33 resultados para Beta-vulgaris L


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Infrared and Raman microspectroscopy have been used to follow the photodimerisation reactions of single crystals, the alpha- and beta-forms of trans-cinnamic acid. This approach allows the starting materials and products -alpha-truxillic acid that has C-i symmetry and beta-truxinic acid, which has C-s symmetry-to be identified. It also allows the topotactic nature of the reaction to be confirmed. Attempts to produce the poorly-defined unreactive gamma-form of trans-cinnamic acid resulted only in a mixture of the alpha- and beta-forms. The findings suggest a wide role for these spectroscopic methods in monitoring solid-state organic reactions. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The preparation of enantiomerically pure threo-beta-amino-alpha-hydroxy acids via 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions of imine dipolarophiles with the chiral isomunchnone derived from (5R)-5-phenylmorpholin-3-one 1 is described. The cycloadducts were obtained with excellent diastereofacial- and exo-selectivity. Subsequent hydrolysis and chemoselective exocyclic amide cleavage afforded the threo-beta-amino-alpha-hydroxy acids with recovery of the initial chiral auxiliary. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The strong intermolecular interactions mediated by short hydrophobic sequences (e.g., 17-20, -L-Leu-L-Val-L-Phe-L-Phe-) in the middle of A beta are known to play a crucial role in the neuropathology of Alzheimer's disease. FTIR, TEM and Congo red binding studies indicated that a series of L-Ala substituted terminally protected peptides related to the sequence 17-20 of the beta-amyloid peptide, adopted D-sheet conformations. However, the Aib-modified analogues disrupt the D-sheet structure and switch over to a 310 helix with increasing number of Aib residues. X-ray crystallography shed some light on the change from sheet to helix at atomic resolution. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We have described here the self-assembling properties of the synthetic tripeptides Boc-Ala(1)-Aib(2) -Val (3)-OMe 1, BocAla(l)-Aib(2)-Ile(3)-OMe 2 and Boc-Ala(l)-Gly(2)-Val(3)-OMe 3 (Aib=alpha-arnino isobutyric acid, beta-Ala=beta-alanine) which have distorted beta-turn conformations in their respective crystals. These turn-forming tripeptides self-assemble to form supramolecular beta-sheet structures through intermolecular hydrogen bonding and other noncovalent interactions. The scanning electron micrographs of these peptides revealed that these compounds form amyloid-like fibrils, the causative factor for many neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease and Prion-related encephalopathies. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We have investigated the effect of sample hydration on the wide-angle X-ray scattering patterns of amyloid fibrils from two different sources, hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) and an 11-residue peptide taken from the sequence of transthyretin (TTR105-115). Both samples show an inter-strand reflection at 4.7 Å and an inter-sheet reflection which occurs at 8.8 and 10 Å for TTR105-115 and HEWL fibrils, respectively. The positions, widths, and relative intensities of these reflections are conserved in patterns obtained from dried stalks and hydrated samples over a range of fibril concentrations. In 2D scattering patterns obtained from flow-aligned hydrated samples, the inter-strand and inter-sheet reflections showed, respectively, axial and equatorial alignment relative to the fibril axis, characteristic of the cross-β structure. Our results show that the cross-β structure of the fibrils is not a product of the dehydrating conditions typically employed to produce aligned samples, but is conserved in individual fibrils in hydrated samples under dilute conditions comparable to those associated with other biophysical and spectroscopic techniques. This suggests a structure consisting of a stack of two or more sheets whose interfaces are inaccessible to bulk water.


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Galactooligosaccharides (GOS) are well-known prebiotic ingredients which can form the basis of new functional dairy products. In this work, the production and characterization of glycated beta-lactoglobulin beta-LG) with prebiotic GOS through the Maillard reaction under controlled conditions (a(w) = 0.44, 40 degrees C for 23 days) have been studied. The extent of glycation of beta-LG was evaluated by formation of furosine which progressively increased with storage for up to 16 days, suggesting that the formation of Amadori compounds prevailed over their degradation. RP-HPLC-UV, SIDS-PAGE, and IEF profiles of beta-LG were modified as a consequence of its glycation. MALDI-ToF mass spectra of glycated beta-LG showed an increase of up to similar to 21% in its average molecular mass after storage for 23 days. Moreover, a decrease in unconjugated GOS (one tri-, two tetra-, and one pentasaccharide) was observed by HPAEC-PAD upon glycation. These results were confirmed by ESI MS. The stability of the glycated beta-LG to in vitro simulated gastrointestinal digestion was also described and compared with that of the unglycated protein. The yield of digestion products of glycated beta-LG was lower than that observed for the unglycated protein. The conjugation of prebiotic carbohydrates to stable proteins and peptides could open new routes of research in the study of functional ingredients.


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Background Homocysteine and asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) affect nitric oxide (NO) concentration, thereby contributing to cardiovascular disease (CVD). Both amino acids can be reduced in vivo by estrogen. Variation in the estrogen receptor (ER) may influence homocysteine and ADMA, yet no information is available on associations with single nucleotide polymorphisms in the estrogen receptor genes ER alpha (PvuII and XbaI) and ER beta (1730G -> A and cx+56 G -> A). Objective To find relationships between common polymorphisms associated with cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular risk factors homocysteine and ADMA. Methods In a cross-sectional study with healthy postmenopausal women (n = 89), homocysteine, ADMA, nitric oxide metabolites (NOx), plasma folate and ER alpha and beta polymorphisms ER alpha PvuII, ER alpha XbaI; ER beta 1730G -> A (AluI), ER beta cx+56 G -> A (Tsp5091) were analyzed. Results Women who are homozygotic for ER beta cx+56 G -> A A/A exhibited higher homocysteine (p = 0.012) and NOx (p = 0.056) levels than wildtype or heterozygotes. NOx concentration was also significantly affected by ER beta 1730 G -> A polymorphism (p = 0.025). The ER beta (p < 0.001) and ER alpha (p < 0.001) polymorphisms were in linkage disequilibrium. Conclusions Women who are homozygotic for ER beta cx+S6 G -> A A/A may be at increased risk for cardiovascular disease due to higher homocysteine levels.


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Potent angiotensin l-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory peptide mixtures were obtained from the hydrolysis of beta-lactoglobulin (beta Lg) using Protease N Amano, a food-grade commercial proteolytic preparation. Hydrolysis experiments were carried out for 8 h at two different temperatures and neutral pH. Based on their ACE inhibitory activity, samples of 6 h of digestion were chosen for further analysis. The temperature used for the hydrolysis had a marked influence on the type of peptides produced and their concentration in the hydrolysate. Protease N Amano was found to produce very complex peptide mixtures; however, the partially fractionated hydrolysates had already very potent ACE inhibitory activity. The novel heptapeptide SAPLRVY was isolated and characterised. It corresponded to beta Lg f(36-42) and had an IC50 value of 8 mu m, which is considerably lower than the most potent ACE inhibitory peptides derived from bovine beta Lg reported so far. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The selective separation of whey proteins was studied using colloidal gas aphrons generated from the cationic surfactant cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB). From the titration curves obtained by zeta potential measurements of individual whey proteins, it was expected to selectively adsorb the major whey proteins, i.e., bovine serum albumin, alpha-lactalbumin, and beta-lactoglobulin to the aphrons and elute the remaining proteins (lactoferrin and lactoperoxidase) in the liquid phase. A number of process parameters including pH, ionic strength, and mass ratio of surfactant to protein (M-CTAB/M-TP) were varied in order to evaluate their effect on protein separation. Under optimum conditions (2 mmol/l CTAB, M-CTAB/M-TP = 0.26-0.35, pH 8, and ionic strength = 0.018 mol/l), 80-90% beta-lactoglobulin was removed from the liquid phase as a precipitate, while about 75% lactoferrin and lactoperoxidase, 80% bovine serum albumin, 95% immunoglobulin, and 65% alpha-lactalbumin were recovered in the liquid fraction. Mechanistic studies using zeta potential measurements and fluorescence spectroscopy proved that electrostatic interactions modulate only partially the selectivity of protein separation, as proteins with similar surface charges do not separate to the same extent between the two phases. The selectivity of recovery of beta-lactoglobulin probably occurs in two steps: the first being the selective interaction of the protein with opposite-charged surfactant molecules by means of electrostatic interactions, which leads to denaturation of the protein and subsequent formation and precipitation of the CTAB-beta-lactoglobulin complex. This is followed by the separation of CTAB-beta-lactoglobulin aggregates from the bulk liquid by flotation in the aphron phase. In this way, CGAs act as carriers which facilitate the removal of protein precipitate. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Rat kidney glutamine transaminase K (GTK) exhibits broad specificity both as an aminotransferase and as a cysteine S-conjugate beta-lyase. The beta-lyase reaction products are pyruvate, ammonium and a sulfhydryl-containing fragment. We show here that recombinant human GTK (rhGTK) also exhibits broad specificity both as an aminotransferase and as a cysteine S-conjugate beta-lyase. S-(1,1,2,2-Tetrafluoroethyl)-L-CySteine is an excellent aminotransferase and beta-lyase substrate of rhGTK. Moderate aminotransferase and beta-lyase activities occur with the chemopreventive agent Se-methyl-L-selenocysteine. L-3-(2-Naphthyl)alanine, L-3-(1-naphthyl)alanine, 5-S-L-cysteinyldopamine and 5-S-L-cysteinyl-L-DOPA are measurable aminotransferase substrates, indicating that the active site can accommodate large aromatic amino acids. The alpha-keto acids generated by transamination/L-amino acid oxidase activity of the two catechol cysteine S-conjugates are unstable. A slow rhGTK-catalyzed beta-elimination reaction, as measured by pyruvate formation, was demonstrated with 5-S-L-CysteinyIdopamine, but not with 5-S-L-CySteinyl-L-DOPA. The importance of transamination, oxidation and beta-elimination reactions involving 5-S-L-cysteinyldopamine, 5-S-L-cysteinyt-L-DOPA and Se-methyl-L-selenocysteirte in human tissues and their biological relevance are discussed. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The flavor characteristics of pennywort juices with added sugar treated by ultra-high pressure, pasteurization, and sterilization were investigated using solid phase microextraction combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. It was found that sesquiterpene hydrocarbons comprised the major class of volatile components present and the juices had a characteristic aroma due to the presence of volatiles including beta-caryophyllene and humulene and alpha-copaene. In comparison with heated juices, HPP-treated samples could retain more volatile compounds such as linalool and geraniol similar to those present in fresh juice, whereas some volatiles such as alpha-terpinene and ketone class were apparently formed by thermal treatment. All processing operations produced juice that was not significantly different in the concentration of total volatiles. Practical Application: Pennywort juice is considered a nutraceutical drink for health benefits. Therefore, to preserve all aroma and active components in this juice, a nonthermal process such as ultra-high pressure should be a more appropriate technique for retention of its nutritive values than pasteurization and sterilization.


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In this Drug Points article the author describes a case of unrecognised airways disease where prescribing timolol resulted in shortness of breath and comments on the issues it raises.


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The dipeptide L-carnosine has a number of important biological properties. Here, we explore the effect of attachment of a bulky hydrophobic aromatic unit, Fmoc [N-(fluorenyl-9-methoxycarbonyl)] on the self-assembly of Fmoc-L-carnosine, i.e., Fmoc-Beta-alanine-histidine (Fmoc-BetaAH). It is shown that Fmoc-BetaAH forms well-defined amyloid fibril containing Beta sheets above a critical aggregation concentration, which is determined from pyrene and ThT fluorescence experiments. Twisted fibrils were imaged by cryogenic transmission electron microscopy. The zinc-binding properties of Fmoc-BetaAH were investigated by FTIR and Raman spectroscopy since the formation of metal ion complexes with the histidine residue in carnosine is well-known, and important to its biological roles. Observed changes in the spectra may reflect differences in the packing of the Fmoc-dipeptides due to electrostatic interactions. Cryo-TEM shows that this leads to changes in the fibril morphology. Hydrogelation is also induced by addition of an appropriate concentration of zinc ions. Our work shows that the Fmoc motif can be employed to drive the self-assembly of carnosine into amyloid fibrils.


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Background FFAR1 receptor is a long chain fatty acid G-protein coupled receptor which is expressed widely, but found in high density in the pancreas and central nervous system. It has been suggested that FFAR1 may play a role in insulin sensitivity, lipotoxicity and is associated with type 2 diabetes. Here we investigate the effect of three common SNPs of FFAR1 (rs2301151; rs16970264; rs1573611) on pancreatic function, BMI, body composition and plasma lipids. Methodology/Principal Findings For this enquiry we used the baseline RISCK data, which provides a cohort of overweight subjects at increased cardiometabolic risk with detailed phenotyping. The key findings were SNPs of the FFAR1 gene region were associated with differences in body composition and lipids, and the effects of the 3 SNPs combined were cumulative on BMI, body composition and total cholesterol. The effects on BMI and body fat were predominantly mediated by rs1573611 (1.06 kg/m2 higher (P = 0.009) BMI and 1.53% higher (P = 0.002) body fat per C allele). Differences in plasma lipids were also associated with the BMI-increasing allele of rs2301151 including higher total cholesterol (0.2 mmol/L per G allele, P = 0.01) and with the variant A allele of rs16970264 associated with lower total (0.3 mmol/L, P = 0.02) and LDL (0.2 mmol/L, P<0.05) cholesterol, but also with lower HDL-cholesterol (0.09 mmol/L, P<0.05) although the difference was not apparent when controlling for multiple testing. There were no statistically significant effects of the three SNPs on insulin sensitivity or beta cell function. However accumulated risk allele showed a lower beta cell function on increasing plasma fatty acids with a carbon chain greater than six. Conclusions/Significance Differences in body composition and lipids associated with common SNPs in the FFAR1 gene were apparently not mediated by changes in insulin sensitivity or beta-cell function.


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Although cell surface metalloendopeptidases degrade neuropeptides in the extracellular fluid to terminate signaling, the function of peptidases in endosomes is unclear. We report that isoforms of endothelin-converting enzyme-1 (ECE-1a-d) are present in early endosomes, where they degrade neuropeptides and regulate post-endocytic sorting of receptors. Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) co-internalizes with calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CLR), receptor activity-modifying protein 1 (RAMP1), beta-arrestin2, and ECE-1 to early endosomes, where ECE-1 degrades CGRP. CGRP degradation promotes CLR/RAMP1 recycling and beta-arrestin2 redistribution to the cytosol. ECE-1 inhibition or knockdown traps CLR/RAMP1 and beta-arrestin2 in endosomes and inhibits CLR/RAMP1 recycling and resensitization, whereas ECE-1 overexpression has the opposite effect. ECE-1 does not regulate either the resensitization of receptors for peptides that are not ECE-1 substrates (e.g., angiotensin II), or the recycling of the bradykinin B(2) receptor, which transiently interacts with beta-arrestins. We propose a mechanism by which endosomal ECE-1 degrades neuropeptides in endosomes to disrupt the peptide/receptor/beta-arrestin complex, freeing internalized receptors from beta-arrestins and promoting recycling and resensitization.