36 resultados para Computational Catastrophes


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State-of-the-art computational methodologies are used to investigate the energetics and dynamics of photodissociated CO and NO in myoglobin (Mb···CO and Mb···NO). This includes the combination of molecular dynamics, ab initio MD, free energy sampling, and effective dynamics methods to compare the results with studies using X-ray crystallography and ultrafast spectroscopy metho ds. It is shown that modern simulation techniques along with careful description of the intermolecular interactions can give quantitative agreement with experiments on complex molecular systems. Based on this agreement predictions for as yet uncharacterized species can be made.


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Stepwise electrochemical reduction of the complex fac-[Mn(Br)(CO)(3)(tmbp)] (tmbp = 4,4',5,5'-tetramethyl-2,2'-biphosphinine) produces the dimer [Mn(CO)(3)(tmbp)](2) and the five-coordinate anion [Mn(CO)(3)(tmbp)](-). All three members of the redox series have been characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The crystallographic data provide valuable insight into the localization of the added electrons on the (carbonyl)manganese and tmbp centers. In particular, the formulation of the two-electron-reduced anion as [Mn-0(CO)(3)(tmbp(-))](-) also agrees with the analysis of its IR nu(CO) wavenumbers and with the results of density functional theoretical (DFT) MO calculations on this compound. The strongly delocalized pi-bonding in the anion stabilizes its five-coordinate geometry and results in the appearance of several mixed Mn-to-tmbp charge-transfer/IL(tmbp) transitions in the near-UV-vis spectral region. A thorough voltammetric and UV-vis/IR spectroelectrochemical study of the reduction path provided evidence for a direct formation of [Mn(CO)(3)(tmbp)](-) via a two-electron ECE mechanism involving the [Mn(CO)(3)(tmbp)](.) radical transient. At ambient temperature [Mn(CO)(3)(tmbp)](-) reacts rapidly with nonreduced fac-[Mn(Br)(CO)(3)(tmbp)] to produce [Mn(CO)(3)(tmbp)](2). Comparison with the analogous 2,2'-bipyridine complexes has revealed striking similarity in the bonding properties and reactivity, despite the stronger pi-acceptor character of the tmbp ligand.


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Due to the pivotal role played by human serum albumin (HSA) in the transport and cytotoxicity of titanocene complexes, a docking study has been performed on a selected set of titanocene complexes to aid in the current understanding of the potential mode of action of these titanocenes upon binding HSA. Analysis of the docking results has revealed potential binding at the known drug binding sites in HSA and has provided some explanation for the specificity and subsequent cytotoxicity of these titanocenes. Additionally, a new alternative binding site for these titanocenes has been postulated.


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Currently, most operational forecasting models use latitude-longitude grids, whose convergence of meridians towards the poles limits parallel scaling. Quasi-uniform grids might avoid this limitation. Thuburn et al, JCP, 2009 and Ringler et al, JCP, 2010 have developed a method for arbitrarily-structured, orthogonal C-grids (TRiSK), which has many of the desirable properties of the C-grid on latitude-longitude grids but which works on a variety of quasi-uniform grids. Here, five quasi-uniform, orthogonal grids of the sphere are investigated using TRiSK to solve the shallow-water equations. We demonstrate some of the advantages and disadvantages of the hexagonal and triangular icosahedra, a Voronoi-ised cubed sphere, a Voronoi-ised skipped latitude-longitude grid and a grid of kites in comparison to a full latitude-longitude grid. We will show that the hexagonal-icosahedron gives the most accurate results (for least computational cost). All of the grids suffer from spurious computational modes; this is especially true of the kite grid, despite it having exactly twice as many velocity degrees of freedom as height degrees of freedom. However, the computational modes are easiest to control on the hexagonal icosahedron since they consist of vorticity oscillations on the dual grid which can be controlled using a diffusive advection scheme for potential vorticity.


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[English] This paper is a tutorial introduction to pseudospectral optimal control. With pseudospectral methods, a function is approximated as a linear combination of smooth basis functions, which are often chosen to be Legendre or Chebyshev polynomials. Collocation of the differential-algebraic equations is performed at orthogonal collocation points, which are selected to yield interpolation of high accuracy. Pseudospectral methods directly discretize the original optimal control problem to recast it into a nonlinear programming format. A numerical optimizer is then employed to find approximate local optimal solutions. The paper also briefly describes the functionality and implementation of PSOPT, an open source software package written in C++ that employs pseudospectral discretization methods to solve multi-phase optimal control problems. The software implements the Legendre and Chebyshev pseudospectral methods, and it has useful features such as automatic differentiation, sparsity detection, and automatic scaling. The use of pseudospectral methods is illustrated in two problems taken from the literature on computational optimal control. [Portuguese] Este artigo e um tutorial introdutorio sobre controle otimo pseudo-espectral. Em metodos pseudo-espectrais, uma funcao e aproximada como uma combinacao linear de funcoes de base suaves, tipicamente escolhidas como polinomios de Legendre ou Chebyshev. A colocacao de equacoes algebrico-diferenciais e realizada em pontos de colocacao ortogonal, que sao selecionados de modo a minimizar o erro de interpolacao. Metodos pseudoespectrais discretizam o problema de controle otimo original de modo a converte-lo em um problema de programa cao nao-linear. Um otimizador numerico e entao empregado para obter solucoes localmente otimas. Este artigo tambem descreve sucintamente a funcionalidade e a implementacao de um pacote computacional de codigo aberto escrito em C++ chamado PSOPT. Tal pacote emprega metodos de discretizacao pseudo-spectrais para resolver problemas de controle otimo com multiplas fase. O PSOPT permite a utilizacao de metodos de Legendre ou Chebyshev, e possui caractersticas uteis tais como diferenciacao automatica, deteccao de esparsidade e escalonamento automatico. O uso de metodos pseudo-espectrais e ilustrado em dois problemas retirados da literatura de controle otimo computacional.


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Some points of the paper by N.K. Nichols (see ibid., vol.AC-31, p.643-5, 1986), concerning the robust pole assignment of linear multiinput systems, are clarified. It is stressed that the minimization of the condition number of the closed-loop eigenvector matrix does not necessarily lead to robustness of the pole assignment. It is shown why the computational method, which Nichols claims is robust, is in fact numerically unstable with respect to the determination of the gain matrix. In replying, Nichols presents arguments to support the choice of the conditioning of the closed-loop poles as a measure of robustness and to show that the methods of J Kautsky, N. K. Nichols and P. VanDooren (1985) are stable in the sense that they produce accurate solutions to well-conditioned problems.


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A number of computationally reliable direct methods for pole assignment by feedback have recently been developed. These direct procedures do not necessarily produce robust solutions to the problem, however, in the sense that the assigned poles are insensitive to perturbalions in the closed-loop system. This difficulty is illustrated here with results from a recent algorithm presented in this TRANSACTIONS and its causes are examined. A measure of robustness is described, and techniques for testing and improving robustness are indicated.


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Spiking neural networks are usually limited in their applications due to their complex mathematical models and the lack of intuitive learning algorithms. In this paper, a simpler, novel neural network derived from a leaky integrate and fire neuron model, the ‘cavalcade’ neuron, is presented. A simulation for the neural network has been developed and two basic learning algorithms implemented within the environment. These algorithms successfully learn some basic temporal and instantaneous problems. Inspiration for neural network structures from these experiments are then taken and applied to process sensor information so as to successfully control a mobile robot.


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The arbitrarily structured C-grid, TRiSK (Thuburn, Ringler, Skamarock and Klemp, 2009, 2010) is being used in the ``Model for Prediction Across Scales'' (MPAS) and is being considered by the UK Met Office for their next dynamical core. However the hexagonal C-grid supports a branch of spurious Rossby modes which lead to erroneous grid-scale oscillations of potential vorticity (PV). It is shown how these modes can be harmlessly controlled by using upwind-biased interpolation schemes for PV. A number of existing advection schemes for PV are tested, including that used in MPAS, and none are found to give adequate results for all grids and all cases. Therefore a new scheme is proposed; continuous, linear-upwind stabilised transport (CLUST), a blend between centred and linear-upwind with the blend dependent on the flow direction with respect to the cell edge. A diagnostic of grid-scale oscillations is proposed which gives further discrimination between schemes than using potential enstrophy alone and indeed some schemes are found to destroy potential enstrophy while grid-scale oscillations grow. CLUST performs well on hexagonal-icosahedral grids and unrotated skipped latitude-longitude grids of the sphere for various shallow water test cases. Despite the computational modes, the hexagonal icosahedral grid performs well since these modes are easy and harmless to filter. As a result TRiSK appears to perform better than a spectral shallow water model.


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The dinuclear complex [{Ru(CN)4}2(μ-bppz)]4− shows a strongly solvent-dependent metal–metal electronic interaction which allows the mixed-valence state to be switched from class 2 to class 3 by changing solvent from water to CH2Cl2. In CH2Cl2 the separation between the successive Ru(II)/Ru(III) redox couples is 350 mVand the IVCT band (from the UV/Vis/NIR spectroelectrochemistry) is characteristic of a borderline class II/III or class III mixed valence state. In water, the redox separation is only 110 mVand the much broader IVCT transition is characteristic of a class II mixed-valence state. This is consistent with the observation that raising and lowering the energy of the d(π) orbitals in CH2Cl2 or water, respectively, will decrease or increase the energy gap to the LUMO of the bppz bridging ligand, which provides the delocalisation pathway via electron-transfer. IR spectroelectrochemistry could only be carried out successfully in CH2Cl2 and revealed class III mixed-valence behaviour on the fast IR timescale. In contrast to this, time-resolved IR spectroscopy showed that the MLCTexcited state, which is formulated as RuIII(bppz˙−)RuII and can therefore be considered as a mixed-valence Ru(II)/Ru(III) complex with an intermediate bridging radical anion ligand, is localised on the IR timescale with spectroscopically distinct Ru(II) and Ru(III) termini. This is because the necessary electron-transfer via the bppz ligand is more difficult because of the additional electron on bppz˙− which raises the orbital through which electron exchange occurs in energy. DFT calculations reproduce the electronic spectra of the complex in all three Ru(II)/Ru(II), Ru(II)/Ru(III) and Ru(III)/Ru(III) calculations in both water and CH2Cl2 well as long as an explicit allowance is made for the presence of water molecules hydrogen-bonded to the cyanides in the model used. They also reproduce the excited-state IR spectra of both [Ru(CN)4(μ-bppz)]2– and [{Ru(CN)4}2(μ-bppz)]4− very well in both solvents. The reorganization of the water solvent shell indicates a possible dynamical reason for the longer life time of the triplet state in water compared to CH2Cl2.