen species that is readily converted to extracellular hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals, OH_. In root cells, extracellular OH_ activates a plasma membrane Ca2+-permeable conductance that permits Ca2+ influx. In Arabidopsis thaliana, distribution of this conductance resembles that of annexin1 (ANN1). Annexins are membrane binding proteins that can form Ca2+-permeable conductances in vitro. Here, the Arabidopsis loss-of-function mutant for annexin1 (Atann1) was found to lack the root hair and epidermal OH_-activated Ca2+- and K+-permeable conductance. This manifests in both impaired root cell growth and ability to elevate root cell cytosolic free Ca2+ in response to OH_. An OH_-activated Ca2+ conductance is reconstituted by recombinant ANN1 in planar lipid bilayers. ANN1 therefore presents as a novel Ca2+-permeable transporter providing a molecular link between reactive oxygen species and cytosolic Ca2+ in plants.


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The human amniotic membrane (AM) is a tissue of fetal origin and has proven to be clinically useful as a biomaterial in the management of various ocular surface disorders including corneal stem cell transplantation. However, its success rate displays a degree of clinical unpredictability. We suggest that the measured variability inAMstiffness offers an explanation for the poor clinical reproducibility when it is used as a substrate for stem cell expansion and transplantation. Corneal epithelial stem cells were expanded upon AM samples possessing different mechanical stiffness. To investigate further the importance of biological substrate stiffness on cell phenotype we replaced AM with type I collagen gels of known stiffness. Substrate stiffness was measured using shear rheometry and surface topography was characterized using scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. The differentiation status of epithelial cells was examined using RT-PCR, immunohistochemistry and Western blotting. The level of corneal stem cell differentiation was increased in cells expanded upon AM with a high dynamic elastic shear modulus and cell expansion on type I collagen gels confirmed that the level of corneal epithelial stem cell differentiation was related to the substrate’s mechanical properties. In this paper we provide evidence to show that the preparatory method of AM for clinical use can affect its mechanical properties and that these measured differences can influence the level of differentiation within expanded corneal epithelial stem cells.


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Independent studies have demonstrated that flagella are associated with the invasive process of Salmonella enterica serotypes, and aflagellate derivatives of Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis are attenuated in murine and avian models of infection. One widely held view is that the motility afforded by flagella, probably aided by chemotactic responses, mediates the initial interaction between bacterium and host cell. The adherence and invasion properties of two S. Enteritidis wild-type strains and isogenic aflagellate mutants were assessed on HEp-2 and Div-1 cells that are of human and avian epithelial origin, respectively. Both aflagellate derivatives showed a significant reduction of invasion compared with wild type over the three hours of the assays. Complementation of the defective fliC allele recovered partially the wild-type phenotype. Examination of the bacterium-host cell interaction by electron and confocal microscopy approaches showed that wild-type bacteria induced ruffle formation and significant cytoskeletal rearrangements on HEp-2 cells within 5 minutes of contact. The aflagellate derivatives induced fewer ruffles than wild type. Ruffle formation on the Div-1 cell line was less pronounced than for HEp-2 cells for wild-type S. Enteritidis. Collectively, these data support the hypothesis that flagella play an active role in the early events of the invasive process.


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The membrane-bound form of mammalian aminopeptidase P (AP-P; EC 3.4. 11.9) is a mono-zinc-containing enzyme that lacks any of the typical metal binding motifs found in other zinc metalloproteases. To identify residues involved in metal binding and catalysis, sequence and structural information was used to align the sequence of porcine membrane-bound AP-P with other members of the peptidase clan MG, including Escherichia coli AP-P and methionyl aminopeptidases. Residues predicted to be critical for activity were mutated and the resultant proteins were expressed in COS-1 cells. Immunoelectrophoretic blot analysis was used to compare the levels of expression of the mutant proteins, and their ability to hydrolyze bradykinin and Gly-Pro-hydroxyPro was assessed. Asp449, Asp460, His523, Glu554, and Glu568 are predicted to serve as metal ion ligands in the active site, and mutagenesis of these residues resulted in fully glycosylated proteins that were catalytically inactive. Mutation of His429 and His532 also resulted in catalytically inactive proteins, and these residues, by analogy with E. coli AP-P, are likely to play a role in shuttling protons during catalysis. These studies indicate that mammalian membrane-bound AP-P has an active-site configuration similar to that of other members of the peptidase clan MG, which is compatible with either a dual metal ion model or a single metal ion in the active site. The latter model is consistent, however, with the known metal stoichiometry of both the membrane-bound and cytosolic forms of AP-P and with a recently proposed model for methionyl aminopeptidase.


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Firing of action potentials in excitable cells accelerates ATP turnover. The voltage-gated potassium channel Kv2.1 regulates action potential frequency in central neurons, whereas the ubiquitous cellular energy sensor AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is activated by ATP depletion and protects cells by switching off energy-consuming processes. We show that treatment of HEK293 cells expressing Kv2.1 with the AMPK activator A-769662 caused hyperpolarizing shifts in the current-voltage relationship for channel activation and inactivation. We identified two sites (S440 and S537) directly phosphorylated on Kv2.1 by AMPK and, using phosphospecific antibodies and quantitative mass spectrometry, show that phosphorylation of both sites increased in A-769662-treated cells. Effects of A-769662 were abolished in cells expressing Kv2.1 with S440A but not with S537A substitutions, suggesting that phosphorylation of S440 was responsible for these effects. Identical shifts in voltage gating were observed after introducing into cells, via the patch pipette, recombinant AMPK rendered active but phosphatase-resistant by thiophosphorylation. Ionomycin caused changes in Kv2.1 gating very similar to those caused by A-769662 but acted via a different mechanism involving Kv2.1 dephosphorylation. In cultured rat hippocampal neurons, A-769662 caused hyperpolarizing shifts in voltage gating similar to those in HEK293 cells, effects that were abolished by intracellular dialysis with Kv2.1 antibodies. When active thiophosphorylated AMPK was introduced into cultured neurons via the patch pipette, a progressive, time-dependent decrease in the frequency of evoked action potentials was observed. Our results suggest that activation of AMPK in neurons during conditions of metabolic stress exerts a protective role by reducing neuronal excitability and thus conserving energy.