58 resultados para Polymerase-chain-reaction


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Objective: To examine the effects of the consumption of fish oils on the gene expression of lipoprotein lipase (LPL, EC in human adipose tissue. In order to measure LPL mRNA in adipose tissue samples obtained by needle biopsy from human volunteers a competitive, reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) protocol was developed. Design: A randomised controlled, single blind cross over dietary study which compared the effects of a low level n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) using normal foods enriched with eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) (test diet), with non-enriched but otherwise identical foods (control). The diets were consumed for a period of 22 d with a wash out period of 5 months between the diets. Setting: Free-living individuals associated with the University of Surrey. Subjects: Six male subjects with a mean (±sd) age of 51.2±3.6 y were recruited. Major Outcome Measures: Pre-and postprandial blood samples were taken for the measurement of triacylglycerol (TAG), postheparin LPL activity and adipose tissue samples for the measurement of LPL mRNA levels. Results: Mean LPL expression values were 4.12´105 molecules of LPL mRNA per ng total RNA on the control diet and 4.60´105 molecules of LPL mRNA per ng total RNA on the n-3 PUFA enriched (test) diet. There was no significant difference between the levels of LPL expression following each diet, consistent with the lack of change in TAG levels in response to increased dietary n-3 PUFA intake. However, the change in LPL expression (Test-Control diet) correlated significantly with the change in fasting TAG levels (P=0.03, R=-0.87 and R2=0.75) and with the total area under the TAG-time response curve (P=0.003, R=-0.96 and R2=0.92) in individuals. Conclusions: These findings, although based on a small number of subjects, suggest that LPL expression may be a determinant of plasma TAG levels. The development of this methodology should allow further elucidation of the effects of dietary manipulation and disease processes on lipid clearance and regulation in human subjects.


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A technique for subtyping Camplobacter jejuni isolates has been developed by using the restriction fragment length polymorphism (Rnp) of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products of the fluA and flaB genes. The technique was validated by using strains representing 28 serotypes of C jejuni and it may also be applied to C coli. From these strains 12 distinct RFLP profiles were observed but there was no direct relationship between the RFLP profile and the serotype. One hundred and thirty-five campylobacter isolates from 15 geographically distinct broiler flocks were investigated. All the isolates could be subtyped by using the RFLP method. Isolates from most of the flocks had a single RFLP profile despite data indicating that several serotypes were involved. Although it is possible that further restriction analysis may have demonstrated profile variations in these strains, it is more likely that antigenic variation can occur within genotypically related campylobacters. As a result, serotyping may give conflicting information for veterinary epidemiological purposes. This RFLP typing scheme appears to provide a suitable tool for the investigation of the sources and routes of transmission of campylobacters in chickens.


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A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the specific detection of the gene sequence, sefA, encoded by all isolates of Salmonella enteritidis, was developed. The PCR could detect as few as four S enteritidis washed bacterial cells but egg contents inhibited the PCR. Eggs spiked with 50 S enteritidis bacterial cells were homogenised, inoculated into buffered peptone water and grown at 37 degrees C for 16 hours, when the PCR was successful. A positive internal control was developed to differentiate between true and false negative PCR results for the detection of S enteritidis. In a limited trial of the egg handling procedures and the PCR, one of 250 chickens' eggs from retail outlets was found to be contaminated with S enteritidis.


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A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was developed to detect Chlamydia psittaci DNA in faeces and tissue samples from avian species. Primers were designed to amplify a 264 bp product derived from part of the 5' non-translated region and part of the coding region of the ompA gene which encodes the major outer membrane protein. Amplified sequences were confirmed by Southern hybridization using an internal probe. The sensitivity of the combined assay was found to be between 60 to 600 fg of chlamydial DNA (approximately 6 to 60 genome copies). The specificity of the assay was confirmed since PCR product was not obtained from samples containing several serotypes of C. trachomatis, strains of C. pneumoniae, the type strain of C. pecorum, nor from samples containing microorganisms commonly found in the avian gut flora. In this study, 404 avian faeces and 141 avian tissue samples received by the Central Veterinary Laboratory over a 6 month period were analysed by PCR, antigen detection ELISA and where possible, cell culture isolation. PCR performed favourably compared with ELISA and cell culture, or with ELISA alone. The PCR assay was especially suited to the detection of C. psittaci DNA in avian faeces samples. The test was also useful when applied to tissue samples from small contact birds associated with a case of human psittacosis where ELISA results were negative and chlamydial isolation was a less favourable method due to the need for rapid diagnosis.


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Specimens taken postmortem from typical lesions of digital dermatitis in two dairy cows were tested by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the presence of a spirochaetal 16S rRNA gene. Seven different assays detected the gene in the samples from both cows. Two of the PCR products were sequenced and a comparison of the nucleotide sequences revealed that the spirochaete belonged to the genus Treponema and was closely related to Treponema denticola. A PCR specific for the detection of the digital dermatitis-associated treponeme was developed.


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A study was carried out to determine whether spirochaetes are frequently associated with digital dermatitis in United Kingdom (UK) dairy cattle. Histopathological examination of lesions using a silver stain showed a large number of unidentified spirochaete-like organisms present in digital dermatitis hoof skin tissue in all examined biopsies. Immunocytochemical staining demonstrated that spirochaetes in skin lesions were identified by polyclonal antisera to Borrelia burgdorferi, Treponema denticola and Treponema vincentii (again all biopsies were positively stained), whereas monoclonal antibodies to B. burgdorferi and any Treponema pallidum did not stain any organisms in all biopsies. A PCR of 16S rRNA, previously shown to be specific for a new treponeme, was employed and produced positive results from 82.4% of digital dermatitis tissues. It is concluded that this spirochaete (or related spirochaetes), which is similar to human oral treponemes, is frequently associated with, and may be responsible for, pathological changes in digital dermatitis. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.


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To determine the effects of defoliation on microbial community structure, rhizosphere soil samples were taken pre-, and post-defoliation from the root tip and mature root regions of Trifolium repens L. and Lolium perenne L. Microbial DNA isolated from samples was used to generate polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis molecular profiles of bacterial and fungal communities. Bacterial plate counts were also obtained. Neither plant species nor defoliation affected the bacterial and fungal community structures in both the root tip and mature root regions, but there were significant differences in the bacterial and fungal community profiles between the two root regions for each plant. Prior to defoliation, there was no difference between plants for bacterial plate counts of soils from the root tip regions; however, counts were greater in the mature root region of L. perenne than T. repens. Bacterial plate counts for T. repens were higher in the root tip than the mature root region. After defoliation, there was no effect of plant type, position along the root or defoliation status on bacterial plate counts, although there were significant increases in bacterial plate counts with time. The results indicate that a general effect existed during maturation in the root regions of each plant, which had a greater impact on microbial community structure than either plant type or the effect of defoliation. In addition there were no generic consequences with regard to microbial populations in the rhizosphere as a response to plant defoliation.


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An in silico screen of 41 of the 81 coding regions of the Nicotiana plastid genome generated a shortlist of 12 candidates as DNA barcoding loci for land plants. These loci were evaluated for amplification and sequence variation against a reference set of 98 land plant taxa. The deployment of multiple primers and a modified multiplexed tandem polymerase chain reaction yielded 85–94% amplification across taxa, and mean sequence differences between sister taxa of 6.1 from 156 bases of accD to 22 from 493 bases of matK. We conclude that loci should be combined for effective diagnosis, and recommend further investigation of the following six loci: matK, rpoB, rpoC1, ndhJ, ycf5 and accD.


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The aim was to determine the fate of transgenic and endogenous plant DNA fragments in the blood, tissues, and digesta of broilers. Male broiler chicks (n = 24) were allocated at 1 day old to each of four treatment diets designated T1-T4. T1 and T2 contained the near isogenic nongenetically modified (GM) maize grain, whereas T3 and T4 contained GM maize grain [cry1a(b) gene]; T1 and T3 also contained the near isogenic non-GM soybean meal, whereas T2 and T4 contained GM soybean meal (cp4epsps gene). Four days prior to slaughter at 39-42 days old, 50% of the broilers on T2-T4 had the source(s) of GM ingredients replaced by their non-GM counterparts. Detection of specific DNA sequences in feed, tissue, and digesta samples was completed by polymerase chain reaction analysis. Seven primer pairs were used to amplify fragments (similar to 200 bp) from single copy genes (maize high mobility protein, soya lectin, and transgenes in the GM feeds) and multicopy genes (poultry mitochondrial cytochrome b, maize, and soya rubisco). There was no effect of treatment on the measured growth performance parameters. Except for a single detection of lectin (nontransgenic single copy gene; unsubstantiated) in the extracted DNA from one bursa tissue sample, there was no positive detection of any endogenous or transgenic single copy genes in either blood or tissue DNA samples. However, the multicopy rubisco gene was detected in a proportion of samples from all tissue types (23% of total across all tissues studied) and in low numbers in blood. Feed-derived DNA was found to survive complete degradation up to the large intestine. Transgenic DNA was detected in gizzard digesta but not in intestinal digesta 96 h after the last feeding of treatment diets containing a source of GM maize and/or soybean meal.


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The full lengths of three genome segments of Iranian wheat stripe virus (IWSV) were amplified by reverse transcription (RT) followed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using a primer complementary to tenuivirus conserved terminal sequences. The segments were sequenced and found to comprise 3469, 2337, and 1831 nt, respectively. The gene organization of these segments is similar to that of other known tenuiviruses, each displaying an ambisense coding strategy. IWSV segments, however, are different from those of other viruses with respect to the number of nucleotides and deduced amino acid sequence for each ORF. Depending on the segment, the first 16-22 nt at the 5' end and the first 16 nt at the 3' end are highly conserved among IWSV and rice hoja blanca virus (RHBV), rice stripe virus (RSV) and maize stripe virus ( MStV). In addition, the first 15-18 nt at the 5' end are complementary to the first 16-18 nt at the 3' end. Phylogenetic analyses showed close similarity and a common ancestor for IWSV, RHBV, and Echinochloa hoja blanca virus (EHBV). These findings confirm the position of IWSV as a distinct species in the genus Tenuivirus.


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Aims: All members of the ruminal Butyrivibrio group convert linoleic acid (cis-9,cis-12-18 : 2) via conjugated 18 : 2 metabolites (mainly cis-9,trans-11-18 : 2, conjugated linoleic acid) to vaccenic acid (trans-11-18 : 1), but only members of a small branch, which includes Clostridium proteoclasticum, of this heterogeneous group further reduce vaccenic acid to stearic acid (18 : 0, SA). The aims of this study were to develop a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay that would detect and quantify these key SA producers and to use this method to detect diet-associated changes in their populations in ruminal digesta of lactating cows. Materials and Results: The use of primers targeting the 16S rRNA gene of Cl. proteoclasticum was not sufficiently specific when only binding dyes were used for detection in real-time PCR. Their sequences were too similar to some nonproducing strains. A molecular beacon probe was designed specifically to detect and quantify the 16S rRNA genes of the Cl. proteoclasticum subgroup. The probe was characterized by its melting curve and validated using five SA-producing and ten nonproducing Butyrivibrio-like strains and 13 other common ruminal bacteria. Analysis of ruminal digesta collected from dairy cows fed different proportions of starch and fibre indicated a Cl. proteoclasticum population of 2-9% of the eubacterial community. The influence of diet on numbers of these bacteria was less than variations between individual cows. Conclusion: A molecular beacon approach in qPCR enables the detection of Cl. proteoclasticum in ruminal digesta. Their numbers are highly variable between individual animals. Signifance and Impact of the Study: SA producers are fundamental to the flow of polyunsaturated fatty acid and vaccenic acid from the rumen. The method described here enabled preliminary information to be obtained about the size of this population. Further application of the method to digesta samples from cows fed diets of more variable composition should enable us to understand how to control these bacteria in order to enhance the nutritional characteristics of ruminant-derived foods, including milk and beef.


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The objective was to determine the presence or absence of transgenic and endogenous plant DNA in ruminal fluid, duodenal digesta, milk, blood, and feces, and if found, to determine fragment size. Six multiparous lactating Holstein cows fitted with ruminal and duodenal cannulas received a total mixed ration. There were two treatments (T). In T1, the concentrate contained genetically modified (GM) soybean meal (cp4epsps gene) and GM corn grain (cry1a[b] gene), whereas T2 contained the near isogenic non-GM counterparts. Polymerase chain reaction analysis was used to determine the presence or absence of DNA sequences. Primers were selected to amplify small fragments from single-copy genes (soy lectin and corn high-mobility protein and cp4epsps and cry1a[b] genes from the GM crops) and multicopy genes (bovine mitochondrial cytochrome b and rubisco). Single-copy genes were only detected in the solid phase of rumen and duodenal digesta. In contrast, fragments of the rubisco gene were detected in the majority of samples analyzed in both the liquid and solid phases of ruminal and duodenal digesta, milk, and feces, but rarely in blood. The size of the rubisco gene fragments detected decreased from 1176 bp in ruminal and duodenal digesta to 351 bp in fecal samples.


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The objective was to determine the presence or absence of transgenic and endogenous plant DNA in ruminal fluid, duodenal digesta, milk, blood, and feces, and if found, to determine fragment size. Six multiparous lactating Holstein cows fitted with ruminal and duodenal cannulas received a total mixed ration. There were two treatments (T). In T1, the concentrate contained genetically modified (GM) soybean meal (cp4epsps gene) and GM corn grain (cry1a[b] gene), whereas T2 contained the near isogenic non-GM counterparts. Polymerase chain reaction analysis was used to determine the presence or absence of DNA sequences. Primers were selected to amplify small fragments from single-copy genes (soy lectin and corn high-mobility protein and cp4epsps and cry1a[b] genes from the GM crops) and multicopy genes (bovine mitochondrial cytochrome b and rubisco). Single-copy genes were only detected in the solid phase of rumen and duodenal digesta. In contrast, fragments of the rubisco gene were detected in the majority of samples analyzed in both the liquid and solid phases of ruminal and duodenal digesta, milk, and feces, but rarely in blood. The size of the rubisco gene fragments detected decreased from 1176 bp in ruminal and duodenal digesta to 351 bp in fecal samples.