21 resultados para psychological group formation


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At present, collective action regarding bio-security among UK cattle and sheep farmers is rare. Despite the occurrence of catastrophic livestock diseases such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and foot and mouth disease (FMD), within recent decades, there are few national or local farmer-led animal health schemes. To explore the reasons for this apparent lack of interest, we utilised a socio-psychological approach to disaggregate the cognitive, emotive and contextual factors driving bio-security behaviour among cattle and sheep farmers in the United Kingdom (UK). In total, we interviewed 121 farmers in South-West England and Wales. The main analytical tools included a content, cluster and logistic regression analysis. The results of the content analysis illustrated apparent 'dissonance' between bio-security attitudes and behaviour.(1) Despite the heavy toll animal disease has taken on the agricultural economy, most study participants were dismissive of the many measures associated with bio-security. Justification for this lack of interest was largely framed in relation to the collective attribution or blame for the disease threats themselves. Indeed, epidemic diseases were largely related to external actors and agents. Reasons for outbreaks included inadequate border control, in tandem with ineffective policies and regulations. Conversely, endemic livestock disease was viewed as a problem for 'bad' farmers and not an issue for those individuals who managed their stock well. As such, there was little utility in forming groups to address what was largely perceived as an individual problem. Further, we found that attitudes toward bio-security did not appear to be influenced by any particular source of information per se. While strong negative attitudes were found toward specific sources of bio-security information, e.g. government leaflets, these appear to simply reflect widely held beliefs. In relation to actual bio-security behaviours, the logistic regression analysis revealed no significant difference between in-scheme and out of scheme farmers. We concluded that in order to support collective action with regard to bio-security, messages need to be reframed and delivered from a neutral source. Efforts to support group formation must also recognise and address the issues relating to perceptions of social connectedness among the communities involved. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Understanding the causal mechanisms promoting group formation in carnivores has been widely investigated, particularly how fitness components affect group formation. Population density may affect the relative benefits of natal philopatry versus dispersal. Density effects on individual behavioral strategies have previously been studied through comparisons of different populations, where differences could be confounded by between-site effects. We used a single population of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in the city of Bristol, UK, that underwent a natural perturbation in density to compare key changes in 1) group structure, 2) within-group relatedness, 3) mating system, 4) dispersal, and 5) dominance attainment. At high densities (19.6-27.6 adults km(-2)), group sex ratios were equal and included related and unrelated individuals. At low densities (4.0-5.5 adults km(-2)), groups became female biased and were structured around philopatric females. However, levels of within-group relatedness were unchanged. The genetic mating patterns changed with no instances of multiple-paternity litters and a decline in the frequency of extrapair litters of cubs from <= 77% to <= 38%. However, the number of genetically monogynous groups did not differ between periods. Dispersal was male biased at both high and low densities. At high density, most dominant males in the study groups appeared to have gained dominance after dispersing, but natal philopatry was an equally successful strategy at low density; conversely, most dominant females were philopatric individuals at both high and low densities. These results illustrate how density may alter behavioral strategies such as mating patterns and how this, in turn, alters group structure in a single population.


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Reaction of [Cu(pic)2]·2H2O (where pic stands for 2-picolinato) with 2-({[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl]amino}methyl)phenol (HL1) produces the square-pyramidal complex [CuL1(pic)] (1), which crystallizes as a conglomerate (namely a mixture of optically pure crystals) in the Sohncke space group P212121. The use of the methylated ligand at the benzylic position, i.e. (±)-2-(1-{[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl]amino}ethyl)phenol (HL2), yields the analogous five-coordinate complex [CuL2(pic)] (2) that crystallizes as a true racemate (namely the crystals contain both enantiomers) in the centrosymmetric space group P21/c. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations indicate that the presence of the methyl group indeed leads to a distinct crystallization behaviour, not only by intramolecular steric effects, but also because its involvement in non-covalent C–H···π and hydrophobic intermolecular contacts appears to be an important factor contributing to the crystal-lattice (stabilizing) energy of 2


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The 3' untranslated regions (3'UTRs) of flaviviruses are reviewed and analyzed in relation to short sequences conserved as direct repeats (DRs). Previously, alignments of the 3'UTRs have been constructed for three of the four recognized flavivirus groups, namely mosquito-borne, tick-borne, and nonclassified flaviviruses (MBFV, TBFV, and NCFV, respectively). This revealed (1) six long repeat sequences (LRSs) in the 3'UTR and open-reading frame (ORF) of the TBFV, (2) duplication of the 3'UTR of the NCFV by intramolecular recombination, and (3) the possibility of a common origin for all DRs within the MBFV. We have now extended this analysis and review it in the context of all previous published analyses. This has been achieved by constructing a robust alignment between all flaviviruses using the published DRs and secondary RNA structures as "anchors" to reveal additional homologies along the 3'UTR. This approach identified nucleotide regions within the MBFV, NKV (no-known vector viruses), and NCFV 3'UTRs that are homologous to different LRSs in the TBFV 3'UTR and ORF. The analysis revealed that some of the DRs and secondary RNA structures described individually within each flavivirus group share common evolutionary origins. The 3'UTR of flaviviruses, and possibly the ORF, therefore probably evolved through multiple duplication of an RNA domain, homologous to the LRS previously identified only in the TBFV. The short DRs in all virus groups appear to represent the evolutionary remnants of these domains rather than resulting from new duplications. The relevance of these flavivirus DRs to evolution, diversity, 3'UTR enhancer function, and virus transmission is reviewed.


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A series of eight synthetic self-assembling terminally blocked tripeptides have been studied for gelation. Some of them form gels in various aromatic solvents including benzene, toluene, xylene, and chlorobenzene. It has been found that the protecting groups play an important role in the formation of organogels. It has been observed that, if the C-terminal has been changed from methyl ester to ethyl ester the gelation property does not change significantly (keeping the N-terminal protecting group same), while the change of the protecting group from ethyl ester to isopropyl ester completely abolishes the gelation property. Similarly, keeping the identical C-terminal protecting group (methyl ester) the results of the gelation study indicate that the substitution of N-terminal protection Boc-(tert-butyloxycarbonyl) to Cbz-(benzyloxycarbonyl) does change the gelation property insignificantly, while the change from Boc- to pivaloyl (Piv-) or acetyl (Ac-) group completely eliminates the gelation property. Morphological studies of the dried gels of two of the peptides indicate the presence of an entangled nano-fibrillar network that might be responsible for gelation. FTIR studies of the gels demonstrate that an intermolecular hydrogen bonding network is formed during gelation. Results of X-ray powder diffraction studies for these gelator peptides in different states (dried gels, gel, and bulk solids) reflected that the structure in the wet gel is distinctly different from the dried gel and solid state structures. Single crystal X-ray diffraction studies of a non-gelator peptide, which is structurally similar to the gelator molecules reveal that the peptide forms an antiparallel beta-sheet structure in crystals. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Three terminally protected tripeptides Boc-gamma-Abu-Val-Leu-OMe 1, Boc-gamma-Abu-Leu-Phe-OMe 2 and Boc-gamma-Abu-Val-Tyr-OMe 3 (gamma-Abu = gamma-aminobutyric acid) each containing an N-terminally positioned gamma-aminobutyric acid residue have been synthesized, purified and studied. FT-IR studies of all these peptides revealed that these peptides form intermolecularly hydrogen bonded supramolecular beta-sheet structures. Peptides 1, 2 and 3 adopt extended backbone beta-strand molecular structures in crystals. Crystal packing of all these peptides demonstrates that these beta-strand structures self-assemble to form intermolecularly H-bonded parallel beta-sheet structures. Peptide 3 uses a side chain tyrosyl -OH group as an additional hydrogen bonding functionality in addition to the backbone CONH groups to pack in crystals. Transmission electron microscopic studies of all peptides indicate that they self-assemble to form nanofibrillar structures of an average diameter of 65 nm. These peptide fibrils exhibit amyloid-like behavior as they bind to a physiological dye Congo red and show a characteristic green-gold birefringence under polarizing microscope.


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The aroma volatiles of four cultivars of muskmelon were examined using solid phase microextraction, followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The melons studied were Galia, from the reticulatus group, cantaloupe, from the cantaloupensis group, and honeydew and Piel de Sapo, from the inodorus group. Quantitative and qualitative differences existed between all four cultivars. Possible pathways for the formation of volatile compounds in melons are discussed.


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Objective: The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship between the characteristics of general practices and the perceptions of the psychological content of consultations by GPs in those practices. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted of all GPs (22 GPs based in nine practices) serving a discrete inner city community of 41 000 residents. GPs were asked to complete a log-diary over a period of five working days, rating their perception of the psychological content of each consultation on a 4-point Likert scale, ranging from 0 (no psychological content) to 3 (entirely psychological in content). The influence of GP and practice characteristics on psychological content scores was examined. Results: Data were available for every surgery-based consultation (n = 2206) conducted by all 22 participating GPs over the study period. The mean psychological content score was 0.58 (SD 0.33). Sixty-four percent of consultations were recorded as being without any psychological content; 6% were entirely psychological in content. Higher psychological content scores were significantly associated with younger GPs, training practices (n = 3), group practices (n = 4), the presence of on-site mental health workers (n = 5), higher antidepressant prescribing volumes and the achievement of vaccine and smear targets. Training status had the greatest predictive power, explaining 51% of the variation in psychological content. Neither practice consultation rates, GP list size, annual psychiatric referral rates nor volumes of benzodiazepine prescribing were related to psychological content scores. Conclusion: Increased awareness by GPs of the psychological dimension within a consultation may be a feature of the educational environment of training practices.


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The causes of pathological conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases are becoming better understood. Proteins that misfold from their native structure to form aggregates of β-sheet fibrils — termed amyloid — are known1,2 to be implicated in these ‘amyloid diseases’. Understanding the early steps of fibril formation is critical, and the conditions, mechanism and kinetics of protein and peptide aggregation are being widely investigated through a variety of in vitro studies. Kinetic aspects of the dispersion of the protein or peptide in solution are thought to influence the fibrillization process by mass-transfer effects. In addition, mixing also leads to shear forces, which can influence fibril growth by perturbing the equilibrium between the isolated and aggregated proteins, causing existing fibrils to fragment and create new nuclei3. Writing in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, David Talaga and co-workers have now highlighted4 an additional factor that can influence the fibrillization of amyloid-forming proteins — the presence of hydrophobic interfaces.


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The ligand 2,2'-[(E)-diazene-1,2-diyldicarbonothioyl]diphenol has been synthesised in situ by aerial oxidation of o-hydroxythiobenzhydrazide [H(htbh)] in presence of rhodium(III) in DMSO. Each ligand binds two RhO2+ ions through its N and S atoms and the O atom of its deprotonated hydroxy group. Each RhO2+ contains two cis-Rh = O bonds. The sixth coordination site of each rhodium(v) is occupied by the O of DMSO.


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Although pharmacogenetic research thrives,1 genetic determinants of response to purely psychotherapeutic treatments remain unexplored. In a sample of children undergoing cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) for an anxiety disorder, we tested whether treatment response is associated with the serotonin transporter gene promoter region (5HTTLPR), previously shown to moderate environmental influences on depression.


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An in vitro batch culture fermentation experiment was conducted with fecal inocula from three healthy volunteers in the presence and absence of a red wine extract. Changes in main bacterial groups were determined by FISH during a 48 h fermentation period. The catabolism of main flavonoids (i.e., flavan-3-ols and anthocyanins) and the formation of a wide a range of phenolic microbial metabolites were determined by a targeted UPLC-PAD-ESI-TQ MS method. Statistical analysis revealed that catechol/pyrocatechol, as well as 4-hydroxy-5-(phenyl)-valeric, 3- and 4-hydroxyphenylacetic, phenylacetic, phenylpropionic, and benzoic acids, showed the greatest increases in concentration during fermentation, whereas 5-(3′-hydroxyphenyl)-γ-valerolactone, its open form 4-hydroxy-5-(3′-hydroxyphenyl)-valeric acid, and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid represented the largest interindividual variations in the catabolism of red wine polyphenols. Despite these changes, microbial catabolism did not produce significant changes in the main bacterial groups detected, although a slight inhibition of the Clostridium histolyticum group was observed.


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The paper analyses the emergence of group-specific attitudes and beliefs about tax compliance when individuals interact in a social network. It develops a model in which taxpayers possess a range of individual characteristics – including attitude to risk, potential for success in self-employment, and the weight attached to the social custom for honesty – and make an occupational choice based on these characteristics. Occupations differ in the possibility for evading tax. The social network determines which taxpayers are linked, and information about auditing and compliance is transmitted at meetings between linked taxpayers. Using agent-based simulations, the analysis demonstrates how attitudes and beliefs endogenously emerge that differ across sub-groups of the population. Compliance behaviour is different across occupational groups, and this is reinforced by the development of group-specific attitudes and beliefs. Taxpayers self-select into occupations according to the degree of risk aversion, the subjective probability of audit is sustained above the objective probability, and the weight attached to the social custom differs across occupations. These factors combine to lead to compliance levels that differ across occupations.


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Background Major depressive disorders (MDD) are a debilitating and pervasive group of mental illnesses afflicting many millions of people resulting in the loss of 110 million working days and more than 2,500 suicides per annum. Adolescent MDD patients attending NHS clinics show high rates of recurrence into adult life. A meta-analysis of recent research shows that psychological treatments are not as efficacious as previously thought. Modest treatment outcomes of approximately 65% of cases responding suggest that aetiological and clinical heterogeneity may hamper the better use of existing therapies and discovery of more effective treatments. Information with respect to optimal treatment choice for individuals is lacking, with no validated biomarkers to aid therapeutic decision-making. Methods/Design Magnetic resonance-Improving Mood with Psychoanalytic and Cognitive Therapies, the MR-IMPACT study, plans to identify brain regions implicated in the pathophysiology of depressions and examine whether there are specific behavioural or neural markers predicting remission and/or subsequent relapse in a subsample of depressed adolescents recruited to the IMPACT randomised controlled trial (Registration # ISRCTN83033550). Discussion MR-IMPACT is an investigative biomarker component of the IMPACT pragmatic effectiveness trial. The aim of this investigation is to identify neural markers and regional indicators of the pathophysiology of and treatment response for MDD in adolescents. We anticipate that these data may enable more targeted treatment delivery by identifying those patients who may be optimal candidates for therapeutic response.


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This work presents a model study for the formation of a dimeric dioxomolybdenum(VI) complex [MoO2L]2, generated by simultaneous satisfaction of acceptor and donor character existing in the corresponding monomeric Mo(VI) complex MoO2L. This mononuclear complex is specially designed to contain a coordinatively unsaturated Mo(VI) acceptor centre and a free donor group, (e.g. –NH2 group) strategically placed in the ligand skeleton [H2L = 2-hydroxyacetophenonehydrazone of 2-aminobenzoylhydrazine]. Apart from the dimer [MoO2L]2, complexes of the type MoO2L·B (where B = CH3OH, γ-picoline and imidazole) are also reported. All the complexes are characterized by elemental analysis, spectroscopic (UV–Vis, IR, 1H NMR) techniques and cyclic voltammetry. Single crystal X-ray structures of [MoO2L]2 (1), MoO2L·CH3OH (2), and MoO2L.(γ-pic) (3) have been determined and discussed. DFT calculation on these complexes corroborates experimental data and provides clue for the facile formation of this type of dimer not reported previously. The process of dimer formation may also be viewed as an interaction between two molecules of a specially designed complex acting as a monodentate ligand. This work is expected to open up a new field of design and synthesis of dimeric complexes through the process of symbiotic donor–acceptor (acid–base) interaction between two molecules of a specially designed monomer.