29 resultados para Lodge, Oliver (1851-1940)
This book chapter outlines the scope and strategies of Allied bombing raids on France between 1940 and 1945, as well as the reactions of the Vichy state, the French people, and the Resistance.
The Allied bombing of France between 1940 and 1945 has received comparatively little attention from historians, although the civilian death toll, at about 60,000, was comparable to that of German raids on the UK. This article considers how Allied, and particularly British, bombing policy towards France was developed, what its objectives were and how French concerns about attacks on their territory were (or were not) addressed. It argues that while British policymakers were sensitive to the delicate political implications of attacking France, perceived military necessities tended to trump political misgivings; that Vichy, before November 1942, was a stronger constraint on Allied bombing than the Free French at any time and that the bombing programme largely escaped political control from May 1944.
This essay aims to demonstrate how Dickens’s search for ‘truth’ (and his understanding of what that abstraction consists of) entered into and emerged from one of the key philosophical discussions of the early nineteenth century: namely whether moral knowledge is the sum of one’s experiences or whether there are such things as a priori or ‘natural’ principles of ethics that transcend human practice.
A recent paper published in this journal considers the numerical integration of the shallow-water equations using the leapfrog time-stepping scheme [Sun Wen-Yih, Sun Oliver MT. A modified leapfrog scheme for shallow water equations. Comput Fluids 2011;52:69–72]. The authors of that paper propose using the time-averaged height in the numerical calculation of the pressure-gradient force, instead of the instantaneous height at the middle time step. The authors show that this modification doubles the maximum Courant number (and hence the maximum time step) at which the integrations are stable, doubling the computational efficiency. Unfortunately, the pressure-averaging technique proposed by the authors is not original. It was devised and published by Shuman [5] and has been widely used in the atmosphere and ocean modelling community for over 40 years.
Tennyson’s responses to science have been thoroughly documented and discussed, but how did scientists respond to his poetry? Through examining in detail the work of three scientists who wrote at length about Tennyson--the astronomer Norman Lockyer, the physicist Oliver Lodge, and the American geologist William North Rice--it is possible to see how Tennyson went from being respected by contemporary scientists to being feted as the Poet of Science itself after his death. As a materialist, a Spiritualist, and a Darwinian Methodist respectively, Lockyer, Lodge, and Rice had very different conceptions of how science worked and what it implied about the universe, yet each looked to Tennyson and his poetry to confirm and extend his own judgements and values.
In the context of environmental valuation of natural disasters, an important component of the evaluation procedure lies in determining the periodicity of events. This paper explores alternative methodologies for determining such periodicity, illustrating the advantages and the disadvantages of the separate methods and their comparative predictions. The procedures employ Bayesian inference and explore recent advances in computational aspects of mixtures methodology. The procedures are applied to the classic data set of Maguire et al (Biometrika, 1952) which was subsequently updated by Jarrett (Biometrika, 1979) and which comprise the seminal investigations examining the periodicity of mining disasters within the United Kingdom, 1851-1962.
Plus de 517 000 tonnes de bombes sont déversées sur l’Hexagone par les alliés entre 1940 et 1945, soit près de sept fois plus que le total largué sur le Royaume-Uni par la Luftwaffe. Plus de 57 000 Français en sont morts, dont plus de 38 000 au cours de la seule année 1944. Cet aspect fondamental de l’histoire des années noires, que les survivants et les familles des victimes ne connaissent que trop bien, et qui a fait l’objet de nombreuses études locales, est encore relativement marginalisé de la « grande histoire » de l’Occupation et de la Libération. Pourquoi et comment les armées aériennes alliées ont-ils attaqué la France ? Quelles mesures ont été prises par le gouvernement de Vichy pour protéger les populations ? Comment les Alliés ont-ils justifié les attaques auprès des Français, et comment la propagande vichyssoise a-t-elle essayé de les mettre à profit ? Comment les populations civiles ont-ils vécu les bombardements, et comment se sont-elles mobilisées pour se défendre ? Comment la Résistance a-t-elle réagi à des attaques qui ne pouvaient que nuire à son audience au sein des Français, ainsi qu’à celle des « Anglo-saxons » ? Autant de questions auxquelles l’ouvrage comme le documentaire répondent, avec l’appui de documents d’archives britanniques et françaises, mais aussi de témoignages nombreux et émouvants.