41 resultados para Cross-Linking Reagents


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The surfactant properties of aqueous protein mixtures ( ranaspumins) from the foam nests of the tropical frog Physalaemus pustulosus have been investigated by surface tension, two-photon excitation. uorescence microscopy, specular neutron reflection, and related biophysical techniques. Ranaspumins lower the surface tension of water more rapidly and more effectively than standard globular proteins under similar conditions. Two- photon excitation. uorescence microscopy of nest foams treated with fluorescent marker ( anilinonaphthalene sulfonic acid) shows partitioning of hydrophobic proteins into the air-water interface and allows imaging of the foam structure. The surface excess of the adsorbed protein layers, determined from measurements of neutron reflection from the surface of water utilizing H2O/D2O mixtures, shows a persistent increase of surface excess and layer thickness with bulk concentration. At the highest concentration studied ( 0.5 mg ml(-1)), the adsorbed layer is characterized by three distinct regions: a protruding top layer of similar to20 Angstrom, a middle layer of similar to30 Angstrom, and a more diffuse submerged layer projecting some 25 Angstrom into bulk solution. This suggests a model involving self-assembly of protein aggregates at the air-water interface in which initial foam formation is facilitated by specific surfactant proteins in the mixture, further stabilized by subsequent aggregation and cross-linking into a multilayer surface complex.


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Water-soluble polymers are often capable of forming interpolymer complexes in solutions and at interfaces, which offers an excellent opportunity for surface modification. The complex formation may be driven by H-bonding between poly(carboxylic acids) and non-ionic polymers or by electrostatic attraction between oppositely-charged polyelectrolytes. In the present communication the following applications of interpolymer complexation in coating technologies will be considered: (1) Complexation between poly(acrylic acid) and non-ionic polymers via H-bonding was used to coat glass surfaces. It was realised using layer-by-layer deposition of IPC on glass surfaces with subsequent cross-linking of dry multilayers by thermal treatment. Depending on the glass surface functionality this complexation resulted in detachable and non-detachable hydrogel films; (2) Electrostatic layer-by-layer self-assembly between glycol chitosan and bovine serum albumin (BSA) was used to coat magnetic nanoparticles. It was demonstrated that the native structure of BSA remains unaffected by the self-assembling process.


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We describe a crystal structure, at atomic resolution (1.1 Å, 100 K), of a ruthenium polypyridyl complex bound to duplex DNA, in which one ligand acts as a wedge in the minor groove, resulting in the 51° kinking of the double helix. The complex cation Λ-[Ru(1,4,5,8-tetraazaphenanthrene)2(dipyridophenazine)]2+ crystallizes in a 1∶1 ratio with the oligonucleotide d(TCGGCGCCGA) in the presence of barium ions. Each complex binds to one duplex by intercalation of the dipyridophenazine ligand and also by semiintercalation of one of the orthogonal tetraazaphenanthrene ligands into a second symmetrically equivalent duplex. The result is noncovalent cross-linking and marked kinking of DNA.


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Nematic monodomain liquid crystalline elastomers have been prepared through in situ cross-linking of an acrylate based side-chain liquid crystalline polymer in a magnetic field. At the nematic–isotropic transition, the sample is found to undergo an anisotropic shape change. There is found to be an increase in dimensions perpendicular — and a decrease parallel — to the director, this is consistent with alignment of the polymer backbone parallel to the direction of mesogen alignment in the nematic state. From a quantitative investigation of this behaviour, we estimate the level of backbone anisotropy for the elastomer. As second measure of the backbone anisotropy, the monodomain sample was physically extended. We have investigated, in particular, the situation where a monodomain sample is deformed with the angle between the director and the extension direction approaching 90°. The behaviour on extension of these acrylate samples is related to alternative theoretical interpretations and the backbone anisotropy determined. Comparison of the chain anisotropy derived from these two approaches and the value obtained from previous small-angle neutron scattering measurements on deuterium labelled mixtures of the same polymer shows that some level of chain anisotropy is retained in the isotropic or more strictly weakly paranematic state of the elastomer. The origin and implications of this behaviour are discussed.


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A series of monodomain liquid crystalline (LC) elastomers based on a polysiloxane were synthesised. These elastomers were prepared either with one or two cross-linking agents in the presence of a mechanical field. By using the real-time X-ray facility at the University of Reading (AXIS), we have shown that the nematic order parameter 〈P2 〉 is dependent on both the extension λ value and the degree of cross-linking. We have also shown that the monodomain elastomers, exhibiting permanent alignment and 〈P2 〉 values of about 0.5, can be prepared by using only one cross-linking agent making the synthesis of these monodomain LC elastomers much more simple and cost effective than that proposed by Küpfer.


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Free-standing monodomain liquid crystal elastomer samples are shown to have a complete memory of the orientational configuration at the time of cross-linking. This memory is demonstrated through samples in which the parent polymer system is first aligned in a magnetic field prior to cross-linking. These films show reversible nematic-isotropic phase transitions and x-ray scattering patterns characteristic of nematic phases. The liquid crystal elastomer films exhibit a remarkable memory effect, in that the sample may be held at temperatures well above the nematic-isotropic transition for extended periods ( > 2 weeks), but on cooling into the liquid crystal phase region, both the original director alignment and the degree of preferred orientation are recovered. It is demonstrated that these novel memory effects are equilibrium in nature. The origins of this phenomena in terms of coupling between the mesogenic side-chains and the polymer network are discussed.


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The influence of cross-linking on the phase behaviour of a series of side-chain liquid crystalline elastomers has been studied. For samples cross-linked in the temperature range corresponding to the nematic phase, the phase transition was shifted compared to that observed when an identical sample was cross-linked in the isotropic phase. This shift represented a stabilisation of the nematic phase in the former case, in line with theoretical expectations. By utilising a novel, slow cross-linking method, which allows the polymer backbone to take up an equilibrium conformation prior to network formation, it proved possible to monitor the shifts in phase transition temperature as a function of the length of the methylene chain coupling the mesogenic units to the polymer backbone. The results obtained are related to the backbone anisotropy and indicate that the level of orientational order of the polymer in the nematic phase backbone increases with a reduction in the length of the coupling chain.


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Polyvinylpyrrolidone is a widely used in tablet formulations with the linear form acting as a wetting agent and disintegrant whereas the cross-linked form is a super-disintegrant. We have previously reported that simply mixing the commercial cross-linked polymer with ibuprofen disrupted drug crystallinity with consequent improvements in drug dissolution behavior. In this study, we have designed and synthesized novel cross-linking agents containing a range of oligoether moieties which have then be polymerized with vinylpyrrolidone to generate a suite of novel excipients with enhanced hydrogen-bonding capabilities. The polymers have a porous surface and swell in most common solvents and in water; properties which suggest their value as disintegrants. The polymers were evaluated in simple physical mixtures with ibuprofen as a model poorly-water soluble drug. The results show that the novel PVPs induce the drug to become “X-ray amorphous”, which increased dissolution to a greater extent than that seen with commercial cross-linked PVP. The polymers stabilize the amorphous drug with no evidence for recrystallization seen after 20 weeks storage.


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Platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1/CD31) is a 130-kd transmembrane glycoprotein and a member of the growing family of receptors with immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motifs (ITIMs). PECAM-1 is expressed on platelets, certain T cells, monocytes, neutrophils, and vascular endothelial cells and is involved in a range of cellular processes, though the role of PECAM-1 in platelets is unclear. Cross-linking of PECAM-1 results in phosphorylation of the ITIM allowing the recruitment of signaling proteins that bind by way of Src-homology domain 2 interactions. Proteins that have been implicated in the negative regulation of cellular activation by ITIM-bearing receptors include the tyrosine phosphatases SHP-1 and SHP-2. Tyrosine phosphorylation of immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activatory motif (ITAM)-bearing receptors such as the collagen receptor GPVI-Fc receptor gamma-chain complex on platelets leads to activation. Increasing evidence suggests that ITIM- and ITAM-containing receptors may act antagonistically when expressed on the same cell. In this study it is demonstrated that cross-linking PECAM-1 inhibits the aggregation and secretion of platelets in response to collagen and the GPVI-selective agonist convulxin. In these experiments thrombin-mediated platelet aggregation and secretion were also reduced, albeit to a lesser degree than for collagen, suggesting that PECAM-1 function may not be restricted to the inhibition of ITAM-containing receptor pathways. PECAM-1 activation also inhibited platelet protein tyrosine phosphorylation stimulated by convulxin and thrombin; this was accompanied by inhibition of the mobilization of calcium from intracellular stores. These data suggest that PECAM-1 may play a role in the regulation of platelet function in vivo.


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We have recently shown that collagen activates platelets through a pathway dependent on the Fc receptor gamma-chain and the tyrosine kinase Syk. We report here that the Fc receptor gamma-chain and the candidate collagen receptor glycoprotein VI (GPVI) co-associate. Furthermore, cross-linking GPVI stimulates a similar pattern of tyrosine phosphorylation to that stimulated by collagen, including tyrosine phosphorylation of Fc receptor gamma-chain. These results support a model where GPVI couples collagen-stimulation of platelets to phosphorylation of the Fc receptor gamma-chain leading to activation of Syk and phospholipase Cgamma2.


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Stimulation of platelets by the extracellular matrix protein collagen leads to activation of a tyrosine kinase-dependent mechanism resulting in secretion and aggregation. Tyrosine phosphorylation of the tyrosine kinase Syk and phospholipase Cgamma2 are early events in collagen-induced activation. We recently proposed that collagen-signaling in platelets involves a receptor or a receptor-associated protein containing an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) enabling interaction with Syk. In this report we show that collagen stimulation of platelets causes rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of the ITAM containing Fc receptor gamma-chain and that this is precipitated by the tandem Src homology 2 (SH2) domains of Syk expressed as a fusion protein. In addition we demonstrate an association between the Fc receptor gamma-chain with endogenous Syk in collagen-stimulated platelets. The Fc receptor gamma-chain undergoes tyrosine phosphorylation in platelets stimulated by a collagen-related peptide which does not bind the integrin alpha2beta1 and by the lectin wheat germ agglutinin. In contrast, cross-linking of the platelet low affinity receptor for immune complexes, FcgammaRIIA, or stimulation by thrombin does not induce phosphorylation of the Fc receptor gamma-chain. The present results provide a molecular basis for collagen activation of platelets which is independent of the integrin alpha2beta1 and involves phosphorylation of the Fc receptor gamma-chain, its association with Syk and subsequent phosphorylation of phospholipase Cgamma2. Collagen is the first example of a nonimmune receptor stimulus to signal through a pathway closely related to signaling by immune receptors.


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Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) has been shown to have a central role in physiological adaptation to stress. It is recognized for stimulating the release of adrenocorticotropin from the anterior pituitary gland, and has more recently been implicated as a regulator of autonomic and immunological responses to stress. Much confusion has surrounded the characterization of CRF receptors, with proteins of varying molecular weights having been identified but never purified and characterized. Recently, two CRF receptors have been cloned from brain and pituitary gland, but evidence from in-situ hybridization studies suggests that further CRF receptor types exist. We therefore developed two techniques which enable the isolation of CRF receptors from whole rat brain. The use of a solid-phase CRF analogue affinity column and elution using a competing ligand resulted in the purification of a single protein of 61 kDa. A second technique was devised which allowed the co-isolation of associated signalling proteins and the identification of CRF bound species following purification. CRF was covalently cross-linked to receptors and the complex purified using antibodies specific for the ligand. This enabled the purification of a CRF receptor of approximately 65 kDa and associated alpha and beta gamma G protein subunits. This study demonstrates the successful isolation of CRF receptors which are of different molecular weights to those previously observed from affinity cross-linking studies or predicted from cloned genes. In addition, we confirm the involvement of G proteins in CRF stimulated cell signalling by demonstrating their association with purified CRF receptor.


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Poly(vinyl ether) gels SLURPS (Superior Liquid Uptake Resin for Polymer-supported synthesis) with low cross-linking levels have been synthesized for the first time in beaded form using a non-aqueous inverse suspension polymerisation approach. The synthetic protocol was optimized with regards to several parameters including reactions conditions, type and concentration of suspension stabilizer and controlled low temperature addition of co-initiator. Particle size measurements confirm the production of beads with average diameters of 700e950 mm. Optimization of the monomer composition of the poly (vinyl ether) gels resulted in a novel beaded polymer support with considerably improved as well as unique swelling characteristics in solvents ranging from hexane to water. The synthetic utility of the new gel was confirmed by carrying out a set of transformations with complete conversion leading to a useful amino and hydroxy terminated solid-phase precursor resin. Reaction progress could be monitored easily by 1H and 13C gel-phase NMR.


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Cyclodextrins are water-soluble cyclic oligosaccharides consisting of six, seven, and eight α-(1,4)-linked glucopyranose subunits. This study reports the use of different cyclodextrins in eye drop formulations to improve the aqueous solubility and corneal permeability of riboflavin. Riboflavin is a poorly soluble drug with a solubility up to 0.08 mg mL–1 in deionized water. It is used as a drug topically administered to the eye to mediate UV-induced corneal cross-linking in the treatment of keratoconus. Aqueous solutions of β-cyclodextrin (10–30 mg mL–1) can enhance the solubility of riboflavin up to 0.12–0.19 mg mL–1, whereas the higher concentration of α-cyclodextrin (100 mg mL–1) achieved a lower level of enhancement of 0.11 mg mL–1. The other oligosaccharides were found to be inefficient for this purpose. In vitro diffusion experiments performed with fresh and cryopreserved bovine cornea have demonstrated that β-cyclodextrin enhances riboflavin permeability. The mechanism of this enhancement was examined through microscopic histological analysis of the cornea and is discussed in this paper.


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This Editorial presents the focus, scope and policies of the inaugural issue of Nature Conservation, a new open access, peer-reviewed journal bridging natural sciences, social sciences and hands-on applications in conservation management. The journal covers all aspects of nature conservation and aims particularly at facilitating better interaction between scientists and practitioners. The journal will impose no restrictions on manuscript size or the use of colour. We will use an XML-based editorial workflow and several cutting-edge innovations in publishing and information dissemination. These include semantic mark-up of, and enhancements to published text, data, and extensive cross-linking within the journal and to external sources. We believe the journal will make an important contribution to better linking science and practice, offers rapid, peer-reviewed and flexible publication for authors and unrestricted access to content.