28 resultados para organic vapor phase epitaxy


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Following on from the companion study (Johnson et al., 2006), a photochemical trajectory model (PTM) has been used to simulate the chemical composition of organic aerosol for selected events during the 2003 TORCH (Tropospheric Organic Chemistry Experiment) field campaign. The PTM incorporates the speciated emissions of 124 nonmethane anthropogenic volatile organic compounds (VOC) and three representative biogenic VOC, a highly-detailed representation of the atmospheric degradation of these VOC, the emission of primary organic aerosol (POA) material and the formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) material. SOA formation was represented by the transfer of semi and non-volatile oxidation products from the gas-phase to a condensed organic aerosol-phase, according to estimated thermodynamic equilibrium phase-partitioning characteristics for around 2000 reaction products. After significantly scaling all phase-partitioning coefficients, and assuming a persistent background organic aerosol (both required in order to match the observed organic aerosol loadings), the detailed chemical composition of the simulated SOA has been investigated in terms of intermediate oxygenated species in the Master Chemical Mechanism, version 3.1 ( MCM v3.1). For the various case studies considered, 90% of the simulated SOA mass comprises between ca. 70 and 100 multifunctional oxygenated species derived, in varying amounts, from the photooxidation of VOC of anthropogenic and biogenic origin. The anthropogenic contribution is dominated by aromatic hydrocarbons and the biogenic contribution by alpha-and beta-pinene (which also constitute surrogates for other emitted monoterpene species). Sensitivity in the simulated mass of SOA to changes in the emission rates of anthropogenic and biogenic VOC has also been investigated for 11 case study events, and the results have been compared to the detailed chemical composition data. The role of accretion chemistry in SOA formation, and its implications for the results of the present investigation, is discussed.


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A new approach of employing metal particles in micelles for the hydrogenation of organic molecules in the presence of fluorinated surfactant and water in supercritical carbon dioxide has very recently been introduced. This is allegedly to deliver many advantages for carrying out catalysis including the use of supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO(2)) as a greener solvent. Following this preliminary account, the present work aims to provide direct visual evidence on the formation of metal microemulsions and to investigate whether metal located in the soft micellar assemblies could affect reaction selectivity. Synthesis of Pd nanoparticles in perfluorohydrocarboxylate anionic micelles in scCO(2) is therefore carried out in a stainless steel batch reactor at 40 degreesC and in a 150 bar CO2/H-2 mixture. Homogeneous dispersion of the microemulsion containing Pd nanoparticles in scCO(2) is observed through a sapphire window reactor at W-0 ratios (molar water-to-surfactant ratios) ranging from 2 to 30. It is also evidenced that the use of micelle assemblies as new metal catalyst nanocarriers could indeed exert a great influence on product selectivity. The hydrogenation of a citral molecule that contains three reducible groups (aldehyde, double bonds at the 2,3-position and the 6,7-position) is studied. An unusually high selectivity toward citronellal (a high regioselectivity toward the reduction of the 2,3-unsaturation) is observed in supercritical carbon dioxide. On the other hand, when the catalysis is carried out in the conventional liquid or vapor phase over the same reaction time, total hydrogenation of the two double bonds is achieved. It is thought that the high kinetic reluctance for double bond hydrogenation of the citral molecule at the hydrophobic end (the 6,7-position) is due to the unique micelle environment that is in close proximity to the metal surface in supercritical carbon dioxide that guides a head-on attack of the molecule toward the core metal particle.


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Reactions in (molecular) organic crystalline solids have been shown to be important for exerting control that is unattainable over chemical transformations in solution. Such control has also been achieved for reactions within metal– organic cages. In these examples, the reactants are already in place within the crystals following the original crystal growth. The post-synthetic modification of metal–organic frameworks (MOFs and indeed reactions and catalysis within MOFs have been recently demonstrated; in these cases the reactants enter the crystals through permanent channels. Another growing area of interest within molecular solid-state chemistry is synthesis by mechanical co-grinding of solid reactants—often referred to as mechanochemistry. Finally, in a small number of reported examples, molecules also have been shown to enter nonporous crystals directly from the gas or vapor phase, but in only a few of these examples does a change in covalent bonding result, which indicates that a reaction occurs within the nonporous crystals. It is this latter type of highly uncommon reaction that is the focus of the present study.


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The gas-phase reactions of ozone with unsaturated hydrocarbons are significant sources of free radical species (including (OH)-O-center dot) and particulate material in the Earth's atmosphere. In this tutorial review, the kinetics, products and mechanisms of these reactions are examined, starting with a discussion of the original mechanism proposed by Criegee and following with a summary presentation of the complex, free radical-mediated reactions of carbonyl oxide (Criegee) intermediates. The contribution of ozone-terpene reactions to the atmospheric burden of secondary organic aerosol material is also discussed from the viewpoint of the formation of non-volatile organic acid products from the complex chemistry of ozone with alpha-pinene. Throughout the article, currently accepted understanding is supported through the presentation of key experimental results, and areas of persistent or new uncertainty are highlighted.


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The mechanism of formation of pinonic and norpinonic acids from alpha-pinene ozonolysis has been investigated by studying the products of the ozonolysis of an enone derived from alpha-pinene using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry.


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Gas-phase ozonolysis of terpinolene was studied in static chamber experiments using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometric and flame ionisation detection to separate and detect products. Two isomers of C-7-diacids and three isomers of C-7-aldehydic acids were identified in the condensed phase after derivatisation. Possible mechanisms of formation of these acids were investigated using different OH radical scavengers and relative humidities, and were compared to those reported earlier for the ozonolysis of beta-pinene. In addition, branching ratios for some of the individual reaction steps, e. g. the branching ratio between the two hydroperoxide channels of the C-7-CI, were deduced from the quantitative product yield data. Branching ratios for POZ decomposition and the stabilisation/decomposition of the C-7-CI were also obtained from measurements of the C-7 primary carbonyl product.


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This paper describes experimental studies aimed at elucidating mechanisms for the formation of low-volatility organic acids in the gas-phase ozonolysis of 3-carene. Experiments were carried out in a static chamber under 'OH-free' conditions. A range of multifunctional acids-which are analogous to those observed from alpha-pinene ozonolysis-were identified in the condensed phase using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry after derivation. Product yields were determined as a function of different OH radical scavengers and relative humidities to give mechanistic information about their routes of formation. Furthermore, an enone and an enal derived from 3-carene were ozonised in order to probe the early mechanistic steps in the reaction and, in particular, which of the two initially formed Criegee intermediates gives rise to which products. Branching ratios for the formation of the two Criegee Intermediates are determined. Similarities and differences in product formation from 3-carene and alpha-pinene ozonolysis are discussed and possible mechanisms-supported by experimental evidence-are developed for all acids investigated.


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Gas-phase ozonolysis of alpha-pinene was studied in static chamber experiments under 'OH-free' conditions. A range of multifunctional products-in particular low-volatility carboxylic acids-were identified in the condensed phase using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry after derivatisation. The dependence of product yields on reaction conditions (humidity, choice of OH radical scavengers, added Criegee intermediate scavengers, NO2 etc.) was investigated to probe the mechanisms of formation of these products; additional information was obtained by studying the ozonolysis of an enal and an enone derived from alpha-pinene. On the basis of experimental findings, previously suggested mechanisms were evaluated and detailed gas-phase mechanisms were developed to explain the observed product formation. Atmospheric implications of this work are discussed.


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A soil (sandy loam) column leaching study aimed to determine the extent of mobility and co-mobility of Cu, Ni, Zn and dissolved organic matter (DOM) released from a surface-application (equivalent to 50 t ds ha(-1)) of anaerobically-digested sewage sludge. Leaching of DOM through It the soil column was found to be almost un-retarded. Decidedly similar behaviour was exhibited by Ni suggesting that it migrated as organic complexes. Whilst Cu was also found to be leached, significant retardation was evident. However, the importance of DOM in promoting the mobility of both Cu and Ni was evidenced by their lack of mobility when added to the soil column as inorganic forms. The presence of DOM did not prevent Zn from becoming completely adsorbed by the soil solid phase. In relation to WHO drinking water guidelines, only Ni concentrations showed potential environmental significance. due to the relatively poor retention of Ni by the sludge solid phase. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The complexation of Cu by sewage sludge-derived dissolved organic matter (SSDOM) is a process by which the environmental significance of the element may become enhanced due to reduced soil sorption and, hence, increased mobility. The work described in this paper used an ion selective electrode procedure to show that SSDOM complexation of Cu was greatest at intermediate pH values because competition between hydrogen ions and Cu for SSDOM binding sites, and between hydroxyl ions and SSDOM as Cu ligands, was lowest at such values. Batch sorption experiments further showed that the process of Cu complexation by SSDOM provided an explanation for enhanced desorption of Cu from the solid phase of a contaminated, organic matter-rich, clay loam soil, and reduced adsorption of Cu onto the solid phase of a sandy loam soil. Complexation of Cu by SSDOM did not affect uptake of Cu by spring barley plants, when compared to free ionic Cu, in a sand-culture pot experiment. However, it did appear to lead to greater biomass yields of the plant; perhaps indicating that the Cu-SSDOM complex had a lower toxicity towards the plant than the free Cu ion.


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This article investigates the temporal and spatial controls on sediment-phosphorus (P) dynamics in two contrasting sub-catchments of the River Kennet, England. Suspended sediment (collected under representative flow conditions) and size-fractionated bedload (collected weekly for one year) from the Rivers Lambourn and Enborne was analysed for a range of physico-chemical determinands. Total P concentrations were highest in the most mobile fractions of sediment: suspended sediment, fine silt and clay and organic matter (mean concentrations of 1758, 1548 and 1440 mug P g(-1) dry sediment, respectively). Correlation analysis showed significant relationships between total P and total iron (n = 110), total manganese (n = 110), organic matter (n = 110) and specific surface area (n = 28) in the Lambourn (r(2) 0.71, 0.68, 0.62 and 0.52, respectively) and between total P and total iron (n = 110), total manganese (n = 110) and organic matter (n = 110) in the Enborne (r(2) 0.74, 0.85 and 0.68, respectively). These data highlight the importance of metal oxyhydroxide adsorption of P on fine particulates and organic matter. However, high total P concentrations in the granule gravel and coarse sand size fraction during the summer period (mean concentration 228 mug P g(-1) dry sediment) also highlight the role of calcite co-precipitation on P dynamics in the Lambourn. P to cation ratios in Lambourn sediment indicated that fine silt and clay and granule gravel and coarse sand size fractions were potential sources of P release to the water column during specific periods of the summer and autumn. In the Enborne, however, only the granule gravel and coarse sand size fraction had high ratios and a slow, constant release of P was observed. In addition, scanning electron microscopy work confirmed the association of P with calcite in the Lambourn and P with iron on clay particles in the Enborne. The study highlighted the importance of the chemical and physical properties of the sediment in influencing the mechanisms controlling P storage and release within river channels. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Commentary on: 'Rates of pyrolysis and bond energies of substituted organic iodides' (Part 1), E.T. Butler and M. Polanyi, Trans Faraday Society, 1943, 39, 19.


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The temperature dependent mixing of organic and fluorous phases is one of the key principals of fluorous biphasic systems (FBS). Given the high cost of the perfluorous solvents and their impacts to the environment, it is apparent that elimination of these solvents in bulk quantity in the FBS is advantageous. We report for the first time, the surface coverage of silica with a fluorous solvent like material that traps (at ambient temperatures) and releases (at elevated temperatures) a fluorous tin bromide in organic solvent. Here, we demonstrate the catalytic utilisation of this species for the hydrocyclisation of 6-bromo-1-hexene with NaBH4. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The formation and composition of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) from the photooxidation of benzene, p-xylene, and 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene has been simulated using the Master Chemical Mechanism version 3.1 (MCM v3.1) coupled to a representation of the transfer of organic material from the gas to particle phase. The combined mechanism was tested against data obtained from a series of experiments conducted at the European Photoreactor (EUPHORE) outdoor smog chamber in Valencia, Spain. Simulated aerosol mass concentrations compared reasonably well with the measured SOA data only after absorptive partitioning coefficients were increased by a factor of between 5 and 30. The requirement of such scaling was interpreted in terms of the occurrence of unaccounted-for association reactions in the condensed organic phase leading to the production of relatively more nonvolatile species. Comparisons were made between the relative aerosol forming efficiencies of benzene, toluene, p-xylene, and 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, and differences in the OH-initiated degradation mechanisms of these aromatic hydrocarbons. A strong, nonlinear relationship was observed between measured (reference) yields of SOA and (proportional) yields of unsaturated dicarbonyl aldehyde species resulting from ring-fragmenting pathways. This observation, and the results of the simulations, is strongly suggestive of the involvement of reactive aldehyde species in association reactions occurring in the aerosol phase, thus promoting SOA formation and growth. The effect of NO, concentrations on SOA formation efficiencies (and formation mechanisms) is discussed.


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The results of an experimental study into the oxidative degradation of proxies for atmospheric aerosol are presented. We demonstrate that the laser Raman tweezers method can be used successfully to obtain uptake coeffcients for gaseous oxidants on individual aqueous and organic droplets, whilst the size and composition of the droplets is simultaneously followed. A laser tweezers system was used to trap individual droplets containing an unsaturated organic compound in either an aqueous or organic ( alkane) solvent. The droplet was exposed to gas- phase ozone and the reaction kinetics and products followed using Raman spectroscopy. The reactions of three different organic compounds with ozone were studied: fumarate anions, benzoate anions and alpha pinene. The fumarate and benzoate anions in aqueous solution were used to represent components of humic- like substances, HULIS; a alpha- pinene in an alkane solvent was studied as a proxy for biogenic aerosol. The kinetic analysis shows that for these systems the diffusive transport and mass accommodation of ozone is relatively fast, and that liquid- phase di. ffusion and reaction are the rate determining steps. Uptake coe. ffcients, g, were found to be ( 1.1 +/- 0.7) x 10(-5), ( 1.5 +/- 0.7) x 10 (-5) and ( 3.0 - 7.5) x 10 (-3) for the reactions of ozone with the fumarate, benzoate and a- pinene containing droplets, respectively. Liquid- phase bimolecular rate coe. cients for reactions of dissolved ozone molecules with fumarate, benzoate and a- pinene were also obtained: k(fumarate) = ( 2.7 +/- 2) x 10 (5), k(benzoate) = ( 3.5 +/- 3) x 10 (5) and k(alpha-pinene) = ( 1-3) x 10(7) dm(3) mol (-1) s (- 1). The droplet size was found to remain stable over the course of the oxidation process for the HULIS- proxies and for the oxidation of a- pinene in pentadecane. The study of the alpha- pinene/ ozone system is the first using organic seed particles to show that the hygroscopicity of the particle does not increase dramatically over the course of the oxidation. No products were detected by Raman spectroscopy for the reaction of benzoate ions with ozone. One product peak, consistent with aqueous carbonate anions, was observed when following the oxidation of fumarate ions by ozone. Product peaks observed in the reaction of ozone with alpha- pinene suggest the formation of new species containing carbonyl groups.