136 resultados para Crystal X-ray


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Benzene-1,2-dioxyacetic acid (bdoaH2) reacts with Mn(CH3CO2)2·4H2O in an ethanol-water mixture to give the manganese(II) complex [Mn(bdoa)(H2O)3]. The X-ray crystal structure of the complex shows the metal to be pseudo seven-coordinate. The quadridentate bdoa2− dicar☐ylate ligand forms an essentially planar girdle around the metal, being strongly bondedtransoid by a car☐ylate oxygen atom from each of the two car☐ylate moieties (mean MnO 2.199A˚) and also weakly chelated by the two internal ether oxygen atoms (mean MnO 2.413A˚). The coordination sphere about the manganese is completed by three water molecules (mean MnO 2.146A˚) lying in a meridional plane orthogonal to that of the bdoa2− ligand. Magnetic, conductivity and voltammetry data for the complex are given, and its use as a catalyst for the disproportionisation of H2O2 is described.


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An aqueous solution of the α-ω-dicarboxylic acid octanedioic acid (odaH2) reacts with [Cu2(μ-O2CCH3)4(H2O)2] in the presence of an excess of pyridine (py) to give the crystalline copper(II) complex {Cu2(η1η1μ2-oda)2(py)4(H2O)2}n (1). structure of 1, as determined by X-ray crystallography, consists of polymeric chains in which bridging oda2− anions link two crystallographically identical copper atoms. The copper atoms are also ligated by two transoidal pyridine nitrogens and an oxygen atom from an apical water molecule, giving the metals an overall N2O3 square-pyramidal geometry. If the blue solid 1 is gently heated, or if it is left to stand in its mother liquor for prolonged periods, it loses one molecule of pyridine and half a molecule of water and the green complex {Cu (oda)(py)(H2O)0.5}n (2) is formed. Spectroscopic and magnetic data for both complexes are given, together with the electrochemical and thermogravimetric measurements for 1.


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[Et3NH]4[Mo8O26] reacted with MgCl2 giving the triethylammonum magnesium β-octamolybdate(VI) salt [Et3NH]2[Mg(H2O)6Mo8O26]·2H2O (3) and the triethylammonium hydronium β-octaamolybdate(VI) salt [Et3NH]3[(H3O)Mo8O26·2H2O (4), respectively. A small amount of [Et3NH]2[Mo6O269] was formed as a by-product. The salts 3 and 4 were characterized by X-ray crystallography. The [Mg(H2O)6Mo8O26]2− moiety in 3 is polymeric, with each octahedral [Mg(H2O)6]2+ ion sandwiched between two β[Mo8O26]4− ions, being hydrogen bonded to three terminal MOO oxygen atoms on one face of each β[Mo8O26]4− ion. The X-ray crystal structure of 4 corresponds to the reported previously. IR and conductivity data are given for 3 and 4.


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Reaction of with one or two equivalents of LiPPh2 afforded the new phosphanidometal(III) complexes . Reaction of 2 with LiC≡CSiMe3 led to the diamagnetic zirconium(III) alkynyl derivative [{Zr(C5H5)(μ−C≡CSiMe3)}2(μ−η5−C5H4−η5−C5H4], 7. Alkylation of 6 with LiCH2CMe2Ph gave [{Zr(η5−C5H5)(CH2CMe2Ph)2}2{μ−(η5−C5H4)}], 8. A detailed NMR study of complexes 3 and 4 allowed the observation of the spectral behaviour of the eight different fulvalene protons through their coupling to the 31P nucleus. The fluxional behaviour of complex 7 was studied by dynamic DNMR, and kinetic parameters for the σ-π-conversion of the alkynyl ligand were determined. The molecular structures of complexes 3 and 7 were determined by X-ray diffraction methods.


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The copper(II) complex [Cu(bdoa)(H2O)2] (bdoaH2 = benzene-1,2-dioxyacetic acid) reacts with triphenylphosphine (1:4 mol ratio) to give the colourless copper(I) complex [Cu(η1-bdoaH)(PPh3)3] (1) in good yield. The X-ray crystal structure of the complex shows the copper atom at the centre of a distorted tetrahedron, and is ligated by the phosphorus atoms of the three triphenylphosphines and one carboxylate oxygen atom of the bdoaH− ligand. Significant intermolecular hydrogen-bonding exists between the pendant carboxylate OH function of one molecule and the uncoordinated “ketonic” oxygen of a neighbouring molecule. Complex 1 is non-conducting in chloroform but ionizes readily in acetonitrile. The cyclic voltammogram of an acetonitrile solution of 1 shows a single irreversible anodic peak for the oxidation of the PPh3 ligands and the copper(I) centre, and a single irreversible cathodic peak for the reduction of the bdoaH− ion. IR and mass spectral data for 1 are given.


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[Et3NH]4[Mo8O26] (1) was prepared by reacting triethylamine with either molybdenum trioxide dihydrate or with a solution of ammonium molybdate in aqueous HCl. An aqueous solution of complex 1 reacted with an excess of sodium chloride to give a mixture of [Et3NH]3[NaMo8O26] (2) and [Et3NH]2[Mo6O19] (3). Complex 2 was also formed on reacting sodium molybdate with triethylamine in aqueous HCl. In the reaction of 1 with potassium chloride the nature of the product obtained was critically dependent upon reaction time. After a 5.5 h reflux period a mixture of [Et3NH]3[KMo8O26] (4) and 3 was obtained, whereas upon prolonged reflux (24 h) only K4Mo8O26 · H2O (5) was precipitated. The X-ray crystal structure of 2 shows it to be polymeric, with each Na+ ion sandwiched between two β[Mo8O26]4− ions. Four oxygen atoms on one face of each β[Mo8O26]4− ion are coordinated to a Na+ ion, and four oxygens from the opposite face are bonded to the next Na+ ion in the polymer chain. This produces a zig-zag arrangement of Na+ ions throughout the molecular structure. Spectral, conductivity and voltammetry data are given.


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Copper(II) acetate reacts with benzene-1,2-dioxyacetic acid (bdoaH2) in aqueous media to give [Cu(bdoa)(H2O)2] (1). Complex 1 reacts with the N-donor ligands pyridine (py), ammonia and 1,10-phenanthroline (phen) to give [Cu(bdoa)(NH3)2]·H2O (2), [Cu(bdoa)(py)2]·H2O (3) and [Cu2(bdoa)(phen)4]bdoa·13H2O (4), respectively. The X-ray crystal structure of the dicopper(II,II) complex 4 shows each copper atom at the centre of a distorted trigonal bipyramid comprising four nitrogen atoms from two chelating phen ligands and a single oxygen atom from one of the carboxylate moieties of the bridging bdoa2− ligand. The cyclic voltammogram of 4 shows a single reversible wave for the Cu2+/Cu+ couple at E = + 115 mV (vs Ag/AgCl). Spectroscopic and magnetic data for the complexes are given.


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Phenylphosphinic acid (HPhPO2H) and phenylphosphonic acid (PhPO3H2) react with a methanolic solution of [Ru2(μ-O2CCH3)4(O2CCH3)2]H·0.7H2O at room temperature to give [Ru2(μ-O2CCH3)4(HPhPO2)2H (1) and [Ru2(μ-O2CCH3)4 (PhPO3H)2]H·H2O (2), respectively. The X-ray crystal structures of 1 and 2 each show the RuRu core to be ligated by four bridging bidentate acetate ligands [RuRu distances: 1 = 2.272(1) Å; 2 = 2.267(2) Å] and two axial phenylphosphinate and phenylphosphonate ligands, respectively. In each complex the individual bimetallic molecules are linked together by a hydrogen ion which bridges the oxygen atoms of neighbouring axial ligands. In 2 the water molecule is also hydrogen-bonded to one of the axial phenylphosphonate groups. Spectroscopic, magnetic and cyclic voltammetric data for the complexes are given.


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[Ru2(μ-O2CCH3)4Cl] reacts readily with aqueous Ag2SO4 (2: 1 molar ratio) to give the sulphate salt [Ru2(μ-O2CCH3)4(H2O)2]2(SO4) (1). Addition of NaBPh4 to an aqueous solution of 1 produces the ether-soluble tetraphenylborate salt [Ru2(μ-O2CCH3)4(H2O)2][BPh4] (2). A methanolic solution of 1 reacts with Ba(C6H5CCCO2)2 · H2O to give the tetraacetatemonophenylpropynoate complex [Ru2(μ-O2CCH3)4(O2CCCC6H5)] · H2O (3). The reaction of an ethanolic suspension of [Ru2(μ-O2CC6H5)4Cl] with Ag2SO4 and H2SO4 (2 : 1 : 1 molar ratio) leads to the tetra-μ-benzoatodiruthenium(II,III) double complex salt [Ru2(μ-O2CC6H5)4(C2H5OH)2][Ru2(μ-O2CC6H5)4(HSO4)2] (4). Complex 4 is also obtained by reacting an ethanolic solution of 1 with an excess of benzoic acid in the presence of H2SO4. The X-ray crystal structure of 4 shows it to consist of [Ru2(μ-O2CC6H5)4(C2H5OH)2]+ and [Ru2(μ-O2CC6H5)4(HSO4)2]− ions, which are linked together by hydrogen bonds into an infinite polymeric chain. The RuRu distances in the cation and anion are very similar [2.265(2) and 2.272(2) Å, respectively]. Spectroscopic, magnetic, conductivity and cyclic voltammetry data are given for the complexes.


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The reaction of the fulvalene titanium(III) hydride [{Ti(η5-C5H5)(μ-H)}2(μ-η5-η5-C10H8)] (1) with chlorine leads to [{Ti(η5-C5H5)(μ-Cl)}2(μ-η5-η5-C10H8)] (3) and [{Ti(η5-C5H5)Cl2}2(μ-η5-η5-C10H8)] (4). The reaction of 3 with azobenzene, in wet toluene, gives [{Ti(η5-C5H5)Cl}2(μ-O)(μ-η5-η5-C10H8)] (5) and 1,2-diphenyl hydrazine. The alkylation of 4 and the analogous zirconium complex [{Zr(η5-C5H55)Cl2}2(μ-η5-η5-C10H8)] (2) with LiCH2SiMe3 or LiCH3 permits isolation of the tetraalkyl derivatives [{M(η5-C5H5)(CH2SiMe3)2}2(μ-η5-η5-C10H8)] (M  Ti (6); Zr (8)) and [{Ti(η5-C5H5)(CH3)2}2(μ-η5-η5C10H8)] (7). All the new fulvalene compounds were characterized by IR, and 1H and 13C NMR spectroscope, and mass spectra and 5 by X-ray diffraction. The structure of 5 is very similar to that of the comparable TiIV compound [{Ti(η5-C5H5)2Cl}2(μ-O)] except for the smaller TiOTi angle (159.4° against 173.81°) and a significant deviation from linearity.


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W(CO)6 reacts with a mixture of acetic acid/acetic anhydride to give [W3 (μ3-O)2(μ2η2-O2CCH3)6(H2O)3](CH3CO2)2 (1), which was converted by HClO4 to [W3 (μ3-O)2(μ2η2-O2CCH3)6(H2O)3](ClO4)2 (2). Addition of CH3CO2Na to the above reaction mixture, and prolonged exposure of the solution to air, results in the formation of the WIV/WVI complex salt [W3(μ3-O)2(μ2η2-O2CCH3)6(H2O)3]2[W10O32]·solvent (3). Complex 3 was also prepared by reacting 1 with Na2WO4·2H2O in acetic acid, and it has been characterized by X-ray crystallography. Addition of [CH3(CH2)3]4N(ClO4) to the reaction filtrate remaining after the preparation of [Mo2(μ-O2CCH3)4][from Mo(CO)6, CH3CO2H and (CH3CO)2O], followed by exposure to air, gives ([CH3(CH2)3]4N)2[Mo6O19] (4).


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Phenylphosphinic acid (HPhPO2H) is oxidized to phenylphosphonic acid (PhPO3H2) at room temperature using a solution of [Cu2(μ-O2CCH3)4(H2O)2] in pyridine. The phenylphosphonic acid was recovered as the monomeric copper(II) complex [Cu(PhPO3H)2(C5H5N)4]·H2O (1a), and the reaction thought to proceed via a copper(I) intermediate. Recrystallization of 1a from methanol gave [Cu(PhPO3H)2(C5H5N)4]·2CH3OH (1b). The unsolvated complex [Cu(PhPO3H)2(C5H5N)4] (1c) was prepared by refluxing polymeric [Cu(PhPO3)(H2O)] (2) in pyridine. The X-ray crystal structures of 1b and 1c show that in each of these monomeric complexes the copper(II) ion is ligated by four equatorial pyridine molecules and two axial monoanionic phenylphosphonate groups. A cyclic voltammetric study of 1a revealed a quasi-reversible Cu2+/Cu+ couple with E1/2 = +228 mV (vs Ag/AgCl).


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1,1′-Diacetylferrocene reacts with neat hydrate over a period of 72 h at 20°C to give the dihydrazone [H2NN(Me)CC5H4FeC5H4C(Me)NNH2] (6) in almost quantitative yield. Either prolonging the reaction time or reacting 6 with fresh hydrazine causes the iron to be stripped from the metallocene and bis(hydrazine)bis(hydrazinecarboxylato-N′,O) iron(II), [Fe(N2H4)2(OOCNHNH2)2] (11), crystallizes. In the presence of Ba2+ or Mo2+ ions two molecules of complex 6 react to give the cyclic diazine [N(Me)CC5H4FeC5H4C (Me)N]2 (7) in high yield. Hydrazine is liberated in this reaction. Complexes 6 and 11 have been characterized crystallographically. The cyclic voltammograms of complexes 6 and 7 contain essentially non-reversible oxidation peaks.


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Mild heating of the phosphidotriosmium cluster [Os3H(CO)10(µ2-PH2)](1) with [Os3(CO)12 –n(MeCN)n](n= 1 or 2) gives high yields of the (µ3-PH) bridged hexaosmium clusters (2) and (3); reactions of (2) and (3) with bases and X-ray structure analyses of (3) and of (6), which was obtained from (3) and MeO– followed by acid treatment are described.