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We present a new approach to determine palaeotemperatures (mean annual surface temperatures) based on measurements of the liquid–vapour homogenisation temperature of fluid inclusions in stalagmites. The aim of this study is to explore the potential and the limitations of this new palaeothermometer and to develop a reliable methodology for routine applications in palaeoclimate research. Therefore, we have investigated recent fluid inclusions from the top part of actively growing stalagmites that have formed at temperatures close to the present-day cave air temperature. A precondition for measuring homogenisation temperatures of originally monophase inclusions is the nucleation of a vapour bubble by means of single ultra-short laser pulses. Based on the observed homogenisation temperatures (Th(obs)) and measurements of the vapour bubble diameter at a known temperature, we calculated stalagmite formation temperatures (Tf) by applying a thermodynamic model that takes into account the effect of surface tension on liquid–vapour homogenisation. Results from recent stalagmite samples demonstrate that calculated stalagmite formation temperatures match the present-day cave air temperature within ± 0.2 °C. To avoid artificially induced changes of the fluid density we defined specific demands on the selection, handling and preparation of the stalagmite samples. Application of the method is restricted to stalagmites that formed at cave temperatures greater than ~ 9–11 °C.


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Denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) was evaluated as a rapid screening and identification method for DNA sequence variation detection in the quinolone resistance-determining region of gyrA from Salmonella serovars. A total of 203 isolates of Salmonella were screened using this method. DHPLC analysis of 14 isolates representing each type of novel or multiple mutations and the wild type were compared with LightCycler-based PCR-gyrA hybridization mutation assay (GAMA) and single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) analyses. The 14 isolates gave seven different SSCP patterns, and LightCycler detected four different mutations. DHPLC detected 11 DNA sequence variants at eight different codons, including those detected by LightCycler or SSCP. One of these mutations was silent. Five isolates contained multiple mutations, and four of these could be distinguished from the composite sequence variants by their DHPLC profile. Seven novel mutations were identified at five different loci not previously described in quinolone-resistant salmonella. DHPLC analysis proved advantageous for the detection of novel and multiple mutations. DHPLC also provides a rapid, high-throughput alternative to LightCycler and SSCP for screening frequently occurring mutations.


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The ground-based Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program (ARM) and NASA Aerosol Robotic Net- work (AERONET) routinely monitor clouds using zenith ra- diances at visible and near-infrared wavelengths. Using the transmittance calculated from such measurements, we have developed a new retrieval method for cloud effective droplet size and conducted extensive tests for non-precipitating liquid water clouds. The underlying principle is to combine a liquid-water-absorbing wavelength (i.e., 1640 nm) with a non-water-absorbing wavelength for acquiring information on cloud droplet size and optical depth. For simulated stratocumulus clouds with liquid water path less than 300 g m−2 and horizontal resolution of 201 m, the retrieval method underestimates the mean effective radius by 0.8μm, with a root-mean-squared error of 1.7 μm and a relative deviation of 13%. For actual observations with a liquid water path less than 450 g m−2 at the ARM Oklahoma site during 2007– 2008, our 1.5-min-averaged retrievals are generally larger by around 1 μm than those from combined ground-based cloud radar and microwave radiometer at a 5-min temporal resolution. We also compared our retrievals to those from combined shortwave flux and microwave observations for relatively homogeneous clouds, showing that the bias between these two retrieval sets is negligible, but the error of 2.6 μm and the relative deviation of 22 % are larger than those found in our simulation case. Finally, the transmittance-based cloud effective droplet radii agree to better than 11 % with satellite observations and have a negative bias of 1 μm. Overall, the retrieval method provides reasonable cloud effective radius estimates, which can enhance the cloud products of both ARM and AERONET.


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This paper presents the development of a rapid method with ultraperformance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) for the qualitative and quantitative analyses of plant proanthocyanidins directly from crude plant extracts. The method utilizes a range of cone voltages to achieve the depolymerization step in the ion source of both smaller oligomers and larger polymers. The formed depolymerization products are further fragmented in the collision cell to enable their selective detection. This UPLC-MS/MS method is able to separately quantitate the terminal and extension units of the most common proanthocyanidin subclasses, that is, procyanidins and prodelphinidins. The resulting data enable (1) quantitation of the total proanthocyanidin content, (2) quantitation of total procyanidins and prodelphinidins including the procyanidin/prodelphinidin ratio, (3) estimation of the mean degree of polymerization for the oligomers and polymers, and (4) estimation of how the different procyanidin and prodelphinidin types are distributed along the chromatographic hump typically produced by large proanthocyanidins. All of this is achieved within the 10 min period of analysis, which makes the presented method a significant addition to the chemistry tools currently available for the qualitative and quantitative analyses of complex proanthocyanidin mixtures from plant extracts.


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We present a novel method for retrieving high-resolution, three-dimensional (3-D) nonprecipitating cloud fields in both overcast and broken-cloud situations. The method uses scanning cloud radar and multiwavelength zenith radiances to obtain gridded 3-D liquid water content (LWC) and effective radius (re) and 2-D column mean droplet number concentration (Nd). By using an adaption of the ensemble Kalman filter, radiances are used to constrain the optical properties of the clouds using a forward model that employs full 3-D radiative transfer while also providing full error statistics given the uncertainty in the observations. To evaluate the new method, we first perform retrievals using synthetic measurements from a challenging cumulus cloud field produced by a large-eddy simulation snapshot. Uncertainty due to measurement error in overhead clouds is estimated at 20% in LWC and 6% in re, but the true error can be greater due to uncertainties in the assumed droplet size distribution and radiative transfer. Over the entire domain, LWC and re are retrieved with average error 0.05–0.08 g m-3 and ~2 μm, respectively, depending on the number of radiance channels used. The method is then evaluated using real data from the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement program Mobile Facility at the Azores. Two case studies are considered, one stratocumulus and one cumulus. Where available, the liquid water path retrieved directly above the observation site was found to be in good agreement with independent values obtained from microwave radiometer measurements, with an error of 20 g m-2.


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We describe a method to predict and control the lattice parameters of hexagonal and gyroid mesoporous materials formed by liquid crystal templating. In the first part, we describe a geometric model with which the lattice parameters of different liquid crystal mesophases can be predicted as a function of their water/surfactant/oil volume fractions, based on certain geometric parameters relating to the constituent surfactant molecules. We demonstrate the application of this model to the lamellar (LR), hexagonal (H1), and gyroid bicontinuous cubic (V1) mesophases formed by the binary Brij-56 (C16EO10)/water system and the ternary Brij-56/hexadecane/water system. In this way, we demonstrate predictable and independent control over the size of the cylinders (with hexadecane) and their spacing (with water). In the second part, we produce mesoporous platinum using as templates hexagonal and gyroid phases with different compositions and show that in each case the symmetry and lattice parameter of the metal nanostructure faithfully replicate those of the liquid crystal template, which is itself in agreement with the model. This demonstrates a rational control over the geometry, size, and spacing of pores in a mesoporous metal.


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We have calculated the equilibrium shape of the axially symmetric meniscus along which a spherical bubble contacts a flat liquid surface, by analytically integrating the Young-Laplace equation in the presence of gravity, in the limit of large Bond numbers. This method has the advantage that it provides semi-analytical expressions for key geometrical properties of the bubble in terms of the Bond number. Results are in good overall agreement with experimental data and are consistent with fully numerical (Surface Evolver) calculations. In particular, we are able to describe how the bubble shape changes from hemispherical, with a shallow flat bottom, to lenticular, with a deeper, curved bottom, as the Bond number is decreased.


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Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation (MALDI) coupled with time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) is a powerful tool for the analysis of biological samples, and nanoflow high-performance liquid chromatography (nanoHPLC) is a useful separation technique for the analysis of complex proteomics samples. The off-line combination of MALDI and nanoHPLC has been extensively investigated and straightforward techniques have been developed, focussing particularly on automated MALDI sample preparation that yields sensitive and reproducible spectra. Normally conventional solid MALDI matrices such as α-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (CHCA) are used for sample preparation. However, they have limited usefulness in quantitative measurements and automated data acquisition because of the formation of heterogeneous crystals, resulting in highly variable ion yields and desorption/ ionization characteristics. Glycerol-based liquid support matrices (LSM) have been proposed as an alternative to the traditional solid matrices as they provide increased shot-to-shot reproducibility, leading to prolonged and stable ion signals and therefore better results. This chapter focuses on the integration of the liquid LSM MALDI matrices into the LC-MALDI MS/MS approach in identifying complex and large proteomes. The interface between LC and MALDI consists of a robotic spotter, which fractionates the eluent from the LC column into nanoliter volumes, and co-spots simultaneously the liquid matrix with the eluent fractions onto a MALDI target plate via sheath flow. The efficiency of this method is demonstrated through the analysis of trypsin digests of both bovine serum albumin (BSA) and Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1 proteins.