32 resultados para TERMINATION


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In this study, the mechanisms leading to the El Nino peak and demise are explored through a coupled general circulation model ensemble approach evaluated against observations. The results here suggest that the timing of the peak and demise for intense El Nino events is highly predictable as the evolution of the coupled system is strongly driven by a southward shift of the intense equatorial Pacific westerly anomalies during boreal winter. In fact, this systematic late-year shift drives an intense eastern Pacific thermocline shallowing, constraining a rapid El Nino demise in the following months. This wind shift results from a southward displacement in winter of the central Pacific warmest SSTs in response to the seasonal evolution of solar insolation. In contrast, the intensity of this seasonal feedback mechanism and its impact on the coupled system are significantly weaker in moderate El Nino events, resulting in a less pronounced thermocline shallowing. This shallowing transfers the coupled system into an unstable state in spring but is not sufficient to systematically constrain the equatorial Pacific evolution toward a rapid El Nino termination. However, for some moderate events, the occurrence of intense easterly wind anomalies in the eastern Pacific during that period initiate a rapid surge of cold SSTs leading to La Nina conditions. In other cases, weaker trade winds combined with a slightly deeper thermocline allow the coupled system to maintain a broad warm phase evolving through the entire spring and summer and a delayed El Nino demise, an evolution that is similar to the prolonged 1986/87 El Nino event. La Nina events also show a similar tendency to peak in boreal winter, with characteristics and mechanisms mainly symmetric to those described for moderate El Nino cases.


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The record of deposition of tephras in Europe and the North Atlantic during the period 18.5–8.0 14C ka BP (the Last Termination and Early Holocene) is reviewed. Altogether, 34 tephras originating from four main volcanic provinces (Iceland, the Eifel district, the Massif Central and Italy) have been identified so far in geological sequences spanning this time–interval. Most of the records have been based, until very recently, on observations of visible layers of tephras. Here, we report on the potential for extending the areas over which some of the tephras can be traced by the search for layers of micro–tephra, which are not visible to the naked eye, and on the use of geochemical methods to correlate them with known tephra horizons. This approach has greatly extended the area in Northern Europe over which the Vedde Ash can be traced. The same potential exists in southern Europe, which is demonstrated for the first time by the discovery of a distinct layer of micro–tephra of the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff in a site in the Northern Apennines in Italy, far to the north of the occurrences of visible records of this tephra. The paper closes by considering the potential for developing a robust European tephrostratigraphy to underpin the chronology of records of the Last Termination and Early Holocene, thereby promoting a better understanding of the nature, timing and environmental effects of the abrupt climatic changes that characterized this period.


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The degree to which palaeoclimatic changes in the Southern Hemisphere co-varied with events in the high latitude Northern Hemisphere during the Last Termination is a contentious issue, with conflicting evidence for the degree of ‘teleconnection’ between different regions of the Southern Hemisphere. The available hypotheses are difficult to test robustly, however, because there are few detailed palaeoclimatic records in the Southern Hemisphere. Here we present climatic reconstructions from the southwestern Pacific, a key region in the Southern Hemisphere because of the potentially important role it plays in global climate change. The reconstructions for the period 20–10 kyr BP were obtained from five sites along a transect from southern New Zealand, through Australia to Indonesia, supported by 125 calibrated 14C ages. Two periods of significant climatic change can be identified across the region at around 17 and 14.2 cal kyr BP, most probably associated with the onset of warming in the West Pacific Warm Pool and the collapse of Antarctic ice during Meltwater Pulse-1A, respectively. The severe geochronological constraints that inherently afflict age models based on radiocarbon dating and the lack of quantified climatic parameters make more detailed interpretations problematic, however. There is an urgent need to address the geochronological limitations, and to develop more precise and quantified estimates of the pronounced climate variations that clearly affected this region during the Last Termination.


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During the last termination (from ~18 000 years ago to ~9000 years ago), the climate significantly warmed and the ice sheets melted. Simultaneously, atmospheric CO2 increased from ~190 ppm to ~260 ppm. Although this CO2 rise plays an important role in the deglacial warming, the reasons for its evolution are difficult to explain. Only box models have been used to run transient simulations of this carbon cycle transition, but by forcing the model with data constrained scenarios of the evolution of temperature, sea level, sea ice, NADW formation, Southern Ocean vertical mixing and biological carbon pump. More complex models (including GCMs) have investigated some of these mechanisms but they have only been used to try and explain LGM versus present day steady-state climates. In this study we use a coupled climate-carbon model of intermediate complexity to explore the role of three oceanic processes in transient simulations: the sinking of brines, stratification-dependent diffusion and iron fertilization. Carbonate compensation is accounted for in these simulations. We show that neither iron fertilization nor the sinking of brines alone can account for the evolution of CO2, and that only the combination of the sinking of brines and interactive diffusion can simultaneously simulate the increase in deep Southern Ocean δ13C. The scenario that agrees best with the data takes into account all mechanisms and favours a rapid cessation of the sinking of brines around 18 000 years ago, when the Antarctic ice sheet extent was at its maximum. In this scenario, we make the hypothesis that sea ice formation was then shifted to the open ocean where the salty water is quickly mixed with fresher water, which prevents deep sinking of salty water and therefore breaks down the deep stratification and releases carbon from the abyss. Based on this scenario, it is possible to simulate both the amplitude and timing of the long-term CO2 increase during the last termination in agreement with ice core data. The atmospheric δ13C appears to be highly sensitive to changes in the terrestrial biosphere, underlining the need to better constrain the vegetation evolution during the termination.


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Centennial-scale records of sea-surface temperature and opal composition spanning the Last Glacial Maximum and Termination 1 (circa 25–6 ka) are presented here from Guaymas Basin in the Gulf of California. Through the application of two organic geochemistry proxies, the U37K′ index and the TEX86H index, we present evidence for rapid, stepped changes in temperatures during deglaciation. These occur in both temperature proxies at 13 ka (∼3°C increase in 270 years), 10.0 ka (∼2°C decrease over ∼250 years) and at 8.2 ka (3°C increase in <200 years). An additional rapid warming step is also observed in TEX86H at 11.5 ka. In comparing the two temperature proxies and opal content, we consider the potential for upwelling intensity to be recorded and link this millennial-scale variability to shifting Intertropical Convergence Zone position and variations in the strength of the Subtropical High. The onset of the deglacial warming from 17 to 18 ka is comparable to a “southern hemisphere” signal, although the opal record mimics the ice-rafting events of the north Atlantic (Heinrich events). Neither the modern seasonal cycle nor El Niño/Southern Oscillation patterns provide valid analogues for the trends we observe in comparison with other regional records. Fully coupled climate model simulations confirm this result, and in combination we question whether the seasonal or interannual climate variations of the modern climate are valid analogues for the glacial and deglacial tropical Pacific.


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The surface termination of CePt5/Pt(111) is determined experimentally by LEED-IV. In accordance with recent theoretical predictions, a dense Pt terminated surface is being found. Whereas the CePt5 volume lattice comprises Pt kagome layers, additional Pt atoms occupy the associated hole positions at the surface. This finding provides a natural explanation for the remarkable inertness of the CePt5 intermetallic. Implications of the structural relaxations determined by LEED-IV analysis are discussed with regard to observations by scanning tunneling microscopy and electron spectroscopies.


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The eukaryotic nucleolus is multifunctional and involved in the metabolism and assembly of many different RNAs and ribonucleoprotein particles as well as in cellular functions, such as cell division and transcriptional silencing in plants. We previously showed that Arabidopsis thaliana exon junction complex proteins associate with the nucleolus, suggesting a role for the nucleolus in mRNA production. Here, we report that the plant nucleolus contains mRNAs, including fully spliced, aberrantly spliced, and single exon gene transcripts. Aberrant mRNAs are much more abundant in nucleolar fractions, while fully spliced products are more abundant in nucleoplasmic fractions. The majority of the aberrant transcripts contain premature termination codons and have characteristics of nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) substrates. A direct link between NMD and the nucleolus is shown by increased levels of the same aberrant transcripts in both the nucleolus and in Up-frameshift (upf) mutants impaired in NMD. In addition, the NMD factors UPF3 and UPF2 localize to the nucleolus, suggesting that the Arabidopsis nucleolus is therefore involved in identifying aberrant mRNAs and NMD.


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There is growing evidence that the interocean exchange south of Africa is an important link in the global overturning circulation of the ocean, the so‐called ocean conveyer belt. At this location, warm and salty Indian Ocean waters enter the South Atlantic and are pulled by currents that eventually reach the North Atlantic, where water cools and sinks. A major contributor to the exchange is the frequent shedding of ring eddies from the termination of the Agulhas Current south of the tip of Africa. This shedding is controlled by developments far upstream in the Indian Ocean, and variations in this ‘Agulhas Leakage’ can lead to changes in the rate and stability of the Atlantic overturning, with possible associated global climate variations [Weijer et al., 1999]. Regional climate variations in the tropical and subtropical Indian Ocean are known to affect the whole system of the Agulhas Current, including the interocean exchanges. This article reports on some of the seminal results of ongoing multinational, multidisciplinary projects that explore these issues.


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Floral meristems are generally determinate. Termination of their activity varies with species, occurring after carpel or ovule development, depending on the placentation type. In terminal flowering Impatiens balsamina (cv. Dwarf Bush Flowered) some flowers exhibit meristem indeterminacy; they produce organs from the placenta after ovule development. Here we provide a detailed description of gynoecium development in this line and explore the basis of the indeterminate nature of some of its floral meristems. We find that the placenta is sometimes established without complete carpel fusion. Proliferative growth derives from meristematic remnants of the placenta and is more common in the terminal inflorescence. RNA in situ hybridization reveals that IbLFY (Impatiens LFY homologue) is expressed in all meristem states, even in proliferating meristems. Expression of IbAG in axillary flowers is as expected in the meristem, stamens and carpels but absent from the proliferating meristem. We conclude that I. balsamina has cauline placentation. Incomplete suppression of inflorescence identity in flowers of the terminal inflorescence leads to floral meristem proliferation after ovule development in this species.


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Expression of the murine leukaemia virus (MLV) major Gag antigen p65(Gag) using the baculovirus expression system leads to efficient assembly and release of virus-like particles (VLP) representative of immature MLV. Expression of P180(Gag-Pol), facilitated normally in mammalian cells by readthrough of the p65(Gag) termination codon, also occurs efficiently in insect cells to provide a source of the MLV protease and a pattern of p65(Gag) processing similar to that observed in mammalian cells. VLP release from P180(Gag-Pol) expressing cells however remains essentially immature with disproportionate levels of the uncleaved p65(Gag) precursor when compared to the intracellular Gag profile. Changing the p65(Gag) termination codon altered the level of p65(Gag) and p180(Gag-Pol) within expressing cells but did not alter the pattern of released VLP, which remained immature. Coexpression of p65(Gag) with a fixed readthrough p180(Gag-Pol) also led to only immature VLP release despite high intracellular protease levels. Our data suggest a mechanism that preferentially selects uncleaved p65(Gag) for the assembly of MLV in this heterologous expression system and implies that, in addition to their relative levels, active sorting of the correct p65(Gag) and p180(Gag-Pol) ratios may occur in producer cells. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Here we describe results which teach us much about the mechanism of the reduction and oxidation of TiO2(110) by the application of scanning tunnelling microscopy imaging at high temperatures. Titania reduces at high temperature by thermal oxygen loss to leave localized (i.e. Ti3+) and delocalized electrons on the lattice Ti, and a reduced titania interstitial that diffuses into the bulk of the crystal. The interstitial titania can be recalled to the surface by treatment in very low pressures of oxygen, occurring at a significant rate even at 573 K. This re-oxidation occurs by re-growth of titania layers in a Volmer-Weber manner, by a repeating sequence in which in-growth of extra titania within the cross-linked (1 x 2) structure completes the (1 x 1) bulk termination. The next layer then initiates with the nucleation of points and strings which extend to form islands of cross-linked (1 x 2), which once again grow and fill in to reform the (1 x 1). This process continues in a cyclical manner to form many new layers of well-ordered titania. The details of the mechanism and kinetics of the process are considered.


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The surface structure of BaO(111) has been determined using STM and computer modelling. The BaO(111) surface was prepared in thin film form on Pt(111) and presents a surface with twice the lattice parameter expected for that of the bulk termination, i.e. a (2 x 2) reconstruction. Computer modelling indicates that the bulk termination is unstable, but that the (2 x 2) reconstructed BaO(111) surface has a low surface energy and is hence a stable surface reconstruction. The (2 x 2) reconstruction consists of small, three-sided pyramids with (100) oriented sides and either oxygen or barium ions at the apices. Less regular surface reconstructions containing the same pyramids are almost equally stable, indicating that we may also expect less regular regions to appear with a fairly random distribution of these surface species. The simulations further suggest that a regular (4 x 4) reconstruction built up of bigger pyramids is even more energetically favourable, and some evidence is found for such a structure in the STM. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Previously the authors have presented both theoretical and experimental work discussing the operating mechanism of a wire rope held in a tapered socket by means of a cast resin cone. The work reported here extends the investigation to address the question of whether the same socket fabricated with white metal operates in the same manner. To date, previous investigations have compared the operational efficiency of resin and white metal in terms of both strength and/or fatigue endurance. Some other work has analysed the operation of resin sockets or specific cast metal terminations. This paper seeks to draw the results from this work together, and, in addition to a theoretical analysis, presents experimental data obtained from a direct comparison of the operation mechanism for the same sockets filled with resin or white metal. Results show that white metal terminations have a very different distribution of stresses along the length of the socket basket from resin terminations, and a smaller but still significant amount of socket draw. For both types of termination the socket draw develops high frictional gripping forces which can transfer the load from the rope to the socket. The different stress distributions mean that the consequences of termination fabrication defects may not be the same for resin and white metal terminations.


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A fast neutron-mutagenized population of Arabidopsis ( Arabidopsis thaliana) Columbia-0 wild-type plants was screened for floral phenotypes and a novel mutant, termed hawaiian skirt ( hws), was identified that failed to shed its reproductive organs. The mutation is the consequence of a 28 bp deletion that introduces a premature amber termination codon into the open reading frame of a putative F-box protein ( At3g61590). The most striking anatomical characteristic of hws plants is seen in flowers where individual sepals are fused along the lower part of their margins. Crossing of the abscission marker, Pro(PGAZAT):beta-glucuronidase, into the mutant reveals that while floral organs are retained it is not the consequence of a failure of abscission zone cells to differentiate. Anatomical analysis indicates that the fusion of sepal margins precludes shedding even though abscission, albeit delayed, does occur. Spatial and temporal characterization, using Pro(HWS):beta-glucuronidase or Pro(HWS):green fluorescent protein fusions, has identified HWS expression to be restricted to the stele and lateral root cap, cotyledonary margins, tip of the stigma, pollen, abscission zones, and developing seeds. Comparative phenotypic analyses performed on the hws mutant, Columbia-0 wild type, and Pro(35S):HWS ectopically expressing lines has revealed that loss of HWS results in greater growth of both aerial and below-ground organs while overexpressing the gene brings about a converse effect. These observations are consistent with HWS playing an important role in regulating plant growth and development.


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Background: The paper reports the findings from a follow-up study of the factors that contribute to whether young people dropout or continue once-weekly psychotherapy at a voluntary sector psychotherapy service for young people aged 12 to 21 years. Method: The study uses data from an ongoing audit of the psychotherapy service that started in 1993; 882 young people were included in the study. Premature termination of treatment was defined as dropping out before the 21st session. Continuation in treatment was defined as remaining in therapy after 20 sessions. Measures and areas of interest used in the study include diagnostic measures, the Youth Self Report Form and Young Adult Self Report Form, demographic characteristics and treatment related information. Results: Young people who continued in treatment were more likely to be older, have anxieties about sexual and relationship issues and have higher scores on self-reported anxiety-depression. Young people who dropped out of treatment were more likely to be younger, have higher self-reported delinquency scores, have a diagnosis of hyperactivity-conduct disorder and be homeless. Conclusions: The study of treatment termination has demonstrated the value of service audit and has led to a significant change in clinical practice.