44 resultados para FTIR-spectrometry


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MS is an important analytical tool in clinical proteomics, primarily in the disease-specific discovery identification and characterisation of proteomic biomarkers and patterns. MS-based proteomics is increasingly used in clinical validation and diagnostic method development. The latter departs from the typical application of MS-based proteomics by exchanging some of the high performance of analysis for the throughput, robustness and simplicity required for clinical diagnostics. Although conventional MS-based proteomics has become an important field in clinical applications, some of the most recent MS technologies have not yet been extensively applied in clinical proteomics. in this review, we will describe the current state of MS in clinical proteomics and look to the future of this field.


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Data are presented for a pH-adjustable liquid UV-matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) matrix for mass spectrometry analysis. The liquid matrix system possesses high analytical sensitivity within the same order of magnitude as that achievable by the commonly used solid UV-MALDI matrices such as 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid but with improved spot homogeneity and reproducibility. The pH of the matrix has been adjusted by the addition of up to 0.35% trifluoroacetic acid and up to 200 mM ammonium bicarbonate, achieving an on-target pH range of 3.5-8.6. Alteration of the pH does not seem to affect the overall sample signal intensity or signal-to-noise ratio achievable, nor does it affect the individual peptide ion signals from a mixture of peptides with varying isoelectric points (p1). In addition, the pH adjustment has allowed for the performance of a tryptic digest within the diluted pH-optimized liquid matrix.


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Robotic and manual methods have been used to obtain identification of significantly changing proteins regulated when Schizosaccharomyces pombe is exposed to oxidative stress. Differently treated S. pombe cells were lysed, labelled with CyDye (TM) and analysed by two-dimensional difference gel. electrophoresis. Gel images analysed off-line, using the DeCyder (TM) image analysis software [GE Healthcare, Amersham, UK] allowed selection of significantly regulated proteins. Proteins displaying differential expression were excised robotically for manual digestion and identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation - mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS). Additionally the same set of proteins displaying differential expression were automatically cut and digested using a prototype robotic platform. Automated MALDI-MS, peak label assignment and database searching were utilised to identify as many proteins as possible. The results achieved by the robotic system were compared to manual methods. The identification of all significantly altered proteins provides an annotated peroxide stress-related proteome that can be used as a base resource against which other stress-induced proteomic changes can be compared.


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The polymer conformation structure of gluten extracted from a Polish wheat cultivar, Korweta, and gluten subtractions obtained from 2 U.K. breadmaking and biscuit flour cultivars, Hereward and Riband, was investigated using attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR). The results showed the conformation of proteins varied between flour, hydrated flour, and hydrated gluten. The beta-sheet structure increased progressively from flour to hydrated flour and to hydrated gluten. In hydrated gluten protein fractions comprising gliadin, soluble glutenin, and gel protein, beta-sheet structure increased progressively from soluble gliadin and glutenin to gluten and gel protein; beta-sheet content was also greater in the gel protein from the breadmaking flour Hereward than the biscuit flour Riband.


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We previously reported sequence determination of neutral oligosaccharides by negative ion electrospray tandem mass spectrometry on a quadrupole-orthogonal time-of-flight instrument with high sensitivity and without the need of derivatization. In the present report, we extend our strategies to sialylated oligosaccharides for analysis of chain and blood group types together with branching patterns. A main feature in the negative ion mass spectrometry approach is the unique double glycosidic cleavage induced by 3-glycosidic substitution, producing characteristic D-type fragments which can be used to distinguish the type 1 and type 2 chains, the blood group related Lewis determinants, 3,6-disubstituted core branching patterns, and to assign the structural details of each of the branches. Twenty mono- and disialylated linear and branched oligosaccharides were used for the investigation, and the sensitivity achieved is in the femtomole range. To demonstrate the efficacy of the strategy, we have determined a novel complex disialylated and monofucosylated tridecasaccharide that is based on the lacto-N-decaose core. The structure and sequence assignment was corroborated by :methylation analysis and H-1 NMR spectroscopy.


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A quadratic programming optimization procedure for designing asymmetric apodization windows tailored to the shape of time-domain sample waveforms recorded using a terahertz transient spectrometer is proposed. By artificially degrading the waveforms, the performance of the designed window in both the time and the frequency domains is compared with that of conventional rectangular, triangular (Mertz), and Hamming windows. Examples of window optimization assuming Gaussian functions as the building elements of the apodization window are provided. The formulation is sufficiently general to accommodate other basis functions. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America


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This paper reports on the design and manufacture of an ultra-wide (5-30µm) infrared edge filter for use in FTIR studies of the low frequency vibrational modes of metallo-proteins. We present details of the spectral design and manufacture of such a filter which meets the demanding bandwidth and transparency requirements of the application, and spectra that present the new data possible with such a filter. A design model of the filter and the materials used in its construction has been developed capable of accurately predicting spectral performance at both 300K and at the reduced operating temperature at 200K. This design model is based on the optical and semiconductor properties of a multilayer filter containing PbTe (IV-VI) layer material in combination with the dielectric dispersion of ZnSe (II-VI) deposited on a CdTe (II-VI) substrate together with the use of BaF2 (II-VII) as an antireflection layer. Comparisons between the computed spectral performance of the model and spectral measurements from manufactured coatings over a wavelength range of 4-30µm and temperature range 300-200K are presented. Finally we present the results of the FTIR measurements of Photosystem II showing the improvement in signal to noise ratio of the measurement due to using the filter, together with a light induced FTIR difference spectrum of Photosystem II.


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Objectives: Our objective was to test the performance of CA125 in classifying serum samples from a cohort of malignant and benign ovarian cancers and age-matched healthy controls and to assess whether combining information from matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) time-of-flight profiling could improve diagnostic performance. Materials and Methods: Serum samples from women with ovarian neoplasms and healthy volunteers were subjected to CA125 assay and MALDI time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MS) profiling. Models were built from training data sets using discriminatory MALDI MS peaks in combination with CA125 values and tested their ability to classify blinded test samples. These were compared with models using CA125 threshold levels from 193 patients with ovarian cancer, 290 with benign neoplasm, and 2236 postmenopausal healthy controls. Results: Using a CA125 cutoff of 30 U/mL, an overall sensitivity of 94.8% (96.6% specificity) was obtained when comparing malignancies versus healthy postmenopausal controls, whereas a cutoff of 65 U/mL provided a sensitivity of 83.9% (99.6% specificity). High classification accuracies were obtained for early-stage cancers (93.5% sensitivity). Reasons for high accuracies include recruitment bias, restriction to postmenopausal women, and inclusion of only primary invasive epithelial ovarian cancer cases. The combination of MS profiling information with CA125 did not significantly improve the specificity/accuracy compared with classifications on the basis of CA125 alone. Conclusions: We report unexpectedly good performance of serum CA125 using threshold classification in discriminating healthy controls and women with benign masses from those with invasive ovarian cancer. This highlights the dependence of diagnostic tests on the characteristics of the study population and the crucial need for authors to provide sufficient relevant details to allow comparison. Our study also shows that MS profiling information adds little to diagnostic accuracy. This finding is in contrast with other reports and shows the limitations of serum MS profiling for biomarker discovery and as a diagnostic tool


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Peak picking is an early key step in MS data analysis. We compare three commonly used approaches to peak picking and discuss their merits by means of statistical analysis. Methods investigated encompass signal-to-noise ratio, continuous wavelet transform, and a correlation-based approach using a Gaussian template. Functionality of the three methods is illustrated and discussed in a practical context using a mass spectral data set created with MALDI-TOF technology. Sensitivity and specificity are investigated using a manually defined reference set of peaks. As an additional criterion, the robustness of the three methods is assessed by a perturbation analysis and illustrated using ROC curves.


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We show that an analysis of the mean and variance of discrete wavelet coefficients of coaveraged time-domain interferograms can be used as a specification for determining when to stop coaveraging. We also show that, if a prediction model built in the wavelet domain is used to determine the composition of unknown samples, a stopping criterion for the coaveraging process can be developed with respect to the uncertainty tolerated in the prediction.


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A novel wide-band noise source for millimetre-wave spectrometry is described. It uses power combined Schottky diodes, reverse biased to avalanche breakdown, mounted in a wide-band tapered slot antenna. Power has been produced from 15 to 200 GHz with an equivalent temperature of 28200 K at 40 GHz.