197 resultados para Mercury (Roman diety)


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An anthology (comprising introduction, text, translation, and notes) of Britain's most ancient (surviving) poetry (Latin/Greek, with an English translation).


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The polychaete worm Nereis diversicolor engineers its environment by creating oxygenated burrows in anoxic intertidal sediments. The authors carried out a laboratory microcosm experiment to test the impact of polychaete burrowing and feeding activity on the lability and methylation of mercury in sediments from the Bay of Fundy, Canada. The concentration of labile inorganic mercury and methylmercury in burrow walls was elevated compared to worm-free sediments. Mucus secretions and organic detritus in worm burrows increased labile mercury concentrations. Worms decreased sulfide concentrations, which increased Hg bioavailability to sulfate-reducing bacteria and increased methylmercury concentrations in burrow linings. Because the walls of polychaete burrows have a greater interaction with organisms, and the overlying water, the concentrations of mercury and methylmercury they contain is more toxicologically relevant to the base of a coastal food web than bulk samples. The authors recommend that researchers examining Hg in marine environments account for sediment dwelling invertebrate activity to more fully assess mercury bioavailability.


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Polychaete worms are abundant in many mudflats but their importance to coastal food web Hg biomagnification is not known. We sampled sediments and polychaete worms from mudflats in the Bay of Fundy to investigate the bioaccumulation of mercury (Hg) and methylmercury (MeHg) in the coastal invertebrate food web. Hg concentrations in the sediments were low (<20 μg kg−1). Labile Hg (methanol/KOH sediment extraction) in surface sediments (0–1 cm) was positively correlated with Hg bioaccumulation by surface sediment-ingesting polychaetes but, surprisingly, there was a negative correlation between δ15N (i.e. trophic level) and THg bioaccumulation factors in polychaete worms. Worms feeding on deeper sediments contained the greatest MeHg concentrations (69.6 μg kg−1). Polychaetes are an important vector for Hg biomagnification to the coastal avian food web. This research demonstrates that feeding depth and method of feeding are more important than trophic position or sediment Hg concentrations for predicting Hg bioaccumulation.


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Uncertainties in projected ultraviolet (UV) radiation may lead to future increases in UV irradiation of freshwater lakes. Because dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is the main binding phase for mercury (Hg) in freshwater lakes, an increase in DOC photo-oxidation may affect Hg speciation and bioavailability. We quantified the effect of DOC concentration on the rate of abiotic DOC photo-oxidation for five lakes (DOC = 3.27–12.3 mg L−1) in Kejimkujik National Park, Canada. Samples were irradiated with UV-A or UV-B radiation over a 72-h period. UV-B radiation was found to be 2.36 times more efficient at photo-oxidizing DOC than UV-A, with energy-normalized rates of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) production ranging from 3.8 × 10−5 to 1.1 × 10−4 mg L−1 J−1 for UV-A, and from 6.0 × 10−5 to 3.1 × 10−4 mg L−1 J−1 for UV-B. Energy normalized rates of DIC production were positively correlated with DOC concentrations. Diffuse integrated attenuation coefficients were quantified in situ (UV-A Kd = 0.056–0.180 J cm−1; UV-B Kd = 0.015–0.165 J cm−1) and a quantitative depth-integrated model for yearly DIC photo-production in each lake was developed. The model predicts that, UV-A produces between 3.2 and 100 times more DIC (1521–2851 mg m−2 year−1) than UV-B radiation (29.17–746.7 mg m−2 year−1). Future increases in UV radiation may increase DIC production and increase Hg bioavailability in low DOC lakes to a greater extent than in high DOC lakes.


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Determining the internal layout of archaeological structures and their uses has always been challenging, particularly in timber-framed or earthen walled buildings where doorways and divisions are difficult to trace. In temperate conditions however, soil formation processes may hold the key to understanding how buildings were used. The abandoned Roman town of Silchester, UK, provides a perfect case study for testing a new approach combining experimental archaeology and micromorphology. The results show that this technique can resolve previously uncertain features of urban architecture such as the presence of a roof and the changes in internal organisation and use over time.


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We investigated the impact of managed retreat on mercury (Hg) biogeochemistry at a site subject to diffuse contamination with Hg. We collected sediment cores from an area of land behind a dyke one year before and one year after it was intentionally breached. These sediments were compared to those of an adjacent mudflat and a salt marsh. The concentration of total mercury (THg) in the sediment doubled after the dyke was breached due to the deposition of fresh sediment that had a smaller particle size, and higher pH. The concentration of methylmercury (MeHg) was 27% lower in the sediments after the dyke was breached. We conclude that coastal flooding during managed retreat of coastal flood defences at this site has not increased the risk of Hg methylation or bioavailability during the first year. As the sediment becomes vegetated, increased activity of Hg-methylating bacteria may accelerate Hg-methylation rate.


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The first large-scale archaeobotanical study in Britain, conducted from 1899 to 1909 by Clement Reid and Arthur Lyell at Silchester, provided the first evidence for the introduction of Roman plant foods to Britain, yet the findings have thus far remained unverified. This paper presents a reassessment of these archaeobotanical remains, now stored as part of the Silchester Collection in Reading Museum. The documentary evidence for the Silchester study is summarised, before the results are presented for over a 1000 plant remains including an assessment of preservation, identification and modern contamination. The dataset includes both evidence for the presence of nationally rare plant foods, such as medlar, and several archaeophytes. The methodologies and original interpretations of Reid and Lyell’s study are reassessed in light of current archaeobotanical knowledge. Spatial and contextual patterns in the distribution of plant foods and ornamental taxa are also explored. Finally, the legacy of the study for the development of archaeobotany in the 20th century is evaluated.


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This paper is concerned with the ways in which libraries – in this case public libraries in Rome and the Roman world – acted as points of connectivity and communication.


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Children represent the most vulnerable members of society, and as such provide valuable insight into past lifeways. Adverse environmental conditions translate more readily into the osteological record of children, making them primary evidence for the investigation of ill-health in the past. To date, most information on growing up in Roman Britain has been based on the Classical literature, or discussed in palaeopathological studies with a regional focus, e.g. Dorset or Durnovaria. Thus, the lifestyles and everyday realities of children throughout Britannia remained largely unknown. This study sets out to fill this gap by providing the first large scale analysis of Romano-British children from town and country. The palaeopathological analysis of 1643 non-adult (0-17 years) skeletons, compiled from the literature (N=690) and primary osteological analysis (N=953), from 27 urban and rural settlements has highlighted diverse patterns in non-adult mortality and morbidity. The distribution of ages-at-death suggest that older children and adolescents migrated from country to town, possibly for commencing their working lives. True prevalence rates suggest that caries (1.8%) and enamel hypoplasia (11.4%) were more common in children from major urban towns, whereas children in the countryside displayed higher frequencies of scurvy (6.9%), cribra orbitalia (27.7%), porotic hyperostosis (6.2%) and endocranial lesions (10.9%). Social inequality in late Roman Britain may have been the driving force behind these urban-rural dichotomies. The results may point to exploitation of the peasantry on the one hand, and higher status of the urban population as a more ‘Romanised’ group on the other. Comparison with Iron Age and post-medieval non-adults also demonstrated a decline in health in the Roman period, with some levels of ill-health, particularly in the rural children, similar to those from post-medieval London. This research provides the most comprehensive study of non-adult morbidity and mortality in Roman Britain to date. It has provided new insights into Romano-British lifeways and presents suggestions for further work.