189 resultados para coupled chaotic oscillators
Reconstructions of salinity are used to diagnose changes in the hydrological cycle and ocean circulation. A widely used method of determining past salinity uses oxygen isotope (δOw) residuals after the extraction of the global ice volume and temperature components. This method relies on a constant relationship between δOw and salinity throughout time. Here we use the isotope-enabled fully coupled General Circulation Model (GCM) HadCM3 to test the application of spatially and time-independent relationships in the reconstruction of past ocean salinity. Simulations of the Late Holocene (LH), Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), and Last Interglacial (LIG) climates are performed and benchmarked against existing compilations of stable oxygen isotopes in carbonates (δOc), which primarily reflect δOw and temperature. We find that HadCM3 produces an accurate representation of the surface ocean δOc distribution for the LH and LGM. Our simulations show considerable variability in spatial and temporal δOw-salinity relationships. Spatial gradients are generally shallower but within ∼50% of the actual simulated LH to LGM and LH to LIG temporal gradients and temporal gradients calculated from multi-decadal variability are generally shallower than both spatial and actual simulated gradients. The largest sources of uncertainty in salinity reconstructions are found to be caused by changes in regional freshwater budgets, ocean circulation, and sea ice regimes. These can cause errors in salinity estimates exceeding 4 psu. Our results suggest that paleosalinity reconstructions in the South Atlantic, Indian and Tropical Pacific Oceans should be most robust, since these regions exhibit relatively constant δOw-salinity relationships across spatial and temporal scales. Largest uncertainties will affect North Atlantic and high latitude paleosalinity reconstructions. Finally, the results show that it is difficult to generate reliable salinity estimates for regions of dynamic oceanography, such as the North Atlantic, without additional constraints.
Human induced land-use change (LUC) alters the biogeophysical characteristics of the land surface influencing the surface energy balance. The level of atmospheric CO2 is expected to increase in the coming century and beyond, modifying temperature and precipitation patterns and altering the distribution and physiology of natural vegetation. It is important to constrain how CO2-induced climate and vegetation change may influence the regional extent to which LUC alters climate. This sensitivity study uses the HadCM3 coupled climate model under a range of equilibrium forcings to show that the impact of LUC declines under increasing atmospheric CO2, specifically in temperate and boreal regions. A surface energy balance analysis is used to diagnose how these changes occur. In Northern Hemisphere winter this pattern is attributed in part to the decline in winter snow cover and in the summer due to a reduction in latent cooling with higher levels of CO2. The CO2-induced change in natural vegetation distribution is also shown to play a significant role. Simulations run at elevated CO2 yet present day vegetation show a significantly increased sensitivity to LUC, driven in part by an increase in latent cooling. This study shows that modelling the impact of LUC needs to accurately simulate CO2 driven changes in precipitation and snowfall, and incorporate accurate, dynamic vegetation distribution.
Estrogens and thyroid hormones are regulators of important diverse physiological processes such as reproduction, thermogenesis, neural development, neural differentiation and cardiovascular functions. Both are ligands for receptors in the nuclear receptor superfamily, which act as ligand-dependent transcription factors, regulating transcription. However, estrogens and thyroid hormones also rapidly (within minutes or seconds) activate kinase cascades and calcium increases, presumably initiated at the cell membrane. We discuss the relevance of both modes of hormone action, including the membrane estrogen receptor, to physiology, with particular reference to lordosis behavior. We first showed that estrogen restricted to the membrane can, in fact, lead to subsequent increases in transcription from a consensus estrogen response element-based reporter in the neuroblastoma cell line, SK-N-BE(2)C. Using a novel hormonal paradigm, we also showed that the activation of protein kinase A, protein kinase C, mitogen activated protein kinase and increases in calcium were important in the ability of the membrane-limited estrogen to potentiate transcription. We discuss the source of calcium important in transcriptional potentiation. Since estrogens and thyroid hormones have common effects on neuroprotection, cognition and mood, we also hypothesized that crosstalk could occur between the rapid actions of thyroid hormones and the genomic actions of estrogens. In neural cells, we showed that triiodothyronine acting rapidly via MAPK can increase transcription by the nuclear estrogen receptor ERa from a consensus estrogen response element, possibly by the phosphorylation of the ERa. Novel mechanisms that link signals initiated by hormones from the membrane to the nucleus are physiologically relevant and can achieve neuroendocrine integration
The GPR30, a former orphan GPCR, is a putative membrane estrogen receptor that can activate rapid signaling pathways such as extracellular regulated kinase (ERK) in a variety of cells and may contribute to estrogen's effects in the central nervous system. The distribution of GPR30 in the limbic system predicts a role for this receptor in the regulation of learning and memory and anxiety by estrogens. Though acute G-1 treatment is reported to be anxiogenic in ovariectomised female mice and in gonadally intact male mice, the effect of GPR30 activation is unknown in gonadectomised male mice. In this study, we show that an acute administration of G-1 to gonadectomised male mice, but not female mice, was anxiolytic on an elevated plus maze task, without affecting locomotor activity. In addition, though G-1 treatment did not regulate ERK, it was associated with increased estrogen receptor (ER)alpha phosphorylation in the ventral, but not dorsal, hippocampus of males. In the female, G-1 increased the ERK activation solely in the dorsal hippocampus, independent of state anxiety. This is the first study to report an anxiolytic effect of GPR30 activation in male mice, in a rapid time frame that is commensurate with non-genomic signaling by estrogen.
In ovariectomized rats, administration of estradiol, or selective estrogen receptor agonists that activate either the alpha or beta isoforms, have been shown to enhance spatial cognition on a variety of learning and memory tasks, including those that capitalize on the preference of rats to seek out novelty. Although the effects of the putative estrogen G-protein-coupled receptor 30 (GPR30) on hippocampus-based tasks have been reported using food-motivated tasks, the effects of activation of GPR30 receptors on tasks that depend on the preference of rats to seek out spatial novelty remain to be determined. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to determine if short-term treatment of ovariectomized rats with G-1, an agonist for GPR30, would mimic the effects on spatial recognition memory observed following short-term estradiol treatment. In Experiment 1, ovariectomized rats treated with a low dose (1mug) of estradiol 48h and 24h prior to the information trial of a Y-maze task exhibited a preference for the arm associated with the novel environment on the retention trial conducted 48h later. In Experiment 2, treatment of ovariectomized rats with G-1 (25mug) 48h and 24h prior to the information trial of a Y-maze task resulted in a greater preference for the arm associated with the novel environment on the retention trial. Collectively, the results indicated that short-term treatment of ovariectomized rats with a GPR30 agonist was sufficient to enhance spatial recognition memory, an effect that also occurred following short-term treatment with a low dose of estradiol.
This paper describes the development and basic evaluation of decadal predictions produced using the HiGEM coupled climate model. HiGEM is a higher resolution version of the HadGEM1 Met Office Unified Model. The horizontal resolution in HiGEM has been increased to 1.25◦ × 0.83◦ in longitude and latitude for the atmosphere, and 1/3◦ × 1/3◦ globally for the ocean. The HiGEM decadal predictions are initialised using an anomaly assimilation scheme that relaxes anomalies of ocean temperature and salinity to observed anomalies. 10 year hindcasts are produced for 10 start dates (1960, 1965,..., 2000, 2005). To determine the relative contributions to prediction skill from initial conditions and external forcing, the HiGEM decadal predictions are compared to uninitialised HiGEM transient experiments. The HiGEM decadal predictions have substantial skill for predictions of annual mean surface air temperature and 100 m upper ocean temperature. For lead times up to 10 years, anomaly correlations (ACC) over large areas of the North Atlantic Ocean, the Western Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean exceed values of 0.6. Initialisation of the HiGEM decadal predictions significantly increases skill over regions of the Atlantic Ocean,the Maritime Continent and regions of the subtropical North and South Pacific Ocean. In particular, HiGEM produces skillful predictions of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre for up to 4 years lead time (with ACC > 0.7), which are significantly larger than the uninitialised HiGEM transient experiments.
We investigate how sea surface temperatures (SSTs) around Antarctica respond to the Southern An- nular Mode (SAM) on multiple timescales. To that end we examine the relationship between SAM and SST within unperturbed preindustrial control simulations of coupled general circulation models (GCMs) included in the Climate Modeling Intercomparison Project phase 5 (CMIP5). We develop a technique to extract the re- sponse of the Southern Ocean SST (55◦S−70◦S) to a hypothetical step increase in the SAM index. We demonstrate that in many GCMs, the expected SST step re- sponse function is nonmonotonic in time. Following a shift to a positive SAM anomaly, an initial cooling regime can transition into surface warming around Antarctica. However, there are large differences across the CMIP5 ensemble. In some models the step response function never changes sign and cooling persists, while in other GCMs the SST anomaly crosses over from negative to positive values only three years after a step increase in the SAM. This intermodel diversity can be related to differences in the models’ climatological thermal ocean stratification in the region of seasonal sea ice around Antarctica. Exploiting this relationship, we use obser- vational data for the time-mean meridional and vertical temperature gradients to constrain the real Southern Ocean response to SAM on fast and slow timescales.
Atmosphere only and ocean only variational data assimilation (DA) schemes are able to use window lengths that are optimal for the error growth rate, non-linearity and observation density of the respective systems. Typical window lengths are 6-12 hours for the atmosphere and 2-10 days for the ocean. However, in the implementation of coupled DA schemes it has been necessary to match the window length of the ocean to that of the atmosphere, which may potentially sacrifice the accuracy of the ocean analysis in order to provide a more balanced coupled state. This paper investigates how extending the window length in the presence of model error affects both the analysis of the coupled state and the initialized forecast when using coupled DA with differing degrees of coupling. Results are illustrated using an idealized single column model of the coupled atmosphere-ocean system. It is found that the analysis error from an uncoupled DA scheme can be smaller than that from a coupled analysis at the initial time, due to faster error growth in the coupled system. However, this does not necessarily lead to a more accurate forecast due to imbalances in the coupled state. Instead coupled DA is more able to update the initial state to reduce the impact of the model error on the accuracy of the forecast. The effect of model error is potentially most detrimental in the weakly coupled formulation due to the inconsistency between the coupled model used in the outer loop and uncoupled models used in the inner loop.
The impact of two different coupled cirrus microphysics-radiation parameterizations on the zonally averaged temperature and humidity biases in the tropical tropopause layer (TTL) of a Met Office climate model configuration is assessed. One parameterization is based on a linear coupling between a model prognostic variable, the ice mass mixing ratio, qi, and the integral optical properties. The second is based on the integral optical properties being parameterized as functions of qi and temperature, Tc, where the mass coefficients (i.e. scattering and extinction) are parameterized as nonlinear functions of the ratio between qi and Tc. The cirrus microphysics parameterization is based on a moment estimation parameterization of the particle size distribution (PSD), which relates the mass moment (i.e. second moment if mass is proportional to size raised to the power of 2 ) of the PSD to all other PSD moments through the magnitude of the second moment and Tc. This same microphysics PSD parameterization is applied to calculate the integral optical properties used in both radiation parameterizations and, thus, ensures PSD and mass consistency between the cirrus microphysics and radiation schemes. In this paper, the temperature-non-dependent and temperature-dependent parameterizations are shown to increase and decrease the zonally averaged temperature biases in the TTL by about 1 K, respectively. The temperature-dependent radiation parameterization is further demonstrated to have a positive impact on the specific humidity biases in the TTL, as well as decreasing the shortwave and longwave biases in the cloudy radiative effect. The temperature-dependent radiation parameterization is shown to be more consistent with TTL and global radiation observations.