34 resultados para Mountain ranges
We use a global Ocean-Atmosphere General Circulation Model (OAGCM) to show that the major mountain ranges of the world have a significant role in maintenance of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). A simulation with mountains has a maximum AMOC of 18 Sv (1 Sv=106 m3 s-1) compared with ~0 Sv for a simulation without mountains. Atlantic heat transport at 25N is 1.1 PW with mountains compared to 0.2 PW without. The difference in AMOC is due to major changes in surface heat and freshwater (FW) fluxes over the Atlantic. In the Pacific changed surface fluxes lead to a meridional overturning circulation of 10 Sv. Our results suggest that the effects of mountains on the large-scale atmospheric circulation is to force the ocean towards a state with a vigorous AMOC and with no overturning in the Pacific.
Understanding the response of the South Asian monsoon (SAM) system to global climate change is an interesting scientific problem that has enormous implications from the societal viewpoint. While the CMIP3 projections of future changes in monsoon precipitation used in the IPCC AR4 show major uncertainties, there is a growing recognition that the rapid increase of moisture in a warming climate can potentially enhance the stability of the large-scale tropical circulations. In this work, the authors have examined the stability of the SAM circulation based on diagnostic analysis of climate datasets over the past half century; and addressed the issue of likely future changes in the SAM in response to global warming using simulations from an ultrahigh resolution (20 km) global climate model. Additional sensitivity experiments using a simplified atmospheric model have been presented to supplement the overall findings. The results here suggest that the intensity of the boreal summer monsoon overturning circulation and the associated southwesterly monsoon flow have significantly weakened during the past 50-years. The weakening trend of the monsoon circulation is further corroborated by a significant decrease in the frequency of moderate-to-heavy monsoon rainfall days and upward vertical velocities particularly over the narrow mountain ranges of the Western Ghats. Based on simulations from the 20-km ultra high-resolution model, it is argued that a stabilization (weakening) of the summer monsoon Hadley-type circulation in response to global warming can potentially lead to a weakened large-scale monsoon flow thereby resulting in weaker vertical velocities and reduced orographic precipitation over the narrow Western Ghat mountains by the end of the twenty-first century. Supplementary experiments using a simplified atmospheric model indicate a high sensitivity of the large-scale monsoon circulation to atmospheric stability in comparison with the effects of condensational heating.
The impact of the variation of the Coriolis parameter f on the drag exerted by internal Rossby-gravity waves on elliptical mountains is evaluated using linear theory, assuming constant wind and static stability and a beta-plane approximation. Previous calculations of inertia-gravity wave drag are thus extended in an attempt to establish a connection with existing studies on planetary wave drag, developed primarily for fluids topped by a rigid lid. It is found that the internal wave drag for zonal westerly flow strongly increases relative to that given by the calculation where f is assumed to be a constant, particularly at high latitudes and for mountains aligned meridionally. Drag increases with mountain width for sufficiently wide mountains, reaching values much larger than those valid in the non-rotating limit. This occurs because the drag receives contributions from a low wavenumber range, controlled by the beta effect, which accounts for the drag amplification found here. This drag amplification is shown to be considerable for idealized analogues of real mountain ranges, such as the Himalayas and the Rocky mountains, and comparable to the barotropic Rossby wave drag addressed in previous studies.
The surface drag force produced by trapped lee waves and upward propagating waves in non-hydrostatic stratified flow over a mountain ridge is explicitly calculated using linear theory for a two-layer atmosphere with piecewise-constant static stability and wind speed profiles. The behaviour of the drag normalized by its hydrostatic single-layer reference value is investigated as a function of the ratio of the Scorer parameters in the two layers l_2/l_1 and of the corresponding dimensionless interface height l_1 H, for selected values of the dimensionless ridge width l_1 a and ratio of wind speeds in the two layers. When l_2/l_1 → 1, the propagating wave drag approaches 1 in approximately hydrostatic conditions, and the trapped lee wave drag vanishes. As l_2/l_1 decreases, the propagating wave drag progressively displays an oscillatory behaviour with l_1 H, with maxima of increasing magnitude due to constructive interference of reflected waves in the lower layer. The trapped lee wave drag shows localized maxima associated with each resonant trapped lee wave mode, occurring for small l_2/l_1 and slightly higher values of l_1 H than the propagating wave drag maxima. As l1a decreases, i.e. the flow becomes more non-hydrostatic, the propagating wave drag decreases and the regions of non-zero trapped lee wave drag extend to higher l_2/l_1. These results are confirmed by numerical simulations for l_2/l_1 = 0.2. In parameter ranges of meteorological relevance, the trapped lee wave drag may have a magnitude comparable to that of propagating wave drag, and be larger than the reference single-layer drag. This may have implications for drag parametrization in global climate and weather-prediction models.
Within this paper modern techniques such as satellite image analysis and tools provided by geographic information systems (GIS.) are exploited in order to extend and improve existing techniques for mapping the spatial distribution of sediment transport processes. The processes of interest comprise mass movements such as solifluction, slope wash, dirty avalanches and rock- and boulder falls. They differ considerably in nature and therefore different approaches for the derivation of their spatial extent are required. A major challenge is addressing the differences between the comparably coarse resolution of the available satellite data (Landsat TM/ETM+, 30 in x 30 m) and the actual scale of sediment transport in this environment. A three-stepped approach has been developed which is based on the concept of Geomorphic Process Units (GPUs): parameterization, process area delineation and combination. Parameters include land cover from satellite data and digital elevation model derivatives. Process areas are identified using a hierarchical classification scheme utilizing thresholds and definition of topology. The approach has been developed for the Karkevagge in Sweden and could be successfully transferred to the Rabotsbekken catchment at Okstindan, Norway using similar input data. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The research record on the quantification of sediment transport processes in periglacial mountain environments in Scandimvia dates back to the 1950s. A wide range of measurements is. available, especially from the Karkevagge region of northern Sweden. Within this paper satellite image analysis and tools provided by geographic information systems (GIS) are exploited in order to extend and improve this research and to complement geophysical methods. The processes of interest include mass movements such as solifluction, slope wash, dirty avalanches and rock-and boulder falls. Geomorphic process units have been derived in order to allow quantification via GIS techniques at a catchment scale. Mass movement rates based on existing Field measurements are employed in the budget calculation. In the Karkevagge catch ment. 80% of the area can be identified either as a source area for sediments or as a zone where sediments are deposited. The overall budget for the slopes beneath the rockwalls in the Karkevagge is approximately 680 t a(-1) whilst about 150 : a-1 are transported into the fluvial System.
The mountain of ships. The organisation of the Bronze Age cemetery at Snäckedal, Misterhult, Småland
Morphological, physical and chemical studies were carried out on soils of Mount Bambouto, a volcanic mountain of the West Cameroon highland. These studies show that the soils of this region can be divided into seven groups according to Soils Taxonomy USA [Soil taxonomy: a basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soils surveys: USDA Agriculture Handbook 436: Washington, DC, US Government Pronting Office, 1975, 754]: lithic dystrandept soils, typical dystrandept soils, oxic dystrandept soils, typical haplohumox soils, typical kandiudox soils, tropopsamment soils and umbriaquox soils. A soils map of this region at scale 1:50,000 has been drawn up, using the seven soils groups above as soil cartography units. These soils are organised into of three main categories: soils with andic characteristics in the upper region of the mountain (lithic dystrandept soils, typical dystrandept soils and oxic dystrandept soils); ferrallitic soils in the lower part of the mountain (typical haplohumox soils and typical kandiudox soils) and imperfectly developed soils (tropopsamment soils and umbraquox soils).
A combination of idealized numerical simulations and analytical theory is used to investigate the spacing between convective orographic rainbands over the Coastal Range of western Oregon. The simulations, which are idealized from an observed banded precipitation event over the Coastal Range, indicate that the atmospheric response to conditionally unstable flow over the mountain ridge depends strongly on the subridge-scale topographic forcing on the windward side of the ridge. When this small-scale terrain contains only a single scale (l) of terrain variability, the band spacing is identical to l, but when a spectrum of terrain scales are simultaneously present, the band spacing ranges between 5 and 10 km, a value that is consistent with observations. Based on the simulations, an inviscid linear model is developed to provide a physical basis for understanding the scale selection of the rainbands. This analytical model, which captures the transition from lee waves upstream of the orographic cloud to moist convection within it, reveals that the spacing of orographic rainbands depends on both the projection of lee-wave energy onto the unstable cap cloud and the growth rate of unstable perturbations within the cloud. The linear model is used in tandem with numerical simulations to determine the sensitivity of the band spacing to a number of environmental and terrain-related parameters.
The Grey-necked Picathartes Picathartes oreas, considered 'Vulnerable', is an enigmatic ground-dwelling bird endemic to the central African equatorial rainforest and belongs to a family of only two species. Its distribution extends to the two Endemic Bird Areas within Cameroon (Guinea Congo forest biome and Cameroon mountain arc) and its population is thought to be in decline throughout its range due to increasing habitat fragmentation and disturbance. During March-April 2003 and June and October 2007 we surveyed Grey-necked Picathartes in the north-western region of the Mbam Minkom Mountain Forest. In January-March 2006 we surveyed the entire mountain range and found go breeding and 24 potential breeding sites, mostly located on the western slopes. From the complete survey, we estimated the population at 44 breeding individuals. Populations were highest in the north-west region but had apparently declined from 40 breeding individuals in 2003 to 20 in 2007. This region accounted for 41% of the entire population on the mountain range during the 2006 survey. The Mbam Minkom/Kala Important Bird Area was designated based on the presence of Grey-necked Picathartes but is under high pressure of imminent destruction from agricultural encroachment and illegal timber exploitation. These results have important implications for decision making in delimiting forest boundaries and core areas for protection in the development of management plans. We suggest possible remedial actions, appropriate repeatable methods for future monitoring and opportunities for community involvement in the management and conservation of the site.
Radiotelemetry is an important tool used to aid the understanding and conservation of cryptic and rare birds. The two bird species of the family Picathartidae are little-known, secretive, forest-dwelling birds endemic to western and central Africa. In 2005, we conducted a radio-tracking trial of Grey-necked Picathartes Picathartes oreas in the Mbam Minkom Mountain Forest, southern Cameroon, using neck collar (two birds) and tail-mounted (four birds) transmitters to investigate the practicality of radio-tracking Picathartidae. Three birds with tail-mounted transmitters were successfully tracked with the fourth, though not relocated for radio tracking, resighted the following breeding season. Two of these were breeding birds that continued to provision young during radio tracking. One neck-collared bird was found dead three days after transmitter attachment and the other neither relocated nor resighted. As mortality in one bird was potentially caused by the neck collar transmitter we recommend tail-mounted transmitters in future radio-tracking studies of Picathartidae. Home ranges, shown using minimum convex polygon and kernel estimation methods, were generally small (<0.5 km(2)) and centred around breeding sites. A minimum of 60 fixes were found to be sufficient for home range estimation.
Movements and activity patterns of an adult radio-tagged female brown bear accompanied by her cubs were documented for the first time in Rodopi area (NE Greece) from August 2000 to July 2002. Average daily movements were 2.45 +/- 2.26 SD km, (range 0.15-8.5 km). The longest daily range could be related to human disturbance (hunting activity). The longest seasonal distance (211 km), during Summer 2001 coincided with the dissolution of the family. With cubs, the female was more active during daytime (73 % of all radio-readings) than when solitary (28 %). The female switched to a more crepuscular behaviour, after separation from the yearling (July 2001). According to pooled data from 924 activity - recording sessions, during the whole monitoring period, the female was almost twice as active during day time while rearing cubs (51 % active) than when solitary (23 %). The autumn and early winter home range size of the family was larger (280 km(2)) than after the separation from the cubs (59 km(2)). During the family group phase, home range size varied from 258 km(2) in autumn to 40 km(2) in winter (average denning period lasted 107 days : December 2000-March 2001). The bear hibernated in the Bulgarian part of the Rodopi Range during winters of 2001 and 2002.