168 resultados para Porous Structures
We have developed a new method for the synthesis of Pd nanoparticles with controllable sizes within a silica matrix using solid-supported surfactants in supercritical CO2. XRD, HRTEM and CO chemisorption data show that unformly sized Pd nanoparticles are evenly distributed within the porous silica and are chemically tethered by surfactant molecules [poly(oxyethylene stearyl ether) and fluorinated poly(oxyethylene)]. It is postulated that tiny solid-supported surfactant assemblies act as nano-reactors for the template synthesis of nanoparticles or clusters from the soluble precursors therein.
Crumpets are made by heating fermented batter on a hot plate at around 230°C. The characteristic structure dominated by vertical pores develops rapidly: structure has developed throughout around 75% of the product height within 30s, which is far faster than might be expected from transient heat conduction through the batter. Cooking is complete within around 3 min. Image analysis based on results from X-ray tomography shows that the voidage fraction is approximately constant and that there is continual coalescence between the larger pores throughout the product although there is also a steady level of small bubbles trapped within the solidified batter. We report here experimental studies which shed light on some of the mechanisms responsible for this structure, together with some models of key phenomena.Three aspects are discussed here: the role of gas (carbon dioxide and nitrogen) nuclei in initiating structure development; convective heat transfer inside the developing pores; and the kinetics of setting the batter into an elastic solid structure. It is shown conclusively that the small bubbles of carbon dioxide resulting from the fermentation stage play a crucial role as nuclei for pore development: without these nuclei, the result is not a porous structure, but rather a solid, elastic, inedible, gelatinized product. These nuclei are also responsible for the tiny bubbles which are set in the final product. The nuclei form the source of the dominant pore structure which is largely driven by the, initially explosive, release of water vapour from the batter together with the desorption of dissolved carbon dioxide. It is argued that the rapid evaporation, transport and condensation of steam within the growing pores provides an important mechanism, as in a heat pipe, for rapid heat transfer, and models for this process are developed and tested. The setting of the continuous batter phase is essential for final product quality: studies using differential scanning calorimetry and on the kinetics of change in the visco-elastic properties of the batter suggest that this process is driven by the kinetics of gelatinization. Unlike many thermally driven food processes the rates of heating are such that gelatinization kinetics cannot be neglected. The implications of these results for modelling and for the development of novel structures are discussed.
Convectively coupled equatorial waves are fundamental components of the interaction between the physics and dynamics of the tropical atmosphere. A new methodology, which isolates individual equatorial wave modes, has been developed and applied to observational data. The methodology assumes that the horizontal structures given by equatorial wave theory can be used to project upper- and lower-tropospheric data onto equatorial wave modes. The dynamical fields are first separated into eastward- and westward-moving components with a specified domain of frequency–zonal wavenumber. Each of the components for each field is then projected onto the different equatorial modes using the y structures of these modes given by the theory. The latitudinal scale yo of the modes is predetermined by data to fit the equatorial trapping in a suitable latitude belt y = ±Y. The extent to which the different dynamical fields are consistent with one another in their depiction of each equatorial wave structure determines the confidence in the reality of that structure. Comparison of the analyzed modes with the eastward- and westward-moving components in the convection field enables the identification of the dynamical structure and nature of convectively coupled equatorial waves. In a case study, the methodology is applied to two independent data sources, ECMWF Reanalysis and satellite-observed window brightness temperature (Tb) data for the summer of 1992. Various convectively coupled equatorial Kelvin, mixed Rossby–gravity, and Rossby waves have been detected. The results indicate a robust consistency between the two independent data sources. Different vertical structures for different wave modes and a significant Doppler shifting effect of the background zonal winds on wave structures are found and discussed. It is found that in addition to low-level convergence, anomalous fluxes induced by strong equatorial zonal winds associated with equatorial waves are important for inducing equatorial convection. There is evidence that equatorial convection associated with Rossby waves leads to a change in structure involving a horizontal structure similar to that of a Kelvin wave moving westward with it. The vertical structure may also be radically changed. The analysis method should make a very powerful diagnostic tool for investigating convectively coupled equatorial waves and the interaction of equatorial dynamics and physics in the real atmosphere. The results from application of the analysis method for a reanalysis dataset should provide a benchmark against which model studies can be compared.
The scattering of small amplitude water waves by a finite array of locally axisymmetric structures is considered. Regions of varying quiescent depth are included and their axisymmetric nature, together with a mild-slope approximation, permits an adaptation of well-known interaction theory which ultimately reduces the problem to a simple numerical calculation. Numerical results are given and effects due to regions of varying depth on wave loading and free-surface elevation are presented.
Preferred structures in the surface pressure variability are investigated in and compared between two 100-year simulations of the Hadley Centre climate model HadCM3. In the first (control) simulation, the model is forced with pre-industrial carbon dioxide concentration (1×CO2) and in the second simulation the model is forced with doubled CO2 concentration (2×CO2). Daily winter (December-January-February) surface pressures over the Northern Hemisphere are analysed. The identification of preferred patterns is addressed using multivariate mixture models. For the control simulation, two significant flow regimes are obtained at 5% and 2.5% significance levels within the state space spanned by the leading two principal components. They show a high pressure centre over the North Pacific/Aleutian Islands associated with a low pressure centre over the North Atlantic, and its reverse. For the 2×CO2 simulation, no such behaviour is obtained. At higher-dimensional state space, flow patterns are obtained from both simulations. They are found to be significant at the 1% level for the control simulation and at the 2.5% level for the 2×CO2 simulation. Hence under CO2 doubling, regime behaviour in the large-scale wave dynamics weakens. Doubling greenhouse gas concentration affects both the frequency of occurrence of regimes and also the pattern structures. The less frequent regime becomes amplified and the more frequent regime weakens. The largest change is observed over the Pacific where a significant deepening of the Aleutian low is obtained under CO2 doubling.
A family of 16 isomolecular salts (3-XpyH)(2)[MX'(4)] (3-XpyH=3-halopyridinium; M=Co, Zn; X=(F), Cl, Br, (I); X'=Cl, Br, I) each containing rigid organic cations and tetrahedral halometallate anions has been prepared and characterized by X-ray single crystal and/or powder diffraction. Their crystal structures reflect the competition and cooperation between non-covalent interactions: N-H center dot center dot center dot X'-M hydrogen bonds, C-X center dot center dot center dot X'-M halogen bonds and pi-pi stacking. The latter are essentially unchanged in strength across the series, but both halogen bonds and hydrogen bonds are modified in strength upon changing the halogens involved. Changing the organic halogen (X) from F to I strengthens the C-X center dot center dot center dot X'-M halogen bonds, whereas an analogous change of the inorganic halogen (X') weakens both halogen bonds and N-H center dot center dot center dot X'-M hydrogen bonds. By so tuning the strength of the putative halogen bonds from repulsive to weak to moderately strong attractive interactions, the hierarchy of the interactions has been modified rationally leading to systematic changes in crystal packing. Three classes of crystal structure are obtained. In type A (C-F center dot center dot center dot X'-M) halogen bonds are absent. The structure is directed by N-H center dot center dot center dot X'-M hydrogen bonds and pi-stacking interactions. In type B structures, involving small organic halogens (X) and large inorganic halogens (X'), long (weak) C-X center dot center dot center dot X'-M interactions are observed with type I halogen-halogen interaction geometries (C-X center dot center dot center dot X' approximate to X center dot center dot center dot X'-M approximate to 155 degrees), but hydrogen bonds still dominate. Thus, minor but quite significant perturbations from the type A structure arise. In type C, involving larger organic halogens (X) and smaller inorganic halogens (X'), stronger halogen bonds are formed with a type II halogen-halogen interaction geometry (C-X center dot center dot center dot X' approximate to 180 degrees; X center dot center dot center dot X'-M approximate to 110 degrees) that is electrostatically attractive. The halogen bonds play a major role alongside hydrogen bonds in directing the type C structures, which as a result are quite different from type A and B.
Conical sedimentary structures are widespread in the geological column. Those that are mediated by organisms (or organic matter) can be attributed to seven principal processes, which are investigated by experiment and/or field observations: (1) sand collapse into a cavity (decomposed body, open shaft, or gallery), (2) upward (escape) or downward locomotion by an organism through the sediment, (3) upward adjustment (equilibration), (4) casting of coelenterates' excavations, (5) organism-mediated soft-sediment deformation in heterolithic sediment, (6) biodeformational small and large excavations by organisms, and (7) fluid (gas or liquid) escape structures. Footprint loading may also be included. Criteria are given to distinguish between these processes. Dewatering pipes are best recognized by a zone of deformed and fluidized sediment at the base, and association with non-life (lethal) facies. Care must be used in assigning specimens to ichnotaxa, and it is generally necessary to slab, and also to carry out stratinomic investigation in the field.
Effective medium approximations for the frequency-dependent and complex-valued effective stiffness tensors of cracked/ porous rocks with multiple solid constituents are developed on the basis of the T-matrix approach (based on integral equation methods for quasi-static composites), the elastic - viscoelastic correspondence principle, and a unified treatment of the local and global flow mechanisms, which is consistent with the principle of fluid mass conservation. The main advantage of using the T-matrix approach, rather than the first-order approach of Eshelby or the second-order approach of Hudson, is that it produces physically plausible results even when the volume concentrations of inclusions or cavities are no longer small. The new formulae, which operates with an arbitrary homogeneous (anisotropic) reference medium and contains terms of all order in the volume concentrations of solid particles and communicating cavities, take explicitly account of inclusion shape and spatial distribution independently. We show analytically that an expansion of the T-matrix formulae to first order in the volume concentration of cavities (in agreement with the dilute estimate of Eshelby) has the correct dependence on the properties of the saturating fluid, in the sense that it is consistent with the Brown-Korringa relation, when the frequency is sufficiently low. We present numerical results for the (anisotropic) effective viscoelastic properties of a cracked permeable medium with finite storage porosity, indicating that the complete T-matrix formulae (including the higher-order terms) are generally consistent with the Brown-Korringa relation, at least if we assume the spatial distribution of cavities to be the same for all cavity pairs. We have found an efficient way to treat statistical correlations in the shapes and orientations of the communicating cavities, and also obtained a reasonable match between theoretical predictions (based on a dual porosity model for quartz-clay mixtures, involving relatively flat clay-related pores and more rounded quartz-related pores) and laboratory results for the ultrasonic velocity and attenuation spectra of a suite of typical reservoir rocks. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In molecular biology, it is often desirable to find common properties in large numbers of drug candidates. One family of methods stems from the data mining community, where algorithms to find frequent graphs have received increasing attention over the past years. However, the computational complexity of the underlying problem and the large amount of data to be explored essentially render sequential algorithms useless. In this paper, we present a distributed approach to the frequent subgraph mining problem to discover interesting patterns in molecular compounds. This problem is characterized by a highly irregular search tree, whereby no reliable workload prediction is available. We describe the three main aspects of the proposed distributed algorithm, namely, a dynamic partitioning of the search space, a distribution process based on a peer-to-peer communication framework, and a novel receiverinitiated load balancing algorithm. The effectiveness of the distributed method has been evaluated on the well-known National Cancer Institute’s HIV-screening data set, where we were able to show close-to linear speedup in a network of workstations. The proposed approach also allows for dynamic resource aggregation in a non dedicated computational environment. These features make it suitable for large-scale, multi-domain, heterogeneous environments, such as computational grids.
We consider the problem of determining the pressure and velocity fields for a weakly compressible fluid flowing in a two-dimensional reservoir in an inhomogeneous, anisotropic porous medium, with vertical side walls and variable upper and lower boundaries, in the presence of vertical wells injecting or extracting fluid. Numerical solution of this problem may be expensive, particularly in the case that the depth scale of the layer h is small compared to the horizontal length scale l. This is a situation which occurs frequently in the application to oil reservoir recovery. Under the assumption that epsilon=h/l<<1, we show that the pressure field varies only in the horizontal direction away from the wells (the outer region). We construct two-term asymptotic expansions in epsilon in both the inner (near the wells) and outer regions and use the asymptotic matching principle to derive analytical expressions for all significant process quantities. This approach, via the method of matched asymptotic expansions, takes advantage of the small aspect ratio of the reservoir, epsilon, at precisely the stage where full numerical computations become stiff, and also reveals the detailed structure of the dynamics of the flow, both in the neighborhood of wells and away from wells.